DISCLAIMER: Angel/Buffy type people belong to Joss Whedon, Glee type people belong to Ryan Murphy and co., and Bobi belongs to us. There is no owning of anything. Except for Bobi.

AN: You know what to do. Read and Review

Caught in the Chin

You couldn't help but be riveted to Quinn.

This is a man's world, this is a man's world

But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

Having a baby at 16 without help was practically a death sentence. It's not just the loss of childhood or innocence or teenage rebellion, it's the struggle. Being on the streets is hard. Being on the streets and pregnant is impossibly hard. You are a whore and trash. You are pathetic and pitied. You are alone and not at all at the same time. Quinn has unspeakable pride. She doesn't hide behind her faith. She faces reality with a new harsh understanding.

You see, man made the cars to take us over the road

Man made the trains to carry heavy loads

Man made electric light to take us out of the dark

Man made the boat for the water, like Noah made the ark

Life is unfair.

This is a man's, a man's, a man's world

But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

Man thinks about a little baby girls and a baby boys

Man makes then happy 'cause man makes them toys

And after man has made everything, everything he can

You know that man makes money to buy from other men

The only things holding her together were sheer force of will and anger. She was going to blame her situation on everyone else. Yes, she was pregnant. God was punishing her enough. She didn't need to blame herself. Why couldn't she have the perfect life? Why couldn't she have a normal beauty queen life?

Why did she have to be pregnant at 16? Why was no one blaming Puck?

This is a man's world

But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

He's lost in the wilderness

He's lost in bitterness

The evidence of her sin was stretching her sweaters. Where were Puck's abusers?

Everyone got up to hug Quinn, to share in the emotional honesty. Mercedes and I sat on the risers still.

The look on Quinn's face was telling. We weren't so different. She was alone, invisible and inferior or at least felt that way. And I took Puck away. The one guy who should be there has to be there and I was making out with him in the parking lot. Okay, not really but I felt bad.

Quinn and I had talked after the guys sang 'Beth'. I knew that she didn't care for Puck in exactly the same way but she had to feel alone.

Schue dismissed us after the performance. "I think Quinn has given us all something to think about"

"Hey" I ran a few steps up to her. "That was really great"


"No but" I shook my head "You were good" Yeah, this was going well.

"I have to go" Quinn slammed her locker shut.

"Yeah" I paused. This wasn't awkward at all. "Andrew is a really good cook"

Quinn didn't bother to slow down her pace. "Who's Andrew?"

"This guy who is currently feeding us. He works with the company Spike works for so he's around checking up on everything"

"Is there a point to this conversation?"

Fuck, Bobi suck it up. "Yeah, Andrew is a good cook if you ever have an intense need for a non-kosher meal. I hear they're kinda harsh on the rules"

Quinn paused briefly before pushing the door open to the parking lot. "Thanks" She probably wasn't going to take me up on the offer but it made me feel better. Was that selfish?Most likely, but it couldn't hurt. One less person out to get me made my life easier.

"Did you think about it?" Puck came up to me after school.

"What? The date?"

"Yeah, the date" firm in his convictions.

"Okay one: you don't date. Two: I really don't date."

Weird vibe aside, of course.

"We could" Puck was getting sulky

I asked curiously, "What brought this on?"

"I don't know. I like spending time with you"

"Stalker" I smirked.

"No seriously"

"Yeah, seriously, I can't. Spike-" I didn't finish . It was an excuse and we both knew it.

"Yeah, no, Spike" he responded sarcastically.

"Come on, don't be like that"

"Like what? Bobi, GOD! We have something. This right here." He invaded my space, hand in my hair a brief second. The tension; it was too much. He was my anchor. He was my glue. Puck was holding me together in the face of all that was wrong in the world. But he would be my undoing. I was going to fly apart at the seams. He was going to tear me asunder and leave me bleeding on the ground.

I pushed out of reach. "I can't" I gasped breathless. My heart going a thousand miles a second.

"My ass"

"It's different and you know it. I don't hide it." I tried not to let my tears get the better of me. "I know I don't. I just can't"

"I don't believe that. You hot for Hudson like every other bitch here?"

"Wow, no!" My eyes widened. My tears forgotten. I took a deep breath. Puck didn't know. He didn't understand. This was about something completely different. I don't know if that makes me feel better or worse.

Puck rolled his eyes at the denial. I could see the bored expression fall into place. His walls were going up just as thick as my own.

"Yeah, really , no" I grabbed his arm. "Come on, Puck" I didn't want him to be walled off. I didn't want him to suffer like I do. Locked in my own hell watching them die over and over again, knowing when I look around I'll still be here and they won't.

Puck pulled away. He started down the hallway trying to get away from me, his feelings, and whatever else might bother him. I ran after him, "Never ever."

He tried to push past but I grabbed on. I hugged him burying my face in his neck. Puck pushed at my hips trying to get away again but I kissed him.

