okay here is a new story. It is an AU story. I have a few ideas of chapters in my head mostly the end so there is a task for YOU.

Yes i am talking to the ones reading this story:

what do you want to see, what will happen.

What kind of adventures will Kelly and Ziva have? it's all up to you


Need to know:

1 Kelly and Ziva are 6.

2 i spelled Shanonn/Shannon two diffrent ways don't know the right

3 underlined is hebrew / italic is a memory/thoughts

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Oh wait i do Ofirah Shalir

A childrens laugh

Gibbs POV

It was a sunny morning, in the street stood a large truck. Movers were emptying it and putting boxes and furniture in the house. There were a women and a little girl standing in front of the house. The woman and the girl both looked as if they had come from an exotic place. There skin was the color of olive, their hair was long and brown and moved as the soft summer wind blew through it.

I wondered where they came from, myself and Shanonn would stop by later to welcome them in the street.

Third POV

A little girl with blond brown hair walked to the house where the woman and girl stood, she had to be about six years old.

"Are you the new people that come live here" the little girl asked.

"yes. And who are you little one"

"My name is Kelly, Kelly Gibbs I live in that house" she pointed at the house just across the street.

"Kelly, what did I say about talking to strangers" Shannon spoke.

"But mommy they are not strangers, they come live here"

Shannon turned to the pair that still stood in their place, her cheeks turned slightly red as she spoke

"O sorry, it is just I said to her that she should not run away like that. And"

"Sorry is a sign of weakness Shan" Gibbs said from behind, he put his hand out to the woman "Hello, I'm Leroy Jethro Gibbs just call me Gibbs or Jethro"

"O I totally forgot to introduce myself, I'm Shannon Gibbs, you know Kelly"

The woman returned the handshake and spoke

"My name is Ofirah Shalir, and this is Ziva. Come Zivaleh say "hello" "

"Shalom, Sir ma'am" the girl said shyly

"if you don't mind me asking what was that what you just told her" Shannon asked

"Hebrew. We came from Israel"

The movers just closed the truck and said a quick "that was it" and left.

"we really need to go and unpack. Would you like to join us for dinner" Ofirah asked "It will be nice to know the neighbourhood a little"

"your sure it is not too much"

"Yes, we would love it, won't we Zivaleh" Ziva nodded.

"Well, what do you think Jethro" Shannon asked her husband.

He knelt down to Kelly and asked her

"What do you think Kelly"

Kelly's face lit up and she happily nodded

"Okay that, is half past six okay with you" Ofirah asked.

The Gibbs family returned to their own house. While the Shalir's went in their new home. First they unpacked the kitchen boxes next the living room and the boxes of their bedrooms. While Ofirah began cooking Ziva occupied herself with practicing her ballet steps.

When round six fifteen the bell rang Ofirah just called "Come in"

The Gibbs family walked in Kelly in front, she was just in time to see Ziva spin a pirouette.

"I always have trouble doing that she called"

Ziva who had not expected anyone to walk in stopped abruptly, her cheeks going red.

"Shalom" She whispered.

"Hello Ziva" Shannon said: "That was very beautiful, could you do that again"

Ziva whispered a thank you, but went silent after that, Kelly was very curious about the girl they were from the same aged. In their street there were only a few older kids and two babies.

Ofirah came out the kitchen to greet them,

"Shalom, Shannon, Jethro, Kelly"

"I just asked Ziva to do a pirouette again, but she went silent did I say something wrong" Shanonn asked worried.

Ofirah shook her head "No, she is like that since" it still hurt "She just not trust people easy anymore"

They decided not to ask any further seeing that it hit a soft spot. Soon they found themselves at the table, tasting the food that Ofirah had prepared. They stayed for a talk, under the pleasure of a drink

"You mentioned that you came from Israel" Gibbs asked with a questioning tone

"yes, we lived in Tel Aviv. It is a very beautiful land, Ziva was not happy when we left" her eyes flashed to a memory.

