1 year later:

Sakura sat at the restaurant that Itachi was supposed to meet her in. They had lunch together every day they were able to at various restaurants all over the city. Somehow Itachi always managed to have reservations to any place she wanted to go to, even if they were supposedly booked up for months.

She carefully brushed her bangs out of her eyes as she looked around, hoping to spot the late jerk. Although there were plenty of men in suits – her suit was still not there. The doctor checked her watch, he'd had her waiting eight minutes already…and she was five minutes late. Itachi was the anal, always on time, perfect man. She let out a sigh as she reached into her bag with her good arm and got out the recent copy of Harvard Medical and then sank into her seat while reading through the pages. Her left arm was permanently damaged from the Madara incident, and she since she refused amputation and prosthetics she just manages without the ability of raising her arm above her shoulder or lifting anything over ten pounds. Thankfully, the disability didn't hinder her performance in surgery.

A waiter walked by her seat near the window and poured her favorite red wine into the glass as she continued to read the article about her recent contributions. She muttered a thank you as she flipped to the next page.

They were talking about how much progress she was making in the field of AIDs and HIV, and it agitated Sakura that she had yet to find a cure to the damn disease.

A seat pulled up across from her and she said, "You're late," before closing the medical journal and looking up.

"Hello to you too," Itachi said sitting down and raising two fingers to call the waiter over.

"I saw the transcript for yesterday's case," Sakura said as she watched the waiter pour Itachi his favorite white wine.

"She'll have the salmon and I'll have the steak – medium rare," Itachi said grabbing both her and his menus and handing them to the waiter.

"Yes, sir, right away."

"What if I didn't want the salmon?" Sakura said grabbing a biscut from the bread basket.

"It's Wednesday. So, what did you think of the case?"

"You're a heartless bastard for making that little boy cry."

"Hn," Itachi responded as Sakura handed him half her biscuit and he accepted.

"But it was nice; I seriously think Dick Wolf should just cast you on Law and Order."

"Heh," Itachi was always so amused by whatever came out of her mouth.

"So why were you late?" Sakura asked crossing her hands across her chest in visible agitation, "Don't you know it's rude to keep a lady waiting?"

"I needed one of my old cases, so I had to go back home."

The doctor froze.

"And you wouldn't believe who I saw when I went into the apartment…"

"Who?" Sakura asked innocently.

"Painters, and imagine my utter shock when our bathroom smelled of paint fumes."

"Oh my," Sakura continued the act as she bit her lip, trying to keep her smile off her face.

"Really, Sakura. I'd have thought you'd mature a little."

"I thought it gave the bathroom a nice touch," she countered.

"Hardly, and did you have to have it done in graffiti?"

"I thought it was hip, and gave the phrase 'Sakura owns Itachi' and 'Sakura kicks Itachi's ass' a little of an edge."

"Don't forget 'Sakura dominates Itachi'."

"Ahhh, yes that too," she agreed with a smile as she lifted her wine glass to her rosy red lips, "so what's your next move?"

"Already done," Itachi replied with that wicked smirk which meant he topped Sakura this round.

"Can't wait," Sakura replied as she ran her tongue across her lips.

Sadly, Itachi had won, because when they returned home from their long day at work she walked into the bathroom to find a dozen murals all over of Itachi and Sakura having sex. Every position was Itachi dominating her.

"This…is…" Sakura began as she looked at one painting of Itachi doing Sakura doggy style.

"Very tasteful, if I say so myself."

"I'd prefer you not to say anything," Sakura retorted.



6 months later:

Sakura laid on the bed with Satan sleeping peacefully on her stomach as she read a new book. A large part of her wished it was never published, and she couldn't even imagine the damage that it would to do their reputation if it was discovered that they were the inspiration.

Itachi walked in from the bathroom, which was still decorated with provocative pictures, and glanced at Sakura.

"What are you reading?" he asked as he ran the towel across his chest. He wished she had taken the initiative to shower with him but, instead, she had her nose in that book for almost ten hours now.

"Playing House with Love and Lust," Sakura responded, turning the page to the next.

"I thought you hated romance books?" Itachi asked walking towards their walk-in closet to get out his sweatpants.

"This one's an exception," Sakura said.

"Whose it by?"


"The landlord?"

"That's the one…it's about a sexy secretary being forced to share an apartment with his powerful and beautiful CEO who had pink hair…they have lots of sex in," Sakura paused as she her brows furrowed, "a lot of interesting positions."

"Hn," Itachi breathed out as he went into the bathroom to hang his towel.

Sakura had lived with him long enough to know the different meanings of different sounding, "hns", the one he just used meant, "really?"

She placed the book down after folding a certain edge of the page and got out of bed to make dinner since it was her turn, "I want to try page 88!" Sakura yelled into the bathroom before walking towards the kitchen.



