The song for this is Set The Fire To The Third Bar by Snow Patrol. Please listen & Review.! Thanks. :).

Bella sat at the table, trying to absorb the material in front of her. She whispered the words to herself over and over again, trying to make sense of them. "Un. Deux. Trois. Quatre. Cinq. Sept. No, that's not right. I skipped six. Now what comes next?"

"Avez-vous besoin de l'aide?" She turned around. Even she knew that it sounded French.

A blond male stood behind her. "What did you say?" She asked.

"Guess that's a yes. Can I sit down?"

"Oh, yeah. Just a second." She retrieved her messenger bag that sat on the seat next to her. She set it on the floor next to her, as he took a seat. "I'm Bella."

"I'm Jasper. …What do you need help with?"

"Everything!" She breathed.

"Yikes! Guess my work's cut out for me, then. When is the test?"

"How did you know I had a test?" She questioned him.

"Because you're in a library at midnight. Why else would you be here?" He chuckled.

"I don't know." She shrugged. "…Tomorrow."

"Gee... Uh. I can help you, if you want. Do you know the specifics of what your professor is going to test you on?"

"Well, she said the alphabet, numbers, and greetings. But she also gave us extra info that she said we could use to get extra credit."

"Repeat after me. Bonjour."

"Bonjour." She said it correctly, but he still saw a little flaw.

"That was good, but try to roll your 'r' a little more." He demonstrated it again for her. "Bonjourrrr."


"Perfect." He smiled. "Au revoir."

"Come on. Even I know that. They use au revoir in movies all the time. And why are you wasting time on me, anyway? Shouldn't you study for your quiz?"

"I don't take French." He stated.

"But how-"

"My dad is in the army, so we moved around a lot. He was based in France for a while, so he thought that it would be useful if I actually understood the people around me."

"Oh. Well, don't you have any other test? You should study for that. I don't want to be responsible if you fail."

"Don't worry, I already studied. I have a few quizzes, but not until Monday. I only have one class tomorrow, and it's Philosophy. And, anyway, I can study all the German and Greek that I want this weekend."

"You take German and Greek? If you're that smart, then why don't you go somewhere like Yale? Or Princeton? Harvard, maybe?"

"Because they're too stuck up for me over there. I don't really care about who has more money. It's only a competition over there. I only came here so I could get a good job, raise a family, and live my life."

"That's a lot, coming from an army brat." She teased. She felt a little awkward that he was opening up to her, a complete stranger, and felt that the only way to make the situation different was using by sarcasm.

He smirked. "Wanna bet?" He smiled, letting her know that he was joking as well.

A few seconds later, her phone vibrated in her pocket. She had set an alarm for 12:15, since the library was closing shortly after then. "Sorry, I have to go. Thanks for your help, Jasper." She was proud of herself for even remembering his name.

"Ugh, I know this might sound a little weird, but can I come to your dorm with you?"

"Um…I feel if I saw yes, you'll end up on the six o'clock news in a jumpsuit or behind bars. …But sure. My sisters are out at a party. Only a few of them are home, but they're probably already asleep."

"You have siblings?" He asked.

"No. My sorority sisters. …If you get caught by our housemom, it's your fault."

"Okay. Lead the way."

Okay, I had the idea for a Bella/Jasper for a while. I wrote it differently, but I cannot seem to find the paper. Please Review. No Flames! Lol. =].