"Zivaleh, wake up" Ofirah said with tears in her eyes "It is time"

Ziva had not spoken a word until they were in the plane that would lead them to a safe home.

"ima I don't want to go"

"we have to it is not safe"

"but abba will protect us"

"no my darling, when you're older I will tell you"

While the grown-ups talked away the two little girls were upstairs in Ziva's room. Kelly sat on Ziva's bed while Ziva sat on the floor, her knees up to her chest and her eyes on her feet.

"You have a pretty room" Kelly said, no answer from Ziva. "why are you so still, did I do something wrong"

Stil no answer of Ziva. I cannot trust anyone here. What if the same thing will happen as with Tali, then I am alone again.

Kelly slit of the bed and sat down next to Ziva. Both girls did not speak for a while until Kelly heard her fathers call her from downstairs. She stood up, but before she left she whispered something to Ziva.

"it's okay to be sad, but you have to tell me tomorrow that's where friends are for"

After saying that Kelly left.

"daddy can I go to Ziva tomorrow"

Gibbs looked at Ofirah who nodded. And with that deal they left.

"So Kell what do you think of them? Are they nice people"

Kelly nodded in her father's arm. Tired of today's happening.

The next morning Kelly jumped out of bed. She had finally a friend to spend the day with. After breakfest and a kiss from her mother and father she could go. She knocked on the door of the Shalir's. Ofirah opened.

"Shalom, Ziva is in the backyard, just go through the kitchen and you will find her"

Kelly did as Ziva's mother had told her. There Ziva sat in the sun, in the same position as the previous night.


"Shalom" Ziva mumbled back.

"Do you want to play something" No answer from Ziva "Come on I'll show you my tree house that daddy build for me come on"

She took Ziva's hand and went inside together "Miss Sha-Sha"

"Call me Ofirah sweetie" Ofirah said

"Can we go to my house I want to show Ziva something"

Ofirah give them permission and they left. They went in through the back. Where Gibbs just went inside

"hay Daddy"

"hey princess. What are you two doing here"

"I wanted to show Ziva my tree house"

"Be careful, if you need me I'm inside your mom it to town" and he left the girls to play.

Kelly led both of them in the tree house. The ladder was placed against the tree and made sure it stood strong. In the tree house there were two floors. On with pillows and a matres and toys, on that floor there was also a little balcony with more pillows. On the top floor was nothing you could see that it wasn't finished yet.

Kelly took one of the toys it was a strawberry shortcake doll

"this is my favorite, I named her Berry"

Still Ziva did not respond. Kelly sat down in front of her, just looked at Ziva. There was something with Ziva. It was as if Kelly felt that there was something that stopped Ziva from talking, or playing, or laughing.

"you can tell me" Kelly said "that's where friends are fore"

Ziva looked up and watched Kelly's eyes. "Friends" she asked.

Kelly nodded "We'll be the best friends there have ever been. I promise I won't tell anyone. Pinky promise"

She held her pink up Ziva hesitated, but grabbed it.

"Ima and I left Tel Aviv because of something happened, with my sister. She was a year younger than me, Tali. When I and ima were at home abba was suppose to watch her, but" tears welled up in her eyes "there was a bad man. He made the park go up in fire. Ima said it was a bomb, we heard it at home " tears were falling from her eyes "Ima said abba could not protect us and we left. I really miss Tali" Ziva was now really crying.

Kelly sat down next to her, and put her arm around her. "my daddy says that we should not be said for the people we love that went away to heaven, because they are in a safe place now, with every other person we have lost"

"really" Ziva asked full of hope "how do you know"

"really, I know because my daddy always tells the truth. Trust me"

"that is what friends do right"

Kelly nodded happily. She pulled out a few other toys and they began to play. Just as if nothing had ever happened to Ziva. Like they had always been best friends.

Gibbs sat smiling in the backyard. He had his coffee in his hand, his body lazy in the chair. He listened to the birds, the cars far away, and the wind that's letting one sound travel very far, a childrens laugh

A/N So how was that Review. BRING IN THE IDEAS!