Chapter 22 - Broly

Time past and Kakarotto grew into a fine young man at the age of 15. His daily routine involved his family and friend but most of the time it was sparring with the prince of Vegetasei. Throughout the years Kakarotto had sparked his skills and pushed his limit forward. Raditz and Kakarotto were both elite generals and one of the best fighters on Vegetasei. While Kakarotto and Raditz trained among the best, their units trained under them. One in the defence force and another specialised in front attacks. It was just a normal day like the others were. Kakarotto was called by the albino genius – Bulma.

"You do see that I don't have time, right?" He complained, resting his head against the wall as Bulma paced her fingers through the keyboard.

"Just a moment," she said for the fifth time. "I'm almost done."

"Sure..." With her inventions the albino used to test-work them on lower ranked saiyans but with the growing errors she had to switch her guinea pig to Kakarotto. Luckily her childhood friend was a tough one and didn't succumb to her experiments.

"Ka-ka-rot-to!" Came a voice from behind the door and the warrior shivered upon the tone and calling. "Please, don't..." Tara barged into Bulma's little laboratory and threw herself onto Kakarotto's arms at sight. He caught her with ease but his expression was that of annoyance.

"How many times did I tell you not to do this?" He scolded the koala-clinging girl, who seemed not to care about it at all. "What if I'm too caught up with something and miss catching you on time? You're so frustrating."

"Don't worry, I know you'll always catch me on time," she said with a grin on her lips, leaning heavily on his arm. "Besides, if it happens, you just have to take responsibility."

"Kakarotto," came from the door again. This time it was Vegeta who came to see him. This used to happen almost every single day. Kakarotto sighed.

"Tell your mate to stop calling me and you won't end up searching for me," the spikey warrior said, already knowing what the prince would say if he let him talk for longer. All of them somehow ended up being together throughout the day be it in the morning, afternoon or even in the evening, which happened frequently since the celebration of the newborn prince Table. Sometimes Raditz would join or the troupe, which was Bulma and Tara mostly, joined them to dinner. As to Vegeta, he had to be presence when King Vegeta would be around. Being the future King-to-be restricted him, for example, when it came to having fun as a normal citizen. Vegeta knew his responsibility and lived up to the expectation of his planet.

"It seems we haven't been careful enough among our own men," King Vegeta said during dinner. He seemed weak and at less than how a saiyan was used to. It worried Vegeta but he didn't voice it aloud. These conversation were strategic lessons though more unofficial then the real practice he had with his tutors. King Vegeta used the opportunity to analyse the prince's advises for the upcoming operation.

"Remember how we used to send infants to other planets to conquer them without wasting soldiers on them? During that time one of these infants turned out to be a threat due to its undeniable strong power. For an normal newborn it had the same strength of a low-classed soldier. His father was one of my loyal adviser during that time. I sentenced them both to death to avoid possible desires in the future. He begged for their life and how he could suppress the child's strength with an advice he invented. But I didn't listen and proceeded with their execution." Vegeta listened carefully but wasn't following the point of it.

"Why telling me this now?" "Soldiers found footages of an unknown man in the palace.

"It took me a moment but I recognised his face. It was Paragus. I don't know how he survived or why he suddenly showed up but it worries me. He might be planning something." Vegeta took in the information solemnly but deep down he was just as worried as his father. However, his reason of worry was because his father was seemed to be worried. It meant no good when the King worried about something this trivial.

The very next day was a national day – the celebration of independence. Every citizen celebrated it with food and booze. It was as if everyone agreed to be at peace and hold hands together. Vegeta City boomed with life. Even the royal family was among the other citizen. With years of trust and rehabilitation the King found new motivation toward its saiyans, building a civilised planet as it hadn't been before with Freeza as their unofficial leader. This memorable day was tainted by yet another unforgettable event in the saiyan's history.

"Ma, you never change do you? I'm already a general at the age 15 and yet you still insist I wear these unnecessary armour. On top with these shiny buttons!" Kakarotto, a spoilt brat, threw his head back all boohoo-like, almost throwing a tantrum like the big childish boy he was.

"No complaining, Goku. This is what a general has to look like. Make us proud. Your father is watching."

"Yeah, he's watching, big boy," came from Raditz, who had been polished by his mother before Kakarotto nagged around. At least his older brother knew not to discuss with his mother. Mothers always win. Upon his teasing the older brother received a glare in response, which only led to make Raditz laugh aloud. Never changing family.

"Fine, I'll do it. Not you, Ma. I'll wear the armour and I'll pin the buttons like the protocol says."

