A/N: This file has been saved on my computer as "tinaartiepreggers" for about five months now and I've decided to give it a whirl. Chapter two is already in the making. Hooray! Anyways, enjoy.

After I got sick on my way to second period, Mercedes escorted me down to the nurse's office. Although the contents of my stomach landed on a jock that ruined a favorite blouse of mine with a grape slushie, I still felt miserable and humiliated about the whole situation. All but one percent of McKinley High School was laughing or scowling in disgust, and that included teachers and staff.

The nurse however was much more sympathetic towards me, although she probably saw similar cases every day. A fresh covering was placed over one of the plain cots available for students. The room was dark, chilly, and although everything looked perfectly clean, I couldn't help but ponder over the smell that filled my nostrils. With my feet towards the door, I laid down on my side as my stomach continued to twist and turn. It didn't help that my mouth tasted horrible and my throat burned from the stomach acid that followed my upchuck.

"Tina, does this belong to you?" The nurse asked from behind a boy in a wheelchair – my boy in a wheelchair.

"Artie!" I proclaimed with a weak smile.

"Hey." He said looking back at the nurse. She flew her hands from the back of Artie's chair and wandered back to her office around the corner.

"I heard you got sick." Artie said locking his chair in place adjacent to my bedside and placing his hands in his lap.

"All over Karofsky too." I said with a faint smirk.

"That's my girl." He chuckled bringing his hand up for a high five.

I unfolded an arm from my chest and softly touched the palm of her hand to his. Before he had the chance to return his hand back to his lap, I bent my fingers over into the spaces that his created, and brought both of our hands down to the mattress.

At that moment, the bell for fourth period rang. Artie frowned and glanced back at the clock as if to contradict the bell schedule. I knew that legally, he had all the time he needed to get to class, but he was too good of a person to take advantage of it.

"I gotta go." He sighed.

"Okay." I softly reasoned.

"I'll come back during lunch."

He bent at the waist, sweetly kissed my forehead, and gave me hand a final squeeze before taking off for his next class. I followed him with my eyes as he effortlessly wheeled himself out of the nurse's office and into the crowded hallway.

"Such a nice boy." The nurse said wiping an alcohol pad over the end of a thermometer as she walked into my room. "Shame he gets picked on so much."

"You know about that?" I asked sitting up on the back of my forearms.

"Oh sweetie, I know everything." She said holding up the thermometer to my face.

"Great." I dryly said taking the instrument and sticking it under my tongue before falling back onto my pillow.

Before Artie's lunch period, I wandered off to the bathroom across the hall to make myself look presentable. I knew he didn't care less what I looked like, but absolutely did. My cheeks were flushed of their color and my hair was matted, but the thing that caught my attention the most was the reflection of a poster on the opposite wall. It was a plain colored placard with a side view of a cartoon drawing of a pregnant woman.

The First Signs of Pregnancy brought to you by the Advocacy Center of Columbus.

For some reason I was compelled to read on – probably because I was getting tired of looking at my sickly face. The first bullet on the page read, Nausea, with or without vomiting. I smirked at the irony and continued with the list: fatigue, high temperature, lower back pain…

My heart, for a second I swore, stopped beating. I gulped down the fact that I had every single one of those symptoms, but then realized that I was probably over analyzing things. I -Tina Cohen-Chang was not pregnant – Artie and I were almost too careful about that kind of thing.

"Tina, are you alright?"

"What? Yeah…fine. I'll be right out." I said looking over my shoulder at the closed door.

Artie was already parallel parked next to my assigned cot when I returned to the familiar and chilly room. The corners of my mouth briefly rose as I slowly toddled down the length of the room to meet him. All it took was a cheery grin from his perfect set of teeth to break me out my silent shell.

"Hi Artie." I smiled back, sitting on the edge of the cot next to him.

"Feeling any better?" He questioned.

"Eh, I guess." I shrugged, pulling myself to the opposite end of the bed where the pillow was.

Using the wall as a backrest, I sat up with my legs straight out in front of me. Artie transferred to the cot and arranged his lower appendages across the width of the mattress. He took my ankles one by one and laid my calves over his lap. With a brown-bagged lunch on one side and an open textbook on the other, Artie quietly hummed to himself as he kneaded at my ankles.

Artie wasn't very talkative, and it only left my mind open to mess with itself. As I watched him read and pick at a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I couldn't help but question the occupancy of my female parts – it would have been his after all. Violently shaking my head, as if to force the idea out of my mind, I told myself to stop thinking such thoughts. Artie looked up from his read and rose on eyebrow above his glasses. I could have sworn that I saw him glance down at my stomach, which sent me over the edge.

"God damn it, stop staring at me."

The moment I finished yelling at him, I covered my mouth in regret with both hands. His eyes were wide, his shoulders shrunk into his body, and his head hung as if he actually did something wrong.

"Oh Artie, I'm sorry." I said, walking a hand out to capture one of his.

"It's okay…you don't feel well." He shrugged – obviously still taken back.

Before I could argue how being sick wasn't an excuse for me to yell at him, the bell rang for ninth period. Instead of carting his chair over, he used his arms to heave himself to the end of the bed I was at before plopping next to me.

"Screw Business Law." He said.

"Artie!" I scolded – not that I was complaining.

"I'm two lessons ahead anyways." He shrugged as if it were nothing.

"Geek." I teased, squeezing between his arm and ribcage.

After school, I made it my mission to find Quinn. Although I was doubtful, I needed first hand experience and advice on the subject. I found her at her locker, pulling her lavender blonde hair into a loose ponytail.

"Can I ask you a question?" I inquired, walking up to her.

"Sure" She smiled, closing her locker and picking up her playfully striped backpack.

"What does it feel like…to be – pregnant?" I asked as we walked together down the English wing.

"You must be doing that project on female anatomy in health." She chuckled, looking up at the ceiling. "You fell disgustingly bloated all the time, I remember having a big sensitivity to the smell of oranges too – just the look of them made me want to throw up."

"Oranges?" I laughed.

"Oranges." She assured, looking out of the top rights of her eyes

"What if I told you that I took health my junior year?" I asked after a pause.

"Tina…do you…." She asked.

"I don't think so, but Quinn I'm scared." I answered, stopping.

"Sweetie, look at me." Quinn said putting her hand on my shoulder. "I'll go with you down to the drug store, and you can take a test in the bathroom there. Everything will be okay."

I couldn't even look the man at the counter in the eye as I paid for the second cheapest home pregnancy test I could find. Quinn held my hand all the way to the customer bathroom across the store. I was so nervous that I could barely open the small cardboard box with my shaky hands. Wanting the results to be as accurate as possible, I followed the instructions exactly.

"Tina?" Quinn asked knocking at the door.

"I'm only waiting, come in." I said.

Although the cleanliness of the tile floor was questionable, Quinn sat down against the wall next to the toilet where I sat. The clean end of the test was held out in front of my body, in both of our views.

"Okay. It's been five minutes." I said pulling over the box for the key on the back.

"So?" Quinn asked pulling her knees to her chest.

"I-I'm pregnant."