hNote: I do not own Torchwood or their characters.

After episode thirteen End of days.


They had come back and heard Gwen's pronouncement and Ianto felt a moment of doubt before he remembered the stories Jack had told him. He was trying to find his Doctor the hand was gone and that meant one thing the he finally had and as much as Ianto wanted him to stay he knew that Jack needed those answers good or bad. And now he had to lead this team and try and carry on without his lover his friend and his Captain.

"Right what we need to do is check CCTV see if we can see what has taken him. And then we need to carry on until he comes back. Tosh can you check the video-"Tosh was about to follow the orders when Ianto interrupted them. He thought Gwen was learning that she couldn't take charge when she felt like it but obviously now Jack was gone she thought she had to pick the pieces up and even though Ianto was scared he would do something wrong he knew that it was his job.

"Toshiko there's no need to check CCTV. I know why Jack left." Ianto said pulling his phone from his pocket. He needed help and he needed it now. Might as well put everything into practice months before he planned hopefully it would still work he intended to tighten measures up while Jack was gone he wasn't there to save them so they had to rely on each other. He just hoped that the others would understand that he couldn't just tell Jack's secrets that was why they were secrets.

"Why?" Gwen demanded. Why didn't he want to find him she thought he of all people didn't want to find him.

"That's not my story to tell. And do not ask." His voice was firm.

"But we need to-" Gwen started but Ianto didn't listen he couldn't afford to justify himself to her emotionally and mentally he was not ready for it.

"Owen I need you to check over cells Janet and the dinosaur and then you are on call to the hospitals national and international this has gone farther than Cardiff. Toshiko call Harry and Edward we need their assistance. Jack was going to ask Edward to do the building work soon but I think now is the right time. Harry can help with the computers. Also can you call Rodney I think Adam would be able to work with Edward and Rodney would be able to liaise with UNIT." They nodded at his requests they stayed where they were just to listen to everyone else's orders so they knew where everyone was if they needed them. Something was wrong and they knew Ianto knew something but he was loyal to Jack just like they were so they wouldn't pry.

"Rosanne call Andy and tell him a job is his if he wants it I'll sort out the transfer and then go and check the archives I do not want all our hard work to be destroyed but I'm hoping they are far enough down that they weren't too badly affected. Gwen call Rhys and ask him if he can lend a hand with clean up and errands. And then you can do your job and liaison with the police." Gwen opened her mouth. "Do it. I'm in command now and right now it would be wise not to question me" they saw the unshakable authority that Jack had seen. The fierceness in his eyes that made them all realise he had just lost a lot more than a boss and friend. And even Gwen was wise enough to realise that objecting wasn't an option not right now anyway. She did say they needed to carry on so maybe she should start.

It may not seem like it but Owen liked Ianto and cared about him and at that moment he was glad Jack had chosen him because he was able to set aside his emotions and do what was needed. Owen was still smarting over what happened but now he knew he was needed this is why he worked for Torchwood he could help when others couldn't.

He and Tosh may be hard hearted sometimes but he knew they were not the right choice Owen would not want to deal with any of the politicians and would most likely tell them what he thought. And Tosh wasn't confident enough to deal with that side of things as well especially UNIT. And Gwen Owen did not think she would ever be ready because she never thought she was wrong. She could never back down and sometimes you had to play nice or nothing would happen.

Ianto turned to walk to Jack's office and stopped when Gwen asked him where he was going. He could hear the 'because we're all going to be working' line on the end. Could he not just do his job without her constant objections and demands?

"I am going to sort out Andy's and Rodney's transfers and then call some reinforcements if that's alright with you Gwen." He spat out before going to Jack's office and slamming the door. He took a deep breath and released it slowly determined that he would get everything he needed done in a calm and collected manner Jack left him in charge for that reason. He knew it could be viewed as harsh and callous uncaring but he loved Jack he did but he had other people depending on him now and he had to make sure they could protect as many as they could.

"Right I'll call Andy and if anyone needs me you heard Ianto I'll be in the archives." Rosanne left while Tosh was already dialling Harry' number. She wanted to go up to Ianto and help him but she knew that the only way he could help at the moment was following his orders. While she had been working in the archives she had tried to get as much done as she could but there was so much to do sometimes she couldn't see if she was making a difference. But she would carry on for Ianto's sake one less thing for him to worry about.

