Isabella Swan Daughter of Zeus

By: Annalee O'Brien

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or Percy Jackson; they belong to their respective authors. But I don own the plot and any characters that you don't recognize

Summary: The War was over, and Kronos was defeated, now life can go back to normal right? Wrong, Bella moves to Forks, Washington to finish out High School, hoping stay in a small town will keep the monsters away. But our favorite family of Vampires live there, and our favorite Werewolves live right around the corner. Is Bella in danger? Are the Cullen's going to find out what she is?

Chapter One: First Day Confusion

The war was over, Kronos was defeated…for now. All was happy, the children of the gods were being claimed, and brought to Camp Half-Blood to be trained.

It was the end of summer; Percy, Annabeth, and I were on top of Half-Blood hill waiting for one of the cars to take us to New York. Percy and Annabeth were going to go to school is New York, and I was going to go live with my 'father' in Forks, Washington, hoping that the monster won't find me there, and to let Renee travel with her new husband Phil with his baseball. Charlie is not really my father, because Zeus is my father, but I found that out after Renee and Charlie got divorced. I was 10 when I found out who my father was and what I was.


I was outside swinging on the swings in my backyard, when a giant dog (which I later found out was a Hellhound) jumped over the fence and tried to attack me. I ran inside screaming, my mom came running over to me.

"Bella, what's wrong?" she asked

"Dog…attack...giant" I stammered "Big dog" I said as it crashed through the window.

We both screamed as someone else came in through the window after the dog with a sword and killed it.

My mom looked back and forth between me and the guy, "I knew this day was going to come." She said "Bella, I have to tell you something."

"What is it Momma? What's was that thing?"

"That was a Hellhound" The boy said "I'm Luke" (He was a friend, then an enemy, then a friend again…but that is not my story to tell.)

"Bella" My mom said "Charlie's not your really father. I don't know who he was, I met him in the park, and things sorta went from there. Charlie and I got married; he didn't know about the other guy, and 9 months later you were born."

"Bella" Luke said "Your father is a god; you're a half-god half-mortal, a demigod. You have to come to camp half-blood with me, so you can be trained."

I looked at my mom with tears in my eyes. "Sweetie" she knelt down to my level, "You have to go with Luke, he can protect you, you'll be safe at camp half-blood, you can learn how to protect yourself." She was crying now too.

"Momma, I don't want to leave you" I cried.

"You have to" she said "It's just for the summer"

I nodded and ran to get a few of my things "I love you Mommy" I said hugging her as Luke whistled.

A white flying horse came into through the window; Luke got on, and helped me up.

"Bye Momma" I cried as the horse flew out the window.

"Protect her Luke" I heard her say, as we took to the sky

*~*~*~*End Flashback*~*~*~*

About a week after I got to camp, I found out who my father was…it was during capture the flag, and I kept a continuous whirlwind going around my teams flag (we won because the other team couldn't get to our flag), later after the game there was a smoke like lightning bolt over my head.

I am Isabella Swan Daughter of Zeus…he gave me a charm bracelet, that had a lightning bolt (that turned into my sword) and a pegus (that turned into my shield) over the years I have added other charms to symbolize my friends; a trident for Percy son of Poseidon, a book for Annabeth daughter of Athena, a bow and arrow for Thalia my sister and one of Artemis' hunters, a tree for Grover a Satyr a Skull for Nico son of Hades, a spear for Clarisse daughter of Ares, and a pair of running shoes with wings on them for Luke son of Hermes.

"Izzy" Annabeth said "The car is here" she pushed me, pulling me out of my daydream.

"Race ya" Percy said as the van stopped at the bottom of the hill.

"You're on, Seaweed Brain" Annabeth and I yelled as we started to run down the hill.

"No fair" Percy yelled running down after us.

We got to the van and Argus headed to New York City

"Bye guys" I said hugging them, as we got to my mom's apartment.

"We'll see you next summer" Annabeth smiled

"Have fun in Forks" Percy said "IM (Iris-message) us if you need anything"

"Sure…buts what's going to happen in the small town of Forks, Washington?"

"Knowing you" Annabeth said "a lot"

"Okay, I'll call if anything goes wrong. You guys have to come visit me when you get the chance. Bye Wise Girl, Seaweed brain"

I waved to my friends as the van drove away, once I couldn't see the van anymore, I went up to my mom and Phil's apartment.

"Mom" I yelled as I opened the door "I'm home"

"Bella" she appeared in front of me, giving me a huge hug "How was everything?"

