'It all started when my mother took my bike away
Cause I murdered my guinea pig and stuck him in the micro-wave
After that it was straight to the forty-ouncers
Slapping teachers and jacking-off in front of my counsellors
Class clown freshman, dress like Less Nessmann
Fuck the next lesson, I'll pass the test guessing
And all the other kids said: 'Eminem is a diss head
He'll never last, only class he'll ever pass is Phi. Ed.
Maybe true till I'll told this bitch in gym class
That she was too fat to swim laps, she needed Slim-Fast
"Who me?" "Yeah, bitch, you so big walked into big tannies and stepped on Jenny Craig"'

Eminem, 'As the World Turns'

I hate Eminem, I just like this part of the song


Seven o'clock finally came. Arthur Weasley cloaked himself and put Lucius' mask on his Lucius'-like face. He stood in front of the mirror. 'Lucius, what have you done from yourself? What did you became monster from a man? And you Berger, you will pay me tonight. How could you kill from fun? How?'

Victoria apparated inside the big castle. When she entered the main chamber where Lord Voldemort was seated in his fancy throne and all Death Eaters circled, she stood in the middle of the room.
Voldemort said nothing for few minutes. Then he stood up, paced towards Victoria who was standing there, still. He took her hood and mask off, moved her hair from her face, placed his spidery hands on her shoulders, and then hissed in her ear:
-"Women can be so stupid sometimes. Now you will pay me because you ever dared to say what you said this morning."
Then he did something that he never had done before to anyone. He kissed her in her mouth. She just looked at him in dazed look.
This was surprise for every other Death Eater that was standing there.
Voldemort then turned his back to her, and the crowd, before saying:
-"Before we start our little ceremony, I would like to hear if anyone has any good idea about the way Berger should be punished?" – He seldom called Victoria by her last name before. It was always "my dear" or "my dear Victoria", or just Victoria.
Macnair raised his hand. Dark Lord didn't even look around to see who did it, he just said:
-"Macnair, I said no lynching. If you like lynching that much after we finish with Berger, you could see how does it feel being lynched."
Macnair felt like a fool now. He knew too well that Lord Voldemort always keep his word.
-"Yes, I have an idea." – Voldemort suddenly had an idea.
-"I know that … well I will let you deal with her how do you want. When I call your name, you will come out here, and using your own body strength you'll hit her, slap her, smack her, strike her, or whatever you want to."
Mr Weasley was standing silent in the crowd filled with the Death Eaters. He felt miserable. He didn't loath Lucius anymore, he pitied him now. But he was determined that Victoria must suffer punishment for what she did to his son.
Voldemort started calling out names. First was Macnair who hit her with a chain that had function to be used for lynching. She just fell the on the ground. She haven't screamed. Voldemort was watching her from the height of his throne and with sadistic expression on his ugly face. A blur of the blood could be seen on sleeve of the white robes. Chains were very sharp.
Lots of man that he called out, like Nott, Parkinson, Zabini, Bullstrode, Flint, just slapped Victoria. When Avery was called out he hit her as soft as it was possible to be. He knew that he could reject to harm her in any way, but he was sure that the Dark Lord would get him for that.
He looked at her white robes, already red from the blood. He was the only person that didn't hit her hard enough to fall on the ground. Her hair was messy, and half of her face covered in blood.
When the Dark Lord called out Allanah Appleton, she got in the middle, and took out a baseball bat. Lots of other curious Death Eaters looked at baseball bat, and asked what is that? Of course, they never heard for baseball.
She swayed it so hard with her smelly gorilla arm, and hit Victoria in her shoulder. Victoria collapsed one more time on the floor.
Crabbe and Goyle acted in their manner. Even if they wanted to make this easier for Victoria, they were so strong and didn't know how to control their strength.
It was already eight o'clock when Voldemort called out name Malfoy. Victoria's mind was so hazed from all that injuries that she didn't even notice when Arthur was called to come out.
Arthur was determined to punish her. He didn't find this enough what had happen to her. In his opinion, which was close to Macnair's, lynch was possibility she should beg for.
He walked in the middle of the circle. The sight he could see, he thought that he never before saw anything alike this. Her cloak was torn, her ex white robes were now more brown and red from all the blood. She had nasty cut on her arm where Macnair hit her with the chains. Her fair face was bloody, sanguine and her lower lip was cut. And what was worse, after someone hit her she had to stand up for another to come and harm her.
In some people's opinion, like Macnair's, Victoria was lucky to pass with this. Actually no one except Victoria, Lord Voldemort, and Avery knew real reason why is she here now. Macnair didn't speak Latin, so he didn't know meaning of what she said. Lots of people didn't even care why is Victoria getting beaten like this. Lots of the Death Eaters hated her, and just wanted to hurt her.
She suddenly realised that man, who she thinks that is Lucius, is standing in front of her. She knew that real Lucius didn't have mercy. Even if real Lucius was here, he would slap her very hard.
But Arthur Weasley thought he should kill her now. 'She doesn't even deserve to live. She brought more corruption and adversity to the world then any good. After I can go and finish Lucius, too.' But then he suddenly realised that if he does that, he would become a monster. A monster, the same kind monster that Lucius, Victoria, all this Death Eaters, and even Lord Voldemort himself are.
He swayed his hand determined to kill her. He could do it. She was just on the edge of her life. Then he looked at her eyes. They were dark and cold, getting redder, ready to cry. And he suddenly saw something. She was looking at him like he was Lucius. In her eyes were mix of love, fear, hating, and obedience. If he would kill her now, it would be thing what real Lucius would do. She looked at him as tough as she knew that he wouldn't be easy on her.
Then he finally hit her. He hit her hard, but not as hard he was trying to. She just collapsed on the floor. The pool of blood was under her wounded head.
Arthur returned where Lucius was always standing, while the Dark Lord stood up from his throne and smirked.
-"You are all dismissed. And you Malfoy, I don't want to see you in next two weeks. You and your stupid sentimentality."
When everyone exited the chamber, including Lord Voldemort, Christian Avery came in again. He walked slowly towards Victoria, and when he approached her, he got on his knees.
She raised her head just to see him and he could see that there are no tears in her eyes anymore.
-"No needs to ask you how are you. We are all learned to say that we are fine, even if something bad happened to us." – Said Avery and patted her hair.
-"Christian why are you so good to me … we both know that I don't deserve that." – She almost smiled. The blood was dripping from her mouth.
-"I thought you were a little bit more clever. I thought that you realised already. After all those years I was trying to show you how much I care for you, and how much you mean to me. You just didn't let me come close to you. You had your relationship with Lucius Malfoy, I always hated him. Even if we were friends. I hated him because of you… both you and Ancilla love him, but I know who he'd choose..."
She finally smiled. He took her bloody cloak away from her.
-"Victoria, if you never realised this, I will tell you now. I …"
-"Don't say anything" – she placed her finger over his soft lips. He didn't mind it was all covered in blood.
-"Victoria, would you, would you marry me?"
She smiled again at him. She didn't really know what to say. Christian Avery was always nice to her, but thing that was troubling her was that he really reminded her on her ex husband, which Lucius killed. Christopher was that nice to her, too. 'Even their names sound same. ' She thought.
-"Christian, give me time … just give me time." – She said and apparated away.

