Vicky- ZOMG!


Vicky-MWHAHAHAHAA-cough- Yes…

Bella- Enjoy bitches! ENJOY!

Disclaimer – I broke a guitar string once :3 Bahaha

Weakness, Chapter 11.

These tricks that I'll attempt will blow your mind
Pick a verse, any verse, I'll hypnotise you with every line
I'll need a volunteer, how about you, with the eyes?
Come on down to the front, and stand right here and don't be shy
I'll have you time-travelin', have your mind babblin'
People tryna inherit the skill so they askin' me

Even David Blaine had to go and take some classes, and
I see Mindfreak like, 'What's up man, what's happenin'?'
So come one, come all, and see the show tonight
Prepare to be astounded, no Ghost or Poltergeist
You know I'm no Pinocchio, I've never told a lie
So call me Mr. Magic Man, I float on Cloud 9

(Magic- B.o.B)

"A contest?" Amaya asked, suddenly interested. Her gray eyes shone with anticipation.

Our favorite group of retards was sitting around a big table in a restaurant.

"An eating contest." Sakura corrected her.

"RAMEN!" Screamed Naruto. "I'M SO IN!"

"CUPCAKES!" Amaya snapped at him. "I'M IN TOO!"

The two glared competitively at one another for a minute before slowly sinking back down into their seats.

"Boys versus Girls." Neji decided as Tenten rolled her eyes. Typical Neji choosing a contest like that – turning this into a battle of the sexes!

Kiba nodded in agreement, folding his hands under his chin with a sly smile. "And if the girls win, they get to dress up the boys for the end-of-term masquerade dance. And vice versa if the boys win."

"I OBJECT!" Sasuke rammed his fist into the table before Kiba could draw breath to talk again.

"Your opinion is entirely rejected." Sakura said bluntly, shoving her palm in his face.

Neji nodded. He was positive that the boys were going to be victorious. It was Naruto. There was absolutely nothing to worry about…

"Oh, and Shikamaru will be judging."

Except that.

"Whatever… h-hey! Don't look at me like that!" Shikamaru cowered away from Temari, who was glaring at him so fiercely you wondered why he didn't burst into flames.

Soon enough, Amaya and Naruto were loaded with food.

"Okay." Temari leaned in a fraction. "GO!"

5 minutes later…

"Jeez," Kiba said to Hinata. "For skinny little kids they sure eat a lot."

Hinata nodded in silent agreement.

20 minutes later…

"It's getting kinda boring." Sasuke droned, lithely dodging a flying chocolate bar.

"Um, I agree." Sakura nodded, yawning.

30 minutes later…

"CUPCAKE!" Amaya screeched madly, flinging out her arm (with a fistful of mashed cupcake), slamming it into Naruto's face, knocking him out cold. She didn't even notice. "HUHNWUT?" Shikamaru jerked awake, before rocking forward and falling back to sleep.

45 minutes later…

"It's quiet…" Amaya observed through a mouthful of caramel popcorn. She turned to Naruto.

"Naruto-kun, don't you think it's quiet?"


"Naruto-kun? OH NOES! C'mon, dude! You can do it!" Amaya picked up his half-eaten stone-cold bowl of ramen, tipping it into his mouth. She grabbed his chin and worked his bottom jaw up and down.

"Chew chew chew!" Amaya urged. "CHEWCHEWCHEWCHEWCHEWCHEW!"

Suddenly the shop door opened.

"Eh? Ama-chan, what are you doing?" Tenten asked.

"Helping Naruto!"

"AMAYAWINS!" Shikamaru yelled, jerking awake again. "."


Sakura slowly turned her head to Sasuke.

Sasuke's onyx eyes widened slightly. Oh shit. He thought. I know that look…

"Oh yes." Sakura began to nod. "I know exactly what I'm going to do with you."


'Shut up.'

'DON'T YOU TELL ME TO SHUT UP!' The blonde yelled.

'OHMIGOD! DON'T YOU SCREAM AT ME!' Sakura screamed back at her glaring instantly.



'Guys…? Seriously?' Tenten murmured as she rolled her eyes.

'SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCHES!' Temari screamed as she glared at both girls dangerously.

Amaya stared curiously at her friends while she sucked her lollipop. Hinata was glancing from one friend to the other waiting from a reaction.

Tenten seemed to be texting someone.

Probably Neji.

