31 Things that you probably didn't know about Canada aka Matthew Williams.

Tulips: not the only plant that he and the Netherlands can regularly bond over.

Mattie really isn't into maple syrup that much, like how Ludwig isn't that much of an alcoholic or how Feliciano isn't that much of a pasta fan...

Quebec is not allowed to have conversations with Grandpa Francis. EVER.

Matthew is the only one of Arthur's former colonies who can actually see the faeries.

Arthur has just never asked.

Matthew plans never to tell.

Matthew is the only personified nation ever to appear in a movie that isn't a war film.

He is one of the guys that Micheal Moore talks to when he goes to see if Canadians really don't lock there doors.

And weirdly some how happens upon the home of the country himself.

Canada can hold his liquor better than America.

And thus has two hundred years worth of blackmail material to fall back on.

The dear people of Ottawa have not the slightest idea in hell that there is a tamed polar bear among them.

After all, that sweet World History student Matthew Williams only pet is a rather fat Canadian Eskimo Dog.


He dose not end every sentence with 'eh', 'buddy' or 'guy' for the love of god!

Only an average of ten times a day.

Every time Alfred gets in his face and loudly begins to demand that he joins him in his latest hair brained scheme, he agrees. But, with one condition.

Alfred must come and get all the draft dodgers out of his home.

That's the end of the conversation.

Yes, there is a Thanksgiving here.

No, Alfred. Its in October, not November.

Loonies and Toonies are not birds or crazy people Alfred.

They are money.

Matthew cried at the end of the Vancouver Olympics.

It was the first time since Arthur had taken him from Francis.

Ludwig is still terrified of him.

Mattie doesn't really mind being invisible. He knows more about the other countries than they think.

Well the other countries my not recognize him or his people accomplishments he knows them, and all there worth.

However, the whole Ivan thinks he is a chair thing really needs to stop.

Matthew William, aka Canada, is by far, the country that is closest to his people. What else could he wish for?

Oh, and of course. KRAFT DINNER IS GOD.

Author's Note: Well, this sucks. This is the first thing I have ever published here, and to be honest, I wrote it on a absolute whim. I am not Canadian, sadly enough, but I love the character and I recently did a bit of research into the country and its people. So tell me what you think: like it or not? All feedback is welcome. Oh and by the way the Micheal Moore movie is Bowling for Columbine, and he does actually go around, opening random peoples doors. The scene is funny, and the movie is interesting. Oh, and also. I don't own Hetalia.