Lucius was sitting in the living room, with all Weasleys and Hermione. They were all talking about school, but he seemed to be far away. All the time he spent clutching his right hand, with his left one. He had strange felling that his Dark Mark hurts.
-"We are having Potions and Care of Magical Creatures with Slytherins" – Harry was saying.
-"What do you have with them?" – Ron asked Fred and George.
-"We have Transfiguration and Potions, too. You should see how Snape favours them, and McGonagall hates us all." – Fred said.
-"McGonagall doesn't hate us." – Hermione snapped at him.
-"That's what you think" – retorted Percy. He and Hermione were in very bad relations after all that Mr Crouch's elf, Winky thing. – "She was always…"
-"Shut up Percivel!" – Said Fred and George at the same time.
-"She doesn't favour us, but at least she doesn't like Slytherins either. But Snape loves his students. And he loves that idiot Wyatt Montague…" - said George.
-"That moron Montague, he cheated in the last match Slytherin-Gryffindor." – Retorted Harry.
-"Well all of them…" - said Fred, but was suddenly interrupted by a scream from Mr Malfoy.
-"Aaaagggggrrrhhhh!!!: – Screamed Lucius and clutched the Dark Mark on his arm, even harder.
-"What's up Father?" – Asked Fred.
-"What is that Arthur?" – said Mrs Weasley, trying to pull up Lucius' sleeve to see what is he clutching.
-"Go away!" – Lucius yelled at Mrs Weasley, pushing her away.
She landed on her arms, and her eyes watered. She was never humiliated in her life like this. She stood up, and run away upstairs followed by Ginny.
Everybody looked at Mr Malfoy with disbelief. Hermione somehow got the strength to argue:
-"Why did you hit her? She was just trying to help you. You aren't a man, you are a…"
-"You shan't teach me what am I, you filthy little Mudblood. Now go where you belong. Back to your Muggle world!" – Snapped Mr Malfoy.
A single shinny tear started going out of Hermione's brown eyes. An adult never called her a Mudblood. Draco Malfoy was always calling her that way; but they all knew Draco Malfoy very good. Malfoy was an immature 'I-know-what-you-are-but-what-am-I?' kind of unreasoning baby boy. But by someone like Mr Arthur Weasley. Well, by someone that they at least thought that is Mr Arthur Weasley.
-"Why did you call her that way father?" – Asked Percy.
-"TO BED! All of you! I don't want to see you!" – Yelled Mr Malfoy at Harry, Ron, Fred, George, and Percy. They looked at him in like he was mad, than run upstairs.
Mr Malfoy sighed, sat for the virginal harpsichord and started playing Chopin's Nocturne op. 9 no. 2.

Arthur apparated back to the Malfoy Manor. He poured himself some Smirnoff Ice vodka and dropped dead on the comfy chair and lit the fire in the fire-place. For the first time in his life Arthur Weasley felt need for alcohol and not just any kind of alcohol drink, he needed strong alcohol drink.
His hand was still bloody. He remembered Victoria's fall, and the sound when she hit the cold ground, and how she was left lying on the stone floor. 'But she killed me eldest son. She deserves more than that.' He hated her but at the same time felt so sorry for her. Now he felt sorry for all the people that were in league with Lord Voldemort. Arthur now realised that the Dark Lord doesn't have mercy nor clemency (do'h). He especially felt sorry for people who were in Voldemort's inner circle. He pitied Lucius Malfoy now. Now he realised why was he always so arrogant, obnoxious, rude, mean, cruel, cold, bastardish … he could bet that Lord Voldemort tortured Lucius about thousand times. And now he finally understood Walden Macnair; Arthur almost got sick when he remembered back how did Lord Voldemort threaten him with lynching.
And Victoria, he couldn't be mad at her. If she didn't kill his son, Bill, would go over to Dark Side, or someone else would kill him. That was for sure. He decided to forgive her.
-"Father, father!" - he felt a hand on his shoulder. Arthur looked up and saw Draco.
-"Draco, why are you doing that?" – Asked Arthur Weasley.
-"Because when I called you, you didn't seem to hear me. Just don't let mother see you drinking. She'll freak out. After this morning she is so mad at you because you got that injury."
-"I can't Draco. Do you know how hard is being Lucius Malfoy? I feel bad. I feel exhausted. Miserable, like an idiot…" - Arthur Weasley told Draco the truth.
-"Father, don't talk that way. I know it's not easy being you, but you should still try to…"
-"Draco there's nothing I can do. I feel such a hunger to hurt someone. I mean I want to hurt someone" – Arthur Weasley finally understood why Lucius was so bad to other people. He would just feel miserable if he doesn't hurt someone.
-"Father, I want to talk to you. It is serious."
-"Well if you want to. Bring the armchair close to the fire and we shall have a talk." – Said Arthur. He didn't really feel like talking to Lucius' son about his problems. But he could see that Draco was serious.
-"Father, how old you were when you married?" – Asked Draco when he sat in the chair.
-"Well I was,… I can't remember." – Mr Weasley wasn't sure how old Lucius was when he married Narcissa.
-"Well I will tell you. You were eighteen I can bet that you don't remember because you weren't happy. You already told me you never loved my mother. Now let me ask you something Lucius" – this was first time in Draco's life to call his father by his first name – "Would you like me to have an unhappy life? To marry a woman I don't like, so I have to regret whole life?"
-"No, of course not" – Arthur was stuck here. He didn't know where is Draco aiming. – "Draco, be short. I don't have enough nerves. What do you want?"
-"I want to marry a girl I like." – Said Draco, looking down and blushing little.
Arthur now felt like another nail was driven in his head.
-"Who is she?" – Arthur couldn't think anything smarter to ask.
-"You know her! Courtney Harvey, daughter of American Minister of Magic. You know her, c'mon."
-"Well good for you." – Said Arthur. Lucius' son wants to marry someone.
-"Well what do you think about her?" – Asked Draco.
-"She is nice" – he couldn't remember anything else to say. He knew Jonathan Harvey, American Minister of Magic, but he didn't know his daughter."
-"Father what is up with you? She is a Pureblood? You said you like her. What's wrong with you?" – Asked Draco. He seemed to be really annoyed the way Mr Weasley reacted.
-"I like her. What do you want to do? I can't go to her father to propose her?"
-"Why?" – Asked Draco.
-"Well it's hard to explain. I am too busy, too much work to do. In one week I will go, and ask her" – Arthur knew that in a week the potion will be over, and this entire nightmare will be finished. Then will the real Lucius go, and propose her. He just couldn't do this. It just wouldn't be right. Draco is Lucius' only son. Lucius would probably kill him, slaughter him. 'Draco is his only son; he was probably waiting his whole life to do that. To go and propose girl that Draco was in love with, and which fitted him, of course. And probably Lucius appreciated that girl, too. I don't know how to tell him, but he'll have to wait for a week.'
-"Fine, if you find all that more important than me, you don't have to do it then. I will just be an old bachelor, and Malfoys won't have descendants anymore, and you'll be sad. Cause I would never marry another girl, father. I thought that you like Courtney. I thought you want her to be my wife, father!" – Draco snarled at Arthur, and stormed out of the room.
First thing Arthur did in the morning was to talk to real Lucius Malfoy about his son.
He apparated to the Burrow and knocked on the door. Percy opened the door. He was puzzled when he saw Lucius Malfoy.
-"Hello Percy" – he bit his tongue; it was the way he called Percy when he was his son – "is your father at home?"
-"Yes, he is?" – Percy was even more puzzled. – "Come in Mr Malfoy, he is in the living room."
Mr Weasley entered the living room, and found Lucius Malfoy sitting on the chair, in front of the virginal harpsichord and looking over some scores. When Mr Weasley entered his living room Lucius looked up.
-"Percivel, to your room, and I don't want to see you!" – Snapped Mr Malfoy at Percy.
-"But If Mr Malfoy wants coffee or tea?" – Tried Percy.
Mr Weasley opened his mouth to say that he would like cup of coffee, but Mr Malfoy was faster then him.
-"Malfoy doesn't want anything. Now go!"
Percy went upstairs.
-"Don't be so mean to my son, Malfoy!" – said Arthur when he sat on his sofa.
-"Mean? Your midgets need good beating to become normal kids."
Mr Weasley thought that if he doesn't skip this, he and Lucius could have a serious fight. Lucius seemed to be in terrible mood.
-"Where are all the others?" – Arthur asked.
-"Tall-boy, with those two same copies went to that village to buy something." – Said Mr Malfoy looking first at the scores, then at Mr Weasley. He was so bad at distinguishing between Fred and George that he ended up sticking two stickers on each of them that were numbered. Fred was '1' and George was '2'.
-"That tall-boy I accept it's Ron, and don't insult him. That "two same copies" are twins Fred and George."
-"Whatever. Your wife is with that stupid girl in Diagon Alley."
-"I expect that stupid girl is my daughter Ginny. And Harry and Hermione?
-"Hermione went back to Muggle world, and Harry is upstairs."
Well Hermione went back to her home last night, but Harry wasn't upstairs. When he saw, through a window Mr Malfoy coming, he was curious. He knew this would be rude, but he had to know what they were talking about.
He was standing in front of the door, so no one saw him. He didn't get Mr Malfoy's and Mr Weasley's conversation at all.
-"Enough with your family, why are you here?" – Asked Mr Malfoy putting the scores down on the virginal harpsichord.
-"Your son wants to marry that girl, Courtney, and I couldn't go and propose her. You are still his father. Then I told him that I will do that next week, that's when I will finish my potion, and we will finally have our normal bodies back. And he is mad now."
Lucius frowned.
-"Arthur I would kill you if you would propose her instead of me. It's not that I don't like her. I really would like her for my daughter-in-law, but I wanted to do that. You Poyljuice Potion left, so I though how was to be handsome again." – Sneered Lucius.
-"Malfoy, at least we could do in on polite way." – Said Arthur.
-"This one had more fun. Anyways, I didn't want you to wonder around my house during the party."
-"Why did you kick me, you could put memory charm on me?" –Asked Arthur.
-"I said it was more fun" – smirked Lucius.
-"Well I have to go now. Narcissa will freak out when she sees that I'm out of my bed. Goodbye Lucius."
-"Good day to you Weasley." – Said Lucius, and turned around to the virginal harpsichord and started playing Couperin's Suit for Harpsichord Nos. 23 (that's my favourite one, so I thought it would be cool is Lucius would play it). Mr Weasley found the way out of the house, and apparated back into the Malfoy Manor.
Harry suddenly understood everything. Arthur Weasley and Lucius Malfoy changed places.
He stood there with foolish expression on his face. He didn't even notice Mr Malfoy stop playing the virginal harpsichord, and bumping into him. When Lucius saw Harry Potter, everything was clear to him. Harry heard their talk and understood everything.

