Chapter 1

Sir Victor was a handsome knight toy with his own removable helmet, plastic sword, and noble steed called Thunder. For some time now, he and the other toys in the room had slowly been neglected and forgotten by their owner Leo. He was a teenager now and didn't want to play with them anymore. One late afternoon, Leo opened his closet and dug out all of his old toys. At first they were delighted, thinking that he had missed them and was going to finally play with them again. Then they sighed when they saw that they were being tossed in a box marked, "Toy Donations" in permanent black marker.

He exited the room to help his mom with something and his old knight toy opened up the box. He headed to the window to look outside. Across the street he could see a young boy playing outside with what looked like other toys. He fondly remembered his owner at that age and how much fun they had together. This boy looked as if he still had some years left before he would get to the age where he outgrew his toys. A little dog dashed out and joined the boy, begging for attention. His master rubbed his belly and then threw a stick for him to retrieve.

Suddenly, Sir Victor got an idea. He and Thunder could sneak over there and get in through the doggy-door. Then that boy could play with them too. He liked the thought of being played with by him rather than being given to who knows who by the charity. Also, the knight was full of pride. Now don't get me wrong, no toy wants to get donated, but for him it was more than your average toy's dislike of being separated from his owner. For him, it was more about his ego. He didn't care so much that the other toys would be taken away from home. He wasn't particularly close with any of them and he didn't like the fact that he, Sir Victor the Great, was being abandoned by his owner. He was one of the special toys right? He was the reason that Leo got into fencing and won so many medals. He was one of his favorites, no scratch that, he was his favorite toy. He didn't want to accept defeat. His name was Victor after all, as in Victorious. He wasn't a loser like the other toys. He wouldn't let himself get given away. So Leo thought he was too good for him now? Well if he couldn't see how awesome he was, then he was going to go where he would be appreciated.

Sir Victor heard footsteps, so he shot back into the box. Leo opened the door and gathered some other items from his room that he didn't use anymore and put them in boxes too. Soon after finishing, he was called to dinner. While he ate, his old knight toy concocted an escape plan…