6 months later:

"Honestly, isn't this a bit much?" Sakura asked as she glanced around. She liked fancy restaurants as much as the next person but this was the restaurant.

This was For Rich and Famous People only, otherwise known as La Bella. Sakura glanced at Itachi who had placed a spoon with the $450 soup into his mouth.

"Eat, or I will force feed you," he threatened under his breath.

"How romantic," Sakura replied sarcastically as she forked her salad that was apparently so good for you that it had cost over $300. "Are you sure this isn't poisoned?"


"Really? Because you haven't gotten me back for the bengay in the boxers yet."

"Trust me…I will."

"I know," Sakura replied with a smirk as she placed a fork full of colorful leaves in her mouth.



Desert came and her favorite Mozart song began to play. She glanced over to the piano to find that a large harp had been added during their conversation about medical ethics.

"I love this song," she whispered as a smile spread through her face.

"I know," Itachi said smirking as he broke apart a piece of his chocolate cake.

She turned back to him, "I think this has been one of our most peaceful dates."

"Not for very long," he said as he stood up.

"Hmm?" Sakura asked looking up at him with uncertainty as he went down on one knee before her.

All eyes darted to the legendary lawyer and doctor couple of Konoha. People had been whispering about it all evening.

"Sakura," he began and she interrupted.

"I swear I will knock your jaw in," she threatened too loudly and the entire restaurant went into shock.

"Mmm hmm, and I'll bend you over the table and spank you," he said smugly as he produced a little blue Tiffany box, "you say no, and I will mass produce the video of you and Anko at Shisui birthday party."

"You bastard!" Sakura nearly shouted. The instrumental players skipped a beat in the distraction and all the women in the restaurant had their mouths agape in disbelief.

"So what do you say, marry me?"

"I will make your life a living hell."

"I know," he said giving her one of his rare honest smiles.

"If you cheat on me, I will give you the plague."

"I expect no less."

Sakura stared at him and then smiled back, "yes, you mean-ass, I will marry you."

Normally, everyone in the restaurant would clap. However, this was one of those rare occasions where looks of, "what the fuck?' were more appropriate.



1 year later:

"So you finally did it?" Itachi asked as they walked home, his arm draped protectively over her shoulders.

"Mmm hmm, still haven't worked out how to cancel out the HIV, but at least we could stop the HIV from turning to AIDS."

"Good enough for now," her husband replied as they turned the corner.

"Something's on your mind," she stated.

He sighed, she was getting too good at reading him, "I got a letter of selection for the Supreme Court."

"I thought that was only for old geezers."

"If appointed, I'd be the youngest."

"So, do it."

"I'd have to live in Washington for half the year."

"We'd have to live in Washington for half the year," she corrected.

He smiled at his beloved wife gently.

"I wonder if they have a sense of humor, do you think I could dye their robes pink?"

Maybe it would have been better for him to live in Washington alone.



1 year later:

Sakura walked into Itachi's office without knocking. He was looking over some documents in deep concentration.

"Hey, what are you up to?" she asked as she brushed her long pink hair behind her ear.

"Shisui is having some difficulties on a case, I'm seeing if I can do anything," he replied as he looked up at his wife who was fidgeting with her fingers. He raised an eyebrow.

She walked around the desk and planted herself on his thigh, "Mmmm, you smell nice."

"Yes, someone switched my cologne with a distinct citrusy perfume," he replied as he leaned back in his leather chair and wrapped his arms around her little waist.

"Hehe, well…uhhh…that someone is kind of sort of…maybe…possible…semi…well you can't be semi…but maybe…can be..." Sakura took a deep breath, "pregnant."

"You are forbidden from having any contact with Anko, no more late nights, and we are getting Satan declawed. Have you gone to a gynecologist?" Itachi didn't skip a beat at his questioning.

Sakura smiled, completely thrilled with his response, "No, not yet."

"I'll set up an appointment for tomorrow and we can go together, is that alright?"

She nodded and he leaned up to place a kiss on her cheek.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you, too," he responded nuzzling his head in the crevasse of her neck.

They didn't say those three words often, only a handful of times a year…because sometimes feeling it was more important than knowing it.



14 years later:

Anko leaned over the chair as she looked at Kyo's drawing pad.

"What are you drawing, cutie?" she asked the seven year old boy with wild unkept pastel pink hair and nearly pitch black eyes.

"The view from here," he responded as he shaded in the stage with his finger. His artistic skill was unparallel.

"Anko, stop harassing my kid," Itachi said as he walked out onto the balcony.

"Was not harassing," the purple haired woman said with a pout as she leaned back in her chair.

"Where's Sakura?" Shisui asked as he grabbed his girlfriend's hand. They decided to never get married or have kids…just live happily ever after. Besides, Anko had reasoned, they could always bug the crap out of Kyo and Michi without the need for all that parental responsibility crap.