"Everything was good…we saved Olympus…got honored by the gods" I smiled "How's Phil"

"He's good…still a little freaked out about what happened, but he understands. Are you sure that you want to go to Forks"

"Yes, it will be nice to get out of New York…and try to have a monster free school year, and you can travel with Phil."

"You can come back anytime you want to" she smiled, as Phil walked into the room.

"Bella," he said "welcome home" he gave me a hug

I smiled at him "Are you sure that you're okay with all this god stuff" I asked him

"Yes," he smiled "Your mother explained everything to me."

"Good. Well I guess I should head to the airport"

"Sweetie" My mom said "We're taking you to the airport, to see you off."

That was good to know as I didn't have a car, and I really didn't feel like taking the train all the way to the airport.

"Well" Phil said "We best be off"

We got into the car, and Phil drove us to the airport.

"Bye Mom, Bye Phil" I said hugging them both before I went through security.

"Bye Sweetie" My mom cried

"See ya" Phil said rubbing my mom's back, comforting her…he really was good for her

I got to my seat on the plane, and took out one of the books I brought about Greek Mythology…and got settled for the 4 hour trip to Ohio and another 4 hours until Settle and another hour and half on a small plane to Forks.

But eventually I got to Forks…of course it was rain. Charlie was waiting for me at baggage claim.

"Bella" He said when he saw me, and he started to walk toward me "I heard about…" he said once he was next to me. "Are you okay"

"I'm fine Char…dad" I smiled "and we saved Olympus…and the world" I smiled as he got my bags

"I have a surprise for you" he said "Sort of a homecoming gift."

"What is it? I really don't like surprises"

"You'll see when we get home. How are Renee and Phil?"

"Good…Phil seems to be taking the whole god thing pretty well" I smiled "and mom is great, they're going to travel with Phil's baseball games"

We fell into a comfortable silence for the rest of the ride. That was something good about moving in with Charlie, he doesn't hover…and he doesn't feel the need to fill every silence with talking.

We arrived at the Charlie's (well mine now too) house. He got my bag out of the Police cruiser…did I forget to mention that Charlie is the Chief of Police for the good town of Forks.

"This is your room" he said showing me to a room "and the bathroom is right down the hall. Ah…I'll leave you to unpack."

"Thanks" I smiled; my room looked exactly as it did as the last time I was here. I put my bag on my bed and pulled out my laptop to send an email to my mom.

I heard a loud rumbling noise outside that wasn't thunder (I would know)…I got off of my bed and went to my window…outside were 2 people and a big red truck…I went out to see what was going on.

"Bella" Charlie said "You remember Billy Black right"

"Yeah" I smiled "Looking good Billy"

"So how do you like it" Charlie said patting the truck "It's your homecoming present"

"Oh my god, this is…this is perfect."

"I'll show you how to start it. I'm Jacob by the way…we use to make mud pies when we were little"

"Yeah I remember" I smiled as I opened the door "Sorry" I said as I accidently hit him with the door.

"So you have to double pump the clutch" he said

"Do you need a ride to school or something?"

"I go to school on the Rez"

"Oh that's too bad…it would have been nice to know at least one person."

I got to school and made my way to the office.

The office was small; a little waiting area with padded folding chairs, orange-flecked carpet, notices and awards cluttered the walls, wire baskets full of papers and brightly colored flyers taped to its front. There were three desks behind the counter, one of which was manned by a large, red-haired woman wearing glasses. She was wearing a purple t-shirt, which immediately made me feel overdressed.

The red-haired women looked up. "Can I help you?"

"I'm Isabella Swan," I informed her, and saw the immediate awareness light her eyes. I was expected, a topic of gossip no doubt. Daughter (not really but) of the chief's flighty ex-wife, come home at last.

"Of course" she said. She dug through a precariously stacked pile of documents on her desk till she found the ones she was looking "I have your schedule right here and a map of the school" She brought out several sheets to the counter to show me.

She went through my classes for me, highlighted the best route to each class on the map, and gave a slip to have my teacher's sign, which I was to bring back at the end of the day. (Twilight Pgs. 13-14) With that I went to find my first class.

My first class was English; as I was walking there a boy with dark hair came up to me

"You're Isabella Swan" He said

"Bella" I said

"I'm Eric Yorke the eyes and ears of this school. If you need anything, tour guide, a shoulder to cry on, a lunch date, anything at all I'm your man. What's your first class?"

