Zak has a bad break up with Wadi, leaving him depressed in the process. His parents decide to make a stop in LA where they put a stop to a Cryptid circus. What they also find though is a girl with extraordinary powers who they take with them. How is Zak going to react to the odd girl being with them?

Hey all of you Secrt Saturday lovers! I decided to make another Saturday's fict for all of yall. I really hope yall enjoy it because I really want this one to be good. Anyways please enjoy the story and please review afterwards so I know if I'm doing a good job.

"I don't want to go out. I just want to stay in my room." I said as Fisk tried to pull me out of my bed. They have been trying to get me out of my room for days now but since Wadi broke up with me I have just stayed in my room. I don't want to go out. The pain I'm feeling is keeping me from it.

"Well that's too bad because your going outside. We're in LA today so we're going to see the sights." Mom said as Fisk picked me up by my leg.

"I'm not going outside." I said again as I struggled out of Fisk's grip.

"Zak we know you're hurting from your break up with Wadi but hiding in your room isn't going to help you." Dad said as I lashed at Fisk with my claw to try and get him to let go.

"I don't want to go out. LA is a horrible city anyways." I groaned as I folded my arms in front of me. What can a fourteen almost fifteen year old do in LA anyways. Especially one as freaky as me. My powers came back a week after the events with Argost. I wish they hadn't but unfortunately they did.

"It isn't as bad as you think Zak so come on." Mom said as Fisk put me down. Mom dragged me out of my room and we all walked off of the airship.

"Uh it smalls horrible here!" I complained as I pinched my nose shut. "Why are we here again?" I asked as Fisk nudged me forward.

"For a little vacation from work." Dad said as I noticed a group of people crowding around a stand in the street.

"Come on then. Lets find something to do." Mom said as she grabbed me before I could run back to the airship.

"I hate LA." I mumbled as I tried to pull free from mom's grip on my wrist.

"Come on! Come all!" I heard a man calling from the same crowd I noticed before. I pulled out of mom's grip long enough to listen. "Come to Delano's amazing mutant circus and showdown! The most extraordinary creatures you'll ever see! All fighting for their lives against each other in the ring or showing off their extraordinary talents for you as well!" The man shouted as I picked a flier up off of the street.

"Mutants? Ha!" I said recognizing a few of the crytids on the paper. "Mom I think I found something for us to do." I said as I started to catch up to my parents and Fisk. I showed mom the flier and we decided to go check it out.

"Hopefully we are able to release these cryptids." Dad said as Fisk grabbed me. We all started for the place where the man said the event was taking place at.

"How many cryptids do you think they are holding here?" I asked as I tried to pull away from Fisk.

"I don't know. Hopefully not many though." Mom said as we got our tickets. We went in and sat down at our seats.

"Welcome ladies and gentleman! Boys and girls! Welcome to Delano's amazing mutant circus and showdown!" The ring leader said as I noticed a man trying to get a few cryptids to come out into the ring.

"It looks like there is going to be a lot of them." Fisk said into my ear.

"For the first half of our show we are going to show off our amazing mutants! Marvel at our amazing variety of mutants ladies and gentleman because soon you'll get to see them fight for their lives against one another!" The ringleader shouted happily which just made me hate him more for what he's doing to these cryptids.

"I cant wait to shut this guys circus down." I said under my breath as I watched them bring out a few of their cryptids. Techno music began blasting over the the speakers.

"For our first group of mutants we have the amazing..." I drained him out not wanting to hear his idiotic names for each cryptid but I kept track of each cryptid. Bunyip, Altamaha-ha, Chupacabra, Dover demon, Amarok and on and on. Also all with really dumb names.

"This is so boring." I said through a yawn as I rested my head on my knuckled.

"And now ladies and gentleman! Our final mutant who isn't even a creature at all, but a teenage girl! Welcome to the arena, reining champ in the showdown, Aphrodite." The ringleader stated. "Oh Aphrodite! Come on out!" The ringleader called out. "Oh where can she be?" He wondered as he looked around.

"Looking for me Mr. D!" A slim girl in a black cape and white mask that covered her whole face said from the top of the tent. She just seemed to float there but there must be some wires.