'What? I refuse to go shopping with Ino! Remember last time?' Sakura murmured as she remembered how Ino had dragged the girls into furniture shops after she had checked all the clothes ones.
One could only have so many pink sequined sofa's.
"But Sakuraaaaaaaa!" Ino wailed. "This is for the dance!"
Sakura paused momentarily. Then she smiled slightly.
"The dance." Tenten added with a raised eyebrow, snapping her phone shut. A second later, it beeped and she opened it again. Her eyes scanned over the text. She let out a childish giggle, her cheeks coloring.
The dance… Sakura thought.
She'd come up with the perfect outfit for Sasu-gay, and she did need to go shopping for the gear…
"Eh, I guess it couldn't hurt. BUT," Sakura held up a finger.
"Oh, so suddenly YOU have conditions?" Ino asked sourly.
"Shut up. You want to go or not?"
Ino nodded eagerly.
"Okay. FIRST, we do NOT go into furniture shops, we do NOT go into any cosmetic shops, we do NOT go into any shops that have no things in it concerning the target!" Sakura tapped her palm with her index finger. "SECOND, we do not ogle cute boys." Her eyes flicked to Sai, to see his reaction. He raised his eyebrows at her. Ino looked outraged.
'THIRD," Sakura cut her off. By this point, the whole room was listening. "No stuffing around. You have to keep your eyes peeled for the costume!" She eyed Ino, her emerald eyes glinting.
Ino snapped a salute. "YES MA'AM!" She exclaimed.

The next day:
"Ooooh! Forehead! Look at this! Isn't it – ooow…" Ino glared at a poker-faced Sakura, who had just pulled her hair.
"PIG! We get five meters into the mall and you want to buy bra's already?"
"Eh, sorry. C'mon, let's go." Ino beckoned for Sakura to follow her.
Suddenly, Sakura stopped outside a sports shop. Her eyes brightened up. "Ino! This is it! Come on!" She grabbed Ino's arm and pulled her inside.

5 minutes later:

"E-eh? A wetsuit? Why would you need one of them?" Ino asked in utter confusion. "And flippers? Seriously? And… and a snorkel!
Sakura smiled at Ino. No doubt about it… her smile was a bit menacing… but still!
"Yeah. Try to guess what I'm gonna dress Sasuke up as?" Sakura paid for the gear and walked out of the shop with Ino.
"Uhm…" Ino looked up at the fluorescent lights on the ceiling thoughtfully. "A… scuba diver…?"
"BINGO!" Sakura girnned. "To be honest, I've been wanting to do this for a long time…"
Ino burst out laughing. "I'm sure!" She giggled.
Suddenly, a speeding mass of purple collided with them, knocking the wind out of them both.
"A-Amaya-chan?" Sakura asked, her brow furrowing.
"You guuuuuuys!" Amaya wailed. Her eyes were filled with tears. "G-Gaa-kun is… GONE!"

"So what happened?" Temari asked Amaya. Hinata had her arm around the little purple-haired girl, And Tenten was sitting on the floor at Sakura and Ino's feet.
"W-well, I was just putting neko ears on him… a-and I went to get some pink lipstick… and when I came back, he was GONE!" Amaya burst into tears.
Temari looked at Amaya once more before getting to her feet. "I'll be right back." She said, walking out of the room.
She went to the nearest bedroom and got onto her hands and knees next to the bed. She looked blankly at the person hiding under it.
Gaara looked at his sister with wide, almost scared eyes.
"Gaara. Seriously, you have to get over this phobia you have of brightly-colored lipstick." Temari said flatly. "You've put Amaya in a state. Come and say sorry."
Gaara slithered out from under the bed, walking with slumped shoulders after Temari. They entered the room.
"GAA-KUN!" Amaya jumped Gaara before the door was fully open. Gaara fell to the floor with Amaya on top of him.
She smells nice… he found himself thinking before he could stop himself.
"You ran away from meeeeee!" Amaya wailed, squeezing his neck tightly.
"C-can't… breathe…" Gaara choked.
"AMAYA! HE'S TURNING PURPLE! LET GO!" Tenten plucked Amaya off Gaara.

'BAD! BAD BAD GAA-KUN!' Amaya screamed as she pointed accusingly at the boy.


'WHAT?' She snapped.


'No.' She said flatly brushing Tenten's hands off and stalking away.

