Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Fred Weasley has a crush. What exactly is he going to do about it?

Chapter One

Christmas at the Burrow had always been something I looked forward to. Surrounded by my enormous, red-headed family, I couldn't think of any other place I would rather be.

When my parents unofficially adopted Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, I just saw them as an addition to my family. Like a brother and a sister.

Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, brave and courageous, occasionally willing to participate in any pranks George and I could think of. He was funny and seemed absolutely in love with my younger sister. What wasn't there to like?

Hermione Granger…bookworm, know-it-all, the prettiest part of the Golden Trio. I don't really know when I began to have…feelings…for her. When I stopped seeing her as a sister. But I do know that, once I realized how I felt, I couldn't make those feelings go away.

She was beautiful and funny, a terrific conversationalist. I yearned to be around her, and ached whenever she left.

And she had absolutely no idea how I felt.

"George! Fred! Get down here! We're about to have breakfast!"

I was dragged out of my sleep by Ginny's rather shrill cries. Sunlight streamed into the room I shared with George and I struggled to stay awake.

"Oy! Fred! You better get up." I looked over at the sound of my twin's voice. Oddly enough, he was dressed and, it looked, showered. Since when did he wake up early enough to complete two activities we both normally finished after breakfast?

I mumbled a reply and faced the wall. "Suit yourself," he said. "But Mum won't be very happy."

I waved him off and snuggled back under the covers. I had been having a particularly interesting dream, starring a lovely Miss Granger and her rather lascivious tongue. I struggled to get back into dreamland, where the aforementioned brunette had just been showing me how extremely talented her tongue was, as well…

A timid knock on the door broke me out of reverie. My eyes popped open and I looked at the door. My delightful other half had decided it too strenuous to shut our bedroom door. Hermione Granger, the woman of my dreams (literally), was standing on the threshold of the door, her brown eyes wide and curious.

"Morning, love," I said, my voice raspy. "Care to join me?" I winked and ran my fingers through my hair—something which looked like a rather obvious flirting technique, but in actuality, was me just checking to make sure my hair wasn't mussed. I was trying to make a good impression on this girl.

Two small, pink circles appeared on her face. "Um." She cleared her throat. "Your mum said to come down to breakfast."

"Pity. I was just starting to have fun." I mumbled this last part and threw the covers off of my tall body. She averted her eyes, probably assuming I was naked. The thought gave me a rush, seeing as how I was wearing pajama bottoms.

She cleared her throat again. "Sorry, what did you say?"

"Nothing," I replied. I dropped a shirt over my head and sauntered over to Hermione. I swung my arm over her shoulder and smirked down at her. "Shall we?"

She smiled and slipped out of my grasp, her cheeks now completely pink. She shot me one last look before scurrying down the stairs, her hair swinging behind her.

Dear God, this woman was going to kill me.

I've never done this pairing before but I think they're cute. Reviews are appreciated, as are any offers for a beta.