Christian Avery loved Victoria from first time he meet her.
He agreed to go with Lucius to von Karajan Mansion. Lucius needed Christopher von Karajan to sign him some documents, and also Christopher wanted Malfoy and Avery to meet his wife. They arrived and a servant took them to von Karajan's cabinet. When they entered, a young woman was just going out. She passed Avery, but Lucius on purpose bumped into her. Then she said:
-"I'm so sorry." – And continued walking out of the room.
Lucius looked after her in very offensive way, and muttered to himself, but Avery was able to hear what he said:
-"It was my pleasure, ma chèr."
Von Karajan raised his head, and greeted them.
-"You have very pretty daughter, Christopher" – Lucius commented when they were seated.
-"Lucius, that was my wife. I am sorry but you shan't be able to meet her today, you shan't see her again today. She has some work to do." – Said Christopher von Karajan with a small smile. Avery felt that someone kicked him hard in his head when he heard Christopher saying "my wife".
-"You have a very pretty wife then" – smirked Lucius.
-"What do you reckon, how could someone like her marry would such a moron as von Karajan?" – Said Lucius while they were taking walk in long garden of Malfoy Manor, discussing von Karajan's wife.
-"Lucius, I don't want to remind you, but he is still saving you from the bureau. She was attractive though."
-"I don't care if she's married or whatever, I think I want to have her."
-"Is she like prize to be won, or money to be earned?"
-"Something like that, but beside that more, lots more…"
Avery knew that was true what Malfoy said. He was sitting in front of the window and looking outside on hills covered in snow. He was thinking hard. He knew that she wouldn't say yes, he knew she wouldn't.
Then an elf came in without knocking. Avery took first thing that was under his hand, which was heavy book of the Dark Arts covered in metal border, and threw it on poor elf. When elf wanted to run away, but he called him:
-"Why are you entering the room without knocking, you parasite? Didn't I tell you thousand times to knock?" – Christian snarled.
-"Myself, sir, don't know. Myself comes to your service the day before today. The girl that says her name is Victoria Berger wants to see you…" - Elf was unable to finish cause Avery kicked him with his booted foot, and hurried outside the room.
He climbed downstairs, and entered the gigantic living room, with suits of armour, flags hanging on the walls, and huge Gothic style windows. She was standing and looking outside the windows.
Avery came to her from her back, and touched her shoulder. She jumped and turned around.
-"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" – he said quickly.
-"You didn't scare me Christian, it's just that, well it hurts me so much even without your pressing" – she said slowly. She didn't look tough as usual. He hair was up, and her face was white. She spent whole morning covering it to have equal colour everywhere.
-"I'm sorry. I just didn't mean to hit you. I had to."
She placed one of her fingers over his mouth to show him on nice way to shut up.
-"You didn't hit me hard at all. Well comparing to what others did to me. That Allanah Appleton couldn't wait to hurt me." – She talked slowly and quietly. Like with every word she wanted to start crying.
-"Don't mention her. She is just jealous on you because you are female, and she is … well I don't know that. Macnair isn't mad at you anymore. He thought that you got enough. He is mad at me now because I didn't hit you hard enough.
She frowned and looked down.
-"Do you want to sit down?" – Asked Avery after few minutes of both of them staring at the floor.
-"Well yes, I didn't get any sleep whole night."
He led her towards chairs, and they sat down. Then she carefully placed her head on his shoulder. He slowly hugged her, trying not to touch anything that is broken. She hugged him with her right hand, because in left Macnair hit her with chains. Then she buried her head in his chest.
Avery didn't know is it just his imagination, or he heard her sobbing. He carefully placed his face on her hair, and kissed her. Then she raised her head, and looked at him. Avery saw that her eyes were red, and ink was all over her face. Then he looked at his dark grey robes, which were covered in liquid powder. She just quietly said:
-"I'm sorry. I'll buy you new robes if I survive. If I don't, well I will leave you all the money in my will. It's not my will, and just a part of that is mine. It's my entire husband's." – She said and her eyes started filling with tears.
-"You don't have to. I don't really care for robes. I care for you more then for piece of stupid, but really expensive clothing" – he smiled little. And looked in her eyes. They were file with tears, again. He looked deeper and he could see that they were still damn cold. He didn't bother that he's navy blue eyes were cold, too. You can't become a Death Eater if you have contagious smile.
-"You are so good to me. But I don't love you. I never loved you, and I never will. I still love Lucius more that you. Even if I know he would never leave Narcissa. Not that he likes her. It's just he doesn't want any affairs. Well it's not love actually. I will never love; it's just him … and just him."
-"I see. My dear ... well you should get away from Lucius. He will hurt you ... he doesn't love you, he loves no one accept her... (-"Who's 'her'?") Someone you don't know. Lucius was fucking her ever before you were born (so did I) ... she if wonderful, but she bitched Lucius out, and ditched him, married someone else and left away Great Britain. But she will be back one day, I am sure in that.
"If we want to be honest with each other I never thought that I would feel love. When Master killed my fiancée I saw that if I don't come to Dark Side, I would be dead, too. I never ever regretted cause I did it. And after that I didn't love. I never tried to love. And then I met you. It's just; I don't know what is what I found inside you."
-"Christian, I would never find this as wrong question, but you really love me, and I feel guilty. Would you want me just my look and showing off, or you want me because of me?"
-"I want you. I love you." – He placed his hand on her cheek. Even if that was hurting her, she said nothing about it.
-"You are second person that gave me that answer. First was my ex husband which I hate now, and second on is you. You should hear what Macnair told me."
-"What?" – Christian asked curiously.
-"That God, when he was making world, invented women just to do men's biddings, then to shut up, bend head down and not to use my teeth, it hurts, and to return where we started". – She said, and looked away.
-"I never actually liked Macnair. I was just very good friend of Lucius, and Macnair is his best friend. By the way what did Lucius say?"
-"I liked his answer most. He said that he doesn't know. That he just wants me. But he isn't like Macnair that when we are together that we have to have something. I like him because we can talk for hours. He is the one that taught me all that spells."
-"Would you mind I if would kiss you now?" – Asked Avery. Then he wiped a tear from her white face.
He was looking at her, waiting for an answer. She said nothing, just kissed him. When he let go of her, they both just smiled, and she said:
-"I like the way you kissed me."
Then she got out something from her purse. She opened it, and showed it to Christian. It was a ring. She just smirked, while he was staring at her.
-"This is little inappropriate way to do it, my knees hurt, and so I can't get on my knees. Not to mention that I am female, and this isn't for me, but would you marry me Christian?" – She asked him. He just stared at her. She gave him sort of slap on his face, and repeated:
-"Christian would you like to marry me?"
Christian started laughing hysterically, and said:
-"No, I wouldn't."
Victoria then said:
-"Oh, go to hell! Do you know how much this costs?"
He laughed even harder, and said:
-"I'm joking! You are really crazy! Of course I want to marry you. Where did you get the idea that I don't? Maybe from the fact that I asked you the previous day to marry me?" – He tried to calm himself down.
-"Perhaps you just told me so." – Snapped Victoria. Then she suddenly smiled.

