A/N: Whoa... What's this? an update? GET OUT! On a more serious note I am truely sorry for keeping you waiting for the end of the stroy so long! It was sort of one thing after another and the story got no attention! (sorry college work comes first!)

Any way here it is at long last! I've rewritten this so many times I have lost count! so I hope you enjoy it!


Sunstreaker tapped his chest plate absent-mindedly, pondering on the outcome of his meeting with Prime, he hoped to Primus the Autobot leader took the request for peace seriously, for everyone's sake. The yellow bot stopped his tapping when a painful spike of energy flared out from his spark, almost as if the tiny life in there was protesting to the abuse. Sunstreaker sighed, the Med-bay was boring, Ratchet had insisted he stayed here until Prime called him in for debriefing. There was only one other Bot in the room with him, Ratchet was off playing TIC and lucky for Sunny, Sideswipe was in stasis until Ratchet could make new parts for his neck, which gave him a few orns of brother free time, he defiantly needed it, learning of the second spark he carried required much thought. He had even blocked off Megatron just so his mind was clear, not that it worked, his mind was currently a massive ball of worries and unpleasant thoughts. He could feel Megatron gently probing the block, concern clear on the wave length, Sunny decided to let the block down slightly, just enough to let Megatron that he was fine and that he just needed time to himself, thankfully the grey mech backed off and left his mate to his thoughts. His comm. Beeped, letting him know he had been summoned. Sunstreaker readied himself for what was to come


The Prime stared at the yellow mech before him, his face in disbelief behind his mask. He couldn't believe what he had just read, the offensive datapad sat on the desk where he had placed it after reading the bizzare demands of the warlord. Nothing made sense any more to Optimus, why would Megatron take the SIC and TIC, as well as the best fighter they had and return said fighter back to them, unscathed and healthy baring a message of peace? Ironhide and Ratchet were both flummoxed by it as too, well, Ironhide was, Ratchet had a feeling that Sunstreaker was the reason for the sudden demand for peace, especially since one of the demands for the meeting was Sunstreaker had to be present at the negotiations, under no circumstances was he not to be there. Prime rubbed his optics and finally spoke up.

"You are sure it was Megatron who gave you this?" he asked, for what seemed the 50th time. Sunstreaker narrowed his optics at his 'leader'. Yes he was fragging sure! He had just faced the mech senseless when he was given the datapad, though he neglected to mention that detail. His spark twitched at the thought, forcing the warrior to remember his current condition, which thankfully Ratchet had kept quiet about.

"Yes Prime, the seekers pulled me out the brig and then put me in a room with him, Megatron said how this war was now counterproductive and had destroyed the object of it." The yellow mech rattled, he had rehearsed it enough that it slipped off his tongue like it was the truth. Ironhide raised his optic ridge, there was something crucial detail, the mech had seemed distracted since walking into the room, like he was hiding something. Prime on the other hand accepted Sunny's explanation and appeared thoughtful.

"Very well Sunstreaker, you are dismissed, go back to your quarters and rest." The Prime ordered, Sunstreaker nodded and left, once the door slid shut behind the warrior Ironhide turned to Prime.

"He's hiding somin' Prime," he said, "He ain't telling us the whole story." Ratchet cursed internally, he didn't want to break the promise he had with the twin, the twin's attachment to Megatron was never an immediate threat to the Autobots, but now the dammed mech had just gone and got himself sparked. Would his life ever be simple?

"I understand Ironhide, but I cannot turn down this chance to end this war." Optimus said grimly, he knew there was a 99% chance this whole thing was a trap, end the war yes, but only so the Decepticons came out on top. All things aside Prime believed what Sunstreaker had said about Megatron, that he thought the war was now pointless. He remembered when Megatron first appeared, he preached to those dammed by the Autobot senate, saying if they followed him he will lead them to a fairer society, but something had gone wrong and Megatron turned into a tyrant bent on destruction. "We shall meet with them at the designated place and negotiate" he ignored the angry look on Ironhide's face and turned to Ratchet, "Please inform Sunstreaker will shall be attending the negotiations and that we will require his presence." Ratchet nodded and opened the comm. Link while Ironhide stormed out. Prime hoped to Primus he had just made the right decision.


