Greg huffed loudly and shook his head, "Please don't hurt her!"

The dark figure's white teeth grinned largely at Greg as he pushed the muzzle of the pistol harder against Katrina's forehead, "Oh, but it is so much fun to hurt!"

Greg tried to get to his feet, but he legs seemed to be connected to something making him unable to move, "NO! Shoot me, not her!"
"Oh, I don't think so," The figure giggled and suddenly blonde hair sprout out of the figure and the face of Brittany Kain grinned larger into a wild gleam.

"She's your daughter!" Greg shouted.

"Shut it, pipsqueak," a hand smacked against Greg's head. He looked behind him to see the psychotic stare of Aaron Bates.

"I thought you loved her!" Greg hissed.

"I did, but then again things do change," Aaron chuckled and winked at Katrina.

Greg looked back at Katrina trying to catch her eyes' attention, "Everything will be okay. I promise, Katrina."

"Such lies," Brittany chuckled and smiled at her daughter, "You could've been great." Her finger pulled the trigger and blood covered Greg's sight.

"NO!" Greg shot up in the bed and sucked in a deep breath looking around the dark room. His hair stuck to his forehead and sweat covered his body, he tried to calm his breathing, but the scent of blood stuck in his nose. He looked next to him to see a slim body breathing softly, her blonde hair pinned in a bun. Greg smiled to himself before turning to sit on the edge of the bed; he flicked on the lamp and rested his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. It was only a dream, Greggo, calm down.

"Greg, you okay?" An arm came over Greg's shoulder to rest a hand on his bare chest, the other arm wrapped around his waist.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Another bad dream," Katrina kissed his back and rested her head against it, "Want to talk about it?"

Greg shook his head, "No," he stood up and walked out of the bedroom towards the room at the end of the hall. He quietly opened the door and looked in smiling faintly. The crib's bars showed small circles every now and then made by the machine playing a soft lullaby. Greg could see the small baby asleep cuddled in the blue blankets, five colored letters hung above the bed reading: Peter. He shut the door softly and turned to see Katrina standing there, "What?"

"Greg, please tell me what's wrong," Katrina whispered.

"It's nothing, it was only a dream," Greg side-stepped to get passed her.

She intercepted him, "Greg, please."

Greg looked at Katrina's pleading eyes and sighed, "I-I dreamt that-that your mother—."

"Shot me," Katrina finished off.

Greg nodded, "Yeah."

"Honey, it's been six years since that night, why do you keep having these dreams?"

"They only started last year when you woke up, they've only gotten worse since Peter was born," Greg looked back at the door leading into his son's room.

Katrina put a hand on his cheek, "Nothing is going to happen, Mom's in prison and Aaron's in jail—."

"Yeah, but he'll be on parole soon. Who says he won't come after us?" Greg asked.

"I'll get a restraining order, we'll do something, but right now," Katrina smiled lightly, "let's go back to bed. Okay?"

"Okay," Greg kissed her gently.


"In the pantry," Katrina muttered, "Yes, because that isn't weird."

"Yeah, I found an unusual amount of semen on the shelves, door and items. To make it even weirder the semen belongs to two different people," Nick held up two fingers and dropped a paper in front of Katrina and Catharine.

"So it's like the city version of Broke Back Mountain?" Katrina muttered.

Catharine snorted and looked up at Nick, "Any matches?"

"Nope," Nick shook his head, but then stopped, "actually we did find blood on the counter."

"Did it match either?" Katrina asked.

"Nope, it belonged to a Katie Verse," Nick handed a picture and report to Catharine, "she's the one that owns the thorn bushes of which where the body was found."

"Huh, did she say anything about the neighbors?" Katrina asked.

"Yeah, she did say that her and her neighbor didn't get along, apparently he was gay…she's-uh-homophobic," Nick said.

"So if we find the neighbor, we could find one of the matches for the semen," Catharine said.

"Yep, but Ms. Verse, doesn't know his name," Nick said.

"So how does her blood end up in his house?" Katrina asked.

Nick shrugged, "We're still working on that."

"Katrina," Katrina turned to see Henry standing in the doorway, "there's someone on the phone for you; Judy has them on hold."