Gwen watched them follow orders and tried not to scream why they weren't trying to find Jack but realised that Ianto obviously knew something the rest of them didn't and now he was in command he had to think about them and Torchwood. Dialling Rhys' number she explained what was happening and he turned up the same time as Andy. Ianto came out the office to give them the jobs of clean up if they didn't mind. Getting to work they began to rebuild what had been destroyed. Rhys didn't spend a lot of time in Torchwood but he did spend time with everyone outside and he could see how close Ianto and Jack had gotten it must kill Ianto to have to carry on when all he wants is his partner back.

Andy thoughts were running along the same wavelength as Rhys' he knew cleaning up wouldn't be his job there but he didn't mind what he was assigned as long as he could help and with the increase in staff just in the past few hours hopefully they could get to place that it was easier on everyone.

Ianto let Harry and Edward down when they arrived presenting them both with blueprints about what needed to be done and they both set to work.

Adam had arrived at around the same time and he was sent in the direction of Edward who helped explain what had happened and why Ianto was on a short fuse. They both couldn't even contemplate carrying on without their partners.

Harry was telling Toshiko what she needed to do to install the first two workstations he had made while Edward and Adam was explaining to Ianto what was needed to start the building work they also had Ianto take them on a tour and pointed out several places that could do with a touch up and reinforcing.

Ianto told them to do what they needed and where to send the check to. Edward and Adam could see he was stressed so they spent the afternoon researching and drawing up plans for the materials they needed so Ianto had something to fall back on when filing it for budgets. At least that was something they could do to ease the burden on his shoulders.

When Ianto came down to check on what was happening all he heard was Gwen trying to get Tosh to check the CCTV footage. He had told her to liaise that was her job after all why was it one minute she would accept his order but the next she was breaking them and trying to brings others down with her. Heading over to her he caught the last word she said.

"He wouldn't have left me us without telling me." Tosh was still refusing. Ianto had given his orders and she was trying to complete them. If Ianto said he knew why Jack had left then she trusted him. She saw him out the corner of her eye and she felt sorry for Gwen because Ianto was reaching the end of his tether. She could see his shoulders tense and the pain radiating out of his eyes when she said that he wouldn't leave without telling her. Couldn't she get it Jack didn't love her he loved Ianto whether or not he was willing or ready to admit it?

"Gwen I have already told what you need to do." He said sternly.

"But we need to find out where Jack has gone and since you don't seem to care-"she started knowing that wasn't the case but she was silly enough to say it anyway.

"Don't tell me I don't care." he shouted drawing himself up to full height. He went to stand in front of her. "NEVER IMPLY I DONT CARE." He shouted in her face. "You are not the only one who has lost someone today Gwen Cooper. You are delusional if you think you are the only one Jack cares about. We have all lost someone we care about and considering he is my lover I think I've lost more. We are an organisation who has to go on I have to go on and command a base that was never mine to begin with. I have to fill Jack's shoes and make sure that Cardiff stays safe."


"How many more times Gwen you are not second in command and you never will be. Stop trying to overrule my orders and do as I have asked because if you can't do that then leave. I don't have time to argue. At any time that rift could unleash anything because we stupidly thought that opening it would fix everything and what did it do it nearly destroyed the world and it was you who led it and your grief. Jack lost his life and we were banished from the morgue because all you cared about was yourself. Jack is my lover and I couldn't even hold his hand because you believed you had to. When are you going to realise he doesn't love you back and get over it. You have an amazing boyfriend and you don't even seem to see it." Gwen was crying by the time he had finished his rant and Ianto couldn't bring himself to care. Rhys however was ready to punch him until Tosh stopped him.

She pulled up CCTV footage of the morgue and Rhys watched as Gwen dismissed the others while she sat with him for days all the time he thought she was working she wasn't listening to anyone and Ianto couldn't even visit Jack without her telling him leave. He looked over at her wondering how she could act like that. He saw her kiss him and felt betrayed again what Ianto was saying was making sense. He was starting to see a die of her he didn't want to believe existed but she had already proven she could lie and cheat on him then drug him to cover up her mess and get rid of her guilt. So really he shouldn't be surprised he didn't know why he was defending her.