Arthur went into one of the guest rooms, where he was brewing potion that will get him and Lucius back to their normal states to check how is it going. Then he realised that the potion would be ready in few days. He went back to his room and dropped on his bed.
Not long after that Narcissa name in. She was mad, very mad. Then she said:
-"Lucius is that you?"
-"Yes, it's me." – Said Arthur.
-"No it's not you. Arthur I know it's you. Where is my husband?" – Arthur realised by look in her eyes that she wouldn't believe any lies. He told her everything. The only thing he didn't sat about is Victoria.
-"So you say that Lucius is in your house?" – Said Narcissa.
-"Yes. How did you know that it was I?" – Asked Arthur curiously.
-"I won't tell you" – snapped Narcissa.
-"If you tell me that, I'll tell you one of the Lucius' secrets that will shock you." – Said Arthur.
-"One of them? There's millions and millions of them, and they scare me. What kind of secret?"
-"About his lover." – Arthur putted a smile on his face.
-"Oh Arthur I know he has lovers, and I don't care."
-"Well this one, well with her … they are very long time together. They have feelings between, and by the way you'll be quite surprised who is it" – said Arthur.
-"Fine, I will tell you how I managed to guess who is who. First your all behaviour of you, Lucius is far less tolerant then you are. Then real Lucius would go immediately if Draco would ask him to go and propose a girl for him. Well he would if he would like the girl. And I know that he is sure that girl would be perfect for Draco…" - She was telling him all about mistakes he made. – "Now Arthur, it is your turn, who is the concubine?"
-"I guess you don't really want to know. You are in quite good relationships with her and you like her."
-"I don't know." – Narcissa finally said.
-"The widow of Christopher von Karajan. And I'm not sure in this, but I could bet that Lucius killed him." – Arthur said.
-"Victoria? Victoria Berger? No, not her. I just know that they are very close friends, but no not she. Maybe they made love once, but she can't be his lover. She just can't." – Narcissa was talking to herself.
Arthur stood up, and hugged Narcissa. She hugged him back, and sobbed.
-"Narcissa why did you ever married Lucius? I mean he never liked you." – Asked Arthur.
-"What do you mean Arthur?" – She asked. – "What do you think that I should rather choose? To be wife of Lucius Malfoy, who is rich, handsome, tall, to become a Malfoy…"
-"And suffer beside a moron like him. Why did he marry you?"
-"Or to marry Arthur Weasley, who's poor, skinny, be a Weasley? No thanks? I don't want to do any household tasks or anything." – She said and got out of the room, leaving Mr Weasley staring after her with his mouth opened.
'Narcissa? That's not Narcissa Bruckner I knew. Narcissa I knew was nice girl, well she was a Slytherin, but she was different …She didn't care for the status, and she married Lucius who was her year at Hogwarts. She disappointed me. And then I married Molly. Narcissa was seven years younger than him, but they managed to fall in love after he was married to Molly and she was about to marry Lucius Malfoy.'