"She's backstage with Michi," Itachi responded as he took a seat beside Kyo, "very nice on the shading," he complimented to his son. The boy refused to go anywhere without his sketch pad. His artwork already took up two shelves in their private library, and Itachi was working on having a master woodworker make a beautiful frame for his boy's mother's day gift for Sakura.

Kyo looked up at his father and smiled brightly, "thanks, dad." He lived off the compliments from his parents.

"I'm so excited," Anko said, "this is Michi's first big performance in a real opera theater. I've already threatened five critics to give good reviews."

"That's not necessary," Sakura said appearing behind the red silk curtain as she walked onto the balcony. Her husband stood up and took her hand to lead her to her chair, "our baby is going to blow away the critics with her talent."

"Isn't that the truth," Shisui said smirking.

"Good job on the shading," Sakura told her youngest son as she glanced at his artwork.

He looked up and smiled again, "thanks, mom. Dad said the same thing."

Sakura placed a kiss on the little boy's forehead as she made herself comfortable in her chair.

"Hey, Itachi – do you ever wonder if they're really your kids?" Anko asked as she lifted his legs up onto the marble railing.

Shisui laughed and before Itachi could threaten his cousin, Sakura said, "I sometimes wonder if they're my kids too. Itachi and I have no talent for singing or drawing…"

"I have a theory about that," Shisui said, "you two are such huge geniuses in your own field that your kids can't handle the D.N.A of a doctor and lawyer so they become good at what you suck at."

"How medically profound," Sakura said sarcastically.

"Yeah, well what other thirteen year old sings like Michi? And what seven year old could draw a realistic portrait of the Vatican? The kids are mutated."

"Kyo, you're not listening to your baka-uncle right?" Itachi asked glancing at his son who seemed deaf to the world.

"Nope, uncle's theories stem from his masculine insecurities and desire to over compensate," Kyo replied without looking up from his drawing.

"Good boy," his father smiled as he leaned back in his seat.

"Hey, what the hell are you teaching your son?" Shisui asked defensively.

"The truth," Itachi replied.

"I'll have you know –,"

"Shut up, all of you. Michi's after the overture," Sakura demanded as her hand found Itachi's and their fingers intertwined as the music of the opera began.



1 month later:

Itachi walked in on his wife changing into her scrubs.

"Work?" he asked as she pulled the shirt over her head.

"Mmm hmm, they need to do a new spinal procedure and I'm the only one who hasn't killed people in the process."

"By the way, you're pregnant," Itachi said as he leaned up against the wall of their two story mansion.


"The doctor called with the results of your blood work."

"Why the hell did he tell you?" Sakura asked completely shocked by the news. It was something the wife should know first.

"I can be very persuasive."

All of Sakura's anger dissipated as she looked at her husband loving face. He had loved raising Kyo and Michi.

"I hate you so much sometimes."

"Yes, I'm pretty sure that the seaweed wrapper for dinner last night is proof of that."

"Another kid, eh?"

"Mmm hmm."

"I'm getting too old for this…"

"Maybe we'll get a lawyer this time."

"Doctor preferably," she teased as she walked up to him and draped her arms around his shoulders.

"Whatever," he said pressing his lips against hers.



8 and half months later Sakura gave birth to twins, a boy and girl with black silky hair and bright green eyes. 20 years later they'd became legends like their parents.

The girl went on to become the lead crime solving detective in the world, capturing over three hundred criminals in her lifetime. She was most well known for being the one responsible for arresting the president for being a Slavic spy.

The boy went on to be one of the best surgeons known to mankind; he eliminated the need for most medical shots with just one single injection. He became best known for developing a procedure to allow men to become pregnant. It's still arguably the best and worst advancement in society.

Michi became the most in demand opera singer in the world and Kyo's future artistic creations would sell for millions.

They were all raised the basic Sakura and Itachi way. By five years old, all of them were enrolled in boxing and martial arts. By ten they knew all the basic first aid applications and CPR. By twelve they could debate and interrogate like pros. By fifteen they all knew how to make c4 and shot a gun with deadly accuracy. By eighteen they were already renowned geniuses in their own fields.

The most obvious thing they inherited from their parents was their inability to have a normal stable relationship. Years of watching their parent's torture and kiss each other did not do well for their future marriages and (many) divorces.

Itachi and Sakura lived together till the ripe old age of 85 and 90, where they both passed away within days of each other.

Sakura's last words were, "you better not keep me waiting long or else I'll haunt you."

Itachi's last thoughts were, "She was serious about haunting me…"

The end.

A/N: First of all, thank you for reading, and I hope this chapter has lived up to your expectations.

I appreciate all the reviews I have gotten, they have all been a huge and tremendous help in my writing.

Some reviewers have asked for a sequel - maybe one day...but I feel comfortable enough with this story to end it here. :)

I wish you all the best, and thank you again!

Edited: CattyFr caught a mistake of mine. Thank you.