Chapter 43

Eric would come for me. I could feel our bond humming with his anger and anxiety. And the three werewolves would be no match for Eric's fury.

The silver around my neck and wrists burned my skin and sent constant ripples of pain through my entire body. I faintly realized Eric and I had yet to train me with silver. Eric had insisted I recover completely from my draining first. But after this incident, I was going to pressure him in training me with silver. I was also going to demand he teach me how to fight properly.

The constant pain made me want to lash out, kick, bite, growl, but my body didn't respond to my mind. All I had left was my voice.

"What do you want from me?" I snarled up at Cooter. I was lying on the floor of the van while Cooter sat on a bench beside me.

"Shut up, bitch," Cooter said, hardly even looking at me.

"My master is going to come for me and he will kill you all," I said, my fangs raking over my bottom lip, leaving bloody trails in their wake. "He's a thousand years old. He'll have no problems tearing apart a bunch of rabid dogs like yourselves."

"What the hell is she talking about?" the bald guy, who was sitting on my other side, said.

"Just ignore her," Cooter muttered. "Bitch is lying through her teeth."

I snorted. "Why would I be lying?"

"Because we're taking you to your mistress, and I'm sure she'll be real happy to punish you for killing one of our pack," Cooter said as he glared at me.

"My mistress?" I asked, wondering what the hell they were talking about. And then it dawned on me. "You mean Lorena?"

Cooter didn't reply, but the corners of his eyes twitched, so I knew I was right.

"You must be the dumbest crooks I've ever met," I said, wincing as a particular nasty bout of pain shot through me as the van drove over a bump in the road. "Lorena isn't my mistress. My master is Eric Northman, Sheriff of area 5, and he is coming for me as we speak."

Cooter looked at me dubiously. Since he was looking straight into my eyes, I decided to try and glamour him. I wasn't sure if I could still do that while I was wrapped in silver, but I had to find out more about what was going on. I pushed a little power, just a tiny sliver of what I usually would have available, into Cooter's mind.

"Why are you trying to abduct Lorena's child?" I asked carefully.

"Because Lorena defied our master when she tried to keep the telepath from him," Cooter said before he could help himself. I couldn't hold his gaze any longer since the silver caused my power to fizzle out, and Cooter realized what had happened.

"You fucking bitch!" Cooter kicked me in the side, and I growled in pain.

Baldie stared at Cooter. "You think we got the wrong vamp?" he asked, panic colouring his voice.

"Yes, you do," I said, looking between the two men. "You've kidnapped the child of the most powerful vampire in this state, and he is going to make you pay very soon."

"Stop the car!" Cooter yelled at the driver. "We've gotta dump this fucking bitch now!"

There was a loud thump, as though something heavy had just fallen onto the roof, and a second later the sound of metal ripping filled the back of the van.

"Told you," I said, my whole body humming and the pain of the silver almost forgotten now that Eric was so near. He was pushing his power into me.

The roof of the van disappeared and at once Eric dropped inside the van, crouching over me. With one swipe of his hand the tore Baldie's throat out, and a second later he broke Cooter's neck.

"Hi," I said with a happy smile as Eric looked down at me with fury in his eyes.

The van swirled to a standstill on the side of the road, and the driver just about fell out of the van and made a dash for the tree line, but Eric flew out of the car.

"Don't kill him!" I yelled. We needed to know what was going on. I heard a growl and the sound of bones breaking, and then Eric was by my side again, his lips and chin dripping with blood. "Did you kill him?" I asked anxiously.

"He was too dangerous to let live," Eric said as he pulled the gloves from Cooter's dead hands and slipped them onto his own. He unwrapped the silver from my neck and wrists.

"We should have glamoured him," I said as I tried to sit up.

Ignoring my comments, Eric placed his hand on my back to help me, and then offered me his throat. "Drink from me, my child."

He didn't have to tell me twice. I sank my fangs into his skin and moaned as I tasted my maker's blood. I got a few mouthfuls before Eric gently pulled back. "Thanks," I whispered.

"Let's go home," Eric said, scooping me up bridal style.

"No!" I wriggled in Eric's arms so he wouldn't just fly off. "We have to get to Sookie. These werewolves were after her, and Lorena's in on it somehow, and they took me by mistake. They were about to dump me when they realized that."