-"Hello Potter" – said Lucius, not bothering to sound anything like Arthur Weasley anymore. The tone of the voice was like there stood with his real body.
Harry was unable to speak. Even if he never ever told that to anyone, he was quite afraid of Lucius Malfoy.
-"I guess you overheard our little talk. And according to that stupid expression on your face you understood everything." – Mr Malfoy said in kind of ominous tone of his cold voice.
-"Of course, that would explain why you were so mean, and why did you push Mrs Weasley. The thing that was hurting you was the Dark Mark, and you didn't want anyone to see." – Said Harry, trying to look brave.
-"You are right, point-dexter. I would kill you now, but pity that Dumbledore enchanted this shack, so I'm unable to. But be sure that one day, the Dark Lord will kill you." – Said Lucius.
-"No, pity I can't kill you now, Mister Lucius Malfoy. And I pity you since you think that Lord Voldemort will rule the world. When he got defeated, I will make sure that people like you go straight to Azkeban. And if there's any luck, that woman that killed Bill Weasley will be there, too." – Said Harry spitting with rage.
-"How dare you speak like that about His Highness, Lord Voldemort? Now let me show you what I can do!" – He drew out his black wand (14 inches, ebony), and pointed it at Harry's white T-shirt. He muttered a few words, and red flames came out of the tip of wand. It didn't hurt Harry, it just wrote on his shirt "Gloria in excelsis Lord Voldemort" (Glory to Lord Voldemort in the Highest).
-"What?" – said Harry looking at his shirt in disbelief. – "That is expression used for God."
-"Potter there is a God. But Master is down here on the earth, and he is the greatest!" – hissed Lucius Malfoy. – "Now you shan't tell anyone about this, shall you?"
-"No" – said Harry, and slowly started going upstairs.
-"The world prodigy" – said Mr Malfoy to himself, sat for the virginal harpsichord, and started playing scales, which annoyed everyone in the house.
-"That snobbish scum" – said Harry to himself, and entered Ron's room.

Narcissa knew that Lucius was never honest with her. She knew that she can't do anything to him, but she could do something to Victoria. Next day, she called her for tea. Victoria came as usual late, and wearing her slimy manner.
Narcissa knew that Victoria isn't stupid; if she even make one mistake in her behaving, everything will be clear to Victoria. Their conversation went normal, before Victoria mentioned that she is marrying once again. Then Narcissa took a long breath, and found some courage.
-"Sorry Victoria, but I don't have any intention to leave."
-"Excuses moi" – Victoria said.
-"I know that Lucius doesn't want any affairs, and we made a deal not to divorce." – She said again.
-"Narcissa" – she gave her usual depressive and hollow laugh – "I am not marrying your husband.
-"Then who is it?"
-"Christian Avery.
-"Poor guy. Are you and Lucius already planning how to kill him?" – Narcissa said raising her eyebrows. She knew that Christian was nothing nicer that Lucius was, but she still felt sorry for him.
-"Where did you get that idea that we could do that?" – Victoria already became annoyed.
-"Maybe you two got it somewhere where I shouldn't know about" – snapped Narcissa. She started losing her nerves, too.
-"Narcissa, I didn't have anything with Lucius; there is nothing between me and your husband. I swear, I am being completely honest with you" – said Victoria, trying to look determined.
-"Oh you even called him Lucius. Before you were calling him "your husband", when you talked with me. Don't lay Berger, I know everything." – Narcissa stood up from the chair she was sitting.
-"It is his fucken first name. Like I don't have right to use it" – Victoria said slowly, calming herself down. No one called her just by her last name, if she/he weren't angry on Victoria.
-"No. Like you have right to be with Lucius. He is still my husband. And how stupid I was, when I thought you are my friend."
-"I agree with that. You are stupid. Stupid beyond all restrictions! But it isn't my problem Lucius hates you" – said Victoria.
This was too much for Narcissa. She swung her hand in the air determined to slap her. But just after she touched her skin, Victoria jumped like someone pressed hot metal there.
-"What's up with you?" – Narcissa asked.
-"Better ask your husband when he seems to be telling you everything. Goodbye Narcissa Malfoy." – She swathed her black cloak around her, and got out of the house, like a bat.

Victoria Berger and Christian Avery married next day. Even if the wedding was held in town in Germany Arnstadt, all wizarding newspaper were writing about them. Victoria got third place on list of "First Ladies" wizarding top list. When Narcissa saw that she threw the copy of "The Witch Weekly" out of the window.
Draco was at the same room with her. He didn't even bother to ask her why. He was so mad at his father that he suddenly had a feeling that he should run away from his home, abandon his family, and marry Courtney. But that was too stupid to do now. He at least wanted to wait until next week, and see if his father is going to propose Courtney or not.
Harry Potter was acting as tough as real Mr Weasley was there. He had week and a half left until new term starts. Harry and Ron sent an owl to Hermione, but she didn't answer. They knew that she was very hurt by what Mr "Weasley" said.
One day, Angelina was coming over. Fred dragged her to his and George's room. George and Ginny were eavesdropping, and giggling on everything Fred or Angelina said, even if they were talking about Quidditch. Ron was doing his homework, Mrs Weasley went to the village, and so Harry stayed alone in the living room with Mr Malfoy.
Today Mr Malfoy looked even more sulky then usual, if that's possible? Harry wanted to look at "The Daily Prophet", but Lucius seized before Harry even touched the paper. Now that he was left alone with the murderer, and with nothing to do inside the living room. Lucius was behaving as tough he was alone in the room. He was sitting on the sofa, with his both booted feet on the table.
He truly didn't want to give Harry any attention (sometimes, Draco had to weep to get noticed beside him and his glacially). He was reading an article about Lord Voldemort.
-"So Potter, what did you say about Lord Voldemort? Are you going to beat him next time when you two come face to face?" – Lucius sneered at Harry, who was so bored that was yawning.
-"Something like that" – he said, and stretched.
-"You know what? When the Dark Lord kills you, I'll ask for permission to torture Weasleys." – Said Mr Malfoy, and returned to the article.
Lucius' rude comments didn't bother Harry much. He knew that Lord Voldemort will never be "Gloria in excelsis Lord Voldemort".
After five minutes, Lucius threw newspapers on Harry, and started looking at the ceiling. Harry looked inside it, wishing he would find something entertaining. Now he wished that he is rather duelling with Lord Voldemort, and then boring himself here with Lucius Malfoy. Then he came across an article about Victoria Berger.
-"So that chick that killed Bill Weasley is getting married?" – Said Harry. When Mr Malfoy heard that he raised himself.
-"You mean Victoria Berger?"
-"Her?" – Mr Malfoy confiscated the "Prophet" from Harry's hand, for the second time.
-"Congratulations Avery. I can't imagine what happened did to you so you changed your opinion about marriage. And you Berger, well you'll pay me." – Malfoy was hissing to himself.
-"She married Avery. He is the Death Eater, right? When Lord Voldemort returned, he was the one that beg for mercy, and earned Crucius." – Said Harry quickly. He was catching up on Death Eaters' affairs quickly.
-"Potter, when the Dark Lord was defeated by you, lots of us had to lie, including myself. Avery was the one that was in the biggest trouble. He told worst kind of lies, and said all that insults to the Dark Lord. So if he didn't beg for mercy Master would kill him." – Said Lucius, in Know-It-All-Kind-Of-Voice.
-"Excuse me, but I don't see point of doing all that bad stuff and getting yourself into the trouble. And what kind of mercy is Cruciatus?" – Harry moved closer towards Mr Malfoy.
Lucius frowned loudly, sighing derisively. Then he gave the newspapers to Harry, and sat for the virginal harpsichord. Before starting to play it, he said:
-"Harry, when my son asks me something I don't want to answer, I punish him." – Then he turned around, and started playing Soler's Sonata for Harpsichord No. 7.

