iThink I Felt Sparks

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in ages! I'm just now starting this chapter and it's May ninth… XD

Oh, by the way, I have no clue if there's anywhere in Vancouver that sells bacon flavored ice cream, I'm just making that up XD

Also, I've changed the rating on this to T 'cause… Umm… You'll see why XD

And I have also decided to pretend that all the passports to cross the border chiz doesn't exist, since I can find no way to make it actually work with this story XD

Disclaimer: I'm really tempted to say yes. However, there's this stupid thing called my *finger quote* conscience *end finger quote* that's telling me "Just say no." XD

Chapter ten: Take Us To Canada!

(Freddie's POV)

"Canada?" Sam yelled. Right in my ear, too.

"Yep." I sighed, pointing at the screen, covering my ear with my other hand in case Sam decided to yell again.

"Well how the chiz are we gonna get there?" She frowned.

"I dunno." I sighed, closing my laptop and setting it down on the counter.

Sam sat back down on the couch, still pouting.

"We could ask Spencer to take us…" I suggested.

"Yes!" Sam shouted, suddenly grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the apartment. She dragged me all the way down to the lobby, where we ran into Spencer. And I seriously mean we ran into him. Literally.

"Ow…" He complained, having fallen on the hard tile floor.

"Hey! Don't trip on my floor!" Lewbert screamed.

"Shut up!" Sam yelled in return. I guess Lewbert had finally become smart enough to fear Sam, because he retreated into his office.

"Hey, Spencer, can you do us a favor?" I asked, ignoring the shouts still coming from behind the closed door of Lewbert's office.

"What is it…?" Spencer asked wearily.

"Take us to Canada." Sam said simply as if what she said had sounded totally normal.

"What?" Spencer asked as though he hadn't heard Sam right, which I'm sure he had.

"Take. Us. To. Canada!" Sam repeated herself.

"Why?" He looked oddly at us.

"'Cause we can't drive." I shrugged.

"Why do you need to go to Canada?" Spencer asked more specifically.

"Bacon flavored ice cream!" Sam responded.

"Huh?" Spencer asked, still confused.

"The nearest place that sells bacon flavored ice cream is in Vancouver." I explained.

"But that's like two and a half hours from here!" Spencer argued.

"You've taken us to Idaho and California on short notice before! Just take us to Canada!" Sam shouted.

"Fine!" Spencer finally agreed.

"Yay!" Sam exclaimed, jumping for joy.

"I should probably drop my banjo off at home first…" Spencer said.

"Fine! But hurry!" Sam yelled.

Spencer sprinted up the stairs, but I caught a glimpse of him rolling his eyes at us before he took off.

Only a second or so later, Sam grinned wildly at me.

"What?" I laughed.

"We're going to Canada!" She shouted, her smile only growing wider.

I rolled my eyes, smiling at her overexcited expression.

Only a minute later, we heard Spencer yelling, "Whoa!"

It was only a matter of seconds later that he face-planted at the bottom of the stairs.

"Don't run down stairs…" He mumbled, rubbing his forehead as he got up.

"No chiz." I laughed.

"Come on! Let's go!" Sam shouted, grabbing Spencer and I by our arms and dragging us towards the elevator.

As soon as the elevator came, Sam shoved us into it, then pushed the button for the garage floor fifty-some times in just a few seconds.

Once we got down to the garage, Sam continued to drag us towards Spencer's car.

She and I climbed into the backseat while Spencer got into the driver's seat.

"What are we going to do for two and a half hours?" I asked.

Sam smirked at me seductively and said, "You're smart, Freddie, I'd think you could figure it out."

"Okay, I'm the one that has to look in the rear-view mirror for all of our safety, and I'd really prefer that the only thing I saw was the cars behind us!" Spencer shouted before I could figure out how to respond to Sam. Still, he was smiling, so I figured at least a tiny part of him was hoping to see Sam and me making out.

"Alright, you don't have to see it." Sam smirked.

She then pulled a jacket out of her bag and, giggling, moved to the middle seat whilst tossing the jacket over both of our heads just before throwing her arms around my neck and fiercely pressing her lips to mine, and, of course, I instantly kissed her back.

I made brief note of the fact that Spencer cleared his throat in attempts to get us to stop, but I decided to ignore it, and continued to make out with Sam.

"Will you guys at least buckle up so I can drive?" Spencer rolled his eyes.

Sam and I pulled apart for only a second to buckle up, and then resumed our make out session.

"Okay, if you guys do that for any more than five minutes, I'm gonna have to pour this water bottle on you guys." Spencer laughed as he pulled out of the garage.

However, it was nearly an hour later that Spencer yelled, "Okay, enough!" as he poured water on our heads.

Sam jumped back, grabbed the empty bottle from Spencer, and hit him in the head with it.

"Ow! What was that for?" Spencer shouted.

"You poured water on us!" Sam complained, trying to squeeze some of the water out of her hair.

"You guys were making out in the backseat of my car for an hour! I had to make some kind of responsible decision!" Spencer defended.

"So you poured water on us?" Sam yelled.

"That's what you do to misbehaving cats, isn't it?" Spencer argued.

"No! You squirt them a little bit, not soak them!" I shouted.

"Well sorry! I bet if I soaked a cat, it wouldn't be yelling at me!" Spencer huffed.

"It wouldn't yell at you, it'd claw your face off!" Sam yelled.

"Oh well!" Spencer shouted.

"Are we there yet?" Sam asked, abruptly changing the subject.

"No! We won't even be at the border for another hour!" Spencer yelled.

"Then why are we stopped?" I asked. Spencer had stopped the car right before pouring water on our heads.

"Well, I decided it'd be safer if I pulled into a Mallmart parking lot when I dumped water on your heads than if I did that while I was driving down the highway!" Spencer defended.

