Disclaimer: I wish I wish I owned Danny Phantom! Desiree: -turns me into Butch Hartman- AHHHHHHHHH! CHANGE ME BACK CHANGE ME BACK! -is changed back-

Contains two OCs.

Vlad smirked at the new clones in the test chamber. It was going perfectly.

The old halfa had finally gotten the mid-morph DNA after many more weeks of stalking. He never got the full analysis of Danielle, but after Daniel's little break in, he foolishly dropped that vial that stabilized her in excitement. Vlad had recreated more of it, and it was ready for when his new clones were ready.

These six clones were different. Each was experimental, to see if he could create the perfect combination of Daniel and himself. If possible, then he could certainly rule the world with this new child. Not exactly a clone, but not a real human either.


This child would be powerful. Daniel was powerful in a way, but Vlad was powerful in every way he wasn't. Take the best qualities of both and you will find yourself with a very powerful child, a child that would become Vlad's key to world domination if this child looked up to him as a father and mentor as planned. Danielle was too much like Daniel, too much against Vlad. With the combination, they would be very loyal to Vlad.

Vlad smirked. Of the six clones, four were already down. They melted while in the chamber, being a failure. At least he had two more to hope for.

He looked at the tubes. He had a girl and a boy still standing strong. They were turning out perfectly so far. He wasn't completely sure, seeing how they were in ghost form at the moment. So far, the boy resembled a fair mix of them both although it was leaning a little more towards Daniel than Vlad. Daniel's ghostly skin but Vlad's black hair styled in Daniel's hairstyle, and red eyes were briefly opened. He also wore a jumpsuit like Daniel, completely black save for the boots and short gloves which was a dark red.

The girl, however, looked more like him, with the blue skin color, black hair and red eyes. She even seemed to have his vampire-like fangs. Only difference was that she wore a different outfit than him. Black t-shirt, baggy white jeans that was held up with a black belt and black boots and matching black gloves. Her hair was not into a giant U, but completely down with a white headband.

Vlad watched them. Both were holding strong and they were almost complete. The computer announced that they were ninety-nine percent ready, in a voice resembling Maddie Fenton's. Smirking as it hit one hundred ten minutes later, he hit a button.

The goo surrounding the two drained, and they leaned against the sides of their chambers. He hit the release button, and the chains around their arms and legs snapped open, allowing them to slump more.

He was thrilled. He was hoping for one child, but now he had two. Two loving, loyal children that he could pass off as twins to love and cherish for years.

Vlad walked over to the boy first. The boy, his son. He opened the door and caught the boy as he fell forward. He picked up him and laid him gently on a gurney, the head on a pillow.

Then he moved towards his daughter. He did the same, catching her and laying her on another gurney next to her brother.

'I have twins,' he realized as he checked the boy's vital signs. It was the best day of his life. Two children instead of one. He had only expected the boy to survive, the girl had begun to grow a bit pale. Now he realized that her skin was just turning blue to resemble his.

He looked forward to having a son, somebody to teach about football. A reason to buy two tickets to the Packers games. He would also have somebody to teach about life, about girls, about how to control ghost powers, how to get what you want in life using said powers. Also, somebody to take over his business. Not even halfas lived forever. Vlad often feared he'd have to pass it to a dear friend, but not he had a son to inherit it. A son with his brains and his power, a proper Masters.

And a daughter, his little princess. As soon as he confirmed that his son was well, he checked his daughter. Vlad knew from having a sister that girls were expensive. Most girls often liked to shop for clothing, beauty products and all of that other girly stuff. Now that he thought about it, he looked forward to beating up anybody who broke her heart, stalking her on dates, being overprotective of her. He was excited to spoil her and his son.

Being a billionaire, Vlad often found himself with more money than he knew what to do with. He had everything. He had his mansion, he had a collection of cars, designed clothing, the finest items for his cat, he had even put his brother's two children 100% through college, offering the same for his sister's children and even the Fenton children but yet he knew he still had much, much more by the time they were out. It was ridiculous, he even donated to charities. Of course, it was for the publicity but even donating in hundreds of thousand increments still left him with more than enough money to be beyond comfortable for many, many years.

But now, he had children.

A son and a daughter, around Daniel's age. He knew from spying on Daniel that teen boys could really pack away the food, and lots of it. If he played football, there was equipment to pay for. His princess would most likely be like a normal girl, always needing money to buy new shoes or whatever else girls always needed. That one girl he spied on that he learned Daniel like, Paulina, seemed to need an entire new wardrobe every month. Even if she was a tomboy, even if his son inherited Daniel's hate for sports, there was still many other ways he could spoil them.

And school.

Heavens knows that Vlad Masters, billionaire, wouldn't let his children attend public school. No, they would be enrolled in the best private school he could find. Maybe he'd keep them home and hire a private tutor. Only the best tutor he could find. But if he kept them at home, his son couldn't play football. What about his daughter? Maybe she'd get into cheerleading or something. That could work out. When he went to his son's football games, he could also see her cheer. He wouldn't have to worry about any conflict of schedule. Although he could just send a clone of course.

What about a mother for his daughter? Vlad may be looking forward to having a daughter, but not Mother's Nature's special monthly gift. Vlad was a man, not a woman. How could he relate to this? She needed a motherly figure. Was there somebody he could hire, like a nanny? What if she got pregnant? He'd had to send Skulker to murder the father, of course, but then what? What if his son got somebody pregnant?

Then there was the subject of their ghost powers.

He would have to make sure his son didn't use his powers to be a voyeur. Making sure his daughter didn't use her powers to sneak a boy into the house would be an issue. Same goes for his son sneaking in a girl. Or one of the two sneaking out in general. Would a ghost human shield work? He'd have to check. What if their powers accidentally went off during school? And that girl, Valerie. He didn't want her hunting down his children, but how would he excuse that to her.

How would he explain his new children in general?

Vlad snapped out of his thoughts when his daughter began to slowly stir. He just realized something. He created these two for the sake of world domination…why wasn't he planning it?

He smiled when his son mumbled something about the Packers in his unconscious sleep. He ruffled the half-ghost's hair, his mind thinking about playing catch with football with his son while his daughter practiced cheer.

Maybe world domination would wait.

I'm a fan of a Vlad/somebody in a father/kid relationship. I wrote this because I was bored.