"Ianto why don't you go back to the office and get back to work we will sort out the mess down here." Rosanne said effectively cutting off any argument that might have been brewing. He stormed away refusing to let the tears that had been building go. He slammed the door but forgot to close the blinds as the tears fell unchecked down his cheeks. His chest hurt at the torrent of emotions that were released.

"Gwen." Rosanne pointed towards his office. She saw the emotions and the tears clouding the young face. How his hand was clenched against his heart at an attempt to rein the pain in. She wiped her eyes before looking at the others.

"Gwen I'm not going to say don't be angry or upset he's gone because we all are. I want to slap him for leaving Ianto behind but like Ianto said he knows why and there must be a reason. But right now we are a man down our Captain is gone and the rift is fragile we don't have time for personal feelings." Tosh said to her.

"And the past couple of days you have been a little selfish and even you can admit that."

She nodded before murmuring sorry at them. As they went about their tasks Gwen tentatively walked up to Jack's office. She didn't bother knocking because she knew Ianto would say no she opened the door quietly and Ianto was sitting behind the desk eyes red and puffy but he had managed to stop crying.

"Ianto." she said softly.

"Yes Gwen have you come to argue with some more." He sounded tired.

"No I came to apologise. Thinking about it I haven't exactly been nice the past few days. Don't get me wrong I love Rhys but there's something about Jack that makes you want to love him."

"And Owen?"

"I rationalised that being that Owen knew what we did but I don't know why it happened. But I do regret it."

"Gwen Jack loves all of us in different ways for you it's the compassion you show the victims the human element you bring but sometimes we don't see that. When it's us it's like you don't really care to know about us."

"I do care I care about all of you. But I guess it doesn't come across does it."


"I am sorry Ianto I know how much you care about him."

"Apology accepted. But we need to carry on Jack would want us to."

Mel had seen the exchange and after Gwen had left the office she had quietly gone up to see if Ianto needed to talk.

Ianto looked up to see Mel entering his office she sat down opposite him and he could see she was no longer the friend but now the therapist.

"Melanie I am upset and feel abandoned but I have a base to sort out and run if I need to talk I will call you and set up an appointment." He couldn't help but smile at the grin that spread across her face.

"I'm always here for all of your team Ianto but you right now worry me. But I can see that if you need help you will ask for it. I will leave you to your work."

"Can you stick around for a little while? Until my reinforcements are here and Owen is on call to the hospitals I need someone with medical background James doesn't start for another two weeks." He asked her.

"Of course I will. I'm sure Tosh can tell me what to do until I'm needed if I'm needed." she smiled from the doorway.

"I can see why Adam fell in love with you." he commented then watched her leave.

Again he couldn't keep the smile off his while he dialled the stations number even in one of the worst days of his adult life someone made him smile. He just hoped that where ever Jack was he was smiling because that was the only thing keeping him going at that point. That and knowing he had to protect his family.

It was late when Ianto's reinforcements arrived. Ianto went up to the tourist office and returned with three men and three women. All of were obviously couples. The hand holding kind of gave them away.

"Everyone I want to make introductions now." Ianto shouted. Everyone including Harry and Edward assembled in the main hub Mel was still there so were Adam and Rodney. "Right these are my reinforcements. Kate and Jennifer Matthews Smith these are both weapons experts and will take charge of the firing range and defence. Marc and Rick Randell Stewart will work in the archives under my management."

"Like before" they both said making Ianto smile. The third since they had come back and found out Jack had gone.

"And these are Isabelle and Tony Alexander. They worked in Torchwood but I thought they had moved to America so I didn't recommend them but they came in with these four. Isabelle is a lab tech and used to work analysing substances breakdowns and so on and Tony is a registered Nurse. He worked in our medical department. He was one of the ones who helped as many as they could when the other doctors weren't around." Ianto introduced everybody.