"I'll be right back," Katrina walked out of the room and down the hall towards the front desk; she picked up the phone, "Hello, this is Katrina."

"Katrina, hi," the voice was soft and sweet, "It's your mother-in-law."

"Oh, Jean, I almost didn't recognize your voice," Katrina laughed softly.

"How many times do I have to tell you," she giggled, "call me mom!"

Katrina forced a laugh.

"Anyways, Gary and I were talking and we're thinking about coming down to visit on Saturday."

"Saturday," Katrina let the day ponder in her head, "Shoot."

"What is it?"

"That's the day of Greg's reunion," Katrina smacked her forehead, "That's right I was supposed to see if Wendy could watch Ebony and Peter."

"Nonsense, Gary and I'll watch the kids," Jean said.

"I don't want to bother you with that."

"Katrina, they're my grandkids, I'd love to watch them."

Katrina sighed, "Okay, thank you! Greg's leaving at four and I wont be leaving till six, I'll see you guys at five thirtyish…is that okay?"

"Its fine," Jean laughed softly, "We'll see you then, tell Greg we say hi."

"Okay," Katrina hung up the phone and shook her head sighing, "Every week…why is it every single week she wants to visit."

"Katrina," Riley stood a few feet in front of Katrina holding a bag, "Aren't you supposed to be working?"

Katrina glared at Riley, "Aren't you?" She pushed past Riley to head back to Catharine and Nick only to get stopped by Ray, "Hey, Ray."
"Katrina," Ray looked like he was struggling with someone, "Um, the case I've been working. I gave the samples to Sara when she came in the other day…do you know where they might be now?"

Katrina lifted and eyebrow, "Um, I'd ask Catharine."

Ray sighed, "I was trying to avoid the death glare."
Katrina laughed, "She's misplaced things too she won't kill you."

"Okay, thank you," He turned to leave, but stopped and looked at her, "Greg is looking for you."

"Thanks," Katrina hurried down the hall towards the DNA Lab; she stopped in the doorway and watched as Greg studied what was under the microscope.

"You know," Greg started, "I've been thinking." He looked up at her and pulled off his gloves, "And I think you're right…"

"About the case?" Katrina asked.

"No," Greg said with a dumbfound look, "About the house."

"Oh," Katrina stared at him confused, but then it hit her, "Are you serious?"
"Yes," Greg leaned against the counter, "I went through the bills and everything else. I even looked into the house better…and I have come to a decision."

"Which is?" Katrina asked with a large grin.

"That we are officially owners of a two story Victorian," Greg smiled softly.

Katrina let out a squeal and ran at Greg jumping up to wrap her arms around his neck, he leaned back to better support her before putting her down. She kissed him twice and beamed at him, "Oh, thank you, thank you!"
Greg smiled and shrugged, "We needed more room and that house was in our budget."

"What about our house?"

"The bank bought it," Greg turned around and grabbed a paper out from under a pile and handed it to her, "We start moving things out ASAP."

Katrina kissed him again, "Ebony and Peter will love it!"
"Yeah, but now that we live in a bigger house she's not going to stop about getting a dog," Greg sighed.

"I'll talk to her," Katrina kissed him again; "I've got to tell Dad. I'll see you around." She turned and left quickly heading towards her office with an enthusiastic step in her walk.

"You are so weak," Hodges said rounding the corner to enter the room; he sat a file on the counter and smirked at Greg, "You bought the house?"

Greg groaned and looked into the microscope, "I was weak to her pleading, besides it was in our budget…well only with the help of Grissom."

"What?" Hodges asked, "Grissom helped pay for it?"

"It was only a thousand, I'm going to pay him back as soon as possible," Greg paused, "It was his idea not to tell Katrina."

"If she finds out, I'll be there to tell you I told you so," Hodges said with chuckle, "Oh; Wendy wanted me to ask if you guys wanted her to pick up Ebony and Peter, because she has to pick up Carter and Elizabeth anyways."

"Ah, yeah," Greg said, "That'd be great."


"Woo!" Greg lifted Peter up above his head then dipped him down making airplane sounds getting baby giggles out of Peter.

"My turn, my turn," Ebony jumped up and down trying to get Greg's attention.

