A/N First, I wanna say thank you to the always amazing mjb84! She's absolutely AMAZING, and my story would probably be really lame without her help and input. Even if she thinks my pizza choices are disgusting! ;) Second, thanks to everyone for all the support and amazing reviews. I cannot believe I've already gotten over 1,000 hits in my first 24 hours. You guys are amazing! I hope you enjoy Sookie's POV of the club opening. Next chapter will (hopefully) be in Eric's POV. Maybe if I get enough reviews!

Disclaimer; I don't own the characters. They're all Charlaine Harris'. I just take them to the park every now and then!


I was feeling refreshed and quite upbeat for someone who had just woken up.

Bounding down the steps, I decided that today would be a great day for a full-on "Gran-breakfast"; pancakes, eggs, bacon, hash browns- the works!

With a deliciously full tummy, I finished the laundry, dusting and vacuuming from yesterday. I liked to keep my house clean. Gran would roll over in her grave if she saw her house a wreck.

Laundry and chores done, I looked at the time and realized it was already 3pm. I needed to get a move on if I wanted to get a dress for tonight. My tips were decent enough last night that I could afford to indulge myself a little.


Thirty minutes later I was driving down the road to Tara's.

Stepping into the store, I decide tonight was the night to 'bring sexy back', cause if I was gonna go out, I was at least gonna have some fun with it!

I found a cute mid thigh dress with a VERY low cut v-neck in red. A cute pair of red, 4 inch pumps completed the ensemble and I was good to go. The jewelry I had at home would be a perfect match for what I wanted.

I made it up to the register and Tara looked shocked to see me there. I guess she didn't see me come in. Saturday afternoons were pretty busy for all the shops, and she had quite a few customers.

"Hey Sook, what are you buyin' fancy clothes for? Got a hot date?" Giving my dress a once over, she managed to look shocked again that I'd picked out something so revealing.

"I'm going to a club opening in Shreveport with Jason tonight. He practically begged me to go and I couldn't turn him down. He said he had no one else to go with him, so I agreed."

"OH! You mean 'The Keg?' I heard about that. Some blonde woman was here passing out flyers for the opening a few weeks back." Hmm… I wonder why I was just hearing about it now, if everyone else had known of it for months. What was all the fuss about? Guess I'd just have to be okay with not knowing and seeing for myself tonight.


Within 3 hours I was showered, beautified, and dressed to the nines while I waited for Jason.

I inspected myself in the mirror and had to admit, I looked hot! I was definitely going to have some fun tonight! Like Jason said, I never went out much, and I was going to enjoy myself tonight!

Not long after my little pep-talk, Jason pulled up and honked the horn. That boy really needed to learn some manners.

The ride to the club was a quiet one. I could tell Jason was excited, and I was pretty excited myself. I think we both knew that if he started talking, it would most likely be about how much action he planned on getting, and that would be all kinds of awkward for the both of us.

So we stayed silent.

(Thank God for small miracles.)


We arrived in the general vicinity of the club and spent 10 minutes trying to find a parking spot. This was definitely the place to be, and I was sure there was going to be a super long line to get inside.

Making our way to the entrance, I confirmed my suspicion. Saying the line was long would be a huge understatement. We would be waiting in line for at least 45 minutes!

20 minutes into the wait, a brunette female came over to us and introduced herself as Amelia. She explained that she was instructed to let us inside.


Why would we be treated special when we didn't know ANYONE here? That's when 'Fun Sookie' kicked me in the ass and said "who cares?", if it would reduce the wait, I was down.

The club was impressive, to say the least. From the outside it looked like just another rundown building in between other buildings that, basically, looked the same.

The inside was AMAZING. Deep mahogany brown donned the walls. Faux rustic wooden floors everywhere but the dance floor, which was made up with different little squares that lit up in all kinds of colors.

They had a good bit of bar height tables strategically placed in around the club, all with excellent views of the dance floor.

The bar was completely stocked, and could easily seat 20 people. It was definitely the largest bar I'd ever seen. Four bartenders were working the bar with ease. Along with plenty of waitresses to keep the patrons happy.

It definitely had a warm and friendly atmosphere. There were a ton of people bouncing around on the dance floor to the top 40.

Whoever designed this place was, clearly, very good at their job. This place put Merlotte's to shame.

Once we'd found a table and sat down, the woman who'd introduced herself as Amelia immediately walked up to us and asked us what we wanted to drink. Apparently she was one of the many waitresses working the floor.

I ordered a gin and tonic, and Jason had a beer, as usual.

I took more time to observe the people in the club, watching them dance and mingle about. I was passing over one of the groups talking when I noticed a man who was about 6'4" with silky, blonde hair. His back was turned to me, but there was something familiar about him.

I didn't know anyone that tall, so I just chalked it up to coincidence and looked around some more. I couldn't help but let my eyes pass over him a few more times. He seemed to know everyone here and was moving fluidly between groups and conversations.


After my third gin and tonic, my liquid courage gave me the nerve to dance. I loved dancing; it was one thing that would help me let go of everything else and just enjoy myself.

I'd danced alone for the first three songs, then the fourth song came on, and it was the new Miley Cyrus song. Not my favorite, but good for dancing, so I continued. Shortly after, I felt someone come up behind me and put his hands on my hips.

I didn't bother to look behind me but I knew he had huge hands. And he was a pretty good dancer. I was enjoying myself too much to stop dancing and look behind me. Besides, it's not like I'd see this person again and live happily ever after. So I enjoyed the moment and rubbed my ass against him.

Whoever he was, he seemed to enjoy my subtle movement.

Once the song was over, I decided to just take a little peek at who my dancing partner was.

I stepped back, turned around and looked up at his face and the realization immediately hit me.



Dr. Northman?


It couldn't be. If he was specifically dancing with me, then that meant that he remembered me and knew who I was.

How awkward was this?

Before I had the chance to move away, he spoke.

"Hello, Ms. Stackhouse. Did you miss me?"

A/N I hope everyone enjoyed this one! Please leave a review and let me know what you think! All of your reviews so far have made me super happy! I'm constantly glued to my computer/phone waiting for mail in my inbox letting me know someone added my story to their favorites or alerts, or reviewed!