Gaara stared blankly at the group of girls glaring at him. 'What?'

'GO!' They pointed at the door and said in unison.

Gaara sighed again as he bent down on his knees next to Amaya. She didn't move and just glared at him.

He took the Neko ears placing them on his head causing her to blink sometimes and then he pulled her to him. Hugging her tightly.


'Amaya! You are shouting in my ears.'


Next day in Hyuuga's mansion.

'I REFUSE!' Neji yelled as he ran down the stairs as fast as he could.

'BUT NEJI! YOU LOST THE BET!' Tenten replied chasing him and waving the bubblegum pink heals over her head.


5 minutes later…

'I can't feel my arm…'

'That's because I'm blocking all the blood in it.'

'This is completely not fair!'

'Neji I think you should agree with being rapunzel now…it's getting kinda purple…' Tenten mumbled. She was sitting on Neji's back and was pulling his arms back then pushing it against his back.


'Oh look it's blue!'

'Oh my dear god…'



Another 5 minutes later…

'OHMIGOD NEJI! WHAT'S SO WRONG WITH DYING YOUR HAIR? IT ONLY LASTS TILL YOU WASH IT AGAIN!' Tenten roared as she, once again, had to chase Neji around the house.

'Do you know how much damage that thing is going to do to my dear hair?'



''Did you just walk into a chair?'

With Shikamaru and Temari:

"A… cosplay shop?" Shikamaru asked with a raised eyebrow.
Temari nodded. She grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside the shop whether he liked it or not.
"Put it on." Temari pushed him inside a changing room.
"Arg!" Temari gritted her teeth and ducked under curtain. She spun Shikamaru around to face her. "Do I have to help you, Nara Shikamaru?" She asked dangerously.
Shikamaru was silent for a second. "No." He finally said.
"So will you put it on?"
She reached over to Shikamaru and yanked his shirt over his head. There was a pause. Two things ran through Temari's head.
His shirt smells good… really good… and – OHMIGOD. His body is so – SHIT!
"Are you sure you don't want a tissue for that nosebleed?" The shop attendant asked Temari nervously. She glared at him. "No thank you."
"U-uh yes! Have a good day! Thankyoucomeagain!"

When Temari tried to force Shikamaru into his costume for the second time that day, she was sure she stayed clear of him. So she used a different tactic.
"If you don't wear It I will hurt you." She snapped.
Shikamaru looked at her flaty. "Temari. It's a fucking pineapple. Do you honestly think I'm going to wear this pile of shit? It's fucking yellow."
"Go." Temari hissed. It came out harsher than intended, but hey… it worked.
Five agonizingly long minutes later, Shikamaru emerged from the bathroom. In his costume.
He waddled toward Temari, the mass of yellow and green material stretched over huge amounts of sponge jiggled around him. His face looked at her out of a hole in the yellow part of the pineapple, his limbs sticking out like branches. A demented pineapple.
Temari silently cursed.
Aw shit! How can he look hot in a PINEAPPLE COSTUME? She thought angrily.
"Oye." Shikamaru said. "Why aren't you laughing?"
"Cos I don't find it funny. I find it – " Temari stopped. She couldn't just say 'I find it hot', could she?

Uchiha's mansion.

'Are you fucking kidding me?' Sasuke blurted out as he pointed to the outfit.

'Nope! Sasucakes this is it.'

'No…I will absolutely NEVER wear that!'

'Oh yeah?' Sakura waltzed to where Sasuke was sitting on the sofa and leaned down so their foreheads were touching. 'Sasuke-kun…' She grabbed the collar of his shirt and brushed her lips against his.

Sasuke placed his hands on her waist and tried to pull her closer but she stopped him.

'For me Sasuke-kun?' She pouted cutely.




'Sasucakes! Don't you want a proper make out session?' She questioned as she placed her hands on her hips.

'Huh…yeah but-'

'WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? GO!' She snapped and pulled him to his feet pushing him to the next room and throwing the outfit into it.

