So it's been so long since I've written anything, that my last fic was posted before Glee was even a show! I'm jumping back into the 'writing fanfics' world with a Rachel/Quinn story. This will, at some point, contain some sexin', so if you're not a fan I don't suggest you read it!

Some of the events in the story that take place in the show may be a little out of place. I'm messing with the timeline for the sake of my story.

I obviously do not own Glee or anything of the sort.

It has been a while, I hope you enjoy! =)

Rachel Berry opens her eyes precisely as her alarm clock rings out. She then silences the piercing tone, throws her pink and white sheets away from her body, and hops delicately out of bed.

She removes her iPod from her carefully organized nightstand drawer, and scans through the long list of cast recordings before settling on Les Misérables and jumps onto her elliptical. "There is a castle on a cloud, I like to go there in my sle-"

Rachel's morning routine is interrupted by her cell phone ringing. She sighs, and allows the exercise machine to come to a complete stop before dismounting and answering the phone.

"Mr. Schuester? A Glee-mergency? I will be there in approximately…" she shoots a quick glance to her bedside clock "34 minutes."

Rachel rushes through her washing, dressing, and morning vocal rehearsal, but still bursts into the choir room 36 minutes later. "Mr. Schuester, I am so sorry that I'm late, you would not believe the traffic this early in the-"

"Rachel. Calm down. It's fine, really. We just need to have a talk."

"Mr. Schuester, if there is any issue within the confines of our club; I can absolutely assure you that I'm the one person you can count on in the realm of problem solving. In fact,-"

Mr. Schue laughs and pats Rachel on the shoulder, startling her out of a perfectly recited speech.

"Rachel, Rachel, Rachel. Not every emergency is a tragic one! This is more of a…time constraint emergency. The committee in charge of Regionals seems to have…forgotten…to mention that we need a female duet for the competition."

Rachel emits a strange, high pitched, panic-stricken sound. "How could they have forgotten something of that magnitude?"

"Well…Sue Sylvester is in charge of the paperwork, and she swears she just got the set list requirements this morning…"

Rachel sighs and immediately regains her composure. "Say no more, Mr. Schue. I completely understand. There is nothing more we can do to rectify the situation, so how do you plan to proceed?"

Mr. Schuester seems to suddenly be reluctant, grimacing slightly before speaking. "After some thought, I can really only come up with one good solution. Now, Rachel, I want you to hear me out…"

Rachel slowly begins to see where Mr. Schuester is going.

"Oh no. No. No no no. Mr. Schuester, you can't mean-"

"Rachel, you two will make a great-"

"There is NO WAY that I can work with-"

A cold voice comes from the doorway. "What's up, Man Hands?"

Rachel turns and is face to face with a pony-tailed Cheerio. Quinn Fabray.

Alllllrighty. Well. I'm hoping that not all the chapters will be this short, but this just felt like a good place to end this one!

I've never written anything Glee related before, so leave me some feedback in the reviews!

Thanks for reading. =)