I only died a little bit. To me, it feels like a lie. I need him to hold me together. But I can't. Telling him shit is just not possible. He deserves so much more.

"Go out with me" Puck said against my lips before going back in for more.

I pulled back, "I can't."

Puck growled and tightened his hands on my back.

"Let me think about it" I try to appease him knowing I'm making it worse.

"Don't strain yourself" Puck pushed me away and stomped off. I break a little bit.

"Bobi?" Kurt is there, "Need a ride?"

I sniff, "Yeah"

"You don't know what's it's like to want that. A guy who looks at you like Puck looks at you" Kurt and I were training. I was running him through some simple kata. Invisible enemies fell on the over side of our blows.

"Why does everyone I meet want to grow up so fast?" I stopped "Dealing with adult things blows. Seriously, it fucking sucks. Stay a teenager. Stay young and innocent."

"Isn't that what being a teen is all about? The crush? The growing up? Making those mistakes while we still have the support from our families?" Kurt continued through the movements. He was getting better.

My eyes misted. My family. Bloody. Smears on the pavement.

"Okay, what's with you? VA still got you down?" he noticed

"Puh-lease. Those losers are so far off my radar." I sniffed back my tears for what felt like the thousandth time. "Again"

I grabbed at Kurt and forced his movements to be a little bit sharper. "From the hips."

Kurt made the adjustment as I came around to face him. "What about Puck?"

I missed his swing. Kurt caught me in the chin.

I caught Andrew out of the corner of my eye watching with a tray of lemonade. Kurt had gone home.

Everything was spinning out of control. I stumbled. "Damnit" I started again. Focus.

The movements I learned at the Hyperion watching the mini slayers trying to control the bloodlust. Trying to control The Slayer.

I just wanted to control my mind. If I slow down maybe I could think. Maybe I could figure out what to do. None of this was my fault! I didn't ask for the Riots to start. I didn't ask for everyone to die. And I certainly didn't ask to move to Lima, OH!

My knee twinged and I crumbled to the ground.

"Damnit" I gritted out. I stretched the pain out and started again. Because this was all I could do. Spike was mad. Illyria wanted nothing to do with me. Puck was getting into fights and flirting with teachers.

Everything was out of control. And I didn't know what to do.

Andrew set down the tray and the tinkling glass distracted me. My ankle gave out this time.

"Goddamnit! Motherfucking hell! What do you want?!" I turned on him. "What can I possibly fuck up for you?!"

"Bobi, calm down" Andrew was still. Scared of the angry animal about to attack still.

"No! I've been calm. Calm doesn't seem to be getting me any results. I think I'll try shouting awhile. I think I'll try angry! It seems like the only thing that gets anything done!"

"Anger is against the force, young padawan" Andrew moved closer cautiously.

"Fuck that! Fuck the force and the movie quotes! Grow up! Everything is falling apart! Everything-" I choked off on a sob. "Nothing is how it's suppose to be. I'm not supposed to be here. I'm suppose to be home with my family. I'm supposed to have purpose. What am I doing?" I pleaded with him, "Andrew, what am I supposed to be doing?"

He put his arms around me. He held me tight. It only made me cry harder. Andrew didn't deserve my anger. He didn't deserve my hate. But I couldn't stop. I hated everything. I hated everyone.

"You are supposed to live your life" Andrew tried to calm me.

"But-" I sobbed bent in two, "there is nothing left. Nothing!"

Illyria pulled me up and slapped me. The pain stopped the overwhelming sadness. Surprise had me staring into the Old One's eyes. "Sometimes that is all we have. Now stop leaking" her voice held disdain, her face held comfort, "I cannot abide the stench."

It started with a flash of green light. Always the same green light, then the hand in mine jerks me back.

I turn, as I'm pulled to the ground. We fall together. I'm weighed down; a demon is on top of me. It could be some kind of 300 Spartan, except for the face.

I see a flash of metal. Here it is, the last good night. I don't have time to think; I grab something and force my arms up.

The demon goes limp, but I'm trapped underneath. I roll so the body moves off me. That's when I see it.

The blood.

Then I remember the pull of my hand. I turn my head.

Those dark brown eyes I know so well, used to be so full of warmth, life. Cold, blank.


My best friend's soft features turned into a lump on the ground. I stand up and look around. All the bodies of the people I care about littered the street, in front of Anne's.

Another warrior clad demon fills my visual space I mindlessly jab forward and step aside. Not caring if my weapon hits it's target.

I turn back to my friend's body, but it's different.

Charlie. Dead.

A green flash.

I wake up sweating and crying. It's always the same.

By the time I get to the sink I remember, that's not what happened. Charles wasn't there. I didn't see his body until a week later at the Hyperion. CiCi died outside of Anne's, not him.

No use trying to sleep again. It never works.

I turn on my TV.

Saved By the Bell.

I look at my alarm clock, 3am.