AN: Sorry guys, not an update. I hate, hate, hate to say this, but I have come down with the worst possible thing. Writer's block. Tragic, isn't it? I have the worst WB for this story, and my other Vampire Diaries one. I've been sitting at my computer for weeks trying to write something down, and no insperation floods... at all. Zip. Zilch. Nada. You get the idea.

So, this story is going on a small hiatus- just until I can get my motivation back. I promise- cross my heart and hope to die- that this story isn't going to be stopped suddenly, smack-dab in the middle. It's just going on a vacation. To Hawaii. To try and find my inspiration for it, along with a bit of sun-bathing.

That's just the news for now. Writer's block has sent my story, and the inspiration I had for it to Hawaii. They'll be back soon. Just give them some time. After all, who doesn't love the sun and beach? A new chapter will probably be up in a month or two- seems so far away, doesn't it? But, if it's not up by say... January, I'll post another Author's note about why.

Sorry to those of you looking forward to it! I really am! But I promise I'll update as soon as my story/inspiration comes back! Until then, wish them a happy vacation in Hawaii!
