Chapter 25: Guilt over trips me.

Disclaimer: I don't own SWAC.

~Sonny's POV~

In just an hour time I was introduced to my adopted mother and former best friend, and even cast members. I learnt other things about my job and past life, but considering my past I am definitely going to move forward. First of all I needed to talk to Chad, I had a strange guilt towards him, I think that's because I don't feel any kind of attraction towards him and I can't pretend to be his girlfriend. I needed to sort things out with him maybe I would eventually feel something towards him but right now I just consider him as my friend. Or my brother? I don't know it's all a bit confusing.

Dr. Newman lent me one of the hospitals wheelchairs and prepared an appointment for next week, I will have an appointment once a week for at least 2 months so he could check up on my improvement. Also he would like to make some physiotherapy on my leg since it's still in a cast. I was now being escorted out of the hospital with some help of Tawni. She seemed a really good friend and I like her very much although from what I saw she acts like some kind of drama queen. "We need to talk." She whispered in my ear, I nodded letting her know that I understood. We needed to talk, I need to know more about myself and I couldn't bring in mind anyone else to talk to except Tawni. She helped me in her car and we drove out of the hospital parking lot, it felt weird to be in a stranger's car –since I know from a few hours- and driving around an unknown country. I felt like I was blind, not knowing where to go, not knowing who is beside me, not knowing who to trust, hopeless. Tawni made a few rights and a few lefts and finally and literally finally, as I was starting to get car sick she stopped in front of a huge house or shall I call it a mansion? My mouth hanged agape as I scanned my surroundings, "well, this is where you lived your entire life Sonny, this is where it all began." She said smiling, like she was narrating a story from a book that concluded with the words 'happily ever after'. Well, if it is I am not seeing any 'happily ever after' soon enough. Again, she helped out of the car and I wobbled a little until she got me my wheelchair, she locked her car and pushed me up the drive way to the house, unfortunately their were few steps so she couldn't push me up the steps since I was heavy for her, but like on queue Chad and Chris –the blonde twins- came out for the rescue. They lifted the wheelchair up the steps and Chad took the reins and pushed me inside the big, and I mean huge house. Soon enough a tall blonde women came out of a room and she looked at me, "oh my god, my baby, sweetie how are you? I'm so sorry honey" she kept mumbling on while embracing me in a choking hug. She pulled away and cupped my face, "how are you darling?" she asked and I noticed tears dripping from her eyes, "I feel fine" I said smiling to show her that I was really fine. She hugged me again; "oh if your dad would have still been alive, he would have killed me if he knew what has happened to you" she said with tear drops and sobbed. Chad intervened, "mum, stop it; she doesn't know who you are let alone what happened and who is dad!" he said getting quite angry. 'Mom' blinked back tears and smiled apologetically at me, "I'm so sorry to bombard you with silly things; I'm just so worried about you and what has been happening. Well, enough with the silly talking, I think I'll have to introduce myself then. I'm Sara Cooper, and I'm your mother… oh god this is awkward" she said and covered her face, I giggled and everyone laughed except Chad, well if he'll keep that long face I don't know how much we'll manage to be friends let alone a couple! This is kind of awkward too, I would be calling this woman my mother and my 'boyfriend' is her son, it doesn't stand right. Am I his girlfriend or his sister? I wish my life wasn't this confusing.

I looked around me and Chad started pushing me again, "I'll take her to her room" he said, we were approaching stairs, "here I'll help you" Chris said and grabbed the wheel of the chair so that he and Chad could carry me up the stairs, "no, I don't need any help. I'll take her myself" Chad said rather ice hearted. He pulled a bit from the chair and then he placed his hand underneath me and picked me up. I placed my hands around his neck, afraid that I would fall. Everyone stared at his bitterness as we climbed up the stairs. I looked at the others and then focused on Tawni; she shrugged not knowing what to say at Chad's reaction I guess. I can't blame her even was caught off guard, I never said anything that would upset him, I think! Frankly, I've been kind of sincere with him and if I upset him or anything it wasn't my intention that's for sure, all I need is to bond with my family and friends and try to remember some of my past.