"Ah, Goku," his mother smiled wholeheartedly, ruffling his already messy hair. "Don't tell me you're finally being an adult."

"Finally's the word!"

"Shut up, Raditz!" Kakarotto aimed his curse directly at the older brother. Raditz laughter died out and a dangerously serious face confronted the teen instead. "B-brother." His expression changed in seconds upon hearing Kakarotto clearing his mistake.

"You two go on ahead. I'll take care of this," he was still in just his lax training uniform, "I'll get this on and follow you."


"Let's do as he says. Little brother is a bit embarrassed. He doesn't seem to like it if we watch him get dressed," he taunted, wrapping an arm around his mother's shoulders and guiding her toward the exit. Raditz looked at Kakarotto over his shoulder.

"Don't be too late or I won't be able to stop her next time."

"Yeah, yeah." Once both disappeared behind closed door the teen fell onto the sofa and sighed loudly. Be it the most anticipated event of Vegetasei, Kakarotto wasn't simply made for festivities. It was tiring to be among so many citizen and with all the protocol rules he had to keep in mind it was even more exhausting. In twenty minutes he would be there among the other royals but for now a little nap would do the rebellious teen good. Just when the boy got comfortable enough on the couch, his door ripped open and revealed an all too familiar face – Tarita Stariberri. Kakarotto opened an eye to confirm what he already knew and closed it again, sighing.

"Don't ju-" But she already did. At first sight, as she always was, fell right into his arms and onto the sofa. Kakarotto gasped at the impact by surprise, since he head on charged at him, and opened his eyes.

"I said-"

"Don't jump!" Tara ended the exclamation in unison. Tara giggled softly while Kakarotto wanted to scream instead, but as he laid eyes on his childhood friend, he couldn't help but smile.

"Exactly, don't." Tara was a beautiful young girl and even with her young age, she was well developed. Her leather brown dress hold on to her curves and allowed anyone to witness the growing woman in her. While other saiyans already desired her, Kakarotto felt none of such desires and saw her like a little sister, who never ceased to cling onto him whenever she could.

"I didn't see you with Gine and Raditz so I thought you would be here."

"I still have to get ready," Kakarotto said, carrying Tara princess-style as he stood up and placed her onto the sofa again.

"How about you save a seat next to you? Just in case we won't end up with no seats." Tara squinted her eyes at the mischievous boy, knowing very well what his plan was. Luring her out when he was slacking off again.

"You will get dressed and follow immediately, right? If you're five minutes to late I will-"

"I'll be there on time!" He sighed. "Just get out so I can change."

"You just admitted that you'll be lazing around!"

"Wha- No, that's not what I said."

"You did!"

"Argh, fine! Just stay here, dammit!" It wasn't much Kakarotto had to wear, one for the chest and the other one below the torso. The difference with his uniform and those of the lower ranked saiyan was the black cape Raditz and him were allowed to wear. Luckily it was a must on royal assemblies.

But then…

The ground shook underneath their feet and an explosion sharpened their saiyan instincts. Something was going on outsideand this was nowhere close to a firework accident. Kakarotto and Tarita looked at each other before they charged. Another explosion erupted close to his whereabouts, but both elite saiyans swiftly dodged the crumbling stones.

"What's with these attacks?" Tarita asked, bewildered. It has been years since another planet dared to challenge the saiyans.

"We'll know in a bit. Let's hurry," Kakarotto said as he charged full-speed toward the attacks and increasing voices. Kakarotto reached the gate and was surrounded by destruction and fire. Every soldier blasted a ki-ball at another saiyan, though the latter wore average clothes. Scrutinising the place quickly for royal family and his own, he found King Vegeta confronting an older man clad in green, orange armour with a white cape as they floated on air.

"Paragus! How dare you show your face again! You ought to be dead," yelled the King at the enemy, who seemed unfazed. Vegeta, Raditz and Gine were behind the King to aid.

"You choose to eliminate my son. He could have been your weapon but you feared him like a coward. Broly!" Suddenly a small-sized boy around Kakarotto's age appeared, pale on the face with a golden band around his forehead. Kakarotto couldn't make out what it was since it shone brightly at the enemy's command. It all happened too fast, as trivial obstacles threw themselves onto him, Kakarotto heard bits of their conversation. With the elite warriors beside the royal family, Kakarotto and Tarita took care of the ordeal on the ground level. Another wave shook the earth and this time, it wasn't because of another bomb explosion but a sudden, destructive energy got released. Banned to watch, Kakarotto and many others, kept their eyes on the same fragile boy. He wore a harem pants and had bracelets around his wrists. His hair was black like any saiyan on Vegetasei. Slowly an enormous energy emitted from him. Golden. His aura took in a golden colour, which Kakarotto never had seen before. Everyone gasped, but the most shattered was King Vegeta. His eyes filled with terror. "That cannot be…! The legendary super saiyan!"