"Now these are Toshiko Sato computer genius she runs the hub electronically. Owen Harper doctor medic and researcher. Gwen Cooper police and public relations liaison and her boyfriend Rhys Williams he is helping with the clean up. Andy Davidson is starting now the same as you; he will be police liaison and language expert. Although he only just found that out. Rosanne Jones which you will remember or should she was going to be a field agent. She has been helping in the archives and learning the computer systems. Colonel Rodney Baxter is filling his position as our UNIT Liaison." Ianto told him. "Adam and Melanie Baxter. Mel has been our medic the past few hours while Owen was unavailable and Adam in is architecture he has been working with Edward Smith on some construction to the hub. Harry Jones has been installing new computer equipment. There is also Doctor James Green however he is still working at the hospital and will not join us for two more weeks."

Ianto finished the introductions. "Now all we need to do is finish clean up so Tosh can get you your ID's and key cards. I've sorted Andy's transfer and he already has his ID and key card." Ianto seemed to be holding it together. But Rosanne and Tosh could see just how fragile he was. Even Owen could see how hard he was trying not to crack.

"Harry and I have managed to determine that the server is undamaged and the computers are still as good as ever. As soon as we get everything connected again we should see if there's anything we missed. Harry obviously has the shop to look after but he will help out when he can to get the new workstations put in. When we have settled down and we know who is working here full time and who will need a workstation we can add them." Tosh told him.

"Police are still categorising it as pranks but they're not happy and they asked for Jack when I told him he was away they demanded to talk to you so they're awaiting your call." Gwen told him. "I tried to get him to talk to me about it saying it was my job but I think they want reassurance from you that it won't happen again." She hated that people didn't seem to trust her to do her job. She forgot that Ianto did a lot of liaison before she arrived and was on good terms with the high ups.

"I'll go to the station tomorrow and sort it the last thing I need is constant calls from the police. I get they're angry and we have to fix it but we can't do that when they won't leave us alone. Melanie how is the med bay."

"No damage to the equipment as far as I can see some of it I'm not sure on so Owen will have to check it but I spent the past couple of hours cleaning it so again Owen can check it make sure it's up to your standards. I've tried my best but I honestly don't recognise some of the equipment so I would rather Owen checked on it."

"Owen you have been on call how is that going?" Ianto said.

"Most of the calls have to be conducted over the phone or video conferencing since I can't get over to some in time but so far it's going okay. I think that Cardiff got hit the worst but its mainly pointing out the more least likely diagnosis like plague and other diseases that are not common and seeing if they have noticed it." Owen had already spoken to James who as rushed off his feet at the hospital. "I called James just to see how his hospital was and he said they were rushed off their feet. I can imagine how many hospitals are rushed off their feet all over the world."

"Carry on with that then and when you have a moment check over the med bay so Melanie can go home."

"Will do. Rodney has been helping with the liaising so if a hospital needs urgent attention UNIT will be sending someone how they are on strict instructions to follow my orders UNIT didn't like it but I pulled the it's a Torchwood matter I just need the manpower card. But I think that Rodney knows the nice people over there because I haven't had to fight much."

"I do know the nice people over there but I may have already let them know and read some of the charter to them. Well the bits that can help us." Rodney admitted. He had no qualms about it because last week he had put in for a medical discharge. He was happy with what he had done but if he moved to Torchwood he wanted to work for Torchwood not for UNIT but he could still work at their liaison it did mean that he would be a former marine and he had worked hard through the years but his work could be transferred over to Torchwood and it gave the necessary skills to be filed agent.

Rosanne walked over to Ianto and wrapped her arms around him. She thought he could do with a hug.

"I've checked the archives there's no damage down there so when you want Marc and Rick to start I can show them the ropes. And since they know more about Ones archives they can carry on with the transfer material and I will get back on working on our archives."

"Do that. The archives need to be up to date for this transfer I don't want that falling behind because I don't need UNIT breathing down our necks. Rodney thank you for handling UNIT."

"Most of the cleanup is done it's just mainly now dusting and wiping everything down. The kitchen is sorted the locker room and bathrooms are done. It's just mainly making the place look clean again." Rhys said sitting down. He and Andy had done most of the cleaning up while everyone were running around checking system and equipment Gwen had been on the phone all afternoon.

