Hi! This is third story on Fanfiction hope you like it! please review! If i did something wrong please say so! PEACE OUT!

Chapter 1: Miku's Side of the Story

Miku's POV:

"Okay class, take your seats!" sensei said, but we ignored him and kept talking, "CLASS GET YOUR BUTT'S IN YOUR CHAIRS NOW!"

"Y-yes sir!"

I'm Hatsune Miku! I'm sixteen and work for a company called Vocaloid! Our school is made in the company. My best friends are Rin, Len, Kaito, Meiko, Luka, Gackupo, Neru, Teto, and all the other Vocaloids! I have a brother Mikuo! He is wise and has the same personality as me!

"Okay so after you divide the two and carry the one all you do is… blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…" I was dozing off into my thoughts thinking about my career as a vocaloid…

"Ladies and gentle men… HATSUNE MIKU-CHAN!"

Sekai de ichi-ban OHIME-SAMA
Sou-yu atsukai KOKORO-ete

Itsumo to chigau kami-gata ni kiga-tsuku koto
Chanto kutsu made mirukoto, ii ne?
Watashi no hito-koto niwa mittsu no kotoba de henji suru koto
Wakatta ra migite ga orusu nanowo nantoka-site!

Betsuni wagamama nante itte nain-dakara
Kimi ni KOKORO kara omotte hoshii no KAWAII tte

Sekai de ichi-ban OHIME-


"Y-yes! S-sensei!" I said.

I heard a giggle in the classroom. I looked around… Over there! The two Kagamine twins! When Sensei turned around I started to bang my head on my desk. How embarrassing! Even in front of the entire class! How did sensei know I was dozing off? Was I singing outlaid? Oh no! How humiliating! My head hurts!

2 Hours of Learning later…

"Uwah! Finally! Class is over! Let's go outside for a bit and relax!"

"Kimi wa jitsu ni baka dana (You are really stupid.)," Teto said, "I bet you didn't hear a word Sensei said in class! What were you humming to yourself in class anyways?"

"Well… just a song… World is Mine…" I muttered.

"Well… pay more attention! Besides we have P.E after break…" Rin said.

"Well… I better get going before Mikuo steals my gym shorts! Cya!" Len said.

"Hey, I just noticed that all of your sentences started with 'Well…'" I said.


"STOP THAT!" I yelled.

Behind me I heard foot steps I turned around and found Neru running towards us! I was her best friend and rival, but Rin… well I don't know why, but they are rivals… "Hey Neru! What's up?" I asked.


"I-I don't k-know! C-calm down! He's probably in the gym stretching out for P.E!" I said.

"Thanks!" she said, "I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!" she yelled.

"Wow… she must really have it out for him…" Rin said.

"Are you sure it's okay for her to kill him?" Teto asked.

"Eh… sure! After all… I do want to be an only child!" I said.

"Uh… okay?" Rin and Teto said.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Oh no! We're late!" we said.

When we came in the gym everyone was in their gym clothes, and in on the ground was my brother knocked out. Neru must really like her phone… good thing the teacher wasn't in yet so that gave us enough time to get changed before he came. When we came out of the locker room sensei came in the gym.

"Okay class… we are going to play a friendly game of dodge ball!" he said.

This made Mikuo bolt up from the ground, "Sensei! Can I be Team Captain!" He yelled.

"Okay fine… but! Neru! You be the other team captain!" He said.

"Yes!" she said.

"Oh gosh… she's going to kill me!" Mikuo said.

"Then she wouldn't have killed you if you didn't steal her phone!" I said.

"I was just curious to see who she was texting all the time!"

"Yeah… I've been wondering too…" I said.

"Turned out to be her brother, Nero," he said.

Neru shot a glare at Mikuo, "You… Read… My… TEXT MESSAGES?" She yelled with rage, "I'm going to pulverize you in dodge ball Hatsune Mikuo!"

"I'm so dead…" Mikuo said.

"Sucks to be you!" the entire room said.

"Oi…" Mikuo said.

"Okay! Team captains pick your team!""

Results: Boys vs. Girls

"Haha! You can't beat m-" Mikuo was cut off by a rubber ball hitting him in a very painful place…

"Pay attention next time Mi-Ku-O!" Neru said.

"Nice one!" I gave a high five to her.


"We win! Kya~!" we cheered.

"Dude! We lost! To girls! This sucks!" Mikuo said.

"You could've won… If you where asleep… in your dreams!" Neru said.

"Oh don't worry Onee-chan!" Miku said to her brother.

