Title: I'm falling for a big fat Russian. And I'm falling for an idiotic albino Prussian. 2/2

Author: Me

Rating: T for Prussia's language

Character(s)/Pairing(s): Russia/Prussia, brief appearances of Germany, Japan, America, England, France

Warnings: West's boring speech,

Summary: (This is in like Prussia POV, because I think it sounds better like this) Germany get's Prussia to come to the world meeting, which makes a certain Russia very happy.

I think this will be the last one ~ I hope you have enjoyed reading this ~

Chapter 2

"The fuck did you do that for, you stupid idiot!"

"Oh Mon ami, it was just a petit kiss."

That bastard, I don't care if he's my sol called friend he needs a right kick in the balls

"Petit kiss my ass, you fucking pervert."

And with that I smacked that French bastard right in the teeth, Ke se se se BULLSEYE!

"Later" I shouted sticking my tongue out at the crowd as I ran out of the room as quick as possible. As much as I hate the stupid fat Russian watching someone burst into tears is so not awesome.

running down the corridor, I noticed I had no idea where Ivan could be. Whoops, just one flaw in my awesome plan, luckily i guessed the mens toilets would be the best place to check. Being the awesome Prussia I kicked down each toilet door.. until I found a Russia hiding his face in his scarf, damn kicking down those doors hurt my foot.

"ow ouch ouch ow"

"Eh? Prussia ! What are you.. you doing, da?"

Shit, I'm totally making myself look like an idiot..

"Ahaa ermm, Yo Russia"

"May I ask why you kicked the toilet door down, da?"

"Kesesese~ I'm just that awesome, and I may have erm been wondering if you're okay since you kinda walked out of the meeting, IT'S NOT LIKE I CARE THOUGH I'M TOO AWESOME FOR THAT!"

Shhiitt, that sounded stupid,

"Is there something wrongs with your foot, you seem to be holding it at a funny angle, da?"

"Oh, yeah I kinda hurt it while kicking down the door, ahaa awesome right?"


so that's all I had to do to get him to stop sulking on the toilet..

"Woah! Woah! Calm down fatty! I'm fineā€¦. Actually I'm not fine!"

"Eh" Hah Russia looked so confused


"Ahaa, that's what i have always liked about you Prussia, da you never show your weak side and you are very cute!"

Woah hold on did Ivan just say I was.. cute? Shit my face feels warm am I blushing ?

"Errrmm, Y'know France he's an idiotic perv, and he is definitely not worth my awesome 5 metres, and he's total idiot for rem y'know kissing the awesome me."

"Ahh really! PRUSSIA! ~"

"GAHHH" and with that I was 'glomped' or should I saw squished..stupid fatty.

After begin dragged to the ice cream parlour, it's not like I wanted to go or anything, i totally wasn't the one who said 'let's go get some ice cream'

"I will pay, da Gilbert choose any flavour you want!"

"Eh really?" SCOOOREE free ice cream!

"Could I have Chocolate Fudge?" I asked innocently reminding myself not to look too excited i'm too awesome for that.

"Tehehe, of course anything for your awesomeness~" Russia smiled and payed the lady behind the counter and passed me my ice cream.

"Mmm this ice cream is good, West normally makes me pay for my own Tight ass."

"I'm glad you enjoying it!"

I stuffed a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth (Awesome doesn't get brain freeze)

"Eh, Prussia you have some ice cream on your.." Russia leaned in and placed a kiss on my cheek

"Tehe, you had ice cream there" he had a huge grin planted on his stupid face damn bastard.

Shit! I must be going bright red curse my awesome blushing! Why the hell did I like that kiss,and shit WHY DO I WANT MORE? Russias fat and freaky and and DAMN I GIVE IN!

I grabbed Russia scarf and pulled his lips to mine into a passionate kiss.

"Damn it Russia, I think I love you!"

"I'm glad Prussia, because I love you too, da~"

The End