
Cameron "Cammie" Morgan & Zachary "Zach" Goode have been best friends from the start. They do everything together. They took their first steps together, they learned how to ride their bikes without the training wheels on together, they played soccer together and now their going their seperate ways. When they both started the tenth grade, they were inseperable now they can't even look at each other in the face, let alone be in the same room. See Zach was becoming the guy all the girls wanted and the guy that all the guys wanted to be best buds with. Zach was the perfect package. He was smart, athletic, good personality and hot! Cammie, on the other hand, was changing into the girl that no one noticed. She was starting to hang out with her friends less. She was starting to wear clothes that made people think she was a complete dork which made them not want to be around. Cammie Morgan was turning into the girl that no one noticed. All that changed though when a certain guy finally noticed her. When Zach found out who the guy was he started to get mad. He kept trying to tell Cammie that he was just using her, that she was part of a bet that he made with his friends, but she didn't listen. She didn't trust Zach anymore so she didn't care what he had to say that was until the accident. When the accident happened she needed Zach more than every. Will he be there for her or will be a jerk and ignore her? Will things ever be the same for them? Read and Find Out! :)