Title: I'm falling for a big fat Russian. And I'm falling for an idiotic albino Prussian. 1/?

Author: Me

Rating: T for Prussia's language

Character(s)/Pairing(s): Russia/Prussia, brief appearances of Germany, Japan, America, England, France

Warnings: West's boring speech,

Summary: (This is in like Prussia POV, because I think it sounds better like this)Germany get's Prussia to come to the world meeting, which makes a certain Russia very happy. (Crap summary is crap DX)

Hi, This is my first fanfic i'm a little nervous posting this here, If there is any mistakes tell me so I can correct them !

Tchh, why am I even at this stupid world meeting. Everyone just stares at me with that "you don't belong here kind of look" really when did everyone stop loving the awesome me, if West could just remember important things like his briefcase I wouldn't be here...

"Bruder! Over here"

"Yo west! Special delivery from the awesome me!"

I flung the briefcase, awesomely might I say so

"Bruder what are you going to do now"

"Hmm I haven't actually thought about that maybe I will get a beer"

"A beer you never have a beer it's normally a lot of beers, Bruder"

"Ke se se se se ! You know me so well west!"

"Bruder why don't you come to the meeting? "

"What? Me meetings blehh I'd rather kill myself"

"Italy will be there..."



Damn he really did trick me, Italy chan wasn't even here, and everyone wasn't even listening to the things West had to say. America was too busy eating his McDonalds while poking England in the cheek with some French fries, while Japan was Reading what looked like some manga (but the front cover clearly read R-18) Spain and Romano seemed to be arguing as quiet as possible, and everyone was doing stuff that is not awesome enough to mention as I scanned the room I noticed on the other side of the table someone was staring right at me. Shit of course it had to be the fucking Russian, he waved at me and I being a very mature adult stuck ones up at him, which to my annoyance seemed to make him laugh. When he finally stopped laughing he started to write something on his paper pad, I tilted my head wondering what he was writing it's not like he could be taking notes of West's crap speech. Then Russia lifted the pad up to reveal a message

["Hello Gilbert! Haven't seen you in a while how's my favourite albino~! ))))"]

I scowled 'favourite albino' fuck was that supposed to mean, luckily

West had given me one of his extra paper pads before the meeting had started.

["Yo Freak, the awesome me is always awesome, what the hell do you want? :( "]

Of course I added a smiley since I'm badass like that, my message seemed to amuse the Russian freak and he wrote a new message.

["That is good, da! How would you like to accompany me to some ice creams after this meeting? "]

Ice creams? Wtf really what was Ivan playing at! I quickly started writing an awesome reply' ice creams why the hell would you want to...'

"Really Mon Prusse, are you really that much of an idiot"

"Whoa France? Fucking scared me, I didn't realise you were sat next to me! And did you just call me an idiot?"

"Mon Prusse it's so obvious why dear Ivan is asking you out for ice cream! L'amour! L'amour"

"L' what now?"

"L-O-V-E mon ami! Ivan has been staring at you all this time sometimes with a slight hint of a blush"

"I don't fucking believe you; Russia's fucking to scary to love someone"

Eughh even saying Russia and love in the same sentence couldn't be right.

"Hmmm so you need proof... Ahaaa Mon ami I have just the thing"

"Eh what is it..."

I didn't even get to finish my sentence before France pushed his lips onto mine, and right on cue Russia stood up from his seat, France pulled away with a wide grin on his face and as I looked at Russia I saw a face that made my heart ache (WHICH IS SO NOT AWESOME) he looked as if he was about to cry.