Aria's POV:

"A?" Donovan asked as he drove. The scenery for the past twenty minutes had been a beautiful group of trees. *sarcasm intended*

"There are two," I said as I scribbled two As in the designated lines. "That was the last letter."

"Awesome! I won?" Donovan asked, grinning. "What'd it sa- Aww! Come on Aria." For a twenty-two year old he sure did whine a lot.

I was gonna take a wild guess at what had been my choice of Hangman words: "I HATE LA PUSH." I stayed silent, stared straight ahead, visibly pouting, and crossed my arms. I was being a pouty brat, but I didn't care. I didn't wanna be back here, back in stupid, dumb, old La Push.

He sighed. "I thought you said you liked the house…"

I wasn't going to look at Donovan, he was going to make me feel guilty. It was one of his various talents.

"I mean," he continued. "I painted all the rooms like you wanted, I made your room big like it was back in the city, you've got a huge closet, the kitchen is even stainless steel like we never even HAD back then! You can cook anything you want! I was gonna get a pool, but the weather here's always so col—"

I smiled a bit, Donny was such a people pleaser. "I LOVE the house, Don! But I miss New York! It's so…."

"Oh yeah, now I get it," he replied, smirking. I punched his arm, but all he did was laugh.

Donny was HUGE, he towered over my 5'3" frame at something around 6'6". He had muscles the size of tree trunks, tan Quileute skin, white teeth, and excuse my incestuous comments but his abs were incredible. I sorta enjoyed him walking around our apartment in New York shirtless, 'cept for when my best friend Emma was over…. She had always had a major crush on Donovan and his recent growth spurt had only things made MUCH worse. It had always been weird to me how late his body had finally decided to grow… Not that he'd been short before but this was weird…. He'd actually made me leave the house when it had started happening, that was a couple of months ago a little bit after our parents had di—

"ARIA!" He snapped his fingers in my face.

"AHHHHHH!" I screamed and jumped, successfully hitting my head on the roof of the car. Ow.

"Spazz," he muttered quietly. "We're here. La Push Tribal High….. Memories."

I snorted, "You were only here for a month before we moved to New York."

"Yeah well… Get outta my car!" He said, playfully pushing my thigh.

"Impressive argument got there… So glad you didn't follow Dad into law." I smirked and hopped out the car.

He smiled sadly, "What time does school end?"

"Three, like every other high school…." I asked, raising my eyebrows. Donny was HIGHLY out of touch with the education system.

"Cool, I'll be here at two forty-five."

"Great, see you at six," I smirked, walking toward the small door of QTHS.

"HEY!" He yelled in protest, I giggled as I opened the door and walked into the halls. The EMPTY halls….Oh, crap! I checked my class schedule, 10th Grade American History, Room 25B… What time was it? Eight fifteen. Damn Donny and his speech on the "importance of breakfast".

I ran quickly and suddenly realized that maybe I hadn't chosen the BEST outfit to wear. I had decided this morning while rummaging through the remaining clothing boxes that I would wear my favorite knee-high brown boots, the cutest pair of dark wash jeans I had owned, a white tank and a blue long-sleeved oversized cardigan.

I knocked on the door timidly, the teacher a tall, generic-looking teacher was in the middle of droning about some unimportant war, looked like the Revolutionary, when he suddenly stopped to glare at me over the top of his seventies –styled glasses. Clearly, he'd gotten vintage and Lovely Bones rapist dude confused.

"Uhm… Hi, I'm Aria… Miller," I finished lamely. I fingered my side braid nervously.

"Ahhh, Miss Miller. Tardiness is not an honorable quality, especially on one's first day." He looked over his glasses, and I turned my head a bit.

"Thank you, Yoda," I said, in what I had thought would be quietly.

The class began to laugh, his eyes widened, and I sprint-walked towards the quickest open seat. I rested my bag on the floor, and pulled out my binder and textbook. What page had Master Yoda said? I looked to the person next to me, who looked like he'd been held back a few times. He was huge, like Donny, but he didn't seem to be paying attention, instead staring out at the scenic trees.

I tapped his shoulder once, he didn't turn around. Perfect…. I tried it one more time, this time deciding to string a series of lame words together.

'"Uhm, excuse me? What page are we on?" I whispered to him.