"English with Jefferson"

"I have that too, I'll show you the way"

Great just what I needed, another mortal boy falling in love with me "Sounds great" I tried to sound happy about it, but mostly I was just annoyed, if only I could…but I couldn't.

"Here we are Madam" he smiled "after you"

"Thank you" I smiled, as I went over to the teacher "I'm Isabella Swan" I handed him my slip

He looked me up and down "Here is your syllabus and a list all books we will be reading" he handed me the list. I looked at the list I saw that they were mostly books that I had already read…which was good because of my dyslexia (My brain is wired to read ancient Greek…so I'm pretty fluent in that) "Please introduce yourself to the class and take a seat in the back."

I groaned I hated to introduce myself, I wanted to say 'I'm Isabella Swan, I just saved Olympus a month ago and my father is Zeus and I have met the gods' but I didn't think that, that would go over to well so I said "I'm Isabella Swan, but I prefer Bella, I lived in New York with my Mom, I have ADHD and dyslexia" With that I took the only available seat in the back where the other students couldn't stare at me…but somehow they found away to stare at me all through class. I started the fidget in my seat with everyone staring at me. Finally the bell rung and a boy with blonde hair, and blue eyes came over to me.

"I'm Mike Newtown" he smiled "Where's your next class"

"Greek Mythology" I smiled, Greek Mythology was one of my favorite subjects.

"With Michaels"

"Yeah, why"

"I have that next"

Great, another mortal boy who will follow me around all the time. "Care to show me the way"

"Right this way" he said. I followed him having nowhere else to go

We got to the class and I went up to the teacher, he gave me my book and told me to take the empty seat with no business about introductions.

On the board he had a list of all the gods "I would like someone to come up to the board and give a description of one of the gods or goddesses" I immediately raised my hand "Ms Swan"

I smiled and went up to the board and started to write next to Zeus: The king of the gods, the ruler of Mount Olympus and the god of the sky, weather, thunder, law, order and fate. He is the youngest son of Cronus and Rhea, whom he overthrew, and brother-husband to Hera. Brother of Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, and Hestia, father to Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Athena, and Hermes.

I finished and went back to my seat. Mr. Michaels looked at what I wrote…looking for any fault in it, but he couldn't find any "Very good Ms Swan. Can someone else come up to the board?"

Nobody raised their hand, did they not know about the Greek gods and goddesses so I did "I'll go again Mr. Michaels" I smiled sweetly, I knew everything about the Greek gods and goddess. "I could do them all." He just nodded and I went up to the board and started writing. It was easy…after all they were my family…and I was kind of showing off. Wait until they see that I can read ancient Greek. I finished and when back to my seat.

"Very good Ms. Swan" the teacher said, then he looked at everyone else "what are you waiting for…get writing." As the class was writing Mr. Michaels came over to me, "where did you learn all that?"

I wanted to say 'I'm Zeus' daughter, so I should know my family' but I didn't because he would think that I'm crazy so I said "I'm a fan of Greek Mythology…and I go to this camp about Greek Mythology" it was close to the truth. He just nodded and went back to the front of the room.

I was thankful when the bell rung…that teacher was starting to give me that 'I'm evil kind of vibe…I don't think he is a monster but I'll have to be more careful in that class from now on.

Math went by quickly, and so did Spanish and then it was lunch. I got my lunch and sat at a table with Mike and his friends.

(Cafeteria scene directly from the book…with a few modifications to fit my plot)

I was looking around the cafeteria when I saw them in the corner there were five of them 3 boys and 2 girls. They were all beautiful, they didn't look anything alike. Of the three boys, one was big –muscled like a serious weight lifter, with dark, curly hair. Another was taller, leaner, but still muscular, and honey blonde hair. The last boy was lanky, less bulky, with untidy bronze-colored hair. He was more boyish than the others, who looked like they could be in college, or even teachers here rather than students.

The girls were opposites. The tall one was statuesque. She had a beautiful figure, the kind you saw on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, the kind that made every girl around her take a hit on her self-esteem just by being in the same room. Her hair was golden, gently waving to the middle of her back. The short girl was pixielike, thin in the extreme, with small features. Her hair was a deep black, cropped short and pointing in every direction.

And yet, they were all exactly alike. Every one of them was chalky pale, the palest of all the students living in this sunless town. Paler than me, the albino. They all had dark eyes despite the range in hair tones. They also had dark shadows under those eyes-purplish, bruise-like shadows. As if they were all suffering from a sleepless night, or almost done recovering from broken noses. Though their noses, all their feature, straight, perfect, angular.

