Heyy... So I wrote this chapter a while ago and then I lost it and decided to rewrite it completely different.

I don't own anything...


"Sam." Mary-Lynette put a hand on my shoulder and sat down next to me. The carpet which was usually soft and plush, felt cold and unfriendly.

"They are going to call when they arrive. It could be any minute now." Hannah's voice was quiet and sad.

I didn't say anything and stayed on the floor. It could have been minutes or hours later when the phone rang. I looked up and everyone else was sitting on the floor too. Maggie was crying and Hannah was holding her hand. No one made a move for the phone that was sitting on the ground in the middle of the circle.

Finally I reached forward and answered it.




"We landed a few minutes ago. Dylan wants to talk to you." Jez handed the phone over.

"Sam, can you ever forgive me?" His voice caused me to sigh in relief and my heart clenched at the same time.

"What kind of person would I be if I couldn't? I love you. Be careful." My tears spilled over and streaked down my face.

"I love you too. And our baby. I will come back to you two."

"Please be careful."

"I will, now give the phone to Hannah." I did as I was told and slowly got to my feet.

I wobbled to my room with my hand on my belly. Dylan's pajamas from the night before still sat on the bed. Little pieces of him were all over the room. Even though he kept his own room, he really spent anytime there anymore. His note was still crumpled in my hand and wet. I set it flat on the nightstand and lay down on the bed.

A kick let me know our baby was still active. She, I suddenly decided it was probably a she. She had been active more than usual today, probably sensing my distress.

Dylan was gone... Every one was gone and they might not win. Just like everyone else left at the mansion I was thinking the worst. Imagining a world without Dylan. I couldn't do it. I wouldn't be able to have this baby without him.

That was when it clicked. Sitting there thinking about Dylan, I realized I wanted this baby. I wanted to raise it with him and be a family. And now he was gone. He was fighting for us and risking his life.


I love you. I want this baby with you.

I couldn't tell if he got my message but a warm feeling was sent back and I could tell he got the gist of it.

On my way down the stairs the baby started moving again. But this time it was different. It hurt. I screamed out in pain and held onto the railing.

"Sam!" Hannah was at the bottom of the stairs when it happened again and it was worse. It was like a whole body cramp times ten. By the time she reached me it had passed but I could tell more was to come.

"Contractions." I gasped.

"Oh Goddess! David! Eric! Maggie!" The others were already running up the stairs.

David and Eric carried me to the infirmary where unlike any normal day there was no doctor.

"Oh shit! The doctors and healers are all with the attack group." Hugh looked like he was going to puke.

We were almost to the bed when the next contraction hit. I screamed out and pulled on someones hair.

"Something is wrong!" I couldn't even tell if I was yelling or whispering anymore.

"You'r water just broke. Sam, you have to calm down. Take deep breaths. We will get a doctor here." Hannah had calmed down and was taking charge now.

"I need Dylan! He has to be here!" Another contraction came and I couldn't do anything but scream. "I'm not ready!"

"Sam. The fighting started. They attacked." Hannah had been replaced by Hugh, who was holding my hand and telling me to breath.

"No! I need him!" Without thinking I pulled on the cord that connected us.


Before I could say anything back to him another contraction hit and the pain almost made me pass out.

Time blurred and my voice became more ragged. Someone offered me water in between contractions but I couldn't tell who.

Eventually a doctor arrived. One I had never met before but he went straight to work and checked everything out after Hannah got me into a hospital gown.

"The baby is trying to get out to fast. I don't know why but it's like you skipped all the easy parts of labor and have dilated all the way in under an hour. It is time to push now." He said after assessing everything. My legs were up in the stirrups and I was on the verge of breaking Hannah's hand.

"Get it out!" My voice rose and ended in a scream.

"Okay. It is already crowning. All you have to do is push. Now." I shut my eyes and pushed as hard as I could.

Exhaustion was sinking in though. It felt like I had been doing this for hours. The Doc told me to stop pushing and I took a minute to breath. Before long it was time to push again. Now I was screaming as I pushed and I think Hannah was screaming too.

"One more big push. Then you're done!" The doctor's face disappeared again and I pushed with all I had, which turned out to be more than I thought it would.

My scream faded as a new sound filled the room. The sound of a baby crying. It sounded healthy and shrill. Immediately I attempted to sit up and look for the source of the crying. Everything in me wanted to see my baby and hold her.

"It's a girl." The doctor handed me a tiny bundle in a white blanket and I looked down at my baby.

She was so perfect. She had grey eyes just like her father and little tuffs of blonde hair like me. Already she had calmed down and was closing her eyes.

"She is perfect, Sam." Hannah leaned over us and I realized everyone was filing back into the room.

"Have you picked a name yet?" Hugh gazed down from the other side of the bed.

"Elizabeth. After my mother." My smile started to fade when I saw everyone looking panicked. "What happened? Is there any news?"

"Well, Sam, they were supposed to have called by now... But it may just be a simple thing stalling them. I'm sure it's fine." Hannah tried to look calm but I could see the panic in her eyes.

Thanks for reading! Please review!