Looking sorta aggravated he turned around to say something, but when he looked at me the aggravated look disappeared.

He looked at me for a REALLY long time it felt like. Suddenly his face broke into a wide, goofy smile. A really familiar smile… But I couldn't quite figure out the name that matched this beauti—smile.

"Mr. Clearwater?"

Clearwater? …. Clearwater… Clearwater…. Clearwater….. SETH?

"MR. CLEARWATER!" Yoda screamed in a non-very- Yoda way.

Seth turned his head to the teacher but kept his eyes on me, "Yes sir?" He said in an innocent-I'm-not-scaring-the-new-girl voice. I blushed and looked down at my blank piece of loose leaf.

"Can you tear your eyes away from Miss Miller to tell me what piece of land General Burgoyne captured in WHAT year?"

Seth looked at the teacher nervously for a few moments blankly. AWWWW! HE WAS SOO CU-, never mind.

"Fort Ticonderoga in 1777," I whispered quietly, looking at the door.

"Uhm….. Fort Ticonderoga? In 1777?" Seth answered; I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Yes…Well… Back to the Battle of Yorktown!"

Powned, I thought in the back of my mind. Out loud, I snorted unattractively. Oh, high school awkwardness how much I love thee.

Seth [I thought that was him but I couldn't quite be sure because I hadn't seen him since I was seven] quickly turned his head back to me and smiled. He must've been a morning person…..

I smiled weakly I, unlike him, would have much rather been in bed right now and his smile quickly turned down into a frown….. What was wrong now?

The bell rang, and I threw my textbook and binder into my bag. Well… At least I thought I had, but I had been so busy thinking about something I had pushed them into Seth's lap. Smooth, Aria, really.

I started to apologize, when I suddenly realized he was glaring at my notebook page. And he was sorta… vibrating?

What had I written? I peered over at my page, and saw that I had written the generic high school love sorta note: ARIA 3 JACK. Jack was my boyfriend back home…. Why had that made Seth upset?

"Uhm… Seth?" I asked quietly, just in case I had the wrong name, I didn't wanna sound like a complete and total ass hole. His head snapped up to mine, his eyes looked really sad and the way he looked at me made me wanna melt.

"Aria?" He asked hoarsely.

I nodded, biting my lip.

"Elephant?" He asked quietly.

I smiled a bit inwardly at our childhood nicknames, "Yes, Wolf?"

He smiled widely, before tackle-hugging me. I laughed loudly as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"ARIA! You're back here in La Push! With me!" I raised my eyebrows… I was in fact with him? I guess…

I groaned. "Don't remind me," I blurted.

His eyebrows knitted together, but I shook my head smiling a bit. "I'll tell you about it later."

Seth grinned at that, but frowned not too long after that, "What class do you have next?"

I thought for a second, I had seen it on my schedule…. "English, Room… 32B?"

He smiled, "SO DO I!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me with him out the door. It was weird though, I felt two things when his hand met mine : First, a HELL of a lot of heat like someone had just sat my hand on a stove. Sorta like Donny's…. Weird. Second, it sorta felt like someone had electrocuted my whole entire body, in a REALLY good way.

My heartbeat quickened and I cursed puberty and hormones. Seth turned back to me and smiled, and then frowned. Again. God, I had never remembered him being bipolar….. We raced through the door just as the bell rang and took two seats at the same table.

Suddenly… I felt weird. There was no awkwardness between me and Seth - Seth and I my English class-respecting conscience corrected. It was like I hadn't left eight years ago, I had just taken a quick vacation. Like I said… Weird.

"Well, class. I'd first like to introduce our new student, Miss Aria Miller." I blushed and waved my hand in no particular direction. "Second, I'd like to give you all a copy of our newest book, Much Ado About Nothing by my good friend, Shakespeare." The whole class groaned, but I smiled a bit. Not because I was genuinely excited about reading about a non-realistic love story, but because we had just finished this back in New York and I still had my copy.

Oh La Push, how I missed you.


Hey, everyone! This is Huff&Puff! I'd just like to say that I'd really like you to R&R this is my first SERIOUS fanfic that I'm prepared to really work on. I've already gotten the next three or four chapters planned out, and I'm THINKING the next chapter will be in Seth's POV during this whole scenario. But thanks for reading! And don't forget to R& R, PLEASE!