But all this is not why I couldn't look away.

I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful. They were faces you never expect to see expect perhaps on the airbrushed pages of a fashion magazine. Or painted by an old master as the face of an angel. It was hard to decide who was the most beautiful-maybe the perfect blonde girl or the bronze haired boy.

They were all looking away-from each other, away from the other students, away from anything in particular as far as I could tell. As I watched, the small girl rose with her tray- unopened soda, unbitten apple- and walked away with a quick, graceful lope that belonged on a runway. I watched, amazed at her lithe dancer's step, till she dumped her tray and glided through the back door, faster than I would have thought possible. My eyes darted back to the others, who sat unchanging.

"Who are they" I asked the girl from my Spanish class, whose name I'd forgotten.

As she looked up to see who I meant-though already knowing, probably, from my tone-suddenly he looked at her, the thinner one, the boyish one, the youngest, perhaps. He looked at my neighbor for just a fraction of a second, and then his dark eyes flickered to mine.

He looked away quickly, more quickly than I could, though in a flush of embarrassment I dropped my eyes at once. In that brief of a glance, his face held nothing of interest-it was as if she had called his name, and he'd looked up in involuntary response, already having decided not to answer.

My neighbor giggled in embarrassment, looking at the table like I did

"That's Edward and Emmett Cullen, and Rosalie and Jasper Hale. The one who left was Alice Cullen; they all live together with Dr. Cullen and his wife" she said this under her breath.

I glanced sideways at the beautiful boy, who was looking at his tray now, picking a bagel to pieces with long, pale fingers. His mouth was moving very quickly, his perfect lips barely opening. The other three still looked away, and yet I felt he was speaking quietly to them.

Strange, unpopular names, I thought. The kind of names grandparents had. But maybe that was in vogue here-small town names? I finally remembered that my neighbor was called Jessica, a perfectly common name. There were two girls named Jessica at Camp Half-Blood when I left for the school year.

"They are…very nice-looking" I struggled with conspicuous understatement.

"Yes!" Jessica agreed with another giggle. "They're all together though –Emmett and Rosalie, and Jasper and Alice, I mean. And they live together." He voice held all the shock and condemnation of the small town, I thought critically. But, if I was being honest, I had to admit that even in New York, it would cause gossip.

"Which ones are the Cullens? I asked. "They don't look related…"

"Oh, they're not. Dr. Cullen is really young, in his twenties of early thirties. They're all adopted. The Hales are brother and sister, twins –the blondes- and they're foster children."

"They look a little old for foster children."

"They are now, Jasper and Rosalie are both eighteen, but they've been with Mrs. Cullen since they were eight. She's their aunt or something like that."

"That's really kind of nice – for them to take care of all those kids like that, when they're so young and everything."

"I guess so," Jessica admitted reluctantly, and I got the impression that she didn't like the doctor and his wife for some reason. With the glances she was throwing at their adopted children, I would presume the reason was jealously. "I think that Mrs. Cullen can't have any kids, though," she added, as if that lessened their kindness.

Throughout all this conversation, my eyes flickered again and again to the table where the strange family sat. They continued to look at the walls and not eat. I had a feeling that they weren't human – but I didn't know what they were or if they were dangerous, clearly they weren't human. Maybe I'll IM Annabeth when I get home.

"Have they always lived in Forks?" I asked. Surely I would have noticed them on one of my summers here.

"No," she said in a voice that implied it should be obvious, even to a new arrival like me. "They just moved down two years ago from somewhere in Alaska."

I felt a surge of pity, and relief. Pity because, as beautiful as they were, they were outsiders, clearly not accepted. Relief that I wasn't the only newcomer here, and certainly not the most interesting by any standard…if you don't count who my father is.

As I examined them, the youngest, one of the Cullens, looked up and met my gaze, this time with evident curiosity in his expression. As I looked swiftly away, it seemed to me that his glance held some kind of unmet expectation.

"Which one is the boy with the reddish brown hair?" I asked. I peeked at him from the corner of my eye, and he was still staring at me, but not gawking like the other students had today – he had a slightly frustrated expression. I looked down again.

"That's Edward. He's gorgeous, of course, but don't waste your time. He doesn't date. Apparently none of the girls here are good-looking enough for him." She sniffed a clear case of sour grapes. I wonder when he'd turned her down.

