Okie! My first Host Club fic. *nod* This a HikaruXKaoru fic, obviously. There will be mentions of HikaruXHaruhi in later chapters. The rating maaayyy change to M if I get the thought of adding more detail to smutt scenes. . But that's later. XD MUCH later. This was inspired by a something I saw on t.v... Sorta. XD I'm also posting this story on my Mibba so if you'd like to read it there, go ahead. Anyway, let's get this started!

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own the Host Club. If I did... Oh lord, I'd be so happy... O.O And I wouldn't have to write these fics. T^T

"Thank you. Here's your change." he took the few coins and left the art store. In his bag were various tubes of brand new paint and packets of brushes of many sizes. The sun warmed his bare arms as he crossed the street. The sleeves of his under shirt slipped off and onto his arms.

Hikaru Hitachiin made his way to his elegant house. He carefully balanced the bag in his arms and pulled out his house keys, unlocking the front door. "Home again, home again." he said as he stepped inside. He walked into the living room and smiled at his many sketch books, "I'm back." he told the books, not really expecting a reply. He stepped over each book carefully and set his bag on the floor, "Mom and dad leave for only three days and I already made a mess of the place." he told himself.

Ignoring the clutter, Hikaru was just about to take the bag into his art studio in the back when there was a knock on the door. "Coming!" he called and once again leaped over his mess. "Just a second!" he called again when there was a second knock. He opened the door and smiled, "Haruhi. Hey." he greeted, letting the girl in a black sweater in.

"Hey Hikaru." she smiled, "I came by to see if my sweater was here. I think I left it when I last dropped by." she looked around the house.

"Oh yeah!" he pushed the sketch books out of the way with his feet, "Follow me. Sorry it's so messy. Haven't really got around to cleaning the place." he apologized and picked his bag of supplies again before leading Haruhi through the house.

They entered the back room that was Hikaru's art studio. "Here it is." he picked up the sweater that was hanging off the chair against the wall, "Right where you left it." he handed it to his friend, smiling.

Haruhi smiled in return, "Thanks, Hikaru." she looked at the many easels around the room, "Is that mine?" she asked, pointing to the half finished painting of her figure. The paint was carefully put onto the easel, making up her small frame beautifully. Haruhi could just start to see that Hikaru was starting to paint the dress she wore for the picture.

"Yep. You like it?" he asked her, "I'm almost done. I think it'll be done next week when you come back." he leaned back on his heels as he smiled at his work, "I worked so hard on it. I hope it looks good when I'm done."

Haruhi looked at him, "I'm sure it'll turn out great!" she said, "It looks so good already."

Hikaru nodded, humming slightly in contentment. Then he remembered, "Hey, I got something else to show you." he took her hand and pulled her gently to a tarp covered easel, "It's a side project I've been doing for the past three days." he tugged off the tarp and revealed the picture.

"Oh, wow..." Haruhi breathed as she saw Hikaru's painting, "Is that you?" she asked. It certainly looked like Hikaru. From the carefully detailed hair to the sweet gentle smile it had. Only half to the picture was done, but Haruhi could tell it was Hikaru.

"I don't know if it's me." Hikaru said honestly, "It looks like me, but when I paint him, it doesn't feel like it's supposed to be me..." he kneeled down and started pulling out his supplies, "I named him Kaoru." he said.

Turning to him, Haruhi raised an eyebrow curiously, "You named him?" she asked. Sure it wasn't surprising. Every artist named their work. But Hikaru named a painting that looked like him...

"Yeah. I just don't consider it to be me..." he stood back up, brushes in hand, "I'm finishing him tonight... I never thought I'd be so attached to my own painting..." he said softly, his eyes falling over his portrait.

He painted in the moonlight. The ceiling lights were on, and gave Hikaru the help he needed to continue painting. His eyes were sore from staying up so late to finish the painting. His face, hands, and shirt were covered in spots and splatters of paint. "Almost done..." he muttered softly, as if telling the boy in his picture that he was almost complete.

Hikaru carefully used his fingers to spread thin layers of paint out. In his mouth was a smaller brush that he used to bite on when he was far in his thoughts. He suddenly stopped and stepped back, letting out a heavy sigh, "Done..." he said softly and took a look at his finished work.

Kaoru had every detail of Hikaru. He was lying on a silky white sheet, his bare body showing how lanky and curved his back was. He had a little smile and he was biting the sheet. The look in his eyes... It made even Hikaru shiver. They held a much different look than Hikaru's. They were filled with love, passion, and lust. But Hikaru knew that his painting held a deep feeling of shyness inside. That this pose wasn't a common one for Kaoru.

Shaking his head, Hikaru rubbed his eyes, "I'm so sleep deprived I'm starting to imagine things." he muttered. He set his brushes down and made his way to the door. Shutting off all the lights, he looked back at his newly finished painting. The moon was hitting Kaoru, and for a moment, Hikaru could almost swear that the boy was actually lying there, looking at him with a sweet look of shyness. He shook his head again, "Night you guys." he said to all the paintings. He looked again to Kaoru, "Night... Kaoru." he said softly before shutting his door, leaving Kaoru alone in the light of the moon.

Well, there's my first chapter. :3 I hopefully will post a chapter once a day. Except Fridays and Mondays, which is when my sister will most likely take her laptop to school. But I will try to post something once everyday. (: So tell me, is it good, is it boring, too much blah blah, not enough detail? Give me your comments, but not super evil, flaming flames please. T^T I'm new to writing Host Club fics... And if my spelling of their names is wrong, please forgive and correct me in your comments. I know my spelling if VERY bad. D:








Thank you. :3 Tamaki shaped cookies for everyone who comments.