
"hi im Andrew Turk." said the boy in front of my as I waited to buy coffee's for me Danny and Tucker.

"hi. im Sam Manson" I replied

"I was wondering if you would go out with me" he asked

"sure. meet me here tonight at 8 for coffee?" I suggested

"sure" he smiled and I couldnt help but smile back.

end flashback

He had seemed like such a gentleman. He was so polite. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the final bell rang. I couldnt hide my frown as I got up and walked out the door, hoping and praying that Andrew wouldnt be there to pick me up.

As I was walking, I heard my name called. My heart froze and then started racing as I recognized the voice as Danny Fenton. My best friend. The most important person in my life. I stopped and started to turn and I had a flashback.


"I dont want you seeing that foley kid or fenton kid anymore" Andrew said rudely.

"why?" I demanded "they are my best friends"

"not anymore" he growled

"I can hang out with whoever the hell I want" I said fruiously and before I knew what had happened I was layin on the floor. I felt a stinging sensation in my cheek and realized that he had slapped me.

"If you talk to them or go anywhere near them ever again, I will kill them" he growled. "got it?"

I nodded and tried to hold back tears.

"good" he said, and kissed me quickly, then ordered me out of his house, which was across town from mine.

end flashback

"Danny" I whispered and started backing away. A hurt look crossed his face as he headed towards me. I picked up my pace, but stayed facing him, and finally stopped when my cell rang.

"hello?" I asked

"im not picking you up. walk to my house. be here by 5. now" Andrew ordered and hung up the phone.

Realization dawned on my face as I realized that andrew wasnt here, so I could at least say hi to Danny. I looked at him just in time to see him turn around and walk the other way.

"Danny" I whispered again and started running to him as he went behind the school to go ghost and fly home. I hugged him from behind and he didnt even have to look to know it was me. we had hugged eachother so much and spent so much time together that we knew eachothers touch by memory.

"lord do I ever miss doing this" I mumbled into his back before he spun around and hugged me tight into his chest.

I started crying as I felt him rest his cheek on my head.

your makeup will run and reveal the bruises the voice in my head reminded me.

I immediately pulled away and ran away from him.

"Sam! No! Dont go! Please! I just got you back!" Danny yelled after me. I peeked behind me to see that he had tears streaming down his face and though I couldnt hear it, I saw him say 'please dont do this to me'.

That almost made me go back but I kept running. I sent one last glance back and saw him drop to his knees crying, and pounding his fist on the ground. My vision got all blurry from the sight and I tripped, but didnt get up. I stayed down and cried.

I cried for Danny, for Tucker. For the family I had before Andrew. I used to have Jack Maddie and Jazz since my parents were never around. I cried for the love that I couldnt tell Danny I held deep in my heart for him. I cried his name over and over again as I pounded my fist into the ground.

"Danny, Danny, Danny" I sobbed. I checked my watch and got up and sprinted to Andrews. I arrived at his house at 5:01, as soon as I opened the door I saw he was furious.

"your late" he growled "you know what that means"

"please no" I begged

"sorry. but you wont learn to listen to me if I dont" he said and punched me. I got a black eye and he said

"now get out of my house. I dont want to hang out anymore"

I didnt answer, just pulled myself off the ground like I had hundreds of times before and walked out the door, closing it gently behind me.

I ran down the street in the pouring rain and eventually gave up. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Dannys number.

"Sam?" he asked, completely surprised I was calling him at all considering we havent spoken since I was told not to talk to him, which now was about 2 months.

"yea. Danny can you do my a favor? I need a ride home. just ghost it up okay?" I asked

"sure Sammie" he replied "where are you?"

I gave him the address where I was as I held back tears from hearing his voice, and as soon as he hung up, I fell to my knees and cried.

"whats wrong Sammie?" I heard Danny ask from slightly above me. I looked up at him and when he saw my face his eyes glowed a furious green.

"I fell" I lied quickly

"promise?" he asked


"I promise I will never lie to you Danny. ever. for as long as I live" I said

"I promise to Sammie" Danny replied and I hugged him

end flashback

"no" I sighed "he hit me. but dont tell anyone. im dealing with it"

Danny was immediately enraged and said

"has he ever hit you before?"

"yes" I whispered

He picked me up, cradling me against his chest, and flew me to his house.

"can I see?" he finally asked

I nodded and pulled up my shirt to reveal several bruises. I also pulled up my pant legs revealing bruises upon bruises.

Danny turned human and hugged me tight.

"please dont say anything. im dealing with it" I sobbed into his chest

"Sam..." he murmured

"please Danny?" I begged

"fine. but every time you hang out with him you are having an invisible body gard there so I can stop him if he tries to hit you again." He said

"okay. thank you Danny" I smiled

"no problem Sam. but I was wondering, why after you started dating him did you stop talking to me and Tuck?"

"because he said that if I didnt stop talking to you guys he would kill you both and then me" I murmured as he layed us on his bed and pulled the covers over us.

"oh" he said

"yea" I replied

"well goodnight Sammie" he said

"night Danny" I said and cuddled into his chest as we fell asleep.