Optimus was still doubting himself on the walk through the desert, was this the right decision? Would Prowl (if they ever got him back) wring his circuits out for bringing a mech classified as 'compromised' to a (hopefully) peace negotiation? The four Autobots approched the five mechs standing in the desert, Optimus was relived to see both Jazz and Prowl in working condition and apparently injury-less, Megatron smiled, not his usual 'I'm going to destroy you and everything you love' smile, but a genuine 'I'm glad to see you' smile. Ratchet was stood next to Sunstreaker, keeping a hand on the mech's arm.

"Optimus!" the warlord greeted loudly, "I am happy to see you have answered my call for peace positively!" Optimus took his time to eye up the decepticons, Starscream was without his null rays, Soundwave's shoulder cannon was absent was was the pain in the aft fusion cannon that Megatron was so attached to. So he had made the right decision after all, he almost felt bad for bringing weapons.

"Yes Megatron," he responded, " I could not overlook a chance for peace, but I must ask, why the sudden change?" Optimus watched the large mech fidget, much to his utter disbelief, (Megatron was uncomfortable?) the warlord didn't respond at first, he simply signalled his two commanding officers to release Jazz and Prowl, sending them on their way back to their leader.

"Prime, there are things you cannot understand in this universe, one is how this war got so out of hand and the second, how demanding my bondmate is." he said with a smirk his gaze flickering toward Sunstreaker.

"I am not!" he piped up, much to the surprise of Prime and Ironhide, Jazz just smiled, he was right! Prowl just simply shook his head as he felt his mate's ego fluctuate through the bond. Sunstreaker's face was positively comical, he was pouting and he had his arms crossed. Megatron just laughed.

"Terribly sorry dear," he chuckled, now facing Prime, "as you can see I believe it is time for a truce, we cannot let this pointless fighting continue." he said very seriously, Sunstreaker crossed the self imposed 'no man's land' and stood next to the mech, he whispered into the grey mech's audio and judging from his facial expression Ratchet guessed he was just informed of the good news Sunny had. Megatron held Sunny at arms length, gazing into the blue orbs that were Sunny's optics, "Truely?" he asked, "you are sparked?" Sunstreaker said nothing, he simply smiled and gave a brief nod, not breaking the eye contact they held. The Autobots felt uncomfortable, being privy to such a tender moment between the bond mates. Megatron finally let his emotions get the better of him, he pulled Sunstreaker in and hugged him, he didn't want to let go, not ever again. Starscream was the one to ruin the moment.

"Can we just get fragging on with it!" He yelled, his non-existent patience wearing thin, Megatron laughed at the interruption, taking it lightly compared to Sunstreaker who glared daggers at the seeker.

"Sorry Prime," The large mech apologised "I was not expecting such a development" Prime just nodded, still unable to process what was going on, Ratchet worried briefly that the Prime was going to pull a Prowl and have a logic meltdown.

"How are we going to do this Megatron? I'm sure you have some demands for Cybertron and how it is governed." Optimus said finally, now standing tall, demanding the attention. Megatron smirked, he finally had the chance for real change.

"First, the Senate needs to be replaced, its too corrupted to be allowed to continue," Megatron said slowly, pleased when Optimus nodded in agreement, he continued, "Vos and Kaon must be represented by someone actually from them, not some Iacon representative." he left it there, waiting for Optimus' response, the words hung in the air like a thick vale. Optimus did not see any harm in the demands, really they were things he would have done himself, things he thought would have prevented the war.

"Very well Megatron," Optimus said, he held out his hand for the larger mech. Megatron raised an optic ridge, he had been expecting some sort of bargaining, or at least Prime offer something to the table. Optimus still held out his hand, Megatron took it and shook, "Megatron" Prime said, "I would be honoured if you represented Kaon and help me to rebuild Cybertron." all the mechs were silent, Watching the exchange, was this it? They all thought, is this really the end of the fighting? Megatron let out a bellowing laugh.

"Of course Prime!" he chimed, "It would be my pleasure!"


12 vorns later

Megatron collapsed onto the large sofa that sat in the front room to his rather large home. It had been a long day of debating on miner's rights, some mechs were still stuck in the old ways before the war, thankfully Optimus had stepped in and tipped the scales his way, still, at least they were even talking about it. The sound of small feet greeted his audios and two small mechlings jumped on him.