"Ah there she is! Come on down Aphrodite! Show the amazing crowd what you can do!" The ringleader said.

"Yes sir!" She called back as she dove straight for him. Definitely no wires there.

"Now my dear please show the lovely crowd your magnificent abilities." The ringleader said happily. Aphrodite nodded and her body began to change.

"Woah." I said as I watched her change into the ringleader.

"Ah such a lovely morph you have chosen my dear. Now go on and get ready for your fight." the ringleader said as she changed back.

"Yes master." She said in an obedient tone. Huh? It seemed as though she was being brainwashed there actually.

"And now my lovely audience, we shall move onto the showdown between our amazing mutant creatures!" the ringleader shouted happily as the crowd cheered. I hate that guy more and more by the second. "And to start off our rumble we have our lovely Aphrodite and..." I drained him out again.

"Mom, dad are we going to go?" I asked as I started to stand up

"Of course." Dad said as he put on his battle glove and mom pulled out her fire sword. They charged down as the cryptids came out into the arena and Fisk grabbed me.

"Lets make this quick." I said as I took my claw off of my belt.

"Oh my. What have we here now. It seems that these people want to ruin our show. Ms. Aphrodite, if you would please take care of them." the ringleader said in a rather commanding tone as he stamped his cane on the ground. Aphrodite turned to me Fisk and I.

"Yes master." Aphrodite said as she ran towards us. I think that she is being controlled. Wait. That cane. The ringleader always stamped it with each command he gave to the cryptids.

"Fisk get the cane from the ringleader and break it. I'll hold her off." I said as Fisk took off for the ringleader.

"Why do you have to mess with Mr. Delano?" Aphrodite said as I dodged her.

"Because he is brainwashing all of you." I said as I ducked under a punch. I watched Fisk out of the corner of my eye and saw he had the cane. "Smash it Fisk!" I yelled as Aphrodite grabbed me by the front of my shirt.

"I don't think so." She said angrily. Fisk smashed the cane and a second later she dropped me. I watched as the cufflinks she had on her wrists dropped off and she stood up. "Delano I'll kill you!" She yelled angrily as her body lit on fire.

"Wow she is angry." I said as I watched her charge at Delano. I got control over the cryptids and corralled them into their cages while Aphrodite just beat the tar out of Delano.

"Are we going to stop her or let her keep going?" I asked as I walked over to mom and dad.

"We should probably stop her before she kills him." Mom said as I watched Delano try to get away only to be pulled right back by Aphrodite. I hurried over and grabbed her while she wasn't on fire.

"If you want to live you'll let me end his life! He has kept me under his control for years so I have a right to this." Aphrodite said as I restrained her while mom tied up Mr. Delano.

"Yeah well we're going to take care of him Aphrodite." I said as I kept restraining her.

"My name is not nor will it ever be Aphrodite! That's just some ridiculous name this sad excuse for a human came up with!" She said as I let her go. "My name is Valora. Now who pray tell are you? I saw how you controlled my cryptid brethren." Valora said as she ripped the cape and mask off of her body.

"I'm Zak Saturday and what do you mean cryptid brethren?" I asked as I put my claw back on my belt.

"I've been with them for as long as Delano has had me under his control so technically they are my family. Yes you could consider me a cryptid I guess." Valora said as she started to walk away from me.

"Where are you going?" I asked as she walked away. She didn't answer me and just kept walking away.

"Zak where is she going?" Fisk asked me as he came over to me.

"I don't know but should I care?" I asked back as I started to walk over to my parents who finished putting the cryptids in their cages.

"Alright the secret scientists should be here soon to take these cryptids back to their homes." Mom said as she put a lock on the last cage. "Where did the girl go?" Mom asked me noticing she was gone.

"Was I supposed to keep her here?" I asked as I watched the Amarok in the cage plop down in exhaustion.

"Yes you were Zak." Dad said and I could tell he was upset.

"Fine I'll go find her." I said annoyed. I just want to go back to the airship and back to my room but no. I have to chase down a weird girl. "Come on Fisk." I said as I started to walk in the direction she left in.

