A Summer Romance to Remember

Chapter 2: Joe and His Dumb Boy Brain

I'm glad you guys liked the first chapter! I was so, so happy I squealed! I love you reviewers, you guys are awesome. Not that you're not all awesome, because all of you FanFiction gremlins are awesome. Every one of you! Don't you forget it ;D

So you guys made my day when I saw your nice reviews. So here's chapter 2! I hope you love it as much as I love you.


Stella's POV

I was sitting cross legged on a purple beach chair out by the pool side, accompanied by Macy. We were sitting a fair distance away from Joe, who was having a private conversation with Vanessa Page.

A scowl was on my face.

"What are you trying to do? Shoot daggers out of your eyes?" Macy asked in a chuckle as she sat forward on her chair.

"Please, if I could really shoot daggers from my eyes, Joe would be dead by now," I hissed under my breath as I leant back against the chair and folded my arms securely across my chest.

Macy moved her sunglasses off her head and stared at Joe as he moved a tiny bit closer to Vanessa. She let out a gasp, "He's two-timing you!" She exclaimed as she placed her glasses on the table next to her.

"He's not two-timing me, Macy, he's just having a friendly conversation with-"

"That evil blonde-haired devil," she finished for me.

I scoffed and hunched my shoulders forward, letting out a sigh. "Yes, that evil blonde-haired devil, indeed."

"We should make a plan to destroy her," Macy suddenly said, a grin appearing on her face. "That will send her back to her home town crying. Crawling on her knees,-"

"MACY!" I hissed at her, her head swivelling round to meet my look.

"Sorry, was I getting carried away?"

"Just a tad."

Joe cracked up laughing at whatever Vanessa had said and he put a hand on hers.

A gasp escaped mine and Macy's lips.

"That's the final straw!" I cried.

"Definitely," Macy nodded in agreement.

"If he wants to be with that... that... freak show... then let him. This will not bother me," I exclaimed, throwing my glasses off my head and onto the table.

"Clearly it's bothering you," Macy whispered as her eyes darted to Stella's for a split second, then back to Vanessa.

"It's not," I chuckled nervously.

"Oh so if it's not bothering you then I will just go over to Vanessa and confront her about her feelings for Joe, and once she says she has certain feelings, well I'm stick a jester's hat on you and call you the town fool," Macy joked as she got up from her seat and started to make her way over to the Joe and Vanessa, a determined sparkle in her eye.

"No! Macy, wait!" I called after her as I jumped up and ran to her side.

"Vanessa?" Macy said, clearing her throat and gesturing for her to come to us. Vanessa looked at Joe then at us and gave us a smile.

"Certainly," she said softly.

She stood up and followed Macy over to the corner, just enough space so Joe hopefully wouldn't hear. I followed anxiously behind them, clasping my hands together in front of me.

"Vanessa," Macy smiled. "So, how are things?" She asked politely, striking up a conversation with a fake smile on.

"Well, pretty well-"

"Let's cut to it, sister," Macy snapped, pulling on her arm so she came in closer. "I really need to know if you like Joe."

"If I like Joe? Of course I do," she answered with a confused look on her face, "He's really a great guy."

Macy shook her head at Vanessa, "No, do you like him?"

"You mean... like... would I like to date him, that kind of way?" She asked in a clueless way.

We both nodded and Vanessa look from Macy to me and giggled, "Was it obvious? I was trying to put it on a down low."

"You like Joe?" I screamed loudly, a frown on my face. Just as I yelled that I clasped my hand over my mouth. I seriously have a big mouth.

Macy looked over Vanessa's shoulder to see him looking straight at us, a look of confusion struck his face.

"Yes, and I would highly appreciate it if you would not scream it to the whole world," Vanessa hissed softly. She stood back and gave a smile, "Now if you mind..." she didn't finish the sentence, instead she stalked off in the opposite direction, back to Joe at the table.

Macy crossed her arms just as I did so.

"She is one..." I trailed off and let out a groan, stomping off into the house with Macy close on my tail.

"It's not that bad," she said in a soothing way.

"Not that bad? Not that bad? You don't know anything! Joe and I have been best friends since forever, and since Vanessa came in the picture all he seems to do is spend his time with her! You're telling me that is not bad?"

"Okay, maybe that's a bit bad..." Macy trailed off with an apologetic look on her face.

"What's a bit bad?" We spun around to face Joe.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked quickly, making my words sound like they were bunched together.

"About a second... why?"

Vanessa appeared by Joe's side immediately, "So I'll see you at the party tonight?" She asked with a grin.