Eric frowned, and he looked like he was about to disagree.

"Sookie's a vampire in your area, and as Sheriff you have to help her," I said, shrinking a little in his arms as Eric glared at me.

"You're telling me how to do my job now?" Eric said, but then I saw the corner of his mouth twitch, and I grinned up at him. "Very well," he sighed, and I grinned wider in triumph.

And with that, we took off into the air. It only took us less than ten minutes to get to Bill's house. Apparently the werewolves hadn't gotten very far before Eric caught up with them.

We landed on the porch, and Eric set me down. I felt much better, thanks to Eric's blood, and managed to stand on my own two feet. That was, until the front door burst open and both Sookie and Jessica came tearing out of the house and engulfed me in a hug.

"I'm fine," I whispered, oddly touched by their affection. "They didn't hurt me. Eric got there in time."

Eric rolled his eyes at our little display and moved to the other end of the porch as he got his phone out. I heard him talking to Chow about sending some cleaners to take care of the dead wolves and the van.

"What happened?" Sookie asked as we pulled away from each other. "I just got off the phone with Eric when those men dragged you out of the house. I tried reading their minds, and the only thing I got was that they were talking you to Jackson."

"They thought I was you, Sookie," I said, and Sookie gasped in shock. "They were going for a blonde vampire living in this house."

"Ladies," Eric said as he joined us. "Why don't we go inside and you can all tell me exactly what is going on and why you three thought it a good idea to take on a pack of werewolves all by yourself."

I gulped and stared at the floor as I shuffled inside. I'd kind of forgotten Eric would probably be pissed about me fighting like that.

Inside the house, we shoved the furniture, which had all been tossed aside during the fight, to its previous positions and we sat down on the couch. Sookie, Jessica and me sharing one, and Eric sitting on the other opposite of us.

"Explain," Eric said, and both Sookie and Jessica looked at me expectantly. I guessed that since I was Eric's child, they figured I should handle the pissed off Sheriff.

I told Eric the first part of the story, how I'd found Sookie and Jessica trapped in the hidden hole, and what had happened to Lorena, and how the werewolves had caught us by surprise.

"And you didn't think to call me?" Eric asked me in a steely voice.

I pointed a finger at Sookie. "I told her to call you, didn't I? There wasn't time for anything else, Eric. These wolves just burst through the door. Jessica and I put up a good fight." And I gestured at the two bodies still lying in the room.

"You got lucky," Eric said.

I shrugged. "Anyway, Sookie heard that they planned to take me to Jackson, and I got the wolves to reveal that their master wanted Sookie because Lorena had defied him by keeping the telepath from him. So I'm thinking this master guy took Bill so Lorena would come to him, and now that he has them both he wants Sookie as well."

Eric leaned back in his seat. "Perhaps. Before Lorena came here she lived in Mississippi and worked for the King."

My mouth fell open. "The King of Mississippi is behind this?"

Eric shrugged. "It is possible that because Lorena has recently sworn fealty to our Queen and made a deal with her regarding the services of her telepath, the King of Mississippi got upset he was denied unlimited access to Sookie."

"Huh," I said, as I looked between Jessica and Sookie. Jessica seemed intrigued but Sookie looked like she might throw up.

"What about the werewolves?" I asked, again gesturing at the two dead bodies in the room. "Since when do werewolves work for vampires? I thought you all hated each other."

"They have a strange mark on their neck," Jessica said, before Eric could reply. Eric's eyes narrowed, but he didn't comment.

"Maybe some gang affiliation?" I guessed. "They were all wearing biker gear."

"That is not important." Eric got up from the couch. "Sookie, Jessica, you will come with us. If you stay here, you will be sitting ducks."

"I just want to go home," Sookie whispered, and she sounded more tired than I'd ever heard her.

"Sookie? Have you already forgotten the pack of rabid wolves that came here to kidnap you?" I softly reminded her.

"Get your things," Eric snapped, since he had far less patience for stubbornness. Sookie and Jessica trudged up the stairs to collect their personal belongings.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, as Eric stared at me. "But there was really nothing I could have done differently."

Eric didn't say anything. Bastard.

"Are you going to punish me?"

Eric kept quiet.

I wriggled in my seat, and then remembered something. "Oh, I did get a chance to deliver the package," I whispered, and gestured towards the kitchen.

