Festival Days

Arrival Day:

The Plan

×愛×▬▬▬×愛×▬▬▬×愛×▬▬▬×愛× Chapter Start ×愛×▬▬▬×愛×▬▬▬×愛×▬▬▬×愛×

The desert. A barren, seemingly empty, landscape. Nothing but sand and rocks for miles and miles. To an outsider this place would seem uninhabitable, not worthy to bare the fruit of life. One could walk for days and not find the Village Hidden in the Sand. Even though it's walls towered over the endless landscape of dunes, the rest of the land was impossible to navigate if you weren't from the area. The ruthless barrage of sunlight made your skin boil if exposed for too long without the proper clothing. Without enough water, one could suffer from dehydration in a day from sweating. The Wind Nation was almost never invaded because the troops would just die on there own anyway. It was a ruthless and unforgiving land. And it was the land the Sand Village called home. They found ways to survive in this land, and for those reasons, they are considered one of the most successful nations. But there were also things that made the desert a wonderful place. The rivers that ran through this land were lined with flowers and fruit baring trees, lush vegetation and and tiny animals that made these river side shores like an Oasis for weary travelers. One could walk through the desert and not hear a sound that was not the life and nature any other time of the year. But in spring, the music from the Spring Festival could be heard for miles. The light form the streets and shops, if you were close enough, illuminated the horizon with a warm glow like the start of a rising sun. The Nations spirits are high and everyone joins in the festivities. Well, almost everyone.

For the past two years the youngest Kazekage in Suna history, Gaara Sabaku, had been keeping himself in his office doing paper work in his villages time of celebration. His sibling had tried to get him to join but he never did. His sister, the oldest of the three took it upon herself to change that.

This years celebration was only days away and already Gaara was secluding himself again, as if warning people not to bother him. Getting sick of her brother annoying antics, Temari decided to pull out the heavy artillery. Sakura Haruno. The only person she knew that could put up with his brooding and emotionless personality like she was a part of the family. The only reason she knew that Sakura would work was that years ago when he was still a pre-teen, Gaara had threatened Sakura's life and once hearing that she had offered him her forgiveness, he vowed never to hurt such an undeserving person like her ever again. If she could just get Sakura here and get her to convince Gaara that him not joining the celebration would hurt her feeling, he might me compelled to join. Making her decision she ran to the Kazekage tower to send a message to Konaha, to request that Sakura take a vacation to see her best friend and enjoy the festivities.

That was three days ago. Now, Sakura was walking the familiar rout to Suna, excited to see her best friend again after so long. She and Temari had been friends for years. Ever since her first mission to Suna to assist their medical staff, her and Temari had grown very close and they ended up being like family. She was ecstatic to get the news that she wanted her to come to the festivals and spend them with her. Although, she looked to her side to Shikamaru who was walking next to her, going on to himself about how much of a drag the walk was, with him around Temari would be a little tied up. She giggled at the thought and inwardly congratulated them on their relationship. They had made it work even through the long distance. She wouldn't be surprised if in a few years, Shikamaru could call himself a shinobi of the sand and a proud father.

Shikamaru glanced at Sakura and saw her smiling to herself. "What's up with you?"

"Hm?" Sakura looked at him, pulled out of her thoughts. She smiled and slightly blushed at the realization that she was thinking about her friends future together. "Oh nothing!" she said quickly with a small smile.

"Hm, whatever." he looked away and continued nagging about the trip. Sakura sighed. How Temari put up with him was beyond her. Let alone what she saw in him that made her go through all the trouble to keep the relationship going.

Hours later they reached the gates of Suna. Temari had been sitting on one of the ledges reading a book when they arrived. Looking up from her book at the sound of people, pure joy spread quickly across her face. "Oh my God! Sakura! Shikamaru! I'm so glad your finally here!" tossing her book to the side, she jumped down from her perch and ran full force into Shikamaru's embrace, using her momentum to twirl around she kissed him hard on the lips and when they parted, he had a genuine, full forced smile, with her returning the loving look. Sakura felt the pang of jealousy in her chest. She had always been jealous of Temari, her looks, her respect, her attitude, but most of all, she was jealous of her loving and committed relationship.

Sakura was once again pulled from her thoughts when she was tackled to the ground by her friend. Temari wrapped her arms tightly around her and pulled them to their feet with Sakura gasping for air in the loving, yet tight, death grip her best friend had on her.

"Sakura! How have you been buddy!" she asked in her sing song voice, laced with happiness.