I bit my lip to hide my smile. Then I glanced at him again. His face was turned away, but I thought his cheeks appeared lifted, as if he was smiling, too.

After a few more minutes, the four of them left the table together. They all were noticeably graceful – even the big brawny one. It was unsettling to watch. The one named Edward didn't look at me again.

I sat with Jessica and her friends longer then I would have if I was sitting alone. When the bell rung everyone got up and dumped their trays and headed to their next class…I had Biology, a girl named Angela showed me the way.

When we got to the classroom she went to her seat…she already had a partner. I went up to the teacher and handed him my slip, he told me to take at seat at the empty seat. There was only one empty seat…and it was next to Edward Cullen. As I started to walk toward the seat, the fan blew my hair in his direction, and he suddenly went rigid in his seat. He stared at me again, meeting my eyes with the strangest expression on his face – it was hostile, furious. I looked away quick, shocked, going red again. I stumbled over a book in the walkway and had to catch myself on the edge of a table…why did I have to be so clumsy when I walked...give me a sword. The girls sitting there giggled.

I'd noticed that his eyes were black – coal black.

I didn't look up as I set my book on the table and took my seat, but I saw his posture change from the corner of my eye. He was leaning away from me, sitting on the extreme edge of his chair and averting his face like he smelled something bad. Inconspicuously, I sniffed my hair. It smelled like strawberries, the scent of my favorite shampoo. It seemed like an innocent enough odor. I let my hair fall over my right shoulder, making a dark curtain between us and I tried to pay attention to the teacher.

During the whole class Edward's posture never changed. When the bell rung he was the first out of the classroom. I sat in my seat dumbfounded as to why someone who didn't know me could take such an intense dislike to me.

Mike came over to me. "Where's your next class"

"Gym" I said

"Cool, that's my next class too" I walked to the gym with Mike. When we were entering the gym, he asked, "So, did you stab Edward Cullen with a pencil or what? I've never seen him act like that." (One of my favorite quotes from the book)

I cringed. So I wasn't the only one who noticed. And, apparently, that wasn't Edward Cullen's usual behavior. I decided to play dumb.

"Was that the boy I sat next to in Biology?" I asked artlessly.

"Yes," He said "He looked like he was in pain or something."

"I don't know," I responded. "I never spoke to him."

I went over to Coach Clapp, and gave him my slip; he gave me a uniform, and told me that I could sit out this class. I was thankful that I got to sit out because gym is my least favorite subject. I was clumsy during gym class…but give a sword and I was the most graceful person in the world. You have to be good with a sword when you are a demigod, with monster attacking all the time. So I sat and watched the class play volleyball, maybe we will have a lesson in swords or archery…those I am good in. (hint, hint)

I was glad when the bell rung because that meant that I could go home and call Annabeth or Percy…and then practice with my sword. I went to the office to give Mrs. Cope my slip, but when I opened the door, who was there none other than Edward Cullen, and he was trying to switch out of Bio.

"I'm sorry dear" she told him "There is nothing else available."

The door opened and another girl came in and the wind blew my hair toward Edward. He glared at me and then told Mrs. Cope

"I guess I'll just have to endure it" He said and stormed out of the office.

"How was your day dear" she asked me as I handed her the slip.

"Good" I said as I left the office.

I got to my car, and saw that Edward was waiting for his family by the shiny silver Volvo. I got into the safety of my truck and turned the heat on to warm me up. Then I made it out of the parking lot, I stopped at the store and picked up so food. Then I went home to IM Annabeth.

When I got home I went up to my room and got my prism and a drachma, and since there was no sun I used my lamp to create a rainbow.

"Oh Goddess except my offering" I threw the drachma into the rainbow, it disappeared "Show me Annabeth Chase, New York" I saw Annabeth, with her back toward me

"Wise Girl" I yelled

"Don't call me that, Airhead" she yelled spinning around and coming closer to the mist "What's wrong"

"There's this family" I started, and told her everything about my first day "What do you think they are? Do you think they are monsters?" I asked once I was done telling her about the Cullens and Edward

"I don't know" She said "Keep an eye on them, see if they are dangerous. So other than that how was your first day"

"Okay. The annoying mortal boys were way over helpful; they would not leave me alone. You don't know how close I came to taking out my sword"

"But you didn't right?"