Mr Weasley entered Narcissa's room. She was sitting on the bed, and reading Muggle's fiction. She always loved reading, but all those spell books were boring to her. She loved fiction, especially romances. Danielle Steel was her favourite; she also favoured twisted plots of Sidney Sheldon. Lucius never allowed her to read anything what is associated with Muggles.
Arthur smiled when he saw that Narcissa doesn't hate Muggles like Lucius does. She smiled back. She was pretty when she was smiling. Lucius never appreciated her. He was always saying that she was just a stupid blondie. Well the truth was that Lucius himself wasn't very smart as he was pretending he was. He was blond, too, and natural blond, while Narcissa had to add some ammonia and hydrogen to get that adorable platinum colour.
-"Narcissa, you know that I don't know anything about classical music, and I don't know what do you like or don't, although I'm sure you love French opera. I bought tickets for tonight, we can go to concert. Vienna Wizarding Veela Philharmonic Orchestra and Vienna Wizarding Choir are giving performance of Händel's famous "Messiah", so I though if you'd like to go? I know Lucius hates Händel…
-"Lucius hates Händel only because I love his him and adore his remarkable works. And he once said that when he hears "Messiah", he wants to vomit, just because I think that's greatest thing ever written." – She smiled and chuckled. Arthur chuckled, too.
-"You surely showed Berger. I never liked her." – Said Mr Weasley.
-"Don't mention her to me. And all this time… But why did she… I didn't hit her very hard?" – Asked Narcissa.
-"The Dark Lord ordered all Death Eaters to come to her, and harm her in any way using their body strength – you should see her there… lying on the cold floor, covered in blood…" - Said Mr Weasley. He didn't feel glad for her.
-"Poor girl. I can not feel glad for that, even if it's her. You should see what You-Know-Who did to Lucius before about three months. He left him to hang upside down for two weeks. And Lucius told me that Crabbe was lynched." – Said Narcissa gravely.
-"Enough with that. I think that you should get on some dressing robes. I will come to your room in thirty minutes."
Arthur put navy blue robes on himself. He didn't bother to dress in Lucius all-black manner anymore. Narcissa was wearing purple robes, with lavender flowers sewn on. As always, she looked stunningly pretty.
When they entered the Grande Theatre they were almost late. They got into their parlour. Two places were already used, so Arthur and Narcissa sat on the other two. This time they didn't reserve their private parlour.
-"Who could we share parlour with?" – Narcissa asked, just before nobody else then Victoria Berger and Christian Avery entered the parlour. Victoria made her killing face when she saw Narcissa. That night, she didn't look amusingly pretty. Her hair was down, her face paler then usual, and she wore tight black robes with cloak. Avery was wearing black, too.
At first Narcissa thought that Victoria reserved the same parlour, as they had on the purpose to be with Lucius. But when she looked batter at her, she realised that Victoria was equally surprised about this as Narcissa was.
Christian set sneer on his white face, and shook his hand with Arthur and after him with Narcissa. When it came to Victoria's turn to shake their hands, she shook her hand normally with Arthur, while she and Narcissa were squeezing each other's hand. If they were any stronger they would break each other's hand.
After that, Victoria and Christian seated themselves. The conductor came out on the stage, and said that the tuner of the orchestra was sick so he'll have to do the actual tuning, and told the audience to wait few minutes.
-"What is his name?" – Arthur asked Narcissa in whisper.
-"I know that. His first name?"
-"Christian. Talk to him. After Macnair, he is best friend of Lucius." – Said Narcissa, glancing killing looks at Victoria all the time.
-"My thoughts about your husband's choice of friends are highly unappreciative. And opposite." – Said Arthur.
Narcissa sighed.
-"Ask him, but in low voice something about Victoria, so she can't hear. Something vulgar. Like something about sex, perhaps little kinky. Lucius would always ask that kind question. If you don't do that, he may suspect something about you. Christian Avery is really smart man.
-"Like what? You want to say that Lucius is really rude?" – Asked Arthur.
-"Exactly. Just ask him."
Arthur moved closer to Christian, and asked him something. Victoria leaned closer to hear what is it, but Christian just pushed her lightly away.
When Arthur finished what he was asking, Christian just turned around and looked at Victoria for a second, and then turned back before saying:
-"Lucius that's hard question. I can't answer, maybe yes? Or no, but it's smaller possibility? I have no clue." – He gave a deep sigh. – "I'll have to ask her."
Then he leaned over to Victoria, and quietly asked her:
-"Did you ever say Lucius' name while we were making love?" – He asked her, looking straight into her black eyes.
She looked around him into Arthur, and said slowly:
-"I do that all the time, Lucius."
Then she leaned back on her chair, and Avery asked Lucius:
-"Satisfied with her answer?" – Avery didn't seem very happy with her answer. Still, he loved her.
-"Yes, yes I am." – He got closer to Narcissa again.
The conductor got onto the stage, and bowed.
-"What did you ask him?" – Narcissa was inquisitive.
-"Nothing with answer that you would like."
Arthur really liked the Oratorio. Now he saw why Narcissa loved it.
During the intermission, Narcissa and Arthur stayed in the parlour, while Victoria and Christian were outside.

-"Let me see Ginny. What are they doing?" – Asked George. Ginny looked at him red.
-"They are kissing."
-"No way, let me see." – George pushed Ginny from the lock, and looked through the keyhole. Fred and Angelina were frenching, slobbering each others' lips.
-"They are such a cute pair." – Ginny smiled. – "What happened between you and Katie Bell?"
-"Well you know that Katie went to Croatia with her family to spend her Christmas holidays. She called me to come with her, but you know that we - er - couldn't really afford it."
-"Well, well, didn't I tell you to go to bed?" – Came an angry voice.
-"Mother, they are in my room. I can't go to sleep, and whatever I can't leave them with no monitor. I want to make sure that Fred calls his son after me." – Said George being eager to see what will happen next.
-"George how rude of you. Now go down and sleep on the sofa."
-"But dad… I mean father is sleeping there. He's mad."
Mrs Weasley placed her hand on George's shoulder and said:
-"George please. If you don't want to go downstairs, you can go and sleep with Harry and Ron, in their room."
-"Fine" – he said and run upstairs.
-"Now you Ginny…"
-"Mom, they are so cute." – She smiled.
-"I know, but it's late."
She kissed her mother for goodnight, and went to her room.
Mrs Weasley went down to bring Mr Malfoy a clean pillow, when she saw a disgusting sight: Mr "Weasley" was practising the Dark Magic on a bird. He was trying a very nasty spell. It was Bleeding-Eyes Curse. When someone hit you with that, your eyes start bleeding (such a tricky name, eh?). So far Mr Malfoy succeed to make bird's left eye bleeding, but he couldn't do it with right one.
Mrs Weasley just left the pillow on the sofa, and went back upstairs, trying to forget the horror.

Next day, Christian Avery gave a visit to "Lucius".
Arthur was sitting in his cabinet, reading "The Daily Prophet". Someone knocked on the door. When Arthur said, "Come in", Avery came in.
He was wearing dark grey robes, with black borders. Thing that Arthur couldn't miss was that he had nasty cut above his eyebrow.
-"Hello Lucius" – he said. He didn't bother that he was standing.
-"Hello Christian." – Arthur tried to look happy to see him, even if he wanted to tell him to get away from Malfoy Manor as fast as he possibly could. – "Something is troubling you."
-"Indeed. Macnair is waiting for me to get you. We can't remove the bodies on our own." – He said, coming closer.
-"Pardon me" – said Mr Weasley.
-"Lucius, I know that it's not really the thing that you intended to do. We need to get those bodies out of the Muggle house, before that Muggle law keepers come. Now get your cloak, and come with me" – Christian ordered.
Mr Weasley got his cloak, and they went out of the house, and apparated.

