When God Closes a Door

Actual Awesomeness by Yoshiki Nakamura, Fanfiction by Erikah Rayne

Ren and Kyoko

"I don't understand why you're always making these kinds of decisions without me," Kyoko screamed, heaving the first thing that her hand had touched in the direction of his head. She missed, but she had gotten closer than the first time with the shoe that she was in the middle of taking off when he told her that he had accepted another long term acting opportunity that required him to relocate to the states for around 11 months. Without her.

It wasn't the first time that they had fought. They weren't by any means a perfect couple, but they were making the adjustments that come along with moving in with each other at a good pace, and even though he past year had been tough, they were making it, and they found new things to love about each other every day. That didn't mean that they didn't get mad at each other.

This time, Kyoko was livid. She was happy that he was getting so many offers to go abroad and to act internationally with some of the best directors and screen writers of all time. But why did he have to pick the one job that was so far away. Although they hadn't exactly began planning their wedding due to both of their busy schedules and Kyoko's nervousness about the whole deal, she was ready to take that next step. To get married. Plus, they had already…consummated the relationship. In hindsight, they had totally gone out of order, but it was the next thing to do, right?

"What am I doing exactly? Am I wrong to take my career higher, to provide for us? For you?" Ren slammed his left palm on the island in the kitchen and leaned against it, placing his right on his temples. Sure, he took a job that would separate them for a while, but why was that such a big deal when it was in the intention of making money to support the two of them. Although she didn't know it, he had his eyes set on a beautiful house in Kyoto. Of course they would keep an apartment in the city to work out of, but he wanted to give her a home. A real home that she could call her own. And he had begun making plans for a wedding fit for a princess. A faerie princess, even. He looked her in the eyes, and saw so many emotions in them.
"Oh I don't know! Maybe because I want to start planning our wedding! And because I can't go with you! Not because I'm working on anything, but because of stupid reasons like 'the director doesn't want you to be around me, because it might produce an unwanted response.' That's total crap!" She said.
He understood what she was saying, but he really wanted to do this for her, and he wanted to surprise her with it, "Look, I just want to do this job, okay?"

"Oh, You just want to do it, no reason? You don't care that it's half way across the world, and that you're leaving before anyone is having anytime to take your decision in?" She felt the hardness in his voice. He hadn't used it on her since they first met when she was still on her "I have to bury Sho Fuwa and everything that he is" train. It hurt her to hear that tone. He didn't even seem like he was mad, just annoyed. Which in a way was almost worse.

The silence was killing her. "Do you not love me anymore? Did I do something to make you want to leave?"

"Kyoko, that's not what I meant."
"Then why is this so short notice. You get tons of offers every day. Why this one?"
There was a long pause, and the tension was so thick that it couldn't even be cut with a knife. A chainsaw would be more accurate.

"Because, I need it right now."

A single tear rolled down her cheek. "Well, I need you."

Kyoko turned down the hall and walked back to the bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind her. They had been arguing about it for two days now. They had thought of every possible situation and none of them brought about a way of them being together for the length of the movie he was shooting. Tears fell in a rapid succession of each other now. What if they weren't perfect for each other. What if everyone else was wrong when they said that they were THE couple. Kyoko was for sure one hundred percent in love with Ren, but what if he was doubting their relationship and looking for a way out. What if he didn't want her and she was just making his life miserable by being a burden.

She glanced over at the tousled sheets on the bed, and thought about the last few night. About how she had been so scared the first time, and how it seems so wrong because they weren't married yet, but it was so right to her, and he made her heart go haywire everytime he looked her in the eye and told her he loved her. And then the second time, where she got a little more brave.
And then last night, when she asked him for it. It was so unlike her, but she had never felt so right about anything else in her entire life. She recalled the events ion her head.

She stepped out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel on when she noticed that Ren was standing at the night stand with his back faced towards her. She slowly crept up to him and before he could turn around, she had wrapped her arms around his chest from behind, while simultaneously letting her towel drop. From there she just kissed him lightly on the back and told him that she loved him. 'I've never felt more connected to Anyone else in my life, Ren. My love for you grows by the day. I love you.'
She sat on the edge of the bed with her face in her hands, praying that she had not lost the one person that she had just got back. Her childhood love, and the man that allowed her to be her.

Ren pulled out the bottle of gin and sat at the kitchen table. He was by no means a drunk, but he for sure did need something to calm his nerves. It wasn''t exactly the easiest thing for him to do by choosing to leave her for the states. The feeling that he got from stirring up so much trouble between the two of them made his heart ache. He loved her, that's for damn sure. And he loved his job. Acting was the only thing that he had seemed to get right in his life. But he wanted to give Kyoko something so special, and he knew that she would understand once it was all over; he had just hoped that the initial reaction would have been calmer.