Sakura struggled against her trying to wriggle her way free. "Can't," she took a quick, sharp breath. "breathe!" she gasped. Glaring at Shikamaru who was smirking at them and trying not to laugh at her being so caught off guard.

"Oh!" Temari released Sakura and she flopped to the ground, holding her heaving chest and gasping for air. Having the wind knocked out of her was not something she was used to. Glaring at her friend she stood up and brushed off the sand from her backside. Temari gave her an apologetic smile and scratched the back of her head. "Sorry about that, I just really missed you two" grabbing one of theirs hands in each of hers, she towed them through the gate and into the city. "This wouldn't happen if you two would just visit more often!" she added in a mocking tone, sounding more like a mother scolding her kids then anything.

The outskirts of the village were nothing out of the ordinary. The people going about their daily lives would turn and stare and the two unfamiliar people being towed through the village by one of the most known females with a smile plastered to her face. To a person who didn't know them, it was a sight out of the ordinary. When they reached more into the city, Sakura noticed the evidence of the Spring Festival. As if reading her mind, Temari halted and looked around, smiling she motioned for them to fallow her and she started to speak.

"The village really likes to prepare a lot for the festivals. We prepare days in advance, and everyone helps. People set up stands on the main streets running through town, and stores put more effort to attract customers. Every couple of streets there are bands that will play music in different genres and is makes for a more inviting atmosphere so people can choose what kind of back round music they like more and enjoy the festivals around that area of town."

Shikamaru walked up to her and put his arm around her waist, a simple gesture, but it left Sakura's waist feeling exposed and cold. She looked a way and wrapped her arms around her mid section in hopes of making the feeling go away; no such luck. "What do you mean by different genres?" Shikamaru asked, actually sounding interested for once.

"Well one street might play something upbeat while another might play something slower and more calm. Some might be very cultural and others might be quiet and peaceful. No two are ever the same." She looked up at him and smiled. Shikamaru moved his arm from her waist to her shoulders and drew her close, planting a kiss on her forehead while she laughed. Sakura felt very out of place. She loved both of them dearly but with her not being n a relationship, she kinda felt like a third wheel.

Feeling a little awkward, she decided to say something to bring her attention off of the happy couple. "Temari, where exactly do you live, I've never been through this part of town before." Sakura walked timidly through the unfamiliar shops and streets, taking in her surroundings trying to remember them so she wouldn't get lost later. The first time she got lost in the village Temari panicked and thought she would end up on the wrong side of town. Apparently Gaara had sent a squad of ANBU to look for her. When they finally found her she was walking along the edge of the city. She thought that if she could just find the Gate she could find her way from there. She was doing fine on her own, at least she thought so, and was extremely embarrassed when they brought her back to the Sabaku House. Temari had burst open the front door before they even got up to it and hugged the living daylights out of her. Scolding her and telling her never to worry her like that again. All Sakura could do was agree and say that she was sorry.

From what Temari had said Gaara had almost panicked as well when she brought up the possibility of her being on the wrong side of town after no one had seen or heard from her for almost half to day. Thus sending out some of his ANBU to find her. She blushed at her memories of that day. It wasn't the first time she had thought of that, but it still brought on the butterflies and heat in her cheeks.

"Don't worry we're almost there."

"Oh, okay" her voice was small as if expecting more of a reply. Temari stopped and looked back at her friend. Her face had a slight blush, her normally bright eyes looked almost empty, and she was looking at the ground, walking slightly behind the two in front of her. Temari looked at Shikamaru and tolled him to go on ahead and tell Gaara and Kankuro that they were in town. Shikamaru looked between them and sighed, not understanding what just went on in Temari's brain. He left and jumped to the roofs to get to the house quicker.

"Hey Sakura?" asked Temari, trying to sound upbeat. Sakura looked up and nodded.


"Can I ask you something?" Temari looked sly and smirked as she walked up to her friend.

"Um, yeah? I guess so." Sakura eyed her warily, not sure weather to trust her or not.

"I just wanted to know what you first thought of Kankuro the first time you saw him after all those years. Ya know? The time you first came to help our medical staff?" A happy question to break the ice.

"Well," she put the question to thought. Kankuro was a very interesting person. "I guess he was kinda like the lovable pervert."

Temari laughed at her answer and patted her on her back. "That's what everyone thinks. I think the idea grew onto him too much though. Come on, lets take the long way I have to ask you something in privet." She walked ahead and grabbed Sakura's hand, towing her through the crowds of people. They were headed towards the Kazekage tower. The building was large and it towered over the small shops in the area they were in.