This time Eric acknowledged me with a nod.

I wasn't sure what to make of that, but before I could try to apologize again, Sookie and Jessica joined us, each holding a few bags of clothes and toiletries.

"I'll drive," Eric said, and snatched the car keys from my hand. I didn't dare argue with him as I got in the passenger seat while Sookie and Jessica slipped into the backseat. "You two will stay with us tonight," Eric announced as we were on our way back to Shreveport. "Tomorrow, I will find more permanent accommodations for you."

"Thank you," Jessica said politely. Sookie only stared out the window.

The drive to Eric's house was a quiet affair. I spent it mostly in thought on how we were going to spin this situation to our advantage. We still had the Magister breathing down our necks, after all. I had planted the V, but I hadn't been able to glamour Lorena. Yet, perhaps we could still make this whole mess work for us.

Once we got to the house, we all followed Eric down to the underground lair.

"You'll rest on the couch," Eric told Jessica and Sookie. "These quarters are secure, so you'll be safe here."

I zipped into the bedroom and got some spare pillows and blankets for our guests. Not that they needed them, but I knew they'd appreciate the idea of it.

"There's blood in the fridge in Eric's office. You can drink as much as you like," I told them as I helped spread out the blankets. "And tomorrow, you can use one of the upstairs bathrooms. That way you'll have some privacy."

"Thanks," Sookie said as she sat down on the couch.

I got an idea that might cheer Sookie up a bit. "Sookie, maybe you should call Sam and your brother. There's a phone in Eric's office you could use."

Without a reply, Sookie zipped into Eric's office, where I heard Eric asking what she thought she was doing. I quickly rushed after her and explained the situation to Eric.

"And maybe we should take a bath. Together. Now," I told Eric with a meaningful look. I had to talk to him in private. Eric regarded me for a moment and then quietly followed me into the bedroom. I shut the door and turned towards Eric.

"We really have to talk about the plan. I have some new ideas," I whispered, but before I could say more my phone rang. I dug it out of my jacket and realized it was Godric calling.

"Hi," I said.

"Turid," Godric said, sounding a little uncertain. "I have read your letter, and you told me I could call you after I did."

"Yeah, I did," I said. So much had happened, I'd almost forgotten about my fight with Godric. "Look, this isn't really a good time to talk."


"Er...I kinda got in a fight with some werewolves tonight," I said, dreading Godric's response. "Long story."

"She got kidnapped. Again," Eric said loudly from the other side of the room. He was grinning, the bastard.

"Turid," Godric said, his voice lowering. "I think you should tell me what happened to you."

"It wasn't my fault," I said quickly, but that did nothing to appease Godric and I knew he was worried about me. So I told him what had happened while Eric sat on the edge of the bed, smirking, as he watched me squirm.

"I cannot believe the amount of trouble you get into," Godric said once I'd finished my story. "I swear, even Eric didn't get into this much trouble when he was your age."

I sputtered into the phone, deeply offended Godric would think such a thing, while Eric burst into laughter.

"It's not like I invited those werewolves over for a fight," I muttered, and then frowned when Eric stretched out his hand. "Hold on, I think Eric wants to talk to you." And I handed the phone over to Eric, who immediately started firing away in Old Norse.

I sighed and made my way to the bathroom to start our bath. I made the water nice and hot, and then studied Eric's collection of bath oils. They were all earthy, woodsy, rather masculine scents, and I briefly wondered how I should approach the subject of adding a few more floral scents to the collection. I chose pine, since our trusted bottle of sandalwood oil had run empty just two days prior.

Eric spent a good ten minutes on the phone with Godric, and by the time he was done I was already seated in the tub, patiently waiting for him to join me. Eric closed the bathroom door, quickly shed his clothing, and sank into the tub behind me.

For a moment, neither of us spoke. We just enjoyed the warm water and the feel of each other's bodies.

"I have a new plan," I finally said, and Eric made a soft sound of encouragement for me to continue. "Okay, so Lorena is in Mississippi, and I can't glamour her, but this isn't a bad thing."

"It isn't?" Eric asked.

"No, because she left Bon Temps just at the right time. Think about it, Eric," I said, as I looked at him over my shoulder. Eric looked interested enough in my theories. "The Magister visits you about a vampire selling V, and the very next night Lorena disappears and runs back to her previous monarch. It looks highly suspicious, if you ask me."