Although the past few days were stressful with the preparations for him to leave the country, he had not taken the time that he had got to spend with Kyoko lightly. As he took a sip of the liquor, he thought to the night that he had come home extremely late, but since Kyoko had been so thoughtful and called Yoshiro-san earlier that day to see when he would be home, was able to stay up later and cook dinner at a time where it would still be hot when he came in.

She was so perfect in everything that she did. And the past few nights had not been an exception. He was ready for rejection when he rolled over to give his love a tender kiss, and adjusted the sheets to where body contact would occur. She was nervous, he could feel it in her body, but when she smiled into the kiss, he couldn't help himself.

He smiled at her the next morning when she repeatedly kept asking if he was sure that was okay. And then only two nights later when she had approached him. If he was being honest, there were sexier girls out there. He had been with them, and knew them on a personal lever. But that night there was nothing more sexy and beautiful than his auburn-haired goddess. No girl could compare to the woman he was with, HIS Kyoko.

He waited after he knew that Kyoko was asleep before slipping into the bedroom. He looked at her relaxed face, and a twang hit his heart like a million bricks. He was going to miss her more than anything he had ever missed before. He silently climbed in the bed and placed his arm around her hip and buried his face in her hair, taking in the smell of her shampoo like it was his drug.

Kyoko felt Ren's hand brush against her face first, and then his lips pressed to her forehead. It was the day, and she knew that once he boarded that plane, it would be hard to track him down with the number of on location shooting they would be doing all across the states and the limited contact that they were allowed. It was stupid to her, but after calming down, she resolved to not fighting over it, if they only had a few hours left together.

"Are you leaving," she asked, sleep still apparent in her voice.
"Yeah. They have a taxi outside the building."

Kyoko got out of bed and slipped a robe over her shorts and t-shirt. She walked behind him as he went to grab his bags and take them to the door.

"Ren, Can you promise me that I'm really the person that you want to be with for the rest of your life?" Kyoko asked, looking at the ground.
The question really stunted Ren, not because he didn't want her, but because she had ever thought that for a second. He turned to her, placed his palm on her cheek and lowered his face to hers, his lips centimeters from her ear.
"You're the only thing I'm sure that I've ever wanted this much in my entire life."

He backed his face up a bit and looked her straight in the eye.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Be safe, and come back soon."

Kyoko had sat around for the majority of the days that followed. Before she realized it, it had been almost two weeks since she had done any work, or at least got a call to come in.
Before death by boredom occurred, she found herself walking up to the doors of her agency, LME, and even though she didn't have any work to do, she was walking back to her department.

On the way back, she passed the ugly hot pink door that she knew all to well, and the memories flowed. How she had officially graduated from LME's "Love ME" program. She thought back to her twenty-third birthday, only six months prior, where she was holding the part that had been annually held for Maria. She was granted her release from the program when she had finally found her way to love again. The exact moment was very clear to her.

She had spent the night enjoying the festivities with Maria and all of the many other member of the agency that she was surrounded by. Ren had asked her to be his date, which was an obvious yes, as they had been dating for almost a year. Unfortunately, he had been kept very busy the entire night and the last time she had seen him was when they walked through the door.

While she was speaking with the President of LME about her LoveME status, her attention was directed to the elaborate stage that had been built at the front of the great hall. On stage was her date, asking over the loudspeaker for her to meet him on stage.

As she walked through the crowd that was now dead silent and parting like the red sea for her, she turned bright red as she made eye contact with Ren. While she was making her way, he told her how beautiful she looked in her crystal adorned dress that she had almost made him return, and how he was beyond lucky to not only have met her once, but twice in his lifetime, and both had become some of his most treasured memories. He helped her up on stage, and in front of all 764 people in the hall, he got down on one knee, took her by the hand, and popped a ring box.

"Kyoko, will you make me the luckiest man in the world by becoming my wife."

She was afraid of speaking, for fear that she wouldn't be able to without crying. All she could do was smile and nod furiously as he slipped the beautiful ring onto her finger. He pulled her into a hug as everyone in the room applauded at one of the most memorable moments in their lives.

At that moment, she had proved that she was able to love again and was moved from the loveMe department to the acting department. She had finally done it. She was an actress.

Set in her daze, she didn't even notice that she was being spoken to.

"Hellooooo, idiot."

Kyoko snapped out of it, and turned to the voice which belonged to her precious friend.


It was safe to say that Kyoko was excited to see this woman. It had been almost a month since she had heard from Kanae, when she was in Paris doing modeling work.

"Why do you do this to me every time you see me?" She asked, prying Kyoko off of her body, and readjusting her skirt. She had too missed Kyoko, but was less...outwardly affectionate. "I just missed you! We should get lunch!"

Kyoko's smile was almost too radiant for Kanae to bare. It was almost as if she had no choice but to accept.

Well, that's the edited first chapter! I hope yall enjoy it!