"No, but I thought about" I smiled

"I have to go" Annabeth smiled "My dad is calling me"

"Hey" I said before she could leave "Are you and Percy together yet"

She blushed "Umm…yes" and then she waved her hand through the mist

"No fair Annabeth" even though she couldn't hear me I still said it, I would IM her later

I decided to go outside and practice with my sword, I was going through the moves that Luke taught me Flawlessly

Someone or something was watching me I could feel it "Whose there" I called

'Help' I heard in my head 'my wing'

It was a bird that I heard

"Where are you?" I said

'In the woods' the bird 'please come'

"Okay, I'll be right there" I said, putting my sword away and walking into the forest. I was a few steps in when I saw a beautiful baby falcon on the ground with his wing bent the wrong way "Awe sweetie what happened"

'I fell from my nest' she said

"Come here" I picked up the bird "I'll fix you up."

I went back inside my house, and found bandages to hold his wing in place. "This is going to hurt a little" I said as I slowly moved his wing back into the right position she squawked out in pain "I'm sorry" I said as I started to wrap bandages around the wing to keep it in the position.

'Thank you' she said

"You'll have to stay with me for awhile, while your wing heals. What's your name?"

'Lalita' she told

"Well Lalita how would you like to stay with me." I asked her

I am assuming since she jumped onto my shoulder that it was a yes. "Is that a yes?"

'Yes, Daughter of Zeus'

"Call me Izzy" I told Lalita "what do falcons eat"

'Fish' Lalita said

"Any kind in particular"

'Whatever mother brought me'

"Let's go to the store and get you some fish" I took Lalita out to my car and drove to the store "Stay here. I'll ask you want you want" I went into the store and over to the food counter 'they have salmon, trout…'

'Trout' Lalita said

I smiled "Could I get two pounds of trout please"

"Of course dear" the lady behind the counter smiled and she gave me my fish. I paid and went back to my car.

"I don't think Charlie will like you flying all around the house" I told Lalita "Would you mind staying in a cage"

'No' she said 'just don't shut the door' I drove to the pet store unaware of the Silver Volvo that was following me.

"I'll leave the window open too, so that you can come and go as you please" I got to the store and picked up everything that I would need to take care of a bird.

Edward POV

I was curious about Isabella Swan…how could I not read her mind. I decided to go to her house after school and watch her.

She was in her room when I heard her say the weirdest thing.

"Oh goddess except my offering." She paused for a short moment and then said "Show me Annabeth Chase New York."

"Wise girl" She yelled, Wise Girl is a nickname

"Don't call me that Airhead" Who I'm assuming is Annabeth said "What's wrong" Airhead is a weird nickname too

"There's this family" Bella said and then told her all about our family "What do you think they are? Do you think they are monsters?" she asked once she was done telling the other about us

"I don't know" Annabeth said "Keep an eye on them, see if they are dangerous. So other than that how was your first day"

"Okay. The annoying mortal boys were way over helpful; they would not leave me alone. You don't know how close I came to taking out my sword" Bella owns a sword, and she brought it to school. Mortal, is she saying that she's not one

"But you didn't right?"

"No, but I thought about"

"I have to go. My dad is calling me"

"Hey, did you and Percy together yet"


"No fair Annabeth" So the girls name was Annabeth, why did she call her Wise Girl

Than Bella came outside…she made a sword appear out of nowhere…who is this girl? Then she started to do complicated moves with it…she was good, I wondered where she learned it from. She stopped suddenly

"Whose there" she called out…did she know I was here…she couldn't know I was here, she shouldn't be able to see me or hear me.

"Where are you" she said after a few seconds.

'Help' I heard someone think 'my wing' did I just hear a bird

"Okay, I'll be right there" she's talking to a bird

She put her sword away and started to walk into the forest. "Awe sweetie what happened?"

'I fell from my nest' the bird said

"Come here, I'll fix you up." She bent down and came back up with a falcon on her arm. She it brought back to her house.

I moved closer to her house

"This is going to hurt a little" Bella said as she slowly bent the falcon's wing back into the right position "I'm sorry" she told it, as she started to wrap bandages around the wing

'Thank you' the bird said

"You'll have to stay with me for awhile, while your wing heals. What's your name?"

'Lalita' the bird said

"Well Lalita how would you like to stay with me." Bella asked her

She jumped onto Bella's shoulder that it was a yes. "Is that a yes?"

'Yes, Daughter of Zeus' Daughter of Zeus I thought, like the god Zeus

"Call me Izzy" she told Lalita "what do falcons eat?"