They were in the middle of the field. Just one small house was there, with front lawn, and a well.
Christian came inside the house. He didn't give Arthur any gesture to fallow him, but Arthur was sure that he was supposed to do so.
Macnair was inside, drawing on the floor, using blood. He drew a tall tree, and a female (or maybe male?) person. Beside him, there were three dead bodies. They were all covered in blood, and they looked as tough as someone tried to castrate them but failed.
Christian just laughed in which kind of funny position they were placed. A man was on the top of the child, and they were both on the top of the woman.
-"Macnair, you idiot, they are not your playing stock." – Christian gave a cynical laugh. – "Is this the way you slice the magical creatures? For your amusement, kill, castrate, emasculate, and do other related things in your own free time." – He found this scene funny.
Arthur was absolutely, utterly shocked, appalled. He never saw someone behaving like Walden Macnair. Now he started painting white cupboard doors of the kitchen with blood.
-"Hey Malfoy! If you need house paintings, just call me. I will do it free, if you get me free red paint." – Said Macnair. Both Walden and Christian laughed hysterically on this statement.
-"Hey Lucius what's up with you?" – Sneered Christian. – "Afraid of the blood? Why that blank look on your pretty face? – He soaked his hand in the puddle of blood, and placed it in front of Arthur's face. Arthur was appalled, even paler. Macnair joined Avery, and did the same.
–"You know what Malfoy? I think that wife of yours is a hot piece, hah?" – Christian started teasing Arthur on purpose. Narcissa was right when she said that she said that Christian Avery is terrible man.
-"And your wife is a bitch. Did you know that?" – Spitted Arthur. Avery and Macnair just laughed, hysterically.
-"Lucius, I had that in mind when I was marrying her." – Macnair laughed even more on Christian's statement.
-"What the hell is with you Lucius?" – Macnair asked when he calmed himself down.
-"Nothing that you care for."
-"Well we do care, for you Mister Lucius Cassius Malfoy, you know. Maybe if you don't want to help us, we can store you with those bodies, did you know that?" – Sneered Avery.
Arthur looked at poor Muggles one more time.
-"Christian, I think that we should let the cry-baby go home. I don't think that he can help us in any way." – Said Macnair.
-"I agree. Tell your wife Malfoy that if she gives herself in promotion you can earn lot of more money, even more then you have" – Avery sneered enviously, and opened the door for Arthur to get out.
Arthur just got out, trying not to listen to Avery and Macnair laughing at him, and saying jokes about him.

When he apparated he went straight to his cabinet and poured himself some whisky. Narcissa came in.
-"Arthur I am so sorry. When Christian came, he was so rude that I could not make him stop from your cabinet." – She said, and her eyes were filled with tears. Then she sat down, beside Arthur.
-"They were vulgar and rude those corrupt bastards. Walden Macnair was painting the tiled floor and white cupboard doors with blood. Christian Avery was taking bad stuff about you. And when I said something ill about his dear wife, he and Macnair just laughed hysterically. It was horrifying. I would rather kill myself then spent the rest of my life being Lucius." – He said in disgusted voice.
Narcissa just hugged him, and kissed him in his cheek. He sobbed. Arthur was never afraid to cry, even if he was a man.
Narcissa wanted to leave him alone in the room. Just when she tried to reach for the handle, someone opened doors so violently. It was Victoria. Narcissa looked with eyes full of hatred at her, and when she wanted to say something to her, Victoria drew her wand and put the Muting Curse on her. The Muting Curse was advised spell of Dark Arts. And it was harder to do it then Cruciatus Curse. Narcissa just run away from the room and Victoria slammed the door after her.
-"What are you doing?" – Asked Arthur.
-"Lucius, don't stand there like a sissy and cry."
-"I am not going anywhere." – He made a big mistake saying that.
-"We should not be so damn sure about it." – She moved her right sleeve up, and Arthur could see the Dark Mars chiselled in her smooth skin. She pressed it rigidly with her index right in the middle, and after a few minutes Walden Macnair came into the room.
-"Well, well, well who do we have here? My good old friend, Lucius Malfoy, crying like a baby." – Said Macnair. Then he stood beside Victoria, and placed his hand around her waist.
-"What do you wish, my dear?" – He said in his oily voice.
-"It would nice to see the Dark Lord now." – Said Victoria. When Mr Weasley heard this he almost fainted. You-Know-Who? In the same cabinet with me.
-"Well it would be nice to have you," - Macnair tried to kiss her, but she dodged him swiftly.
-"Call him" – she ordered.
They crossed their wands and said together: Altonui Corpus. A 3-D picture of the Dark Lord appeared in the air.
-"Yes" – hissed Voldemort.
-"Master, here is Lucius, should we torture him?" – Asked Macnair.
-"You brought him?" – Said the Dark Lord, and turned around to face the man whom he thought was Arthur Weasley. – "Lucius, in any other case you would get what you deserve, but now I have some important business, so I can just say. Good Day to you all."
Voldemort vanished after that.
Macnair didn't do anything at all; he just went outside the house, and apparated somewhere else.
Victoria looked at her fancy, golden watch, and said:
-"Lucius, I thought a lot of nice things about you, darling. But you just seem to keep disappointing me and disappointing every time more bitter that the last time. Good Day to you, Mister Lucius Malfoy."
Then she turned around and closed the door.

It was just one more ingredient. Mr Weasley carefully placed a fang of the rattlesnake over the boiling cauldron with some opaque grey liquid in it. 'Today, I'll be myself again.' He was telling himself. Narcissa was also helping him finish the potion. She truly loved him being around the house then real Lucius Malfoy, but Draco was so depressed that she was happy that real Lucius Malfoy would go, tomorrow and proposes Courtney, at her father.
He finally added it; the potion was ready.
Narcissa said goodbye to Arthur Weasley, and kissed him in friendly way on his cheek. Then he apparated into the Burrow. Again, Percy opened the door, and he was quite surprised to see Mr "Malfoy". Lucius Malfoy was waiting in the living room, accompanied by no one else that Harry Potter. He and Harry became quite good friends. They weren't really friends, but they spent most of time discussing article from "The Daily Prophet". This shocked Ron. Harry was shocked, too. He always thought that Lucius is like his son - mean, snobby, greedy, sonofabitch etc.… well that all was true, but they were getting well.
-"Hello Lucius Malfoy, ready to become your terrible yourself again?" – Asked Arthur. He wasn't surprised about the fact Harry was in the living room. Lucius told him in one letter everything about their "friendship".
-"You bet." – Retorted Lucius.
-"Lucius, I must say that it is miserable being you. I can't get it how do you get along with those kinds of "friends" like Macnair, Avery… You should know them better."
-"I should expect that they were taunting you, of course. You didn't fail to embarrass me, Weasley. If you don't know how to get with that kind of people, just stay away from them." – Said Lucius, trying to be smart. He wasn't actually stupid. But he was sort of mediocrity. He was getting all those bad marks in school.
-"And by the way, Victoria confessed me, in front of her husband, that she called him a lot of times by your name. And your wife knows about you and her, so I pity your case…"
-"Weasley, don't tell you me brought bigger corruption in my life that I brought in yours. Now give me the potion so I can finally be myself again."
-"Here" – Mr Weasley got two goblets, and passed one to nervous Mr Malfoy.
-"Well Malfoy, it wasn't really nice being you" – said Mr Weasley.
-"I always knew that your life sucks." – Said Mr Malfoy.
They took hold of each other's hands and drank the murky potion in one gulp. Mr Weasley's silvery blond hair turned flaming red, and there was bold patch again, while his sight was kind of blurry. Mr Malfoy looked at his hands and they were pale, with long and delicate fingers. He sneered, so happy that he can do his favourite expression again.
-"I am handsome again" – sneered Mr Malfoy, looking at his old body.
-"And I don't look like a vampire anymore. You know that I always hated your pale skin, and your eye bags." – Said Mr Weasley looking at Harry.
-"So you two are yourself again." – Said Harry.
-"Well, as you can see we are." – Lucius said in his old manner. Then he looked at Harry, and suddenly did something he never did to anyone, except his own son – he smiled. – "Harry, we were quite good friends. Your friends are very lucky to have you. Shame you and Draco are so different, you could be good friends."
Harry smiled.
-"So Weasley, I have to go now. I want to see how much misery you brought into my life. I'm sure that Narcissa needs a good beating up now…"
-"Lucius, you don't think that?" – Said Arthur.
-"Yes, I do. Are you going to stop me, Weasley?" – Sneered Lucius.
-"I guess I can't."
-"Well good day to you both" – said Lucius Malfoy, and shook his hands with Harry Potter.
-"Harry, would you mind if you could summon the whole family, I would like to talk to them." – Said Mr Weasley.
When everybody were down, Mr Weasley told everything, except that he cheated on Molly. They all understood him, and they all laughed together.

