Although luck did not yet seem to be willing to side with Gilbert Beilschmidt it did seem to be willing to cut him some slack. Putting Arthur in his fifth period science class would have made life far too easy for him but fate did have the grace to put the English teen only across the hall, so provided Gilbert could keep his head down and his mouth shut and get out of class on time he would be able to corner Arthur before he managed to leave the school building.

Keeping out of trouble had never been Gilbert's forte, especially when he shared a class with somebody worth talking too like Francis (who seemed to have lost interest in Arthur as a topic of conversation for the time being - which was a relief as his chosen topic of conversation (how biology ought to include more sex ed) served as a good distraction from Gilbert's thoughts of the British boy), but he was also undeniably bull-headed and so there were a few tense moments where he found himself biting his tongue to hold back a cheeky remark, in the end though he managed to pass the hour without any major incident.

Silently vowing to avenge himself by causing obscene amounts of trouble in any future science lessons he deigned to attend, Gilbert escaped the room in perfect synchronisation with the ringing of the bell and eyed the corridor for the distinctive combination of Arthur's overly-smart clothes and prominent eyebrows.

After waving Francis away and several minutes of frustration as students came streaming out of the doors of every class except the one he was watching he realised the he had probably wasted his efforts to get out on time as, even is he had been mildly disruptive, he would have been out by now anyway.

He was just about to leave because really he didn't need to be hanging around and waiting for Arthur when the door swung open and the final classroom was emptied of students. Arthur happened to one of the last out, something Gilbert couldn't help thinking of as a deliberate act of spite from the blond (despite the irrationality of it), and looked startled to see Gilbert lurking in the corridor.

Gilbert opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment to try and think of something sensible to say and then gave up and just said whatever wanted to come out. This, you may or may not have the experience of knowing, is not always the best way to hold a conversation but if you do know you won't be at all surprised to know that Arthur was somewhat baffled by the stream of nonsense which spewed from Gilbert's mouth.

"I'm sorry, pardon?"

Gilbert rolled his eyes. "What are you? Slow or something? Do. You. Want. To. Go. To. The. Park?"

"No. You definitely said something about pancakes, awesome and a bomb."

Gilbert paused, the realised that Arthur had been correct and he given out far more information than he'd intended. Arthur only needed to come to the park and catch up on what had happened in the years they had missed, there was no need for Gilbert to tell him his life goals.

"Forget that," Gilbert said, setting off down the corridor. As he opened the door he glanced back to Arthur. "Well, come on!"

For a moment Arthur looked like he was going to ignore the order but the he rolled his eyes, hefted his satchel more firmly onto his shoulder and, too dignified to run, walked briskly until he's caught Gilbert up.

The park was only about five minutes walk from the school but that was three minutes too long for them to hold off their conversation.

"So did your parents really just move you all the way back here just because of their jobs? That's a bit crap."

Arthur shrugged. "My other school was better and I definitely preferred England to here but it's not like I care all that much either way."

Gilbert, in something that could have been a remarkable display of tact but was more likely coincidence, made his next question a fairly safe one.

"What about your brothers?"

Arthur pulled a face. "Donald and Alwyn? They stayed back out there and are a stupid as ever."

Gilbert smirked. Arthur's elder brothers were by no means stupid but he wasn't surprised to hear them being described as such – Arthur was virtually incapable of spending time with his brothers without arguing.

"What about the other one? The little one?"

"Peter? Even more annoying than before. Fortunately I'll have left school before he starts. And as you seem determined to start a game of twenty questions I'll answer what's probably your next one and tell you Siobhan and Declan stayed behind as well. It's only me and Peter that got dragged back."

Gilbert hadn't actually intended on asking after the other two members of Arthur's family –mostly because he'd never quite figured about how they were related to the blond – but was surprised the blond had caught onto his intentions so quickly. He was forced to perform a quick mental scramble for an excuse as to why he was asking after Arthur's family.

Fortunately for Gilbert, who's most plausible excuse would probably have caused Arthur to laugh in face, the blond declined to question as to why Gilbert was being so inquisitive and instead returned the questions.

"How about you and your brother then?"

Gilbert rolled his eyes. "Overbearing, bossy, stick up the arse – nothing new."

"And Ludwig?"

Gilbert was momentarily stumped. The he shoved Arthur into the, fortunately deserted, road.

"Oi! Watch it!" As soon as Arthur got back onto the pavement he retaliated by punching Gilbert in the arm. "Blimey, learn to take a joke!"

Gilbert glowered at the English teen for a few seconds before nearly walking into the park fence. He covered his surprise well and vaulted over the green painted railings as if that had always been his intention and, tossing his rucksack to the ground, threw himself onto one of the swings.

Arthur shot him a slightly scornful look and looped around to enter through the gate. For a few moments they sat in an awkward silence, Gilbert lounging on a swing and Arthur perching primly on the bench opposite him.

"You know you're really overdressed," Gilbert remarked, "I mean I know you never had much fashion sense but tucking your shirt in is really taking it a little too far."

Arthur quirked an eyebrow, a gesture that was hard to miss considering their size, and looked Gilbert up and down. "You've got it backwards. You're underdressed. Or can you just not afford clothes which don't have holes in them?"

"Can you not find a way of obtaining clothes that doesn't involve stealing them out of old people's homes?" Gilbert sniped back.

Arthur rolled his eyes and muttered something that sounded insulting but was too quiet to be heard properly.

For several minutes they sat there in a semi-awkward silence. For all that Gilbert found himself intrigued by Arthur he couldn't think of any real questions to ask him and Arthur, calm and proper and seemingly ignoring him, wasn't exactly a great source of conversation starters.

"Is there a point to this?" Arthur asked finally.

Gilbert gasped, theatrically offended. "You're asking the point of me allowing you to bask dumbstruck in my Awesome?"

"No." Arthur rolled his eyes. "I'm asking why you dragged me all the way out here just to loiter and waste time."

Gilbert was stung. "Well since you're clearly incapable of coping with the awesomeness you can just go! You're dismissed."

He hadn't actually thought that Arthur would listen but at the same time he wasn't all the surprised when the blond walked off. Clearly he needed a plan B.

A/N – Sorry for the fail/late/filler chapter. I've been away and busy and this chapter just wouldn't come out right. Thank you for your patience.