"Your home!" the yellow and grey one chirped, hugging Megatron happily, the red and gold one waited until his brother was out the way before jumping on his sparker. Megatron laughed and hugged them both.

"Sunvector, Wildiron, how are my favourite mechs doing?" Megatron asked the two bots giggled. Megatron had no idea what he had done to diverse the twins, both of them had traits of each parent, Wildiron took more after Sunstreaker, he had the same helmvents and smiler body design, unlike his carrier though he sported a lot of red, complemented by gold on his thighs and upper arms, he also was anti social like his carrier, choosing to spend time with his brother rather than other sparklings, Sunvector always tried to get him to play with others though. Sunvector was basicly a small Megatron, except he was painted yellow bar his hands, fore arms and lower legs, which were a deep grey, he had the unfortunate nack for pranks, it didn't help that the few time Sideswipe had come to visit he would teach the would be hellion new tricks to annoy his parents with.

"Carrier is very grumpy today." Wildiron said, "Vector went into his studio which I told him not to!" said the red twin, giving a pointed stare at the other, "he ruined one of carrier's paintings!"

"I did not! It was already like that!" wailed the yellow mechlet. Megatron groaned, when they got into arguments they usually wouldn't stop until one of them got bored, which unfortunately took a while. Megatron stood up and went to find his mate so he could hear what really happened. He found Sunstreaker in the studio, trying to rectify what ever damage his art his art had suffered at the hands of the sparklings. Sunny's bad mood though was more due to the fact he was in the later stages of carrying, which were increasingly draining on the systems. Megatron placed a soothing hand on his mate's shoulder, Sunstreaker sighed and put down the brush he was holding.

"I'm going to have to start again on this one" he said quietly, looking at the smudge marring the painting of Iacon's skyline. He stood and hugged Megatron, "how was the senate today?" he asked, walking out of the studio to find his sparklings.

"Negotiations are going well, Prime is spear heading the campaign so it's getting more positive reactions now, though a final settlement is still far away" he shrugged, it would always take a long time to get something approved. "What happened to the painting?"

Sunstreaker smiled "Vector and Iron were playing with a ball, it rolled into the studio, Vector managed to trip and fall into the wet painting" It was no-ones fault really, just a spot of rather bad luck. The yellow mech tapped his chest fondly, "If this one splits I think I may go crazy" he laughed, Megatron smiled and kissed his beautiful mate.

Megatron couldn't believe how different things were in just twelve vorns, most of Cybertron had been rebuilt, refugees had been piling back ever since the announcement of the war's end, the mines were yet to reopen but Earth had been happy to supply Prime with the necessary energy to sustain their planet. Thanks to his ambassador status he was able to supply his family with a large home in Kaon, far from the mines and gladiator pits, a lot of the decepticons moved to Kaon, they were often found in the pits fighting. The bonded pair hadn't been back to the pits themselves, but Soundwave often did, he had stayed close to the family, the twins enjoyed playing with the casseticons and Megatron enjoyed having someone to slink off to the bars with on his nights off sparkling duties.

Sunstreaker on the other hand spent most his time in the studio painting and if he wasn't there he was with his sparklings, playing, teaching them to paint or simply watching over them while they recharged. It was so odd how domesticated their lives had become, Sunstreaker had even amened things with his brother after the sparkling have been birthed. Sideswipe himself was bonded now, him and Bluestreak were also expecting a little one- which Iron and Vector were very excited about. Sideswipe and Blue lived in the newly built Praxus with Jazz and Prowl, Sunny dropped by when ever Megatron's ambassadorial duties brought him that way.

Sunstreaker watched as his mate broke up the arguing sparklings and smiled to himself quietly as the proceeded to attack their sparker. He thought back to his time on the Ark, he was so glad he sent Megatron that transmission now.


F/N: There we go! Finally finished! Thank you all for sticking with me throughout my dry spell! My next story has already been planned and Chapter One nearly finished, though I regret to say it is not of the Transformer Fandom, It will be Avengers so I hope you will at least give it a try once it is posted! LOVE YOU ALL