"Thank you both for coming in and doing all the grunt work. Please let me know how I can repay you."

"Well I fancy a beer. But I'm guessing the pub is out of the question." Rhys said. He really did want everyone to get out of there but he could see that if they had to they would stay for as long as it took."

Ianto wanted to let go but he couldn't none of them could they needed to get this work done.

"Well we can order dinner and take a break but unfortunately most of us need to stay here." Rhys could tell that Ianto was regretful about it.

"Who needs to stay?" Gwen asked of course it was Gwen.

"Well Owen needs to be on call." Ianto started.

"I can stay and help." Mel said she had attended medical school before becoming a therapist.

"And I can help too." Tony chipped in.

"Okay. Tosh and Rosanne need to monitor the rift and keep going through the computers to make sure we have no breaches and that the security is up to date."

"I can help with the computers while I liaise. Computers are my area of expertise." Rodney offered. Tosh nodded gratefully.

"I want to stay and help but I have to open the shop tomorrow and as much I want to help I can't lose my source of income." Harry said quietly and regretfully.

"Harry you did not have to come and help us but you gave up your afternoon to do so I cannot ask any more of you." Ianto was thankful that he was there to help. "Thank you for coming in and helping us out I really do appreciate it."

"I can come back some evenings to help Tosh and Edward put together the workstations." He offered.

"Thank you Harry." Tosh said instead on Ianto.

"I will be going home with Harry I will be back tomorrow." Edward knew that what he and Adam were doing could wait a night the most important things were being done.

"Gwen you need to stay to carry on with the liaison we don't know how much more is out there thanks to the rift so we may still get some calls."

"I'll stay as well. Since I don't work at the police station anymore I can stay here and help." Andy wanted to help as much as he could. Where ever he could.

Gwen did not look happy and Rhys could see it but he understood Ianto they were the ones with the most training. They needed to stay. "I can get some food going for those who are staying."

"That would be good thanks." Rosanne answered. Ianto wanted as many people to go home as possible but she knew it wasn't possible.

"As much as I want to stay I need to go home and check on dad fill him in on what we can tell him and let him know that everything is okay." Adam didn't like leaving and leaving his wife and brother there but his dad was a priority as well.

"Thanks for coming in anyway. I honestly don't want to have to force everyone to stay but this is our mess and we need to clean it up. So I Gwen Tosh and Owen need to stay but the rest of you it's your choice." Ianto said trying to make them see they didn't need to stay but he appreciated their help.

"Well Jennifer and I as well as Marc Rick and Isabelle can leave now get ourselves settled and come back around midnight oneish. Then we can take over the phones keep an eye on the computers and those of you that are staying can catch a few hours." Kate said to him. As it stood only Adam Harry and Edward were leaving for the night.

"That sounds like a good idea." Ianto conceded. "I still need to get paperwork done and tidy up Jack's room and Office so I will be up there. If anyone is at a loss of what to do ask Tosh or Owen."

Those who needed to leave left and those who stayed settled into work. Tosh Rosanne and Rodney sat at the computers Owen Mel and Tony were in the medical bay. Gwen and Andy were ready to liaise but until then Andy began to clean again working his way around the main hub while Gwen helped Rhys make some food.

Ianto was sat in Jack's office looking over at all the work he still had to do. The paperwork that was left was mainly rotas. Day and night cleaning tourist office and training. He started with the easiest the tourist office. There were only a couple of them that had the necessary knowledge to man it so he typed that on up first. Then he moved onto the cleaning schedule making sure everyone did something. Then he moved on to the day and night schedules. While he was typing he went to write some notes only to find his pen had run out. He pulled open Jack's stationary drawer to get a new one when he came across an envelope with his name on the front. Opening it he came across Jack's handwriting.

"Dear Ianto,

I decided to write this just after you came back from Flat Holm. The safe under my desk contains files I want you to read and chose what you will do with them. I am doing this because I trust you to do what is right and I hope you can forgive me for putting this on your shoulders.

Forever Jack."