"What do we need this girl for anyways?" Fisk asked me as I grabbed my claw off of my belt.

"How should I know. Mom and dad probably want to study her for something." I said as I heard whispering outside the tent. We walked out to almost run into Valora.

"Watch where your going you idiot!" Valora said as she faced us. She had the mask on her face again and the cape around herself. "What are you following Mr. Kur? I ain't stupid. I know where those powers are from." Valora said as I stared in shock at the fact that she knew I was Kur.

"How do you know about Kur?" I asked as I put my claw on my belt.

"Because I have cryptids who I talk with every day, every night. Every cryptid knows who Kur is, therefore so do I." Valora said as she folded her arms in front of her.

"You can understand the cryptids too?" I asked her confused. Maybe she is really part cryptid. She groaned.

"Duh you idiot! I understand them because I am them! Now why are you following me?" Valora asked and I could tell she was getting irritated quickly.

"Because you are coming with me. My parents are making me stop you." I said and Valora chuckled at this.

"Really? You listen to everything mommy and daddy tell you to do? Wow. Its things like this that make me glad to not have a family." Valora said as she folded her arms behind her head and started to walk away. "Follow me and you'll be in huge trouble Mr. Saturday." Valora said not looking back.

"Yeah well I'm used to being in trouble." I said as I shot my claw at her. She swirled around in time to catch it and then she pulled me towards her.

"Disobedient youth." Valora snarled as Fisk grabbed me away from her. "You have to reason to mess with me. Now you've brought this on yourself." Valora said angrily as her hands ignited into balls of flame.

"I'm not trying to hurt you at least." I said as she lunged at me. I dodged just in time.

"Oh how you lie so badly." Valora said as I ducked under her. Fisk grabbed her by her leg and held her up. "Bad... what ever you are!" Valora yelled as she struggled.

"Way to go Fisk." I said as he high fived me with his free hand.

"Oh you are all going to pay when..." I threw a bucket of water on her to make sure she couldn't catch fire again. "I'm going to kill you! I don't care if you are Kur! I'm gonna destroy you!" Valora yelled angrily which just made me laugh.

"Come on Fisk. Lets bring our catch of the day back to mom and dad." Is aid with a smirk as she tried to ignite in flames again.

"You don't know what I'm capable of kid." Valora said as her body went to an icy blue. Fisk dropped her and shook his hand. "Fire, Ice, Water, Earth, Morphing, I can do it all." Valora said as she stood up. "Only thing I cant do, is control the cryptids like yourself." Valora said as she glared at me through her mask.

"Yeah right." I taunted hoping to get her to show me.

"You need proof, watch then Mr. Kur." Valora said as her hand turned to stone. "Stone." Valora said flatly.

"You know you don't have to act so mean towards us when we are trying to help you." I said as she changed her hand back to normal.

"Yeah well being stuck in a freak show your whole life does that to you." Valora said angrily as she morphed her hand into a paw.

"Well now you aren't in a freak show anymore so you don't have to be so mean." I told her as I heard mom and dad coming.

"Heh what do you call this city. This is LA kid. There ain't nothing but freaks here." Valora said which I had to agree with.

"Well then leave LA." I suggested as mom and dad came out of the tent behind Valora.

"Eh. I'd love to but don't feel like it." Valora said before dad tackled her.

"Alright what are we doing with her?" I asked as dad tied her up.

"We'll take her back to the airship and call the secret scientists to figure out what to do." Mom said as dad picked Valora up.

"I hate all of you with every ounce of my being." Valora snarled as dad threw her into a containment unit.

"Yeah we know." Dad said back as I watched her change into water and slip out of the ropes. "I didn't even do anything so why am I the one being taken captive? Why not Delano?" Valora asked as she turned back to normal.

"Because you could be dangerous to the citizens Valora." I said as Komodo came over to me.

"Shorten that to Val. Its easier." Val said as she noticed Komodo. "I wouldn't nor could harm anything, not even a fly." Val said with an innocent smile which just made me laugh again. "Stop laughing!" Val said angrily.

"Are you serious? You have an anger problem so how could you expect me to believe that?" I asked as my laughing died down.