'Fish' Lalita said

"Any kind in particular" Bella said

'Whatever mother brought me'

"Let's go to the store and get you some fish" Bella took Lalita out to her car and drove to the store, I decided to follow her. "Stay here. I'll ask you want you want" How was she going to ask the bird, when she left her outside. Bella went into the store. I went in after her.

'Trout' Lalita said

"Could I get two pounds of trout please?" I heard Bella say

"Of course dear" the lady behind the counter smiled and gave Bella the fish. She paid and went back to her car.

"I don't think Charlie will like you flying all around the house" she told Lalita "Would you mind staying in a cage"

'No' she said 'just don't shut the door' she drove to the pet store

"I'll leave the window open too, so that you can come and go as you please"

I don't know what Bella is, but she sure is one peculiar girl, and I don't think that she is entirely human. I went home to tell my family about Bella

"Did you have fun on your stake out Edward" Alice asked as I walked in the door.

Emmett ran down the stairs "You went on a stake out without me"

"What did you find out about her" Alice asked

"Bella is a peculiar girl" I said as the rest of my family came into the living room, I then told them all about what Bella said and what she did.

"Daughter of Zeus" Carlisle said "As in Zeus one of The Greek gods" Thunder rumbled in the distance, maybe there was going to be a storm and we could play baseball. Alice shook her head, guess not

"I don't know" I said "maybe"

"Do you think she is dangerous" Rosalie asked "You said she was very good with a sword"

"I don't think so"

"Well, let's keep an eye on her" Carlisle said "Make sure she's not a threat to us"

Everyone nodded and went to do their separate things; I went over to my piano, and started to play

Bella POV

I got home and set up the cage for Lalita in my bedroom. I heard thunder rumble in the distance, someone said one of the gods' names; maybe it was that annoying Mike Newtown.

I went back downstairs to start dinner for me and Charlie, Lalita sat on my shoulder

"Bells" Charlie yelled when he came in the door.

"In the kitchen" I said 'look cute' I told Lalita as Charlie came to the kitchen

"Is that a…" he started "Is that a falcon"

"Yeah" I smiled "Her wing was hurt, so I fixed her up, and figured that she could stay here until she was completely healed." I looked at him "Please can she stay here"

'Tell him I'll be good and won't cause a problem' Lalita said

"Dad, she's just a baby. She said that she won't cause a problem and that she'll be good"

"You talk to animals" Charlie asked

"Just birds, remember Zeus has domain over the sky" I said softly, I hated to remind him that I wasn't really his daughter

"Yeah, right" he said "what's for dinner?"

"Chicken and rice"

"Sounds good" He left the kitchen and let me cook.

20 minutes later I had the food on the table "Dinner's ready" I told Charlie

"Looks good Bells" He said as he sat down and started to put food onto his plate, I sat down and did the same. We ate in silence, and Lalita chattered on and on about random things.

"I'm going to do my homework" I told Charlie after we were done eating.

He nodded and went to watch some game on TV.

I set Lalita in her cage and went over to my laptop. It was 7:30 when I started and by the time I was completely done it was 9:00. Since it was still early I decided to do some research on the Cullen family, I went to Google and typed in 'Edward Cullen'…nothing came up, I did the same for the rest of his family, and the only one that came up with something was Dr. Carlisle Cullen…and that was just his information for Forks Hospital. That was odd, why nothing would come up, usually you can find out about people when you look them up on the internet…but the Cullens were all but invisible…if I didn't see them at school, I would think that they weren't real. I checked Facebook, to see if any of them have an account…they didn't.

"I can't find anything about them, Lalita" I said, "It's like they don't exist. I'm going to IM Percy, see if he can help"

I got my prism and a drachma, and since it was night I used my lamp to create a rainbow.

"Oh Goddess except my offering" I threw the drachma into the rainbow, it disappeared "Show me Percy Jackson, New York" I saw Percy sitting on his bed

"Seaweed Brain" I yelled when I saw him

"Airhead" he said, coming closer to the mist "How's Forks"

"Don't call me that" I smiled

"Don't call me Seaweed Brain"

"Fine, I have a question…I already asked Annabeth, but I want your opinion too." I told him exactly what I told Annabeth, and also what I just found out.

"I don't know what to tell you" He said "they could be monster, but from what you told me they don't sound dangerous. But they don't sound human either. Just keep an eye on them, make sure they aren't dangerous"

"That's what Annabeth told me" I smiled "So I heard that you and Annabeth got together…when did that happen? Seaweed Brain"

"Yes" he said "Bye Airhead" he waved his hand though the mist.