He walked a long corridor full of rooms at one side and on the other; suddenly he stopped in front of a door that held my name on it. He opened it carefully so that I wouldn't fall and got in. The room was painted purple and filled with white furniture; it was beautiful and felt cozy. Chad placed me on the bed that was set up with purple sheets as well; he sat next to me and looked down at his hands. I knew he wanted to tell me something but I didn't push him or anything so I left him debate in this awkward silence. He looked up at me, "I feel hopeless, every time I have a happy period in my life, and it crashes down with some tragedy. I can never be happy" he said with his eyes glistening, "I… waited for so long to tell you how I feel and tell you the truth. Then when I was accepted by you and we got together it was like I was in heaven. Actually it was like a dream…" he sighed, and opened his mouth but closed it again, like he was considering on what to tell me. I kept silent giving him the time to loosen it all out, "I can't handle this, I can't handle doing this all over again. Convince you that I'm in love you, that I'll never leave you and yet here I am feeling hopeless because I was a dick." His eyes gleamed not with tears but with anger, I felt a bit afraid, but at the same time pity. I was angry with myself he was in love with me but I felt nothing towards him although he is cute.

He pulled a strand back from my face and rested it on my cheek, "please forgive me, for what I am going to do" he said and without a second to spare he pulled me and kissed me like theirs no tomorrow. At first I was shocked in place, I didn't move or anything but then I felt a funny feeling in my stomach and my head screamed at me; put your hands around him Sonny, you want this too but you're still confused. You loved him Sonny, kiss him, you'll remember.

I obediently went with my head and conscience; I placed my hand around his neck and kissed him back. He responded immediately, he licked my lips begging for entrance and I hesitated at first but then it felt so good, like this was meant to be. I granted him entrance and he immediately responded my gently pushing me on the bed as he lay upon me. He started stroking my waist down and then his lips left mine and he started sucking his way down trough my neck until he found my chest. I wasn't sure if I should let him go that far, I felt his hardness trough his pants and I immediately got alarmed, I couldn't got that far. I had to stop this, I tried pushing him off me but he wouldn't budge, his lips were attacking mine fiercely, he became like some kind of animal. I freed my lips, "Chad, stop it you're hurting me." I croaked, I was nearly on the verge to cry, he didn't stop instead he pushed my top up and ripped off of me. I felt ashamed as my chest were being exposed, "no, please Chad, no. please stop you're hurting me, I don't want this" I shouted more alarmed. I begged for someone to hear me, suddenly he pulled back and looked in my eyes. Those blue eyes that I liked were full of lust and hunger for my body, tears started to slip my eyes as I saw like a vision in my head. It was about me and Chad; we were both covered in sweat and both naked. We were actually making love, but he looked different.

Chad pulled back as he saw my tear strike face, he was speechless, "please don't hurt me" I begged, I grabbed my shirt and put it on just in time as Tawni and Chris barged in the room breathless, "what happened? We heard shouting" Tawni said. She looked at me and saw that I was shocked myself, Chad looked at me with tears in his eyes, 'I'm sorry he mouthed'. I looked back at Tawni, "it's nothing Tawni" I said trying not to point the all the guilt on Chad. They both looked confused, "but…we" she was saying, but I cut her off, "I said it was nothing, please leave me alone I need to rest" I said, Tawni and Chris nodded and headed out. Chad was going to say something but I beat him to the chase, "no, please don't say anything. I need to rest, please Chad" I pleaded, he nodded and came closer I flinched but then he kissed my forehead, "I'm sorry Sonny, I love you" he whispered his voice croaked because he was on the verge of crying. He left my room and as soon as he closed the door I started crying and letting my emotions all out.

I'm so very sorry for not posting in like forever, school got me pretty busy with study and homework, and I have a great idea for a new story regarding vampire diaries but I felt guilty to start a new story and leave this so I'm planning to finish this and start some new points on the vampire diaries story. Well it revolves around Elena and Damon so be prepared for Delena. Thank you please review some comments… Matdia19 xoxo.