Disclaimer: I wish I owned Danny Phantom! Desiree: -turns me into Butch Hartman- AHHHHHHHHH! CHANGE ME BACK CHANGE ME BACK! -is changed back-

Come on. If Danny gets one, why not Danielle? This chapter is slow, but it speeds up in the next one.

Dani stared in awe at the large selection of food the school's snack stand provided. Yes, school snack. Currently the halfa clone was at a Casper High football game against some other school she didn't really know. Or care. What she did care about was the aching hunger that was gnawing at her stomach. She hadn't eaten in three days.

"Miss, if you're not gonna buy anything, you need to step aside so that other people can order," a teen boy informed her.

Dani blushed and moved out of the way, letting a Latina with long black hair accompanied by a blonde in orange and white pass her to the front of the line. She stared in envy as the girls bought a pretzel and a hotdog, along with two drinks. Both complained about how they were going to regret it as they bought it and walked away, that it would ruin their figure as they walked away.

'I don't care if it'd ruin my figure. I'm just starving,' she thought to herself as they continued to complain. 'I mean, if you're gonna complain about it, don't buy it. Geeze.'

"Danielle? What are you doing here?" a voice asked in surprise.

"Valerie?" she replied with equal surprise as she turned to the Huntress. Only she wasn't wearing her suit, but her every day outfit. "What are you doing here?"

"I go to school here," Valerie told her, smiling down at the young girl, but instantly cringed a bit. She could tell that Dani was much skinner and looked a bit paler, more sick. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Dani lied. Her stomach disagreed with a loud grumble. Valerie smiled as the halfa blushed, looking at her feet.

"Come on. I'll buy you a pretzel," Valerie said, offering her hand. Dani smiled, but shyly took it as Valerie led her to the back of the line. "So what have you been up to?"

"Mostly traveling," she replied honestly.

"No home?" Valerie asked, raising an eyebrow. Dani shook her head. "Oh. I'm sorry. Don't you live with Phantom?"

"I can't live with him," Dani said a bit softly.

"Why not?"

"I just can't…it's complicated," she attempted to explain. Valerie noticed her shift uncomfortably, but decided not to bring it up, deciding to just let it go. Not that she would have had time to bring it up anyway, seeing as how they reached the front of the line.

"Two pretzels and a Coke please," she told the teen boy that shooed Dani earlier. He nodded. "Want something to drink, Danielle?"

"Sprite," she told the teen boy, who nodded and grabbed the bottles of soda before putting it on the table. He handed over the pretzels.

"Careful. They're hot," he stated as Valerie paid for it. Dani grabbed a pretzel and the bottle of Sprite as Valerie grabbed her stuff and followed Dani off to the side.

"Thanks," Dani told her, taking a bite.

"No problem," Valerie replied with a smile as they headed to the bleachers. They sat down in a more secluded seat somewhat high up.

"Is your boyfriend playing or something?" Dani asked, staring at the sweaty teen boys tackle each other over a stupid ball.

"No, no. I'm single," she replied a bit quickly. "It's the Homecoming Game, so I figured why not."

Dani nodded understandingly as she quickly finished off her pretzel. She looked at Valerie's pretzel, which she had only taken two bites out of. Valerie laughed at the younger halfa and handed her the remaining of her pretzel. Dani blushed, but accepted it and quickly finished it off.

"When was the last time you ate?" Valerie asked, looking at her in amazement. What Valerie didn't know was that Dani inherited a teen boy's endless hunger. Not to mention her last meal really was three days ago.

"Three days," she replied. Valerie winced as Dani gulped down her soda. When she finished, Valerie handed Dani her own, unopened soda. Dani accepted it with a thanks and gulped it down. "Who's winning?"

"I honestly don't know," Valerie confessed. "I don't know anything about football."

Dani giggled.

"Me neither. Wanna go fly around?"

"Why not?"

Dani and Valerie ended up beating up Technus and the Box Ghost. Of course, Phantom came around to help, but Dani and Valerie were pretty much already done. As usual, Valerie pointed her ecto-gun at Phantom, but one look at Dani's glowing green eyes as they began to tear up was enough to make her sigh and let him go.

Valerie hated to admit it, but she enjoyed Dani's company. She was a lot of fun and adorable, like the little sister she never had.

"Look! It's empty!" Dani exclaimed, pointing to the playground.

"It's because it's dark out, Dani," Valerie told her with a small smile.

"Let's go!" the halfa yelled, flying down to the playground. Valerie followed her down, taking her suit off before sitting on one of the swings.

"So why did you come back to Amity?" the huntress asked.

"Came to visit Danny," she replied honestly as she pushed a merry go round. She pushed it as fast as she could before hopping on.

It was true. Dani needed Danny's help in any way possible. She was tired of traveling, tired of stealing. She wanted a family now. Somebody there to tuck her into a nice warm bed, maybe in her own room or a room shared with a sister. Dani was tired of going hungry or stealing snack-food items. She was ready to be called down for dinner and eat with a family at a dinner table rather than in an alley by herself. Or worse, with mice and rats.

No, Dani was ready for a real home. Not just any home. She wanted to live with Danny and his family. After all, Danny was pretty much, in a sense, her father even though she viewed him as a big brother. He took care of her when nobody else would. Surely he wouldn't just turn her away.

"Cool. Then where you headed?" Valerie asked as she watched the young halfa as she transformed into her human form, still spinning in circles.

"Actually, I'm trying to see if I can find a permanent home here. I'm done traveling for now," she replied, getting a tad dizzy from all the spinning.

"You need some place to stay tonight? My dad works the night shift, so you can probably crash at my apartment for tonight," Valerie offered.

"Sure!" Dani said cheerfully, struggling to keep her sight on Valerie. The world was just a big blur as she spun around and around. She wobbly stood and jumped into the air, turning into Dani Phantom. "Race ya!"

"Hey! No fair! You have a head start!" she protested as she changed into her gear and flying off after her.