
Summary: "Acacius" Latin form of Greek name Akakios meaning "Not evil". Oz Vessalius is a youg demon being schooled on how to interact peacefully with humans as he finds himself pushed into the care of a bishonen but is he really a human? A Demon? A Blackbird?

Chapter 12- Danger

Danger- an instance or cause of peril; menace.

"Oz do you think leaving the others was a smart idea?" Alice says calmly as she took a bite of the shaved ice that Oz had gotten her.

"It's fine… It's fine!" Oz says casually leaning back in his chair with a bored look on his face. "They'd just be targeted if we stayed around them… Well if I stay around them that is. You didn't have to come when I asked." He says softly and she pouted at him before smiling playfully.

"And miss free food? You must be crazy." She says with a hint of amusement in her voice and Oz laughed warmly.

"You and your food! I don't blame you though…" He says calmly with a small sigh leaning forward resting his elbows on to the table. "So when do you think they're going to appear?" He asks with a slight smirk and Alice grinned back at him.

"Let's give them the rest of the day." She says calmly and Oz sighed before shaking his head.

"Alright then, how about we discuss something, I wanted to tell you this the minute we met up but I didn't want to be questioned by Cheshire, like how he had when I something bad had happened.

"Yeah… You told me the Shinigami were in the area and that they killed a hybrid." Alice says softly watching Oz carefully and Oz nodded glancing around before looking at Alice with a serious look.

"It was Ajax, Alice… They killed Ajax. They might have him trapped in a weapon and they might try to use him on us." Oz says softly and Alice grimaced at the thought.

"We're going to fight a Shinigami with a sword that has Hybrid blood in it? What happened to Celeste… She still has to awaken the blood for the powers to work?" Alice states with a small scowl not liking what was going on.

"She visited me about a month ago, she wanted to make sure I was okay and that I got the red book." Oz says calmly and Alice scoffed.

"She didn't realize she was in any danger? Is she stupid? She should be hiding in the sanctuary with the others!" Alice says shoving a spoon full of shaved Ice into her mouth.

"She took her daughter there and left her… I'm sure Celeste wanted revenge, even though she's an angel Ajax was her friend, her lover, and husband. It wouldn't be something she could forgive especially after being tormented in the Asylum." Oz says softly with an understanding look on his face and Alice slammed her hand onto the table.

"That shouldn't matter! She has a daughter! Someone that needs her, why would she throw that all away for something like revenge?" Alice says with a growl and Oz chuckled at her slightly.

"For a demon you have a weird way of thinking… Once you lose something that is precious to you you're able to do some surprising things, including kill. Didn't you know that?" Oz says with a slight grin on his face and Alice frowns looking away from him knowing exactly what he meant and where that reference came from.

"It's just… that little girl is about Gisela's age and… and we had promised her real mother that we'd take care of her because she was a full blooded angel. He mother stopped fighting and died, leaving Gisela all by herself. When I think about that I remember Alyss's and my mother and how she abandoned us when we were small." Alice says looking away with a slight pained look in her eyes and Oz laughed softly.

"You're a demon, Alice-san… and yet you have such a kind heart. That's why I like you so much!" Oz says with a grin and Alice sighs.

"You have a strange way of making a serious situation seem almost nostalgic." She says with a slight smile on her face watching Oz grin before they sensed someone approaching them.

"So this is where you two wandered off to…" Break's voice says amusedly and the two look back at him casually and Oz noted Gilbert was right behind him with a worried look on his face.

"That reminds me, Alice guess who I found out was still alive!" Oz says with a slight grin and Alice looked at him curiously.

"Hey, don't just continue-" Gilbert goes to say but Break stops him casually.

"Let's see where this conversation goes… I'm curious as to why they're ignoring us so let's watch. Shall we?" Break states calmly and Gilbert grimaced before looking at Oz with worried eyes.

'The Red Shinigami are here in the area and Oz is out here in the open without the necklace I gave him… They'll be able to find him easily.' Gilbert thought remembering how Oz took off his necklace before they left so he wouldn't lose it to the ocean again. The fact he was even able to take it off himself surprised Gilbert but he couldn't argue with Oz who only wanted to protect it from getting lost again.

"Who?" She says taking another bit of her shaved ice ignoring the two adults as she waited for Oz to speak.

"Gisela's father… and my ex." Oz says with a slight wink and Alice dropped her spoon on to the table in shock before she scowled in annoyance.

"Where the fuck did you find him?" Alice states in a disgusted voice and Oz chuckled and motioned behind him with his head and she glared at Gilbert with a pissed look. "So seaweed head is her dad? Bastard doesn't even know she existed… I cannot believe you used to be in love with that heartless bastard!" Alice shrieks glaring daggers at Gilbert, who was still deep in thought and Oz laughed slightly.

"What do you mean by 'used to'? And he's not heartless… he's just an angel like Celeste! I just haven't figured out why he left is all." Oz says raising his arms up in a stretching way before he leaned back in his chair.

"You should be over him! I told you to get over him! Angel or not… he's heartless for letting you get like that. You suffered because of him." She growls glaring at the table before looking at Gilbert who was scowling at them annoyed because he realized he was glared at by Alice.

"Alice-san… he doesn't know that I know… you're going to ruin my fun." Oz says in a whiney voice as he reached out over the table and grabbed her arm childishly. She only stared down at Oz with a scowl.

"Fine, but you're my man-servant! I won't except anyone touching you other than me! Got that!" She state with a challenging look directed toward Gilbert who glared right back. Oz only laughed at her and stood up from his seat.

