Oh my God! I am soooooo sorry to my loyal readers! :( It has been months since I've updated and I hope you guys can forgive me!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha.

As Kagura walked down the hallway leading to the little brat's room, she smelled salt. 'Hmmm… So the little brat is crying. This should be fun.'

She pulled a set of keys from her pocket and selected a long, narrow silver one. Unlocking the door she expected to see a little girl crying looking pathetic. The last thing she thought would happen was for the little punk to charge at her with a knife.

'Where the hell did she get a knife from anyway?' Kagura hastily moved to the side, but Kagome had anticipated that. She sidestepped Kagura and stabbed her in the side.

"AHHHH!" Kagura's howl of pain was heard throughout the building and guards ran to aid her. Knowing that the woman's shriek would cause guards to come, Kagome quickly grabbed her backpack and dashed out the door.

She ran down the hallway and tried to find the cell she had been kept in. She needed to rescue Hikaru. When she got to the cell door, she noticed it was unlocked. She ran inside and grabbed Hikaru, effectively waking him up.

"Wha?" Hikaru looked around, dazed.

"Shhh!" Kagome held a finger to her lips shooshing him.

Kagome grabbed his hand and helped him to his feet, "We're leaving." She informed him.

Hikaru nodded gratefully and the duo ran to the exit. When they were about to run outside, and dark shadow fell over them. Kagome looked up and saw Naraku. "Ku ku ku. My little butterfly. If you had only left that pitiful boy behind you would have escaped. Your pure heart is a weakness."

Naraku picked Kagome up by the neck of her shirt and brought her to eye level. "You shall endure intense training where your pure, untainted heat will be tainted with malice and hate. You shall have a black heart, then you shall be great. You will be my bodyguard." He purred in her face.

Kagome sneered in disgust and pulled out her knife. Catching Naraku in surprise, she slit his cheek and he let out a howl of pain. Naraku dropped her, but snatched her back up before she could escape. Her pocketknife fell to the floor at Hikaru's feet.

'I have been weak my whole life,' he thought sadly, 'Kagome might die trying to save me. The least I can do for her is try to save hers.'

Picking up the knife, Hikaru stabbed Naraku in the stomach. "You little bastard!" Naraku shouted. He pulled the knife from his stomach and plunged it into Hikaru's. Hikaru began coughing up blood, but as the life was fading from his eyes, he smiled.

"NO!" Kagome shrieked. Naraku smiled as he saw that Kagome's heart had filled with hatred for himself, and sorrow over Hikaru's death. 'It's beginning.' He thought evilly.

He walked the now still Kagome to the training grounds. He sat and watched for hours as she progressed and defeated several of his guards. She had a fire in her. 'She will be great.' He thought. He watched her for many hours and knew that in a few years she would be dangerous.

Okay people! I hope you enjoyed! :) Sorry about the shortness of the chapter! I will update soon! Review!