"What's with everyone cutting me off today" I growled "They don't even give me the chance to say good bye" It was 11:00, so I decided to get ready for bed.

Edward POV

I was outside Bella's house again…I was curious as to what she was clearly she is not entirely human…she can talk to birds for crying out loud. I watched as she made dinner for her and Charlie

"Bells" Charlie yelled when he came in the door.

"In the kitchen" she said

"Is that a…" he started "Is that a falcon"

"Yeah" Bella smiled "Her wing was hurt, so I fixed her up, and figured that she could stay here until she was completely healed." She looked at him "Please can she stay here"

'Tell him I'll be good and won't cause a problem' Lalita said

"Dad, she's just a baby. She said that she won't cause a problem and that she'll be good"

"You talk to animals" Charlie asked

"Just birds, remember Zeus has domain over the sky" She said softly, there she goes with the Greek god references again

"Yeah, right" he said "what's for dinner?" and apparently knew what her secret was.

"Chicken and rice"

"Sounds good" He left the kitchen

20 minutes later she had the food on the table "Dinner's ready" she said

"Looks good Bells" He said as he sat down and started to put food onto his plate, Bella sat down as well and did the same. They ate in silence, but Lalita chattered on and on about random things.

"I'm going to do my homework" she told Charlie after they were done eating.

He nodded and went to watch some game on TV.

As she went upstairs I climbed the tree next to her room, I watched as she did her homework.

Once she was done her homework, she went to Google and typed in my name…she's goggling me, as I knew nothing came up. She then went through the rest of my family, the only information she got was for Carlisle at the hospital.

"I can't find anything about them, Lalita" She said, "It's like they don't exist. I'm going to IM Percy, see if he can help"

She got a prism and a golden coin, and made a rainbow with her lamp.

"Oh Goddess except my offering" she threw the golden coin into the rainbow, it didn't go through the rainbow and land on the other side like I thought it would…it disappeared. How is she doing that? It's like she can do magic. "Show me Percy Jackson, New York" a boy, who I assumed was Percy, about Bella's age appeared in the rainbow.

"Seaweed Brain" she yelled, Seaweed Brain, that's a weird nickname

"Airhead" he said, "How's Forks"

"Don't call me that" Bella smiled, she has a beautiful smile

"Don't call me Seaweed Brain"

"Fine, I have a question…I already asked Annabeth, but I want your opinion too." She told him exactly what she told Annabeth, (which I assumed she talked to the same way) and also what she just found out.

"I don't know what to tell you" He said "they could be monsters, but from what you told me they don't sound dangerous. But they don't sound human either. Just keep an eye on them, make sure they aren't dangerous"

"That's what Annabeth told me" she smiled "So I heard that you and Annabeth got together…when did this happen? Seaweed Brain"

"Yes" he said "Bye Airhead" he waved his hand and his picture disappeared

"What's with everyone cutting me off today" she growled "They don't even give me the chance to say good bye" then she got up and got ready for bed.

I would have liked to stay and watch her sleep, but I figured I should go home and inform my family about what I just found out.

I got home and told my family what happened.

"I'm having a hard time seeing her" Alice said "I see bits and pieces, but it's blurry. And you can't read her mind…maybe it's all connected to what she can do"

"This power of hers is blocking our gifts from working properly" I said "Jasper could you sense her emotion at lunch"

"I didn't try" he said "I'll see if I can tomorrow"

"I wonder what else she can do" Carlisle mused "Watch her, and see if she gives anything away at school"

"Her and her friends have weird nicknames" Emmett said "Airhead, Seaweed Brian, and Wise Girl, you think they have something to do with the gods? Doesn't Zeus have domain over the sky, and Poseidon have domain over the sea, and isn't Athena the goddess of wisdom?" Wow Emmett said something that actually makes sense.

"Are you saying you think they are somehow related to the gods"Rosalie said skeptically "Or are they just really into Greek Mythology?"

"Either one" Emmett said "If vampires are real. Why can't the Greek gods be real too?"

"Emmett may be on to something" Esme said "Didn't the gods and goddesses sleep with mortals, so they could have children"

"That's a good point dear" Carlisle said "watch her and see if she does anything that could link her to one of the Greek gods or goddesses."

"Like, if she show any powers that they had" Jasper asked

"Yes" Carlisle said.

"I think that she is the daughter of Zeus" Alice said

AN: Are The Cullen's on the Bella? Will Bella figure out what The Cullens?

Review and you shall find out