He strode through the entrance of the ballroom. For once, no eye candy on his arm. As the photographers snapped his picture for the morning editions of their gossip rags, Oliver gave them his patented cocky grin.

"Flying solo tonight, Mr. Queen?"

"Just lending my support to a good cause, folks."

Oliver ignored all other questions as he walked into the room, his eyes scanning for a certain blonde. Oliver felt an unusual sensation, nervousness. Oliver Queen, usually self-assured, in charge and in control was, for once, not in charge of the situation. He continued to scan the room looking for her.

There she was, a vision in green, the silk dress caressing her soft curves. His Watchtower. His pint-sized Professor, although she would knock him out if he called her "pint-sized". She always accused him of using his height to his advantage by towering over her. Hell, he was just trying to get closer to her, and took every opportunity to "invade her space". He knew he had it bad, since too many times to count, he would be watching her talk, entranced by her lips and fantasizing about kissing her, right there, wherever they happened to be.

God, he loved the dreamy look on her face as she held her drink in her small, soft hands. He often fantasized that she looked like that after being thoroughly loved by him. She was sitting at the bar with Lois, and suddenly started laughing. It was as if the sun came out and warmed Oliver. He was always entranced by her smile. Chloe constantly invaded his thoughts at the most inopportune times. During Queen Industry meetings. While patrolling as Green Arrow, her soft tones guiding him were both soothing and sensual.

During meetings with the JL, he would find himself staring at her while she sashayed around the meeting room, giving assignments, wearing those fitted, straight skirts with the naughty slits showcasing her dynamite legs. What man could resist such an alluring package of brains, beauty and innocent sensuality?

At night, she was the star in his erotic dreams that would leave him awake, aroused and frustrated that she was not there in his arms. Tonight, he was laying his cards on the table. Chloe Sullivan was his, she belonged with him and to him. He just needed to convince her that they belonged together, to each other. He had been patient long enough. They would be putting their teeth in at night if he waited for her to acknowledge what was between them.

As he stood across the room staring at her, possession clearly evident in his brown eyes, he observed a man walking up to Chloe and Lois, obviously intent on making his move on the petite blond. Chloe was smiling at the intruder as he leaned towards her, obviously introducing himself as he tried to get a closer look at Chloe's considerable charms. Oliver took a deep breath, trying to calm his natural possessive instinct to crush the guy.

Only the sight of Chloe putting space between herself and her potential suitor helped Oliver regain control of himself. Oliver moves toward Chloe purposefully, wanting, needing her smiles to be directed at him, not some erstwhile player. Only he truly appreciated her strength and beauty, her tenacity, her willingness to go to hell and back for a loved one. Intent on removing Chloe from the cad's orbit, Oliver lengthened his stride. Unfortunately, he was so intent on reaching Chloe that he didn't see the beautiful redhead intent on getting a private audience with Mr. Queen.