"Great… Just great…" Mikuo said.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Oh! Time for lunch!" I chimed.

"Yay!" Teto and Rin cheered.

We ran in to the locker room and changed and dashed to the lunch tables out side. Since it was spring the cherry trees were in bloom.

"Itadakimasu!" We cheered.


"Neru, what do you have against my brother anyways?" I blurted.

"He steels my phone everyday…" she said plainly.

"Wow… that must get annoying…" Len said.

I can tell by the look on her face that she was happy Len was interested.

"Len let's go on the swings!" Rin said.

"Ah? Okay…" Len said, "Neru want to come too?"

"Ahh! Of course!" Neru cheered and jumped in his arms.

"Uwha!" Len yelled.

"N-Neru! G-get off Len-kun!" Rin yelled.

"I can see why they're rivals…" Teto said.

"Ah… yeah… poor Len," I said.


"Hmm?" I turned around it was Kaito!

"Mikuo needs you for something," he said.

"Really? What is it?" I asked.

"He said it was, "private,"" He said.

"Okay! See you later Teto!" I said.

I followed Kaito to Mikuo who was standing by the class room.

"Yes brother?" I asked.

"I want… REVENGE!" He yelled in my face.

"Holy crap dude! Calm down! Who do you want revenge on?" I asked Mikuo.

"Duh! On Neru! She hit me in a VERY painful part in dodge ball! What should I do! You're her best friend, and a matter of fact… her only friend! What's her weak point!" He asked.

I thought hard about it… but why should I help him? He always stole Neru's phone… but she did always whack me with a leek… Hmm… I don't know any weak points on her, she is really strong… wait! *flash!* Len-kun! ~ *flash* Kya! Len looks so cool today! *flash* Wow Len! You're so good at singing! *flash*

"Oh! I think she loves Len!" I said.

"How am I going to use that?" Mikuo asked.

"I don't know! Figure it out brother!" I said and darted off.

"Hi Teto! I'm back!" I said.

"So, what did Mikuo want?" she asked.

"Nothing much… He just wants to pull a prank on Neru…" I said plainly.

"Oh really? You know that's only going to make Neru even madder. Also she might actually kill him if he does," Teto said.

"Eh… it'll be his fault then!" I said.

"Attention students… this is Mikuo Hatsune!"

"Holy… Crap…" Teto and I said.

"And I have a special announcement!"

"No way! He wouldn't dare! He's so dead!" I said.

"Neru Akita has a crush. On LEN KAGAMINE!" The name echoed threw out the school.

I heard running, behind me I saw Neru sobbing. I saw her crying near a wall. I walked over to her. To try making her feel better.

"I hate your brother Miku…" she said, "he's annoying… rude… and a pain in the ass…" she said.

"I agree, Neru! At home he always tries to be the hero, remember when I couldn't find my leek and Mikuo tried to find it? When it was actually him who ate it?" I said trying to cheer her up.

Mikuo walked out of the doors with a big grin from ear to ear. After school EVERYONE knew, he was going to be dead by then…

"Hey, Miku! What did you think of my little annou- crap…" he stopped talking when Neru stood up and started walking towards him. She started to raise her hand slowly… then… WHACK! She punched him in the gut. It was so hard he fell back and on his bottom.

"O-ouch…" he said.

"Mikuo you jerk! You never think of anyone but yourself! GO DIE IN A HOLE!" and after that she stormed off.

"What's her problem?" Mikuo asked.

"Oh my gosh you are so… STUPID MIKUO!" I yelled in his face.

"What? She started it," Mikuo said.

"What has she ever done to you Mikuo huh?" I asked.

"Well. She slapped me, punched me in the gut and…" before he could finish I cut him off.

"Before that!" I said.

"Huh… I don't really know why we hate each other…" Mikuo said.

"SERIOUSLY!" I yelled, "There has to be a reason! People just don't automatically hate each other if you didn't do anything to them yet! That doesn't make sense!" I yelled.

"Maybe it's because I'm your older brother Miku," Mikuo said.

"What? What's that suppose to mean?" I asked.

"Well… Neru is your rival/best friend, right?" he asked.

"Well yeah, but what does that have to do with anything Mikuo?"

"She hates me because she thinks I'm like you, and I will be better then her because my traits are just like yours," Mikuo.

"Oh! I get it! She doesn't like you because she doesn't want another me!" I said.

"Thank you for dummying it down," Mikuo said.


"Okay… Let's go back to class Mikuo," I said.