In Malfoy Manor things were quite different. When Lucius came home first thing that he had in his mind was his son.
Draco was still sleeping, and when Lucius entered, he wanted to throw a pillow on his father. Lucius sat on the bed beside him, and said:
-"It's really strange the way children grow up" - Lucius looked at Draco's pyjama. It was the black one, totally the same one he was using himself. Draco and Lucius both loved black.
Then he remembered when Draco was just a kid, and he was wearing green one. Lucius wanted Draco to have a black one, but Narcissa thought it was too morbid for a child to wear black. Of course, Lucius would never let his son wear something that was colourful or blue (Lucius hated blue).
-"Go away, you hate me" – he said burring his head in pillows.
Lucius couldn't help, but he just got his son out, and hugged him. Then he said:
-"So Draco, would Minister mind if I go to see him this early?" – Lucius smiled.
-"Father, are you really?" – Draco stayed staring at his real father with open mouths, and idiotic stare.
Lucius closed his mouth, and then said:
-"Draco, to be clear, you two can be engaged, but I don't want the actual wedding to take place until you graduate from Hogwarts." – Said Lucius, looking sternly at his son,
-"I know. Neither of us wanted to do that before we finish our schools."
-"And you must promise me you won't behave to her like I do to Narcissa. She is a good girl, and she deserves to be treated fairly."
-"I know father."
-"One more thing. If you two do anything, just use condom. It's not that I… you have to study, not go around chasing kids."
Draco laughed, and hugged his father once more.
-"Draco, don't hug me so tight. You'll break my all ribs, and I don't think that I will able to go then."

Lucius went to propose Courtney at her father. He said yes. Both Lucius and Jonathan weren't just happy that they are making pair of the century; they were both happy because both of their children love each other.

When his vacation finished, Arthur and Harry went to the Ministry. The potion he just invented, the one for changing looks, was called after Arthur – Arthur's Potion. They went to the Ministry to get money for inventing it, and Arthur got his Order of Merlin Fourth Class.
Lucius Malfoy himself wanted to give the money to Arthur, so Arthur and Harry were heading straight to Lucius' office. Harry just wanted to knock, when Arthur told him not to. Arthur looked through the keyhole.
-"So Lucius, why did you call me?" – Victoria said looking at Lucius in disgust. She was mad at him, especially after her husband told her how did "Lucius" behave, when he and Macnair called him to help them remove bodies.
-"Vicky, Vicky, when are you going to learn to understand people more?" – Lucius frowned, standing up from his chair.
-"Stop calling me that way" – she snarled.
-"How is it beautiful to be married again?" – He moved closed to her.
-"Nothing that is your matter." – She looked away.
Lucius laughed in derisive and cynical laugh.
-"Victoria, my darling, you are my matter. You are" – he said and drew a blue velvet box from his robes.
She looked at the box with interest. She knew that some jewellery is inside.
He opened it for her to see. It was a nacklase. But it wasn't any kind of necklace. It was made out if pure gold, and with diamonds.
-"Tonight is my marriage anniversary. Even if I don't like Narcissa I always buy her something. She is going to freak out if I don't get her anything. Want to try it out?" – He said.
-"Yes – yes sure" – she loved the bracelet from the first sight.
She took her cloak of, and unbuttoned first three buttons of her black blouse, and moved it little. The necklace was very thick. Then she moved her hair up, and he placed it around her neck. She stood up, and looked at herself in the mirror. Lucius came from behind.
-"Like it?"
-"Oh, Lucius. It's just wonderful." – She said in amazement.
-"Well don't become too attached to it. It's still for Narcissa," - Lucius sneered showing his sharp teeth, and looked at her.
-"Lucius, why Narcissa? She is blond. This won't look good when she put it on." – She drawled.
-"I know. That is why I bought the model that will look good on you, ma chèr. This is bribery or better blackmailing, but if you want the necklace, you must forgive me everything. And talk to your husband and Macnair, and make them forgive me that little outturn. Tell them that I was drunk or something." – Lucius looked at her with his sharp look.
-"Lucius, you are so sweet." – She said and kissed him. He threw his strong arms around her.
Arthur choused that moment to enter the office. He elbowed Harry lightly and motioned to fallow him. Arthur opened the door and Harry and Mr Weasley could see Victoria and Lucius Malfoy kissing. Lucius kept his hands on her back, while she was messing his hair. Mr Weasley slammed the door on purpose, just to see Victoria and Lucius jumping on the sound of slamming door.
-"This isn't your office anymore, Weasley" – Snapped Lucius, going over to the mirror to flat down his hair. Victoria picked the cloak from the floor, and got out of the office, and fast as possible.
Harry laughed at this.
-"Sorry Malfoy, I forgot." – Smiled Mr Weasley. – "Now where is my cheque? I want to take my family and Harry Potter out to the Grande Theatre tonight?"
-"I see that you really liked the Grande Theatre Weasley, according to my Gringotts account report."
-"Well Malfoy, I didn't beat up your wife." – Said Arthur, smile fading away.
-"Well I did beat my up, when I came back."
Lucius gave Arthur the cheque, and they happily exited his office.


'I'm afraid of Brittny Spears and Christina Aguilera
Backstreet Boys and N*sync
I don't know what to do'

LiveOnRelease, 'I'm afraid of Brittny Spears'

PLEASE REVIEW, don't be afraid to express any kind of feeling to me about this. I swear, if I can bear to come back from a vacation, and see my beloved boyfriend planning a marriage with a fucked bitch I hate more than Julia Roberts, than I can take any flame.

Thank you,

Admires you: Ætheral Blood