"Hm," Eric said, and I wasn't sure if it was agreement or not, so I continued, needing him to understand this new plan.

"Anyway, so I might not have been able to glamour Lorena, but there are other vampires I can glamour."

That got Eric's attention; his whole body stiffened against mine for a second. "You mean Sookie and Jessica?"

"Yeah," I said, feeling oddly guilty at the prospect of scrambling their minds. "Though it might not work on Sookie. Then again, Sookie is so desperate to get rid of Lorena, she might very well go along with our plan without a glamour."

Eric kept silent for a moment and I bit my lip in anticipation of his response. This was the best plan we had, unless Eric came up with something less risky.

"If you cannot glamour Sookie, and I suspect you won't be able to, than you should also refrain from glamouring Jessica. Sookie might notice something amiss with her friend if you do glamour her, and we cannot afford anyone finding out about your talent. Even if Lorena is a state away at the moment, she still is Sookie's master," Eric finally said.

I nodded my agreement and glanced at Eric over my shoulder. "So you want to let them in on the plan? They'll go along, I guarantee it. They both really want to see Lorena dead and gone."

Eric nodded against my shoulder, and then pressed a kiss to my throat. "We will inform them of the plan momentarily, but first I have other needs that require your attention."

I grinned. I could feel Eric's need pressing against my lower back, all hard and ready. I turned myself around so I was facing Eric, and at once Eric captured my lips in a searing kiss. I started moving my entire body against Eric's, rubbing myself against his hard length.

"Godric was right," Eric muttered as he licked his way towards my throat. "You get into far too much trouble."

"Not my fault," I gasped, and I raised myself up a little higher so I could sink down on his cock.

Eric hissed and bit down on my throat, perhaps a little more savagely than he could have, but the feeling of his fangs penetrating my skin still sent waves of pleasure through me. We fucked hard and fast, splashing water everywhere, but we both needed it after the night we'd had. I came with a loud cry, completely forgetting we had guests who might be able to hear that kind of noise, and Eric followed me over the edge a few thrusts later.

"Eric," I said, after we'd gotten out of the tub and were drying ourselves off. "Do you think this plan will work? That the Magister will buy it?"

"It had better," Eric said, and through our bond I felt his anxiety. He was as nervous about it as I was. He just hid it better.

"Do you have a backup plan?"

"Move to Europe," Eric said, tossing his towel in the hamper and stalking into the bedroom.

I sighed and followed him. We didn't speak any further as we got dressed. Eric pulled on some training pants and a shirt, and I choose a white tank top and a pair of pink yoga pants I'd bought a few years back when I'd thought yoga was something I might enjoy. I'd been wrong about the yoga, but I enjoyed the pants all the same.

We found Sookie and Jessica in the living room, watching TV with half-empty bottles of True Blood in front of them. I wanted to ask Sookie how her talk with Sam and Jason went, but I knew we had more important things to discuss. Our lives depended on it, after all.

Eric and I sat down on the couch while Sookie turned off the TV. Eric glanced at me, and I swallowed, trying to think of a way to sell our plan.

"If I told you there was a way to get rid of Lorena," I started carefully, and immediately I had Sookie's and Jessica's undivided attention. "Would you be willing to help us?"

"Anything," Sookie said at once, and Jessica nodded fervently. "Just tell us what to do."

"Anything?" I asked, just to be sure, and they both nodded. I glanced at Eric and sat back, crossing my arms.

"We have a plan to frame Lorena for selling V, but we need your assistance with it," Eric said, looking carefully between Sookie and Jessica. They both nodded, and Eric continued to tell them what we had planned. He left out the part where he'd been selling V on the Queen's behalf (the less people who knew about that, the better), and he just spun a story of an uptake in V users, and how the Magister had gotten wind of that, and how we could frame Lorena for it.

"We want the Magister off our backs, and you want Lorena gone," I added, after Eric was done with his story. "This way, we all get what we want."

I felt a huge sense of relief when Sookie nodded. "I'll do it. Anything to get rid of that bitch."

Jessica looked dubious for a few seconds. She'd obviously been intimidated once Eric had mentioned the Magister, and I could hardly blame her for that. "Won't the Magister punish us in Lorena's stead?" she asked softly.