"Not usually but what do you expect when you've been held captive for years by a maniac cryptid poacher!" Val said angrily as I looked back up at her. "Now go talk with Delano instead of me." Val said as she sat down against the wall and I could tell she was upset. I walked away and went back to my room. That actually picked up my mood from my break up with Wadi. For a while at least.

"Zak sweety come eat something." Mom said through my door as I buried my face in my pillow more.

"I'm not hungry." I said as the sadness came over me again.

"Sweety are you still upset?" Mom said as she came in. I just mumbled into my pillow. "Oh Zak I know it hurts." Mom said as she sat down on the edge of my bed.

"I'm fine now please just leave me alone." I said as I picked my head up.

"Alright sweet heart but please come eat something soon." Mom said as she stood up and left. I took my claw off of my belt and put it on the floor. I buried my face deeper in my pillow then. I sat up after a few minutes and noticed the picture of Wadi and I on my night stand. I quickly hit it off of and it flew into the wall. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes again and re-buried my face in my pillow.

"Zak are you okay?" Fisk asked as he came in. "We heard a smash." Fisk said as he sat down on my bed. I pointed at the smashed picture on the floor. "Oh." Fisk said as I lifted my head up.

"I think I'm going to go eat something now." I said as I wiped my tear stained face. I stood up and left my room. I headed down to the kitchen and just ate pretty much junk food.

"Hey sweety are you feeling better?" Mom asked as she came into the kitchen.

"No." I said as I sipped on my soda.

"The pain will go away soon sweet heart." Mom said as she hugged me. "We're going to be leaving LA here soon baby." Mom said before she left.

"Good I hate this city." I said as I laid my head on the table. I stood up and just started walking around the airship for a while.

"Whats the matter with you?" Val asked as I passed by the containment unit.

"Its none of your business." I said still walking.

"I know what it is. Poor Mr. Kur is feeling the pain that is heart break." Val taunted which made me stop. How did she know?

"How do you know?" I asked sort of getting irritated with her.

"The signs are obvious. Also your little Komodo dragon told me." Val said as I locked onto her eyes that were still hidden behind her mask. I should have known she got it out of one of them.

"Stop calling me Mr. Kur first, and second just shut your damn mouth because you don't know what hell I'm going through right now!" I snapped at her. She chuckled lightly at my outburst and I just stormed away.

"It ain't gonna do you know good to get angry." Val called after me.

"What ever Aphrodite." I called back with a smirk remembering her dislike of the name. I heard her yell something but couldn't understand it. That actually made me feel a little better fighting with her. "I have to do that again." I said with an evil smirk as I turned around and started back for the containment unit.

"What now?" Val asked as I came up to her unit again.

"What did you say before?" I asked first.

"I said my name isn't Aphrodite you moronic fool. Its Valora!" Val said angrily as her body ignited in flames.

"Really." I said as I leaned against the glass. "Because I think it might be. Where else would Delano get it from?" I taunted further. This is really fun.

"Through his idiotic mind." Val said with extreme anger in her voice. "Now I suggest you go back to mourning the loss of your girlfriend Mr. Kur." Val said with hatred laced in each word she spoke. I sighed deeply and turned to face her.

"You have no right to talk to me like that!" I said as my anger boiled inside me.

"And you have no right to hold me captive. Although I guess I shouldn't be surprised seeing as how you're Kur. Maybe that's why your girlfriend broke up with you." Val said with an evil smirk which put me over the edge.

"I'll kill you!" I said angrily as reached for my claw only to realize I forgot it in my bedroom.

"Oh I'm so scared." Val said with amusement obviously in her tone.

"Zak whats going on?" Dad asked as he came into the room.

"Nothing dad." I said as I stormed away from Val and went back to my room. I hate her! Why do we have to keep her here?

"Zak its bed time." Mom said outside my door as I cleaned up the broken glass that was on the floor.

"Alright mom. Good night." I said back as I threw the glass and the picture in the garbage. I changed out of my clothes and into my pajamas and got into bed. I fell asleep quickly fortunately.

"Zak wake up!" Fisk said as he shook me awake.

"Uh what Fisk!" I asked as I sat up.