"Totally," Joe smiled back. She grabbed him in a quick hug and disappeared in an instant.


"Party...?" Macy copied my tone of voice.

"Taylor Swift's party," he answered us both.

My face instantly dropped, along with Macy's.

"You're taking Vanessa?" Macy asked him.

He nodded.

"Why? Why not Stella? Stella can't go if one of you guys don't take her as your date!" Macy exclaimed, giving Joe a look of disappointment.

Joe looked surprised, "Oh! Stella, I'm sorry!" He apologized, placing a hand on my arm. "Maybe Kevin will take you."

And with that, Joe turned around and walked away, leaving me with a heartbroken expression.

"I can't believe him," Macy hissed, "I'm going to yell at him," she said as she went to follow him.

"No," I said, catching her arm before she did so, "That won't do anything."

"Well..." Macy trailed off, giving an "I'm so sorry" smile. "At least Kevin will take you!"

I groaned louder than before and stalked off to find Kevin.

Kevin's POV

"Dude!" DZ called me over, gesturing with his hands to hurry up.

"What's up DZ?"

"I heard some butt-spanking news!" He was gleaming from head to toe, "You got invited to your first Hollywood party! That's so exciting!"

"Yeah, Taylor Swift's!"

"I remember my first Hollywood party..." he said, looking dreamily into the sky, "It was Vanessa Hudgen's party. I got in by dating her best friend's assistant's, co-worker. She was hot," he exclaimed with a smirk. "Zac Effron was there... he totally ticked me off by going for Vanessa before I got the chance to. Now Zanessa is the new biggest Hollywood couple! If only I got to Vanessa before Zac did!"

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked him as he snapped out of his weird flashback, thingy.

"Oh, no reason," he mumbled.

"Well I have to get ready-"

"It's tonight?" He asked as he jumped up and down, "Please let me come with you! Please, please, please!"

"Unless you want to be my date, I think not," I chuckled and patted DZ's back comfortingly before walking off on him.

"Kevin! Kevin!" Macy called out to me. I turned around to meet the eyes of Stella and Macy.


"Please take Stella to the party!" Macy pleaded to me, "Please a hundred and a half times with sprinkles on top!"

"Why isn't Joe taking you?" I asked them curiously.

"He's taking Vanessa Page," Stella sneered whilst saying Vanessa's name which made me smirk.



"Alright," I gave in and Macy squealed.

"Thank you Kevin!"

Macy pulled Stella away and back into the house. I shook my head and chuckled, "Girls..."

Macy's POV

"This is great!" I exclaimed with a giant grin on my face, "We're all going now!"

"Yeah... even Vanessa!" Stella hissed her name.

"Calm down drama queen, it's not like they're an item. Joe is way too clueless to even see that Vanessa likes him."

Stella sighed and hunched her shoulders down as she did so. "I guess."

"Now c'mon, we have to pick the perfect dress out of the billion we bought and do our makeup. Then 6 and a half hours later we will be finished and fashionably late to Taylor's party!" I chuckled, leaving Stella with an amused look on her face.

I pulled her along by the arm until we made it to my room.

"So we bought about 13 different dresses," I said as I counted them in my head, "Which one do you want to wear?"

I held up one to her and she pulled a face, it look like she was from the 60's.

I held up another that was mauve and had a lot of beads across the chest area.

"I like it, but I'm not sure about the beading," Stella admitted as she pushed the dress away.

I held up another and a light grin appeared on Stella's face, "Perfect," she said.

I nodded in agreement and threw the dress to her.

I picked out a light blue one that was not too fancy but certainly fancy enough.

Stella's dress was yellow with a black bow around the waist. It was so Stella-ish.


I stood back and admired my reflection, "Wow," was Stella's comment about me, and so was mine for her.

"I think you are so ready for the party," Stella admitted to me with a grin.

"I think you are too! You could totally show up Vanessa Page," I told her with a chuckle.

We both awed and opened our arms for a hug. We stood there for a couple of seconds in the hug and then pulled away with excited grins.

"Shall we?" I asked Stella in a posh sort of way.

"We shall," she answered back also in a posh-sounding way.

"Hold on," I placed an arm in front of her and stared at my watch. Just as it passed 7:30 I spoke up again, "There, now we are fashionably late!"

Stella laughed at me as we exited the house and waited for the boys to come pick us up.


The next chapter shall be at the party. The last bit was quite boring but they had to get ready! Right? I thought so! ;D

Hope you liked it!
