Just by being in the same room as Yashiro-san, Kyoko felt closer to Ren than she had felt in the last three months. She kept telling herself on the inside not to cry, but let's face facts, this was Kyoko we're talking about. Instantaneously she smiled and her eyes welled up. Almost just as instantaneously, she felt intense pressure on her chest and before she knew it, she was heaving up her light lunch right on to the person that she was so excited to see.

She couldn't even say anything. She just looked at the liquid nasty that she had just projected all over her fiancée's manager's coat. She looked at him and he just looked down at it, both of them frozen.

"Holy shit I'm so soooooorrrrrryyyyyyyy," She said, snapping them both out of her trance and turning to the en suite to get a hand towel to wipe it up with. A whole trimester in, she had come to the realization that morning sickness was really a lie. It was also afternoon sickness, night sickness, and 3-A-M-in-the-stupid-morning sickness as well. And on top of that was the perpetual nausea. When she had returned with a dampened cloth to help clean Yashiro-san's blazer, he had already removed it and began to wipe it off with one of the towels on left on the vanity by the make-up professionals earlier. "I'm really sorry. I couldn't control myself," she said, wiping the coat lightly, trying to pull out anything before it had the chance to stain.
"Are you not feeling well," Yashiro asked, the question laced with concern.
'OF COURSE I'm not feeling well, I'm preg-,' Kyoko stopped mid thought. It had just occurred to her that she had not told too many people that she was pregnant. In fact, she wasn't sure if anyone other than her 'parents', Ren, Lori, and Kanae-chan.

Her silence had obviously sparked his curiosity. He stopped wiping the jacket and turned his attention to her, not leaving her any room to improvise. She felt his eyes beaming her down even though she wasn't looking at him, and she wasn't even sure why she was so nervous about telling him. It wasn't like he was the bastard, or some sleazy paparazzi looking for a quick story. Yashiro-san was like family to her, and had helped her out many times before. Why wouldn't he have the right to know what was going on?

"Ren hasn't told you yet?" She asked, hanging her head with guilt. She felt like she had betrayed someone very important in her life by not telling him what was going on. He shook his head, and Kyoko took a deep breath and prepared herself to share her secret.
"Me and Ren, we're going to have a baby." She stood awkwardly, not sure if she should put her hands around her stomach or make some sort of rocking gesture or just stand with her hands on her sides.
"That's…..Definitely not what I ever expected to hear from you," He said just as awkwardly. She sank a little at the response. Was he not happy for them? Was it embarrassing for her to be pregnant and so young as well?
He immediately realized her sunken aura and realized that in his confusion, he hadn't congratulated her. "This is incredible," He exclaimed and quickly wrapped his arms around her in excitement. He was truly excited for her, and even though confusion still lingered in the air from both parties involved, he was elated to know that a new life was being created from the love that he had worked so hard to kindle between Kyoko and Ren. In fact, the more he thought about it, the better it got for him. He thought of how well he had succeeded in putting the two lovers together, even though it seemed so impossible at times.
"You don't think it's a mistake?" She asked, still a little embarrassed. His reaction was not disappointing, but the tense silence that had preceded it had made her nervous .
"Not at all. Are you excited about it?" He asked back, hoping to be able to console her feelings in a way.

The more she thought about the question, the more she realized that she was really excited about the child. She was very worried and extremely anxious about making sure she didn't do anything to hurt it, and she was upset that Ren wasn't there to be a part of her pregnancy. She missed him dearly. Probably more than she had ever missed someone in her entire life. "I am. I'm really excited," She replied, dragging her palm across her navel area which had expanded ever so slightly.
"You miss him, don't you?" Yashiro asked, placing his hand on her shoulder. She nodded and she felt a tear draw up in her eye, not yet ready to fall. "I wish he had never taken that stupid job. I hate that he has to miss out on this experience."
Yashiro-san pulled her into a hug, and provided support for her as she cried a little. She didn't cry for too long because she didn't want to burden him with her emotions that were off the wall as is, but she also knew that he was very busy. She thanked him for coming by to see her even though his schedule was extremely busy, and saw him out the door. When she was once again alone she sat down on the small couch, still dressed in the beautiful, frilly dress, and placed her face in her hands. Her hormones had gotten the best of her and she felt like she was so alone. She missed her fiancée, and she wanted to call him so bad, even though she knew that with the time zone difference he was probably asleep, and that he wouldn't wake up for a bulldozer, much less a quiet chime coming from his phone. She hadn't talked to him for days. He had been really busy, and so had she. It seemed that for every bit of energy she had put towards resisting the urge to call him, the world had that much more working against her. She finally caved, reached for her phone, and dialed the number that she had now memorized by heart.




You've reached the voice mail of Tsuraga Ren, please leave a message.

"It's Kyoko. I know you're asleep, but I really wanted to talk to you. It seems that life won't let me continue until I at least attempt to call you though, so that's what I'm doing," She giggled, "I miss you more than ever, and all is well here. I hope you're getting enough rest and eating well. I love you, Ren"

She paused a second before removing the phone from her ear, and then glanced at the screen before shutting it and placing it the side pocket of her bag. She then continued to get out of her costume, which she had remembered that she had already halfway un-buttoned before her sickness episode and got dressed. She wore simple dress pants with a black top that gave a modest look to her rapidly changing figure. After readjusting her shoulder-length hair, she looked into the full mirror to her right side. She took in her figure from the side, and held her shirt tight against her stomach. She wondered why it was so small, and why she wasn't showing as much as she thought she should. Sure, the tiny being was only the size of an egg at this point, but you wouldn't be able to tell she was pregnant if you didn't know. Even then, you had to be looking for it to be sure. She gave up on the thought to purse the ever-rowing thought of food in her mind. She could see it now. A whole plate of noodles, with a bowl of vegetables. She had been craving exactly that all day long. And the french fries. That was always on the list. Always.

She shut the dressing room door behind her and made her way out to the car lot. She had stayed long enough to be sure that no one would be there when she left, that way no questions would be asked or even more importantly have to be answered. She didn't have time to deal with the idiot either. She didn't necessarily get infuriated the moment that he walked into the room, but he sure did annoy the hell out of her. Like a fly. He as just always there, and always buzzing.

But who other, than the one person that she could care less if she ever saw again, was standing by her vehicle, than THE Sho Fuwa?

Ill try to have the chapter 2 update ready soon! But ill be working on new chapters as well! please reread updated chapters, theyre so much better i think now that ive taken my creative writing classes! please give me feedback on them as well as new chapters! ideas are always welcome!
