Hey My first Glee FF that ive published... Hope you Enjoy! :D 3..

The tension was unbearable.



Her stomach turned, heavy with guilt. I've really done it this time.

Brittney sat down on the couch, inches away from her. She wanted to be angry with Santana, yell in frustration. It wasn't her fault the waiter was flirting with her, and it wasn't her fault said waiter 'dropped' the wine on Santana effectively ruining her shirt and their night. But, reason clouded her anger, she didn't stop the guy either. And as she felt the tension through her body, her rage subsided and the guilt came flooding back, greater than before.

"I understand if you're mad at me but..." Brittney began.

"You understand? You understand do you, that's great to know." Brittney flinched at her tone.

"Can we jus-"

"Just stop, I am absolutely furious with you and I really don't want to talk about it." Santana all but yelled as she stood, making to walk away. Suddenly Brittney's 'reason' for remaining calm was gone.

"Listen, I tried tonight... did I not throw him against the wall when he spilt the wine all over you. It's not like it was a waste! The wine was terrible anyway" Brittney had every intension of standing her ground. She had never backed down in an argument before even if the guilt was swelling so high it made her sick.

"The wine was terrible? That was expensive wine Britt! You ordered it!"

"Because I could totally read the wine list..." She mumbled

"THAT ISN'T THE POINT!" Santana paused to collect herself, she hated yelling at her. "You embarrassed me, in front of everyone... everyone! They all probably think that I've turned my girlfriend straight. Tonight was supposed to be special, it was our damn anniversary, but that didn't even seem to matter to you. Do we even matter to you? BECAUSE YOU SEEMED TO BE GETTING COZY WITH THE WAITER!" Brittney gulped something catching at the back of her throat, she will not cry. "I just simply can't believe you, out of all the things and all the days to be so.. so.. I don't even know if there is a word for it! So are you happy now... well are you?"

"Alright then! Just shut-up..." her voice more forceful than anticipated.


"YES! I need you to SHUT-UP, just shut-up. Because I'm trying to be mad at you, so I can argue back. I WANT to be furious and yell and scream but I can't right now because I can't... I can't... so just shut up."

"You can't what Britt-ney? YOU CAN'T WHAT?"

"BREATHE!" she screamed before taking a deep ragged breath. Santana froze. "I can't breathe when you're mad at me! I need you to shut-up, so I can be angry... because being angry is easier than this... PLEASE please, just... shut-up." Her last words barely a whisper.

Santana stood there watching the blonde girl. Part of her wanted to yell back that she had started the argument... but most of her just wanted to give her a hug. She could see that Brittney was almost crying... the tears ever threatening to fall with every second they kept eye contact. If she keeps this up... Santana blinked firmly and looked away.

Brittney abruptly stood up and walked out. Slamming the door to their room, which banged so hard it became open again, causing Brittney to come back and close it again. So much for a dramatic exit. Santana supressed a giggle and rolled her eyes.

"You're impossible." Santana whispered, "How can I stay mad at you?"

Press the lil holy review button and I will be forever grateful. Whatever Review you wish to post... but please... just post anything! *twitch* I need it :P