With Sai and Ino:

"MATCHING OUTFITS!" Ino sang. She turned to Sai. As soon as she lay eyes on him her mouth dropped open. "S-Sai… what are you doing?" She asked in a whisper. Sai looked at her with raised eyebrows. He held up a pair of her white panties. They had drawings on them.
Sai's drawings.
"They're my PANTIES! YOU PERVERT! Wait – " Ino paused, stopping before going to find a carving knife to cut off Sai's head. "C-custom made PANTIES! SO CUTE! SAI! THANK YOU!" She threw herself at him. They landed on her bed with a thump.
"I-Ino…' Sai struggled to push her off him. Excuses…
"What about the… costume?" Sai asked slowly, making sure Ino heard.
"COSTUMES!' Ino sat up suddenly, her face taught and alert. Then her face relaxed into a smile. "Got it."
10 minutes later:
"Kyaaaa you look so hot!" Ino cried when Sai stood in front of her with the clothes she'd picked.
"… You called this ghetto style, right?"
"Ya." Ino replied, already digging on her drawer for accessories. She pulled out a navy and white tartan scarf and a fake, clip-on earring. She bounced over to Sai and wound the scarf around his neck, clipping the little sleeper onto his left earlobe. She stood back. A low coo escaped from her lips.
"You look so awesome!" She grinned. She only noticed then that Sai looked really uncomfortable. Like, really uncomfortable. Suddenly, his fingers began to fiddle with the bottom of his shirt. He was rolling it up.
"No, Sai." Ino shook her head in disbelief. "NOES! DO NOT ROLL YOUR SHIRT UP! NO HALF-SHIRTS!" She yanked the shirt down. There was a second of silence.
"Oye, who-" Opposite! OPPOSITE! "Beautiful." Sai corrected himself.
"What about you?"
"OH! OHOH WAIT! I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!" Ino snagged the little pile of clothes from her bed and darted into the bathroom.
5 minutes later:

"Well?" Ino asked.

"Say something!"

Ino sighed in defeat. She looked at the ceiling.
Ohmigod… what am I supposed to do…? He's being so boooooring! Ino thought.
"You look really ba- nice." Sai said finally.
Ino blinked, then sniffed. "Fine. Be that way. I'll just have to ask Sakura-forehead-bitch. OR I could dress you as a princess for the dance unless you tell me honestly."
"Threats." Sai said slowly. "You're such a bitch, Ino." He sighed. "You look… fat."
Ino's face seemed to twitch. Her fingers went rigid. She lifted her arms.
"STRANGLE!" She cried, leaping at him.
"You said you wanted honest!" Sai assured her hastily.
"Not THAT honest!" Ino snapped, wrapping her hands around his throat.
She sat down hard on his stomach, nearly knocking the wind out of him she leaned down to strangle him.
"Ino." Sai warned her. She didn't listen. He gripped her waist and tried to pull her off him.
"Ino, what are you – oh." The door opened. It was her dad, who was looking down at the two with rather wide eyes. "What are you doing?"
"D-D-D-D-D-D-DADDY!" Ino reeled backwards. "IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK! IT'S THE OPPOSITE!"
"So you were not, in fact, trying to kill Sai. You were trying to…" is face darkened in recognition.
Oops. Ino thought.
"Nooooes! The dance!"
"You DON'T GO!"
Ino began to pout.
Was this my fault…? Sai thought.

With Hinata…

'You need an outfit for the school dance ,huh?' The blue haired girl asked and smiled.

She looked Hinata up and down and then nodded as if approving her own thought. 'I have a perfect outfit for you!'

'Hm…' Hinata blushed in embarrassment as she saw from the corner of her eye an middle school student have a nosebleed after seeing her. 'Isn't it a bit…you know…'




Hinata blushed again, this time a darker shade of red. 'Yes…'

'I'll wear the same outfit but a different color if that makes you feel better!' She mumbled smiling innocently.

Hinata glanced at one of the most beautiful girls she had ever seen in her life and nodded slightly. 'Deal.'


'SO HINATA-CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN?' Naruto shouted as he hugged Hinata from behind. 'Have you decided what I'm wearing for the dance?'

'Hm…yes Naruto-kun!'

'Then can I see it?' He asked, his eyes shining happily.

'Sure! Here!'

'OMG THIS IS SO COOL! IT'S LIKE TOTALLY BETTER THAN BOOBIES! OMG! I SO LOVE IT! I LOVE YOU HINATA-CHAN' He wailed pulling the girl into a bone-crushing hug.

'I…I love you too!'

Sai smirked as he stared into his laptop screen.

Google search- How to kidnap annoying bitches


Vicky- Next chappie will be the dance (Y)

Bella- :) Hope you liked it…

Thank you people who reviewed!

We appreciate it!
