Charlie breathed a huge sigh of relief as he headed up the driveway to the old craftsman. He was happy the case was over, the girl was saved, and his big brother rode in as the hero to haul the bad guys off to jail. He opened the door with every intention to head straight to bed, when he caught sight of the lone figure sitting on the couch. It wasn't hard to figure out it was Don but Charlie was surprised to see his older brother staring at an old photograph of the two of them. He was suddenly reminded of something Don once said; that during the case he was fine but afterwards his head was a dark place. The younger Eppes couldn't help but wonder what blackened regions of the world his mind had taken him to today. Charlie decided right then that it was the right time to talk, so with all the strength he could muster he walked tentatively towards the couch.

"Don?" he called meekly

Don looked up as if he had just now noticed that there was another presence in the room. "Hey Charlie" he said rubbing his eyes, "I didn't hear you come in."

"Yeah you seemed kind of out of it there" Charlie replied, cautiously drawing closer to the agent. Don sensed his apprehension.

"What is it, buddy?"

"Why didn't you tell me my phone call went through?" he blurted out. Nothing like the direct approach.

The elder Eppes just stared for a moment. He was hoping (more like praying) Charlie wouldn't find out about that. His little brother had been through enough without having to worry about Don's inner demons. About his fears. With and audible sigh he told Charlie the truth, "I didn't want you to worry."

"But Don, everything that went on, the gunshot, that must have been torture for you to hear. I know it would have been for me." The last part Charlie added in a whisper. He waited a moment but when Don didn't pick up the conversation, the younger Eppes decided to continue. "Listen, Colby took me up to the cliff so I could talk out everything." At the incredulous look he received Charlie rushed on "I'm just saying you don't have to go that far. If um… if you want to talk." You could never have heard a more tentative voice but Charlie was determined to stay put. He wanted so badly to be there for his brother but was still worried about how he would be received.

For a long moment there was silence. Don just stared at Charlie, stunned by his little brother's offering. The seasoned FBI agent was unaccustomed to letting anyone into his dark musings let alone Charlie. But there was so much hope and so much love in those deep brown eyes. Maybe just this once…

"Come here," he said waving Charlie over to sit next to him. Charlie hesitated only a moment before joining his brother. Don wrapped his arm around Charlie who immediately laid his head upon Don's shoulder, just like they used to do when they were kids and Charlie had a nightmare. "Promise me," he said looking straight ahead. "Promise me that no matter how mad I am at you, that you'll still come to me if you have a problem." Don felt Charlie nod into his shoulder and wrap one arm around his waist.

"Yeah, I realized that was pretty stupid but like I told Colby, when things started going crazy my first instinct was to call you."

Don felt a sudden surge of pride. His brother still saw him as the protector. It was his job after all. "Yeah the phone-call. I figured you just forgot to tell me something. But when I answered all I heard was "Oh God" and my heart dropped." Don paused as he relived the memory for the umpteenth time that week. He heard the crashes, the broken glass, the gunshot and any one of those sounds could have meant the end for his precious little brother.

"I didn't mean to scare you."

"Scared, huh, Charlie I wasn't scared."

"You weren't" he knew it.

Staring at him with an earnestness that Charlie had never seen before Don whispered "No, I was terrified." His gaze returned to the wall but his arm squeezed a little tighter around Charlie. Leaning in closer, Charlie was happy to provide the weary agent with whatever reassurance he needed to know his brother was alive.

"I'm sorry"

"Aw Charlie, it wasn't you fault." He knew where the fault truly lied, "Anyway I called for Colby, anybody really to get a trace on your phone. I was headed for the elevator when I heard the shot." Don cleared his throat and steeled himself for what he was going to say next. The incident was still too fresh, the emotions too raw. "I swear you could've heard a pin drop cause the whole place went silent. A million and one things went through my head. What'll I do? What would I tell dad? What could I tell dad? And what about Amita and Larry, and what about your students?" Don sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, "That would've been one packed funeral, you know that." He said almost to himself. Charlie felt a slight tremble run through his brother's body. Again Don squeezed tighter and again Charlie pulled in. He finally understood how much this affected the agent.

Don coughed in a lame attempt to cover his emotions. He couldn't believe how deep his imaginings had taken him and he would do anything to give them all back. "The car alarm brought me back. You know that was some pretty quick thinking," he smiled proudly at Charlie who smiled back in turn.

"You know there are some who call me a genius."

They both chuckled at each other glad to lighted the mood, "Oh yeah genius, the next time you think you're in trouble you come straight to me."

"Yeah that was sort of a dumb move on my part."

"Yeah well, I guess it was kind of my fault to. Listen I'm sorry I yelled at you. Sometimes I forget you're not one of my agents."

"Nope, I'm not an agent. Just your average kid brother," Charlie ginned, "who helps you solve FBI cases. Using math."

"That's right." Don ruffled Charlie's curly locks then stood up to stretch his stiff limbs. "Hey I haven't eaten dinner yet. What do you say we grab some pizza at the restaurant on Mo Street."

Charlie stood and gave his brother a questioning glance "Are you buying?"

Don considered this for a moment. "Alright" he said "But you got to endure the big brother nuggie" he grabbed for Charlie's head who just managed to evade his grasp. They continued like this all the way out the front door.

Alan Eppes stepped out from the kitchen where he had been hiding. He hadn't meant to eavesdrop but when his eldest started talking about recent events he couldn't help but be drawn in by the rare opportunity when Don let his guard down. He honestly hadn't wanted to know how close his youngest had come to death or how terrified his first born had been. He would never wish that for his sons. Still he smiled at the delight he found in the two of them. Yes it was Don's job as big brother to take care of his younger sibling but family meant more than that. It meant that Don had someone to take care of him too when he needed it (even though he would never admit to needing such a thing). He was proud beyond words of the courage Charlie showed. Alan knew he couldn't be there forever but he found comfort in the that fact that so long as they had each other the pair would get along just fine.