"Its time for breakfast." Fisk said happily as he left my room. Why does he have to wake me up that way. I pulled the covers back over my head and tried to go back to sleep for a little while "Zak get up." Fisk said as he came back in.

"No. Let me sleep a little longer." I said as I pulled one of my pillows over my head.

"No you aren't allowed to sleep anymore. Wake up brother." Fisk said as he tried to pull my covers off of me.

"Let me sleep." I mumbled as I buried my face deeper into my pillow.

"No Zak. We all know your upset about Wadi but you cant sleep it away." Fisk said as he finally got the covers off of me. I tried to move up to the headboard but Fisk grabbed me.

"Alright I'm getting up now put me down Fisk." I said before he dropped me on my bed. Fisk left and I quickly went to the bathroom then got dressed.

"Morning sweety." Mom said as I walked out into the kitchen.

"Morning." I said through a yawn.

"Are ya hungry?" Mom asked me as I sat down at the table.

"Not really mom. Fisk just woke me up even though I wanted to stay in bed." I explained as I laid my head against the back of my chair.

"Well you cant sleep all day. Do you want to take something to Valora or no. Your father told me about what happened last night." Mom said which made me sort of mad.

"I'll do it." I said as I stood up. "Where is dad by the way?" I asked as mom gave me something to give to Valora.

"In the lab." Mom said as I started to walk out of the kitchen. Why do I have to go see Val. I hate her.

"Hey Fisk what are you doing?" I asked as I walked into the room and saw him talking with Val.

"Nothing. Val and I were just talking." Fisk said as I glared at Val. "She isn't as mean as we thought she was Zak." Fisk said before leaving.

"See. Fiskerton believes me." Val said as I kept my glare on her. "What?" Val asked as she leaned up against a wall.

"You aren't fooling me." I said as I opened the glass and gave her the food mom made for her.

"Who said I was trying to fool you Mr. Saturday." Val said back as I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"Okay quit calling me Mr. Kur or Mr. Saturday. I'm only fourteen. My name is Zak." I said still not looking back at her.

"Well there is something we have in common." Val said which made me look back at her.

"You and I have nothing in common." I snarled at her.

"Directing your upset feelings towards myself isn't going to make yourself feel any better you know." Val said as I turned away from her.

"What ever." I said as I walked away. I went back to my room and watched TV for a while. I heard Fisk and Komodo run past my room quickly a little bit later and got up to check what was going on. "Guys what are you..." I was cut off when someone tackled me from behind. I pushed who ever it was off and then noticed it was Val. "Why are you out of your containment unit?" I demanded angrily as I stood up.

"Your brothers let me out. They actually like me unlike yourself. We were in the middle of a game before you got in my way." Val said as she stood up. "Now if you don't mind." Val took off back down the hall again. God I hate her! Lets see how mom reacts to her being out. I headed down to the lab quickly.

"Hey mom did you know that Fisk and Komodo let Valora out?" I asked as I walked in.

"Yes we saw it on the security footage." Mom said as she turned around to face me. "You really don't like her do you honey?" Mom asked me.

"What do you think." I asked as I folded my arms in front of me.

"Sweety give her a chance. Go try and play a game with her, Fisk and Komodo." Mom suggested which I replied with a gag.

"I'll just go back to my room." I said as I walked out of the lab and headed back for my room. I passed by the living room and saw Fisk, Komodo and Val talking. "I hate her so much." I muttered to myself as I kept walking. I stayed in my room for a few hours until mom came and got me for dinner.

"Come on Zak. Its time for dinner and you are eating this time." Mom said as I put down my game controller.

"Fine." I grumbled.

"Sweety are you alright?" Mom asked me as I stood up.

"I'm fine mom." I said as I walked past her and out of my room.

"Are you sure? You seemed very angry earlier." Mom said as we walked down the hallway.

"Yeah well what do you expect with all that's been happening to me." I said as I looked down at the floor.

Poor Zak is dealing with the stages of break up. And having Valora there isn't helping much either. Again poor Zak. Thanks for reading guys. I hope you all enjoyed it as well. Please review and the next chapter will be up as soon as possible.