Epilogue: It's Only Just Begun

And now the conclusion to Tears of Light! I can't believe that this fanfic is finally done! Well, I guess it took me long enough to write this, and I bet a lot of you have questions. Well, they won't be answered yet, you just have to wait for the sequel! I know, big surprise, right? Well, you're just going to be even more surprised! Anyhow, disclaimer time!

Disclaimer: I do not own Bakugan or Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's


It's been a week since the end of the Neathian-Gundalian war, and the Dark Signer war packed together, and things have begun to look brighter. All the Signers, except for me, have gone back to New Domino City. I decided to stay here in Bayview with the Brawlers. Marucho was working hard on fixing up Bakugan Interspace, Dan's still Brawling with Drago now that he's evolved into Titanium Dragonoid. Shun's still working on his ninja skills, like the ninja he is. Jake's still playing football, and stops by Bakugan Interspace every now and then. Fabia's back on Neathia helping her sister rebuild. And as for Ren, he's on Gundalia, trying to create a new system of government now that Barodius is history. Jack's no longer part Gundalian, and Gan, his alter-ego so to speak, is now living his own life on Gundalia. Dawn doesn't remember what happened during the war, but she remembers that she was a Dark Signer. I already forgave her, but she keeps apologizing. I told her that she has nothing to worry about, but I guess she just can't let go of the guilt. I was in town buying groceries, and just as soon as I was about to head on my way, I saw Jack.

"Jack!" I exclaimed

"Huh? Oh, hey Sakura." Said Jack

"What's up?" I asked

"I need to talk to you about what you said back in Neathia." Said Jack

"You mean back in Code Eve? You saw that?" I asked

"Yes, that." Said Jack

"What about it?" I asked

"You are aware that Shun, Dan, Marucho, and I have met another Sakura and Dawn, right?" asked Jack

"Yeah." I said

"I need you to remember this. We may make our own destinies but the choices we make will happen for a reason." Said Jack

"That kinda sounds similar to what I said to Goodwin." I said

"I know that, but know that what happens in the past cannot be changed because it happened for a reason." Said Jack

"I know." I said

"Remember it. Trust me, it will be very important. See ya." Said Jack before he walked away

"I wonder what he means by that." I wondered out loud

"Whatever it mean, it has to be important." Said Leonidas

"You can say that again. Now, we have to get back home." Said Lunar

"Yeah." I said

I stored the groceries, and started up my runner. Things do happen for a reason. Coming to Bayview, teaming up with Leonidas, finding Lunar again, joining forces with the Neathians, temporarily partnering up with Lumagrowl, all of it happened for a reason. Little did I know, the adventure had only just begun.

Done and done! This concludes Tears of Light, and the sequel awaits! Please review, check out the rest of my stories, and until next time, I'm sakuraphoenix, saying I heart you, signing off for now. Kan dao ni!