Ianto looked at the safe under the desk. It had a numbered lock so he just had to guess the code. Knowing Jack it was someone important to him. His first thought was the Doctor then Gwen but his protestations made him that it would be other codes. Alice and Steven came to mind but he didn't know their birthdays he guessed that they would be in his memory tin. Taking the yellow tin out of the drawer he flicked through the photo's and papers until he found their birth certificates. He typed the codes in but it didn't open so he knew there had to be another set of numbers to add a purely selfish moment he punched in his own birthday thinking it wouldn't be that and was very surprised that it was. Jack left the envelope in the drawer for someone to find for Ianto to find since it had his name on it. He was being trusted with whatever was in the safe so he had a hunch no one else knew about it.

He found folders very thick folders each labelled. They were files about Alice and Steven Flat Holms and housing compounds for stranded alien species. He slipped them back into the safe he would read them when he was completely alone. These were top secret and he would keep them that way. He put everything away and carried on with the paperwork he needed to do but promised himself to read them soon because they could be very important. The one on Flat Holm was.

He focused on the work in front of him and what he was going to say at the team meeting he was going to call tomorrow. They needed to know his rules now and he had a feeling they were not going to like it Gwen especially.

Ianto stood at the plasma screen waiting for everyone to file in. Gwen Owen Tosh and Rosanne took their seats Andy sat next to Rosanne and their new recruits were standing around the room Rhys was the only one not there because he had to work.

"Right now the past few weeks we've been putting forward ideas for a better working hub; night shifts, cleaning schedules, training schedules and hiring more people. However the past few weeks we haven't been able to put everything into practice." He started knowing that he had to make sure that they knew what they were doing they couldn't be reckless they couldn't count on Jack saving them all the time. "I have drew up new rotas and everyone will get a copy, there will be no arguments no ducking out there are more than enough of us to watch the rift as long as we work together. I understand we all have people outside of this place and I will be flexible when it comes to family but I don't want to have to argue over everything."

"So what do we do now?" Rosanne asked him.

"Harry and Tosh have told us the computers are safe to use and Edward and Adam are doing detailed budgets and plans for the work we need done. So that leaves all of us. I'm going to get all of the new employee information sorted. Tosh I'm going to need key cards and security cards for everyone who is starting and one for Harry and Edward. I also want computer tests made to see where everyone is and how much training people need." Tosh nodded hoping that bringing these new people in would help their workload. "Owen we need updated physicals, first training and autopsies." Owen knew he had his work cut out for him.

"I want to do a complete overhaul of the hub. I've asked Edward and Adam to see what can be done about our on call room, a live patients wards and an operating theatre. I want the tourist office to also have an upgrade. The main hub will stay the same but tables and workstations added where needed. Everyone will be responsible for cleaning night shifts manning the tourist office. I want everyone here at nine every day and then depending on workload and rift activity we can decide what happens from there. Everyone will get one day off a week and we will take it in turns to have a weekend away and if it works maybe we can stretch to a week." He looked around at all of them making sure they were taking all of this in.

"You will all have training in archiving firearms computing and first aid. I don't want to hear I don't need I don't want to or why should if you want to work here it will be done." Everyone could hear the steel in his voice and had no doubts that he was serious.

"We will have teams for field work, if you prefer to stay in the hub then that's fine but I still want you to have firearms and self defence training."

"No offence mate but sounds more like One the Three we're more laid back here." Owen told him bluntly trying to ignore the gasps that emitted from half of the people in the room.

"It doesn't really sound like Jack's vision does it." Gwen agreed with Owen she likes that they had flexibility.

"Jack put me in charge for a reason. Do you really want to start now? Jack's gone and just before we betrayed him which caused him to lie on a slab for a week. Now it won't be Jack's freewheeling style I admit but he isn't here I am. Jack isn't here to save us now he can't take the bullet for us we have to protect ourselves. It that means buckling up making sure we all can pitch in then it should be done. I'm not about to turn into Yvonne Hartman but I cannot and will not put you lot out there without knowing whether or not you will come back to me alive. Believe it or not I actually care about you lot." Ianto getting angrier and angrier why couldn't they just accept this.