Greg looked down at her then carefully walked Peter over to put him in the playpen. He bent down and picked up Ebony, "Phew, you are getting big!"

"Spin, spin!" Ebony shouted.

Greg spun around making obnoxious sounds in the process; Ebony's little blonde head tossed back sending out loud laughs.

"Greg, put her down, she'll puke up her dinner," Katrina bent down to cuddle Peter against her. She put the bottle to his lips and held him close as he drank it.

Greg stopped short and looked at Katrina, "Yes, ma'am."

"Aw," Ebony crossed her arms and wiggled out of her dad's arms to run to her room.

Greg sighed and walked over to Katrina; he kissed her forehead then looked around at some of the already packed boxes, "This is good."

"It is good," Katrina said then fell silent trying to remember something, "Oh, Greg, this Saturday is your reunion."

"Oh," Greg frowned and looked at her, "It is?"

"Yeah, your mom said she'd be happy to watch the kids."

"I don't know, we don't have to go," Greg said with a pout.

"Why not?"

"Because," Greg gave her a cheeky grin, "instead of sharing you with others, I could have you all to myself. Mom could take the kids and we could have some fun."

Katrina blushed, "Not going to happen; besides I want to meet your so called friends."

Greg groaned, "Fine, but I will not enjoy myself."

The phone rang and Katrina picked it up, "Hello?"

"Hi, I'm looking for Katrina Sanders, is this she?"

"This is she," Katrina answered.

"My name is Debbie Walt, I work at the Trenton, Pennsylvania Police Station, I was told to call you about someone wanting to work DNA," Debbie said.

"Yes," Katrina waited.

"We have sent someone over," Debbie paused, "He should be there in a few days he has to make a couple stops along the way."

"What's his name?" Katrina asked.

"He is a CSI 2, but prefers the lab, his name is Kyle Keppler. His older brother Mike used to be helping your Crime Lab before he was killed."

"Oh," Katrina muttered, "Why does he want to work here?"

"He wants to be with the people who were with his brother last," Debbie sounded annoyed.

"Okay, well then if you could," Katrina started, "contact Catharine Willows at the Vegas Crime Labs, she'll want you to fax over paperwork."

"Thank you," Debbie said then the phone went dead.

"Okay, bye," Katrina hit end and looked at Greg, "We're getting a new DNA guy."

"Finally," Greg sighed and sat down on the couch, "No more crazy hours! So what's his name?"

"Kyle Keppler…"

"Keppler…hey there was a Keppler who used to work at the Lab."

"Yeah, Mike, apparently the brother wants to work with us now."

"Weird," Greg murmured, "but whatever works. I mean we need to be home more often."

"I know and speaking of which," Katrina looked at the clock, "I need to go."

"Yeah," Greg stood up and took Peter. He kissed Katrina, "I'll see you at three in the morning."

"Love you," Katrina smiled and walked out of the door leaving Greg alone with the two kids.

"Okay, Peter, let's get you to bed," Greg walked down the hall to tuck Peter in. Within ten minutes he was done and in Ebony's room tucking her in. After reading Sleeping Beauty two times she was asleep and Greg was left in silence.

He walked back to the living room and looked at the clock: eight o'clock. He sighed and tried to find something else to pack, anything to keep his mind off of the crazy world. He was in the midst of packing a lamp when the phone rang almost making him drop the lamp. He picked it up, "Hello?"

"Greg, its Kevin," Kevin's loud voice startled Greg even more.

"Hey, Kevin, what's up?" Greg asked.

"Well, you know that the reunion is Saturday. I was just making sure you were going."

"Yep, the wife and I are definitely going."

"You're married," Kevin boomed a laugh and Greg rolled his eyes, "She's a geek isn't she."

"Yes, but she's a God-damn beautiful one," Greg hissed.

"Hey, no need to be testy," Kevin chuckled, "I'll be the judge of that, see you Saturday."

The phone went silent and Greg took a deep breath, "He never thought I could do better...none of them ever did. Oh, look its Greg the super nerd…the-never-going-to-be-with-a girl—always-going-to-be-a-virgin—afraid-to-take-a-risk-in-life—voted-most-likely-to-become-gay. Wait till they see how great I have become…"