Eric shook his head. "I doubt it. You are both only a few weeks old, and you weren't involved in this. Besides, Lorena left you behind while she fled the state. That makes her look only more guilty."

"Then I'll do it," Jessica said, now with determination.

I smiled at them both and turned to look at Eric. "So you'll call the Magister now and set up a meeting for sundown tomorrow?"

"I will call him now, yes," Eric said. "But the meeting won't take place at sundown. We'll have to wait for Godric's arrival."

My mouth fell open. "What?"

"Godric is coming," Eric said, giving me an amused look. "He plays a part in this, but we won't reveal what part until we speak with the Magister. Now I have a phone call to make." Eric got up and disappeared into his office, shutting the door behind him.

"Huh." I stared down at my lap. Godric was coming. I had no idea why, because just last night Eric had told me Godric could probably do very little for us. But now apparently Eric thought Godric could help us. I was beyond confused.

"Turid," Sookie asked. "Do you really think this plan will work?"

"It had better," I said vaguely. If it didn't work, all our asses would be on the line.

Eric returned five minutes later. "We're meeting with the Magister at 11 pm tomorrow at one of my safe houses."

"Not Fangtasia?" I asked.

"It's bugged," Eric said, sitting down beside me.

"Duh," I said, more to myself. "I knew that."

We sat quietly for a few long moments, all four of us lost in our own thoughts. I was torn between feeling nervous about meeting with the Magister tomorrow and about Godric's impending visit. The last time I'd seen Godric, I'd been more upset with him than I'd ever been, and while we'd started to mend our relationship, I wasn't sure yet if I was ready to just forgive him. Not to mention there might not be much time to talk to Godric in private, since we were supposed to frame Lorena and deceive the Magister. And if the Magister saw through our lies, we might all meet our final deaths.

Eric must have sensed my distress through out bond because he reached for my hand and pulled me up from the couch. "Come," he said. "Let me take your mind of all our troubles for a while."

Jessica grinned and Sookie rolled her eyes as Eric lead me into our bedroom.

"Goodnight," I yelled over my shoulder, just before Eric shut the bedroom door. I heard a couple of muffled "Goodnights" in return.

"It will work, right?" I asked anxiously as Eric pulled me into a tight embrace. Perhaps he needed to take his mind off our troubles as much as I did.

"We'll make it work," Eric whispered against my shoulder. "And if all else fails, you can always glamour the Magister."

"Oh, so no pressure then," I said, my head suddenly light at the idea of having to do that to the fucking Magister.

Eric grinned down at me. He was showing fang. "No more talk," he said, and then gently pushed down on my shoulders. "I think you owe me a little something special for having rescued you tonight."

I sank down on my knees and looked at the obvious bulge in Eric's pants. It was true; a blowjob would be special, because I rarely gave them to Eric. Not because I didn't enjoy it, but because I usually couldn't control my fangs once I'd gotten suitably aroused, and it was impossible to give a decent blowjob with a pair of razor sharp fangs in the way.

But as it turned out, feeling nervous about the Magister and Godric was the perfect way to keep my fangs in check and to give Eric his special treat for his rescue of little old me.

And afterwards, Eric managed to keep my mind of things for an hour or two with this own special skills. At least, until a few minutes before sunrise. As I lay in Eric's arm, tired and spent and physically satisfied yet still filled with anxiety, I couldn't help wonder if this was the last time I'd meet the dawn in Eric's arms. If our plan didn't work, it might very well be.

"Sshh," Eric whispered against my hair. "We'll be fine."

I wanted to believe him. I really did. "I love you," I said, because I wanted him to know that.

Eric stroked a hand down my back. "If something goes wrong," he finally said, his voice sounding oddly constricted, "I want you to teleport to Dallas."

"What?" I said, pushing myself up so I could stare into his eyes. Eric looked pained, which was a very odd look for him.

"Godric will fly back to Dallas, but if something happens to me, I want you to teleport there at once. Promise me."

"But Eric - "

"Promise me!"

"I promise," I whispered, swallowing against a lump in my throat.

Eric placed his hand on the back of my head and urged me to lie down against his chest again. "You are dear to me, lover. I will not see you hurt over this."

Before I could tell Eric I didn't want to see him hurt, either, the sun rose, and all our troubles were forgotten for the day.