"He's right you know." Rosanne said quietly. They all looked at her. "When I first started working here I noticed how much Jack actually did. He was always there when you needed him ready to take the bullet for you lot. At the house we have one of our laptops hooked up for rift alerts because he didn't like leaving the hub just in case. He's the one that has to sort out the late night call. He's the one that has to make sure we get our money, he's the one that has to talk to the government and he's the one who has to come up with answers none of us wants to contemplate. And he's being doing this for years just how much do you think one man can take?" She asked everyone and she could see the realisation dawn on them one by one.

"Well I can set up the security CCTV and create computer tests to see where everyone is at. And then after that I can train everyone in programmes they need to know and move on to ones that would come in useful in emergency situations." Tosh said to him accepting his style of command almost instantly. Yes she missed Jack but she knew that Ianto was doing what he thought best.

"And I can start on physicals and then move on to first aid and autopsies." Owen pitched in. "When James comes to work here full time I will make sure we split the workload and train Tony in our equipment." Tony looked ready to interrupt but Owen just cut across him. "It is nothing personal but I don't know you, Ianto does and that is enough for me to let you in here but this is my area of expertise that med bay in my responsibility and I will not have anyone in there I cannot trust." Tony looked at Owen and at how fiercely he protected what was his.

"Understood." Tony turned back to Ianto who shot a grateful glance his way.

"Gwen you work with Andy and talk about police contacts. Even though Andy I would like you to be our language expert I would still appreciate if you would act as a police liaison from time to time." Ianto told him watching him nod and agree.

"Right then Kate and Jen you will work with the weaponry now the armoury and weapons are Rosanne's domain so you will answer to her."

"I am happy to give it over to them both they have more experience and knowledge than I do." Rosanne interrupted.

"We don't mind answering to you." Kate told her.

"Seriously I took over to help Ianto and as much as I know I know that you two know a lot more." She said trying to make them see that it was okay.

"Well then it looks like you're taking over that." Ianto said he didn't want a fight.

"Marc and Rick since you worked with me in the archives I would like you to work on ours, now I've started them and I have a system down there so I'll get Rosanne to show you and then you will answer directly to me."

"Is there any specifics we need to know now before we go down there?" Rick asked him.

"Well let just say it's not as nice as One's were but I like these a lot better. We have all of One's archives down there and we are setting up an exchange between UNIT and Torchwood Three. Anything else Rosanne can fill you in."

"Sure." Marc told him taking Ricks hand.

"Tony you will work with Owen you both have expertise and I know you were head nurse at One here Owens in charge it's his system and his med bay. I do not want you two at each other's throats because I really think you can work really well together and James will be working here as well and he can handle you both."

"Isabelle you were a lab tech at one and I want you to start that here. So non medical tests substance fingerprints analysis breakdowns and so on. I'll make sure you have the equipment you need."

"I'll get a list of the basic systems and anything else that would be advantageous." She replied.

"The past few weeks we have said we would put things into practice but haven't and now we will. So I have the rotas with you by the end of the day and you will all get them. I will also give Rhys a copy of them all and Tosh if you can make him a key card and security pass."

"Who's Rhys?" Rick asked.

"Rhys is Gwen's boyfriend. He knows about us and helps out from time to time. He has his own job but comes here every now and again." Owen told him.

"Rodney will be our liaison with UNIT. He is waiting the decision of a medical discharge but will be working here. He is also an expert in computer systems and more often than not he will be working with Tosh and Rosanne."

"Melanie I would like to ask you if when you get your practice up and running if you can put Torchwood on the books just in case anyone needs a therapist or just someone to talk to. You are the only one we know who knows what we do here."

"I can do that and if anyone needs someone before that then I am here I can easily set up in the conference room for now." she offered.

"Thanks if anyone needs it then Mel is there." Ianto got down to giving out orders.

"Right then Tosh if you and Rosanne go and start on the key cards and computer tests and Owen if you go and get everything ready for physicals we can get started." They nodded and left the room still leaving him with a good few people. "Gwen I know we will still have some pr and police calls to make if you could make sure everything is sorted and then we can see what we need to do go from there." she left not arguing or chipping in because she knew it wouldn't end well. She was starting to see why Jack chose him to carry on in his place.

