So this will start out as a first chapter, but I have no idea what to include in the story that will continue on from this. Please, if you have any ideas whatsoever, please review and tell me.


I opened the door of my apartment. I had had it since I graduated Phoenix High School last month. Everything I owned was in this apartment. Most of my stuff had burnt in the house fire that dad died in. but some of my stuff had been at mom's house because they were divorced. But it was only come of my clothes and some of my photos that were in mum's house. I didn't take any furniture to the apartment with me that was staying with my mum's brother and sister. The only stuff I have in my apartment is mostly my clothes and my photos left over. I kept thinking all the time, though, that there must have been something more to my life. Something exiting, not that I was complaining about my boyfriend. He was pretty much everything to me. It was just everything else that was boring. Sleep, wake up, breakfast, work, lunch, volunteer work, relax tea, movie, bed. I got sick of it quite quickly, but I had nothing else to do.

RING! I answered the phone.


'Hi, Bella. It's me. Michael.'

"Hey sweetie, how's your day been?"

'It's been okay. Look, Bells, we need to talk.'

"About what?"



'I think it's time for us to part ways. I'm sorry, but I just don't feel the same way about you than when I first met you. I'm sorry, but this just isn't going to work between us. Besides, I met another girl called Lauren. She handles my needs better. I've got to go, and once again, I'm sorry.' he hung up.

I threw the phone against the wall, where it stuck straight into the plaster. I broke down and cried. I walked around, stamping, trying to get all the pain and anger out of my heart.

I could feel myself starting to shake. Not just the trembles, mind, but massive convulsions and fierce shaking throughout my whole body. I was so frightened; I didn't know what was happening to me. In a spasm of pain I could feel something inside me tearing. I cried out and felt myself grow. Everything got more defined, I could hear better, I could smell everything.

I looked down at my body and saw not my own body. I was some kind of Animal!

What the Fuck? I said in my head

What the hell? Said a soft voice

Who's there? Growled a deep voice

Wha? Asked a gentle voice

Wait, what? Great now I'm hearing and seeing things! That's it. Who the hell are you, what the hell are you doing in by head and WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED TO ME? One second I'm pissed at my boyfriend- ex- boyfriend and the next I'm stuck like this- animal?

Okay, just calm down, said deep voice, this is probably a lot to handle with right now, but what happened to trigger this? Were you stressed or angry or upset just before?

Umm, yes?

Well that explains why you phased, now we just need to know the how you can, who you are and where you live.

Umm... Isabella Marie Swan. I live in Phoenix, Apartment 63, Rosewood ave. As for how it is that I am like this, don't ask me. I'm asking you guys. What are your names?

Deep voice Sam Uley

Soft voice Embry Call

Gentle voice Seth Clearwater

Thanks. So what the hell am I, how do I change back and why the hell is this happening to me?

Sam launched into a long tale about Werewolves and the Quilletes and the cold ones and pretty much every detail. I felt so much more clued in than I did before. I was even beginning to calm down a bit.

Bella, is it alright if I call you that? Thanks. Before you phase back, I'm going to give you my number. I want you to ring me as soon as you can.

Great. That means I'm going to have to pull it out of the wall. When I felt the boy's puzzlement, I sent them a mental image of the phone stuck in the wall. I could feel them laughing in my head.

You must have pitched a hard one for that! Finally! A girl in the pack! Seth said.

Yeah, and one that's probably as strong as us guys, too! Embry said.

Bella, I want you to try and phase back.

How do I do that again? He told me again. I tried to phase. I could feel it working. In about 3 mins I finally made it back to my own body shape. I glanced down and realised that I had lost all my clothes to the transformation. Great. I dialled the number that I had so carefully remembered. On the 3rd ring Sam answered.

'Hey, Bella I presume?'

"Yeah, you got that right."

'Bella, I was thinking, do you think you'd be able to come down to Forks for a couple of weeks? So we can talk to you in person about the phasing, side effects and the effects it will have on your body?'

"I think that can be arranged. When do you want me down there by? I can leave whenever."

"That'd be great, when's the earliest train that goes to Jacksonville?'

"Just give me a minute and I'll Google it... okay, I've got it. It leaves at 6:30 tomorrow morning. I'll catch that one."

'Did you really want to get up that early for a ride?'

"If it means getting out of this dump, then sure. Hey, Sam?"


"Do you have anywhere I could stay?"

'I'm sure we can find somewhere for you to stay when you get down here.'

"Thanks. Where will I meet you when I get to Forks?"

'Um, I'll give you an address. It's a diner in town. Called Sue's Diner. Me and a couple of mates will come and meet you. Just look for the group of guys with the dark hair and tanned skin.'

"I just wrote the name down, thanks. The train will arrive at Forks at about 10:30."

'Yeah. Thanks Bella. I can't wait to meet you in person, so to speak.' I laughed.

"Yeah, you too. I'd better start packing. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

'Sure thing. Oh, Seth and Embry say by and see you soon. Okay, cya Bella.'
