Hi, this is my first Avatar: The Last Airbender fanfic, so please be nice! I hope you enjoy the story.

High School

Chapter 1

First Day of a New Year

Zuko's POV

Hi, my name is Zuko, and I'm starting my Junior year in high school. For you that don't know I'm the kid everyone tries to avoid. Like the basket case in the Breakfast Club movie, I'm not that weird, but because I was burned on my right eye, and left a giant scar everyone thinks that they should avoid me. I fall asleep in strange places, I don't talk to much people, and get into fights a lot. Anyway, today is the first day of school, a day that I hate. Summer is usually great, no school, and no one to give me looks of disgust. I can't turn back time, but every year I come back no matter how much I hate this place. My sister, Azula. Is complete opposite from me, she has friends, popular, head cheerleader this year. Ugh. Disgusting. I enter the hell I call my school. I part ways from my sister, and near my locker, is this guy. We're in the same class, Sokka is his name, I think. I've seen him hanging out with some lower-class men, but I never talked to him. I completely ignore him, and pull the piece of paper that has my combination and open my locker. I put my bag away, after pulling out my notebook and a pencil, I shut my locker, and head towards the gym, for the first assembly of the year.

I enter the gym, seeing some familiar faces, and some new freshmen, I decide to sit all the way at the top of the bleachers, behind some Sophomores. Of course, being me, I don't know them. I raise my, not burned off eyebrow, at the only boy there, he was bald, blue arrow on his head and hands. I see the girl sitting next to him, black hair, breaded, blue eyes. There is another girl sitting next to her, a green headband, and eyes that make her look blind. I see the same guy that was near my locker, sit next to the bald guy.

"Hey Aang! How was your summer?" I hear the guy who I think his name is Sokka. Before the bald guy, who's name is Aang could reply, the principal came up to the microphone.

"Hello! How are we today?" Was the first words coming from Mr. Henning, our principal. A series of mumbles and groans came from the crowd of students.

"Well, for our new students," The new students he is referring to the freshmen. "We shall introduce the staff." Soon, all the staff were lined up, introducing themselves.

"Do we really need to go through this again?" The girl with blue eyes said.

"It's for the freshmen! Of course they do, they did it to us!" The bald guy said. They talk to loud, its a pain. After the staff had introduced themselves, again. They told us where to go to get our schedules. A-D go there, E-H go there, I-L go there, M-P go there, Q-T go there, U-X go there, Y-Z go there. I went to my area, got my schedule. It went like this;

Name: Zuko Gender: Male Student ID: 303905 Date: 7/31/10 Lunch #: 1319


1) Advanced Biology Room #: 142

2) Phys. Ed. Room #: GYM

3) Calculus Room #: 212

4) Journalism Room #: 158

5) World History Room #: 123

6) Honors English Room #: 101

I sighed. When did I become such a nerd?

"Hey, Zuzu..." I held my breath, I knew that voice. I turned around, to see my sister standing, there along with her three best friends, that follow her around like lost puppies. Mai and Ty Lee.

"Azula, I told you to never ever call me Zuzu..." I said, I looked up through my bangs, to see Mai, not looking at me. We dated last year, but she thought that I cheated on her because of some rumor. Huh, shows her abilty to trust someone.

"Aaww, you hurt me Zuko." She said, finally calling me by my real name, even though it was full of sarcasm.

"Good..." I say, looking down at my schedule.

"Let me see your schedule." Azula said, more like a command and less like a question.

"Why?" I ask.

"Well, I'm interested in my brother's classes, duh." Azula said, rolling her eyes, and flipping her hair away with her hand.

"No." I said, knowing that she'll make fun of me for having such high classes.

"Oh come on, Zuko!" Ty Lee said, jumping up and down in front of me. I hated her peppiness. Is that even a word? Anyway, I had my schedule in my right hand, well I did. Azula grabbed it from my hands before I could put into my pocket.

"Wow. You truly are nerd." Mai said, truly uninterested.

"And I truly don't care." I said before I grabbed it back, and stuffing it into my pocket.

"See you around, Zuzu..." Azula said, walking over to the girl with blue eyes. Wow, she's a cheerleader? How would have thought. Now the bell has rung, and headed towards my first my period class, which happens to be Advanced Biology.

I sat down in the back, far corner like always. Never in my entire Jr. High and High School life did I have someone sit next to me on their free will. Ever. Until today.

"Hi. My name is Suki. I guess we'll be partners." She smiled. Brown short hair, red make up around her eyes, I couldn't tell her eye color. "What's your name?"

"Zuko." I said, looking away. Why are you sitting next to me? I wanted to ask, I mean ever since I got my scar everyone avoided me. "Are you new here?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" She asked

"Figures..." I mumbled under my breath. That was the end of our conversation, because thats when the teacher stepped in. Talking about 'the fun' were going to have this year in Advanced Biology. Oye, this is gonna be a long year...