"Uh, Temari? Why are we going there?"

"I have an office we can be alone in."

Sakura looked her friend in subtle shock. "You have an office? Since when?"

They stopped outside of the building as the guards opened to door for them. Once inside the cool, darker building, she turned to look at Sakura. "You didn't know? I've had it ever since Gaara became Kazekage. Being his siblings, Kankuro and I got offices kinda by default" she laughed to herself. "We really don't use them, but sometimes I go there when Kankuro has his buddies over for some peace and quiet."

They walked up a few flights of stairs and down to the end of a corridor. "Gaara's office is on the top floor, Kankuro's is on the floor below us, and mine, is in the middle" she said while jiggling the key in it's lock. Finally the door opened and the lights flickered on. The office was neat, and there was no sign of anything out of place. There was a chair in front of the desk and Sakura walked forward and sat on it, with Temari sitting in front of her on her desk. She put her hands in her lap and twiddled her thumbs. Unsure how to word the favor that Sakura was invited to Suna for. She didn't want Sakura to think that was the only reason that she was here. She had been overdue for a visit for a long time. It just so happened that the circumstances were just right so that this little "Get Gaara to Have Fun" plan could be achieved at the same time. But Sakura was sensitive and being used was not a thing she took lightly. She had thought through this before she arrived, but now her plan of action didn't seem so good.

"Well, what did you want Temari?" Sakura asked, completely unaware of her friends internal struggle. Temari looked at her friend and smiled. Might as well just dive in and see what happens.

"Um Sakura, I was wondering if you could keep Gaara company during the festival week."

Sakura looked at her friend in shock. Did she really have to be so blunt? But oh man, a whole week? With Gaara? She felt heat creep across her cheeks and snapped back to look at her friend.

"Why? Why on earth would I have to keep him company? I want to enjoy the festivals with you and Shikamaru! What dose he normally do?"

"Well that's just it! He doesn't do anything! He locks himself in his office an refuses to join in anything the Spring Festival offers! He's been doing it for two years now. I just want him to have some fun this week, that's all." she put her hands together and put them to her lips with puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

"No." Sakura started to get up from her chair but Temari lashed out and grabbed her shoulders to keep her down.

"Alright look, he needs this! He's a hermit! He's always in his office doing paper work or at meetings, when he's not there he's at home doing nothing, and if not that," she threw her hands up in the air to enunciate her point. "If not that he's God only knows where! He'll leave the village without telling anyone! No one will see him for days! And when he finally gets back he acts like nothing happened and locks himself in his damn office for two days catching up on the things he missed in his little outing" Temari fake smiled and said the last part in a very sarcastic way. She looked at her sternly and continued in a low voice. "He's a hermit Sakura, a God damned hermit. And it needs to change. Just do this for us. Please."

"Temari I will not use myself against him. I like that Gaara trusts me and I wont use that to get him to do what he doesn't want to do!" she said sternly, getting up to stand and look at her face to face.

"No its not that. It's the fact that if you act like it hurts your feeling that he wont spend time with you at the festival, he might offer to go." Again she put her hands to her lips. "Even if it's just for one night, just to get him out there." Sakura was about to turn around when she added quickly, "If you can get him to feel bad and ask you, then if he doesn't enjoy himself, its his fault."

Sakura stopped in her tracks, the thought of Gaara asking her to go with him to the Festival didn't seem so bad. It didn't have to be anything formal, just friends. Her eyes lowered to the ground. Yeah, just friends...

Temari touched Sakura's shoulder and looked at her with a pleading look. "If not me, and if not for you," the words sent heat to Sakura cheeks but she fought it back as best she could. "If not for anything else, do it for him."

"Alright fine!" Sakura threw her hands up in the air in defeat. "Fine I'll try and get Gaara to ask me to the Festivals, are you happy now?"

Temari clapped her hands and hugged Sakura. "Yes! Very much so!" She drew back to look at her and smiled with a mischievous look. "I'll be all over Shikamaru to make you look lonely. It'll be perfect!"

Sakura sighed. That's not really what she was thinking but oh well. She allowed Temari to drag her out of the office and out the building toward the Sabaku House. Thinking over the agreement that took place, it could either end up totally humiliating her, totally bad, or good in some way. She really hoped it was good in some way.

"Come on Sakura! We have to start right away to make it believable!"

This was going to be a long week...

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