A/N: So, I decided to totally redo this story because it really sucked. I promise this one will be much better. I'm sorry to any of you who were fans, but this is going to be so much better than the other one.

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Death Note, Death Note: Another Note, Fall Out Boy or Sugar We're Going Down. Sometimes I wish though.

ATTENTION: This used to be called Sugar We're Going Down. I re-titled it because I didn't like that title. Please don't get confused.

~More Than You Bargained For~


It started with a boy, as most slash fics do. He'd only had one girlfriend, who punched him in the nose and tried to bury his head in the sand pit after L said he didn't like her pigtails. L was scarred for life and I peed my pants from laughing.

L threw his lollipop stick at my trash can, missing it by about five feet. He took almost no notice and continued his 'epic' game of Monopoly on my NES. L always beat me at Monopoly, no matter what. Whatever, it's a dumb game anyway.

The phone on my bedside table vibrated loudly, startling me. Lawli practically threw the game remote at my shitty TV and dived across my bed for his phone. I looked at him over my shoulder.

"Is that Near?" I asked while reaching across my bed for strawberry Pocky. I lay there, looking at L, who was awkwardly laid out on my bed. L kept laughing to himself, texting so slow it was making me cringe. Lawliet usually only texts me or his little brother, Near. Since L hangs out with me all the time and Near usually just calls, my original really sucks at texting.

L shook his head, giggling. "It's Light."

I turned around fully, bringing one leg up on my bed to rest my head on it. "Light Yagami?"

He happily shut his phone, turning to me. "Yeah, I've decided to be friends with him."

Something bubbled up in the chest, sort of feeling like heart burn, but I tried to take no notice. "Why on earth would you want to be friends with him?"

L gave me a 'face', you know, that look your best friend gives you when you're being unreasonable. Yeah, he was giving me that look. "B, I don't know why you hate him so much, but all he does it sit alone and write in his journal all the time." L's phone vibrated again, but he ignored it. I knew I was in for one of his rants that make you feel like an asshole about yourself. L re-adjusted himself at the head of my bed, sitting cross-legged.

He took a deep breath and continued. "Do you remember when no one liked you because you were the creepy kid who sat by himself at lunch and no one wanted to talk to you because of what other people said? I didn't listen to what people were saying because I wanted to know you, not what other people said about you. Everyone needs a friend, even the creepy kid who likes so light spiders on fire."

L finished his speech by grabbing his cell phone and reading whatever Kira-freak said to him. After L goes on a speech like that, it means he's doing what he wants too, no matter what you said about it. Even if Lawli hadn't closed the issue, it's not like I could tell him why I hate Light so much anyway. I promised Misa I wouldn't tell, and I'm not telling you, the reader, either.

I sighed, turning back to my TV with the Monopoly game up on it. It was L's turn, so I picked up the remote to play. My phone vibrated violently in my pocket, causing me to throw the remote at my TV again. I swear, if we do this anymore we'll break my TV. I grabbed my phone and read the screen.

[ Misa Amane – Hey can you hang out right now? (; ]

"Is that Misa?"

I turned my head to look up at L and nearly screamed. His face was inches away from mine, his eyes wide with child-like curiosity. I know Lawli-pop was just trying to read the text I got from Misa, but I couldn't stop my heart from spazzing. I scooted a little bit away from him and held up my phone to his face. L cocked his head to the side and read the text quickly.

"So, are you gonna go hang out with her? Maybe she'll finally ask you out this time."

The truth is, Misa asked me out a long time ago. I had tried to let her down gently, but she wanted a reason for me saying 'no' to her. After she bugged me forever about it, I told her. All she did was nod her head and say 'well, that makes sense.' Now all she does is try to make L jealous, which is usually an epic fail.

"How many times have I told you? Misa and I don't like each other." I sighed as I took my phone away from L's face. I texted Misa back quickly.

[ Beyond Birthday – Misa, stop flirting with me. I'm hanging out with L right now, but we'll do whatever you want to tomorrow, okay? Love you 3 ]

L pouted at me. He does that a lot when we talk about Misa. He sighed and I knew another long speech was coming.

"Why don't you accept that you like her? I can totally see you ending up with Misa like Cory ended up with Topanga, or like Rachel and Ross. Why can't you accept that you like her and just go with it? It's starting to annoy me and I'm sure Misa is so depressed that you're not willing to realize that you're madly in love with her."

My phone vibrated in my hand. Yes, thank you Misa, you always know when I need you the most! I flipped open my phone and read her text.

[ Misa Amane – Hanging out with L huh? I bet he's giving you some speech on how we should end up like Meredith and McDreamy, isn't he? Just hang in there and if you need me to save you just text me ]

I flipped my phone shut again and looked up at L, who was playing with a piece of string. He didn't even notice me staring at him and for a moment I wished that he would look up and look at me. And I mean really look at me.

I always had to stop my fantasies there because I couldn't let myself get carried away. L is never going to really look at me and I've always known that. Hell, even Misa knows that. But sometimes, it's fun to pretend that you can someday get the boy of your dreams.

"B? Why are you looking at me like that?"

I was brought back to reality, realizing that I had been staring at L through my inner musings. I shook my head and rubbed my face, trying desperately to hide the blush that was beginning to creep up my neck.

"Just thinking about what you said." I shrugged my shoulders and rolled over onto my back, staring at my ugly, tan ceiling. "Maybe I'm just not giving her a chance."

L laid down next to me, arms crossed behind his head and his body just a little too close to mine. "Just like you won't give Light a chance?" Lawli said casually while nudging the side of my head with his incredibly bony elbow.

I promised Misa over and over I wouldn't tell, and I've kept that promise. Why does L have to go around making it so fucking hard to keep one simple secret? I sighed and glanced over at L, who was staring at me. I did my best to force down another blush, but I probably failed 'because everything hates me.

"I'm not saying you can't be friends with him, you don't need my permission to be friends with someone."

L smiled and took my breath away. "Thanks B, you're the best friend ever."

It started with a boy, as most stories do. This one stole my heart and will forever keep it.


A/N: This one is much better than the first one I tried to do. I know where I'm going to go with this and I plan on actually doing it. I hope you enjoyed this much more than my previous attempt.

With love, xxignoredxx~