"That's right, he's a super saiyan. The legend we thought was just a tale. Now, Broly! Make your father proud and annihilate them!"

Paragus' son, Broly, grinned wickedly. He even skipped several nasty chuckles from him. "Die, die, die!"

Just when Kakarotto was about to charge the monster vanished in front of their eyes and reappeared in front of Prince Vegeta. He was still paralysed by shock and hesitated with a counter attack. Even if it was for a second it was enough for Broly to form a ki-ball three times as big as their best soldiers could muster.

"YOUR HIGHNESS!" Raditz thrust in between the fighter and knocked Vegeta out of length, only to feel the fatal blow on his stomach. Everything below his chest succumbed to ashes. His upper part fell to the ground heavily and connected with a loud thud.


Gine screeched from the depth of her lungs and eyes rolled back into its sockets, blinded by sheer bloodthirsty rage. Her ki-level upgraded rocket fast, as Kakarotto had never felt before, but Broly sneered at her dismissively. While he turned his back to the raging mother, Broly found his former target again. But this time Vegeta was ready to attack.

"DON'T YOU DARE TURN YOUR BACK ON ME!" Gine formed her own lethal ki-ball and penetrated it against Broly's bare back. However, the monster disappeared again and this time stood on the warrior's shoulders. His smirk grew disgustingly wide. He bent down and pulled on Gine's hair, luring a deafening cry from her. She gripped on his hand and prepared for countermeasure but in the time her pain increased crazy.

Kakarotto watched. His limbs numb and nothing seemed to work anymore. Before him, close to the of Raditz lifeless body, rolled his mother's head, her headless body following right after. It all happened too fast, less than a minute, but for Kakarotto these were the longest seconds in his life. His blood rushed cold and pumped through his heart in a rapid speed. Everything turned black for the 15-years-old boy. Silent electric wires jumped out of his skin and back into its vibrating core. It was when Broly noticed Kakarotto for the first time. The earth crumbled underneath his feet and pushed him further into the ground.

Broly's eyes twitched as he focused on the silent warrior. "Kakarotto…"

Paragus immediately jumped in between. "No, listen to your father! You're supposed to eliminate King Vegeta and his son!" As the monster refused to obey, Paragus pulled out a device. "Obey!"

Suddenly Broly was paralysed and screamed violently as a shock wave emitted from his crown which he wore around his trashed his arms around him, trying to get rid of the pain his father inflicted him. Reluctantly the controlled beast calmed down and floated on air, waiting for his father's command.

"Kill King Vegeta."

But his command was overthrown by Kakarotto's cry of war. Without a single warning the warrior crushed his fist intoBroly's jaw and sent him flying across the land. His aura shone a bright red and his hair slightly spiked.

"KAIOKEN!" Suddenly his muscles increased and burst forth, his armour appearing massive in appearance. Kakarotto didn't give Broly a moment to rehab and charged into him again, colliding fatal blows across his body.

"Vegeta, you aid Kakarotto. I'll eliminate this imbecile in front of me," said the King, preparing a deathly ki-ball at the right side. It was when Paragus started to panic and thrust commands into his device again. Broly began to cry savagely and pushed Kakarotto and Vegeta off of him with one single shockwave of his aura. His eyes lost were lost in his sockets but he reacted instinctively by forming a razor sharp beam, penetrating King Vegeta's heart before he could kill his father.

"NO, FATHEEEER!" Vegeta blitz-fled into his falling father and held him in his arms, keeping him from falling to the ground. He coughed blood and mumbled incoherent words. With his last strength King Vegeta let go of a bright shiny ball. It was gleaming with the radiance of a moon. King Vegeta tried speaking but the prince could pick up from his dying father was protect your planet and throne. Everything else drowned with growing rage. Suddenly Vegeta growled and his whole body started trembling. Many other soldiers growled animally with his leader and transformed into giant monkeys. Every cry vibrated through the buildings, making it seem as if the whole planet screamed with them.

Meanwhile Kakarotto were tangled into a merciless fight with Broly, throwing in blows as deathly as the next one.

"KAKAROTTO," yelled the beast from the top of his lungs, repeatedly and repeatedly, with each settled strike.