"Andy I have already sorted out your transfer I just have to get you to sign some forms and then you can help Gwen so if you can go and wait in Jack's office I will be there shortly." He got up to leave but instead he walked over to Ianto and put both hands on his shoulders.

"He chose you because he knows you can do it. We are all here for you, you're not alone here."

"Thanks Andy." Clapping him on the shoulder Andy heading towards Jack's office.

"Right you lot I'm going to get you all the relevant paperwork so can you fill it in and as soon as Owen is ready if you can get the physicals out of the way." He told them watching them all sit down.

"We'll wait here okay."

"Yeah I'll be back in a few minutes." The rest of them watched Ianto leave and saw the burden on his shoulders hopefully with them there it would lessen. The one thing they couldn't wait to see was how the original team responded to Ianto's style of leadership they did not know what was coming.

A week later everyone was almost settled into a routine. Ianto had sent the rotas out and expected everyone to follow them. On the plus side they were given more fixed hours and that let them keep an ordinary life outside of Torchwood. However with the influx of people the original team had to deal with people who knew more than they did in certain areas and taking some of their jobs off their hands. Tosh was fine working with Rosanne and Rodney since she had more time to get used to the idea Owen was getting on with Tony and Isabelle but sometimes it was strange to have so many people working there. Ianto knew everyone so he was happy that they finally could evenly distribute the workload and it was a great help having people who were trained in certain disciplines. Everybody who didn't have self defence training enrolled in different courses across the city. Kate and Jen took everyone through a fire arms exam including Rosanne and Ianto who passed with 100%. They had set up who needed training and who didn't. Owen did a first aid training tests and decided who needed to take further courses also did classes in autopsies. Tosh put together a set of computer tests which covered tests in everything people needed to know and decided who needed extra training and who could handle different procedure if anything ever happened. Marc and Rick had taken over the archives and adapted to Ianto's system quickly and efficiently. They had Rosanne take them through all of the archives every room that was used as archives before starting they carried on with what Ianto had started and would move on to the others rooms in time. They had let Ianto train everyone in archiving since they were his domain even though he had not spent much time in them since he had to take over.

Harry made questionnaires for all the team members about what they would need in workstation and they were made specifically for the team member or members. Harry and Edward had installed seven workstations with Adams help so they could get everyone sorted before they got started on making changes and fixing up the hub. Melanie had already seen Tosh and Rosanne and even Owen had an appointment. Rhys had made an appointment with her which puzzled Gwen but he wouldn't tell her why. He didn't want her to know he was doubting their relationship. Gwen was the one Ianto was worried about. She had followed orders and did as she was told even though when Jack first went missing Gwen was the one who wanted to find him even though Ianto had ordered her to do her work. She had told Ianto he didn't care but she seemed to have retreated. She couldn't understand why Jack hadn't told her anything it didn't matter how many realisations she came across or how many time she was told she went back to the early days of her job that Jack flirted with her and told her things about himself that he didn't tell others.

He had also told everyone that didn't know about his empathy and psychic ability. The people from One already knew how to handle and offered training to those who needed it.

Ianto sat in Jack's bunker the past week he hadn't gone home he had so much to do so he caught a few hours per night in the bunker. He had taken a file out of the safe one at a time and read it before he went to sleep. He had read them all now and was trying to decide who he could trust with these places care. As much as he wanted to tell some people there he knew that they wouldn't understand the need for secrecy. These people needed full time attention and care and the only person he knew who could give it was his sister but would she understand. The other person who came to mind was Alice. Jack had told him that Alice doesn't really give him the chance to explain himself that his age has always been a problem but Ianto wanted her to see how good he was and how hard it has been to cope for him. Maybe here was his chance to do so.

As Ianto wrapped the covers around him getting ready to sleep alone again he hoped that wherever Jack was he was getting the answers he needed because the quicker he got his answers the quicker he was back in his arms.

A/N: This is the last chapter in this story. I realised it took over two years to write this story and I wanted to finally complete this one. I am not sure when the next one will be started but I hope I will not get writers block and I can start soon.

Thank you for being patient with me.

The Sequel with be called Inbetween and I hope will be posted soon x