"Can we just get going? It's already seven thirty, and the place closes at ten!" Sam shouted.

"Fine!" Spencer yelled in return, turning the car on and pulling out of the parking lot.

After a few minutes, Sam yawned, suddenly seeming tired, and she leaned her head on my shoulder, reminding me of how she had fallen asleep like that in January, right after what I guess could be called our first "official" date. Increasing the déjà vu, I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me.

Sam eventually fell asleep, and I leaned my head against the window, watching other cars zip past.

After an hour or so, we finally crossed into Canada, this action shortly being followed by Spencer's cheer of, "We've left the US! We're foreigners!"

"Spencer…" I growled, knowing he'd surely wake Sam up, and I was fairly certain that when this happened, she would not be happy.

Not to my surprise, Sam awoke, yelling, "What the chiz, Spencer! I was asleep!"

"Sorry!" He whisper-yelled, not truly sounding apologetic.

"Freddie, I'm tired, but he woke me up." Sam whined to me as she pointed at Spencer accusingly.

I tried to help her by asking, "So you want me to…?"

"Kiss me goodnight," she smirked.

I rolled my eyes, thinking of how cheesy that sounded, but kissed her all the same, pulling away after just a moment, insuring that Spencer wouldn't soak us again.

After a minute or two, she was asleep on my shoulder once more.

Once a half an hour had passed, we finally pulled into the parking lot of the small ice cream store, and I nudged Sam to wake her up.

"Stop it, Nub, I'm sleeping…" She mumbled drowsily.

"Fine. Spencer and I will just go get bacon flavored ice cream without you." I laughed, knowing her reaction before it happened.

She jumped up, unbuckling herself as she did so, then threw the car door open, and dragged me by the wrist as she flew into the building. Spencer ran after us, nearly forgetting to turn off his car.

When we got inside, Sam was already drooling.

"Lemme guess; you want the biggest size they've got, and I'm gonna pay for it?" I laughed. Sam nodded rapidly in response. I sighed as I pulled out my wallet, and then took out the money to pay for the ice cream.

Once we had gotten the ice cream, we sat down at a table. Sam looked at her enormous bowl eagerly for only a second before digging into it. I rolled my eyes as I started to eat my own ice cream – a much smaller amount than Sam's.

A few minutes later, Spencer and I had finished eating, and Sam still had almost half of her ice cream left. She probably would've devoured it entirely already if it wouldn't have given her a brain freeze.

When she had finally finished the ice cream, she leaned over and kissed my cheek, then whispered, "Thanks, Freddie."

"Aw, I actually got a 'thanks' from you, and you actually used my real name." I smiled.

"Don't get used to it." She smirked. I laughed at her comment, knowing that this was totally expectable of her.

Spencer yawned, and then looked at the time, telling us, "Guys, it's almost ten. We should get going. We won't be back 'til almost midnight, and I'm thinking Carly's gonna get suspicious of the fact that my 'visit to the art museum' is taking so long."

Sam laughed, "How stupid would you have to be to think Carly would think there's an art museum open at midnight?"

"Um… I told her I was going to one in Seattle… And at the time it was only seven thirty-ish…" Spencer mumbled.

"Fine, let's get back before she spazzes… If it's not too late already." Sam chuckled.

We left for Spencer's car, and only a minute or so after we had left the parking lot, Sam was asleep. It was just then that the thought occurred to me that my mom would be freaking out over the fact that I was gone. I quickly checked my phone and saw that I had ten text messages. Yep, she's paranoid.

I texted her back saying that Spencer had taken me somewhere for "guy-bonding"… Yeah, I need to get better at making excuses. I also said I'd be back in ten minutes… She won't know! She'll go to bed and I can sneak in! I hope…

Just as we neared Seattle, Sam woke up and said it'd be best to drop her off at her house so Carly wouldn't be suspicious. Spencer and I agreed, and within a few minutes, we were at Sam's house. I walked her to the front door, as she was half-asleep. As soon as she got inside, she laid down on her couch and fell asleep. I just rolled my eyes and whispered, "G'night, Princess Puckett." as I closed the door and headed for Spencer's car.

Once we had gotten back to Bushwell, Spencer and I hurried to the eighth floor. I snuck quietly into my apartment, my mom somehow miraculously not noticing my entrance.

From what I could hear, Spencer wasn't so lucky. I was already in my room when I heard a scream from across the hall, "Where have you been? It's twelve o'clock in the morning!" It was Carly's voice.

I heard a sound like feet pounding on the ground, and figured Spencer had probably run from Carly to his room and slammed his door in her face when she tried to follow. I will never fully understand the workings of his mind. And I think I'm happy with that fact.

A/N: Meh, not totally happy with the ending of this chapter… Oh well, I like how the rest of it turned out :) So today is what? June 15th? Yeah… I'm not gonna post this right away though. So this A/N's gonna be out of date… Whatever XD I'm gonna post this on my FanFiction Anniversary (June 24th; if you're reading this, then that's today) So all my fics will get updated "today" (the 24th) :)

Next up… The iSYL chapter(s?)… DUN DUN DUN! XD Okay, I have a very clear image in my head of how it's gonna work, so don't fret XD I'll make it Seddielicious :3

Also… Who saw the iLMM promo? I mean, sure, by the time this'll be posted, that promo'll be two weeks old… WHATEVER! That first came out on my Seddie Shipping Anniversary! :D I was so flippin' psyched! Well, I obviously still am, but just the fact that the biggest thing in Seddie existence (so far :3) happened ON MY SEDDIE SHIPPING ANNIVERSARY rocks! :D

Okay, sorry for the long author's note XD Expect an update soon – summer's finally here! :D