But Kakarotto's stroke just as vicious as his foe and only lusted for his head to roll, just like his mother's did. Witnesses only saw their battle in sparkles since both proceeded their fight fast and precisely. Kakarotto's fist was engulfed in a blue light, ready to connect it with his face when suddenly Broly was captured by a yellow shield, keeping penetrating attacks out. Just like it kept Broly's raging fists at bay.

"This time we will retreat but remember, citizen of Vegetasei, I will return and claim the throne as mine!" His voice echoed throughout the whole planet until it vanished along with their foes.

Kakarotto panted vigorously, still deluded by rage and unfulfilled satisfaction. If it wasn't for the soft cries the boy heard from the ground. He looked down and found Tarita bent over his families lifeless bodies. She cried into her hands, sobbed and trembled, for the lost Kakarotto had gone through. It sobered him back into his numb state. He landed next to Tarita and fell uncontrollably to the ground hugging his mother's head and Raditz parted body. His nails dug into their cold skin as he pressed them against him helplessly as if this was how he could contain himself to fall into depravity. It was like a helpless plea for them to come back to life and smack him out of his trance.

End of flashback

"I'm still waiting for his return. Training in and out," Kakarotto said, running a hand through Chi Chi's hair. Though his eyes seemed to be lost. "The reason why I was asking for a fake fianceé was because I can't guarantee I'll live after the fight. I don't want my mate to go through the same as my mother did with my brother and me." He blinked, looking at the woman whom he had pulled closer as he told his story. Chi Chi was sitting next to him but her face was covered By her hands, trying to hold her tears at bay. "C'mon, look at me."

But her head hung low as she hid her crying face behind hands and hair. "N-no…"

Kakarotto smiled gently, watching her refuse by additionally shaking her head. His tail slung around her waist and lifted she carefully until Kakarotto took her bridal-style and rested her on his lap, face forward. "Why you crying? It's already in the past. Besides that, I'm the one who is hurt, not you."

Chi Chi couldn't muster any words and, again, shook her head. His hands stopped her from crying as they wrapped around hers. Slowly her hands came loose and her face was exposed. With Kakarotto's free hand he tilted her head up so he could look into her messy, yet beautiful face. "Damn, look at yourself. Puffy red eyes, cheeks drenched in tears. That's not the beauty I was talking to just a few moments ago." A cold joke but it was enough to cease her from crying and changing her sad was into a scowl.

"How dare you!" She punched his chest. While expecting a protest she got a genuine laughter from him with the tiniest hint of sadness. It was much clearer when he wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face into the crook of her neck. "I'm fine. I'm okay now."

"No, saying it was okay is wrong," Chi Chi after finally having found her voice again. She wrapped her arms around his chest and held him close. He was trembling. Chi Chi bit her lip to fight back the tears again. "But you won't have to shoulder it alone anymore. Thank you for telling me, Kakarotto."

a/n: Guess who's back after such a long long time. I'm through with my writing exams and have only the oral one ahead. Since I had time these past few days I used it to update a new chapter! Tadaaaa! I hope you all enjoy it. As always I didn't actually beta read it so there mighhhhhht be a little (a lot) grammar mistakes. I'm so sorry and I hope it didn't get in the way...

isha: thank you so much for all your support! You actively read my story and anticipated it which always made me so happy and motivated me! I'm curious about your next reply your thoughts on this one here. :)

cognitive twin: wait, woman. I still have lots to write. Yours will come, too. Like really. Thanks for your replyyyyy!

al shinomori: Even though you wrote your english isn't good. It was superb for me to see you liking my story and even went through the hassle to reply. Thanks so much!

diclonious57: Never changing vegetable. xD Always him, yes!

roku1397: I plan to finish this one since it's my first fanfic! It's nice to see who you all want me to finish this story, too. I'll keep giving my best!

son-abyGC: Update happened! :D So I hope you love this one too! Thank you for your reply!

foxsqueen: always the cliffhanger, right? xD I hope this one is tad smoother though, hahahaha. Thank you, too!

MsMickey: There will be more of them in the later chapters. I hope you're looking forward to the pairings I put in the story. Thanks so much for your support!

AquaticSilver: I'm honoured to hear my story made the day! (/) I loved the life time reviews. I hope I get to read your reaction for this chapter, too!

Basically I want to thank everyone who supports and encourages me. It really is my motivation to keep going! I simply love to read your reactions, opinions. Anything, really. I'll try to update soon again and if not soon, after July I will have more time and then focus on my stories again! Until then! :)