Discrepancies: When Things Don't Add Up.

Summary: There was a reason Petunia hated/feared magic a reason she thought all magic folk freaks. A reason Lilly's parents had been so happy to know she was a witch. It was a reason, an excuse for her unnaturalness. Harry's unnaturalness. Dementor&Wraith!Harry SG-HP

Disclaimer: okay I don't own jack shit except the combination of ideas(the plot) everything else belongs to somebody else. After all, I didn't create HP or SG, nor was I the original creators of dark!harry and Dumbledore bashing and so on so forth. However, I did make this story, so back off it's mine, and don't bug me because I'm not claiming to be the mastermind behind everything, just the one who put it together in this particular formation. So there.

Oh yeah, for those of you looking for SG characters, if they show up it'll be much later, this story is predominantly HP. Also this story is in tangent with the books, not the movies.

Warning!: eventually independent Potter Harry, creature Harry, Dumbledore Albus bashing, adopted Evans Lilly, semi smart Harry. Weasley bashing(minus the twins, Weasley Bill and Weasley Charlie), Granger Hermione Bashing, mildly dark Harry/grey Harry, not as evil as he seems Riddle Voldemort/reasonable Voldemort. Possible (much later if it happens) Azkaban Harry, possible slash. NO Super!Harry(I hope)

If you don't like it, then A) too fucking bad, or B) don't read it.

Also this story does not have a beta, hell I don't have a beta at all(really obvious as this my first story) so any volunteer beta's will not only be welcomed with open arms but also much loved and appreciated

and sorry if I came off as bitchy, but I know how you readers can be, I'm one of you after all ; )


Petunia Dursley never concerned herself too much about feeding her nephew. She knew he wouldn't die. He didn't eat her kind of food, not really. It was because he was a little freak, just like his mother had been, just like all those stick waving lunatics were. What Petunia didn't know about his freakishness however, was that he would be considered freakish even amongst the other so called freaks. Petunia's freak of a nephew, did something to them, every now and then, catching them unawares, and afterwards, he'd stop looking sick, and they would. Petunia had to constantly die her hair, to hide the grey and white strands, the little freak did something that made them get a little older as time went on. He did something that let them irritable, irrational, and it only got worse with time. It was like he sucked out their souls a little bit at a time.

Petunia shivered, pushing that thought away to the back of her mind. It didn't matter, they punished the freak accordingly and he usually got his 'soul food' somewhere else anyway, probably at school. She felt guilty for endangering the children, but better them than her family. She'd seen her sister kill someone once, by eating all of their soul at once. It was the same day she learned to hide her freakish appearance, those mouth like holes on her hands, and the deep slit like pits on her cheeks.

Petunia's nephew had learned to hide his freakishness too, just a few days after he started school, the same day that little Amelia Bernelle disappeared. They still haven't found her body. Sometimes Petunia wondered if he actually ate the whole girl instead of just her soul, then she reminded herself that it didn't matter s long as he left them alone and hide his freakishness and left when he was of age. She couldn't get rid of him because of the other freaks, but when he was an adult she wouldn't have to put up with his abnormalities any longer. She and her husband, and her sweet little boy would finally have a nice normal life.

Petunia grimaced as she stopped by the cupboard under the stairs, unlocked it and banged on the door,

"Up! Get up! Now!" Petunia screeched and banged on the door once more before striding purposefully into the kitchen to start breakfast. Today was her son's birthday, she hoped the freak wouldn't do anything today, he hadn't in a while, and she knew he was due soon. Maybe if they took him to the zoo he could eat someone else? No, no of course she wouldn't do that, how could she think of it? Dudley would be devastated at sharing his special day. Besides, her nephew was a freak, he didn't deserve to go to the zoo, he would stay with the neighbor Miss Fig next door.

Upon finishing the pancakes Petunia looked over her shoulder to see that her freak nephew wasn't out of the cupboard yet. Ungrateful brat, if he wants anything for breakfast he'd better get up! Not that he needed their kind of food anyway, if he causes trouble she'll just lock him back inside, where he can't touch anyone, where he'll starve. Petunia decided before walking over to the cupboard under the stairs, still, maybe she could give him a chance? After all it's not like Lilly wanted to be evil right? She'd been fighting on the good side of the war before getting blown up. No, she was still a soul sucking freak and so was her nephew. But he needed to get up so she could fetch her son.

"Are you up yet?" Petunia demanded irritatedly stopping at the cupboard door.

"Nearly." came her nephews voice. She sneered,

"Well, get a move on, I want you to look after the bacon. And don't you dare let it burn, I want everything perfect on Diddum's birthday." Petunia snapped. A groan of irritation came from the cupboard and her eyes narrowed,

"What did you say?" she demanded dangerously, did he have a problem with her boy's special day?

"Nothing, nothing..." came the response. Petunia humphed before bustling on to go up the stairs and wake up her sweet whittle boy.

This was just to get things started, as the title suggests it's just a prelude. Also this might end up being the only time the story isn't in Harry's Pov(but I don't write in first person). I only wrote it like so because I thought it'd be a good way to introduce the fact that Harry really isn't normal, even by wizarding standards. The chapters will also be much longer than this, and actual Ch1 will be coming out in a minute, once I'm finished editing.