"But when I get a lover then Alice-san can't keep them from touching me because it'll be their right to do so." Oz says with a slight grin and Alice sighed.

"As long as it's not him then…" She states crossing her arm and legs causing Oz to squeal.

"Yay!" He says jokingly clapping his hands together before she stood as well.

"Quit acting like an idiot, Oz." Alice says with a sigh before Oz pouted.

"But I'm bored… They haven't came out to play with us yet." Oz says in a fake childish tone before he glanced back at Gilbert with a slight worried look. "Let's go play in the sand until they get here." Oz says cheerfully throwing his arms around Alice who blushed slightly before sighing.

"Fine… I'll play but only until they come though." She says with a small scowl on her face before they started walking back to the beach and Gilbert stared at them.

"Why did they ignore us?" Gilbert thought trying to read Oz's mind but there was something blocking him from doing so and he gasped slightly.

"Because the Shinigami are watching them…" Break says with an interested smirk on his lips as he sat in the chair and watched Alice and Oz sit in the sand and start to build something.

'T-The Shinigami…' Gilbert thought remembering the red cloaked monsters that had held Oz prisoner in the asylum and he scowled. 'I wasn't able to do much back them but I'm not connected to the same principles now. I can commit any sin because I'm fallen... I will kill them if they even try to hurt Oz.' Gilbert thought clenching his fists tightly as he continued to watch Oz.

"Do you think Break's made at us for ignoring him?" Alice whispers softly digging her fingers into the sand as Oz shrugged making a pile of sand.

"I don't care if he is… He knows the Shinigami are here and they're looking for me so he should just wait until they appear." Oz says calmly before staring at the pile of sand in frustration. "The pictures in the books looked so much better than this." Oz says with a pout and Alice looked at him confusedly.

"What are you trying to do?" She asks and Oz sighs.

"I want to make one of those castles like in our fourth grade text book." Oz says staring at the pile. "But I can't get it to work." Oz says looking around at the little kids building their castles. "Ah… Look they're using water to make it stick!" Oz says cheerfully as he jumped to his feet to retrieve the plastic cup Alice had eaten her shaved ice in since it was still on the table. Break looked at him curiously before grabbing his arm.

"Oz-kun, do you know the Shinigami are here for?" Break asks and Oz looked at him confusedly.

"Shinigami? Are they here to kill someone? They're death gods right? So they're here to kill someone… Why do you ask? Is this a trick question sensei?" Oz says with a slight smirk on his lips as he glanced at Gilbert who was staring at him with worry. "I think it's sad that someone has to die… Shinigami are so bad, they're taking away someone's life." Oz says looking at Break with a hidden look and Break smiled at him.

"Are afraid?" Break asks and Oz laughed.

"Yes! Fear is an emotion needed because it lets you know when something is dangerous. When you're in danger you should be afraid but have the courage to stand up against the ones that are causing that fear. If you don't have that fear you cannot be called human." Oz says with a bright smile and Break chuckled softly and Oz frowned with a confused look wondering if that was the wrong answer.

"And are you human?" He asks causing Oz to flinch before pouting.

"That's mean sensei… of course I'm human, what else would I be? I'm not some zombie that's out to eat brains." Oz says with a laugh using a reference from a movie he had watched a few years ago with Ada.

"Hmm… I wonder if that's the case." Break says with a small smile and Oz gave him a curious look wondering what he meant by that before turning away with a small frown before he ran toward the ocean.

'He's making fun of me because he thinks I don't know that I'm not a human, a demon, or an angel. That's bastard should get a metal pipe shove up his ass for making fun of me.' Oz thought gritting his teeth as he stopped at the crashing waves that hit his feet. He then scooped up a cup full of the water before turning around and waving at Alice with a big smile.

"I got the water Alice-san!" He calls with his hand still raised before a figure appears beside him wearing a red cloak and Oz frowns. "Hello, Zwei… Long time no see." He says coolly watching the person's lips form a wicked smile.

"How kind of you to remember me… Bocchan." The woman says and Oz takes a small breath in before gasping at the scent he sensed.

'Both Ajax's and Celeste's scent.' Oz thought with wide eyes before they harden and Oz gave her a bitter smile. "Aren't you hot under that heavy cloak? I'm mean it is summer." Oz says casually as he threw the water at the woman's face causing her to shriek. "Heh hehn… It burns doesn't it! I put a little something special in it just for you!" He shouts slamming into her grabbing what was around her neck before bolting away.

"Oz!" Gilbert shouts running over to the boy before wrapping his arms around him protectively.

"Ha! Raven, did you see that that person appeared out of nowhere… She must be a Shinigami. Isn't that cool!" Oz says laughing holding up a bottle filled with red liquid that was dangling from a rope.

"Oz where did you get that?" Gilbert says with a confused look and Oz chuckled.

"It fell of the Shinigami's neck and I grabbed it. I wonder what it is… A soul perhaps." He says with looking at it knowing it was Ajax and Celeste's blood mixed together.

'These Shinigami have no respect for the dead just like the demons and Angels in the asylum had no respect for the living.' Oz thought bitterly as he noticed Alice had appeared beside him staring at the vile painfully.

"Ajax… and Celeste…" She whispers touching the vile and Oz smiled softly.

"We're going to set them free… And give their daughter peace of mind so she can grow up with an eternal smile." Oz says watching Alice look at him with serious eyes.

"You're going to use me then? Or are you going to fuse with them?" Alice asks with a slight grin.

"Depends on what that thing tends to do." Oz says happily pointing over to the woman who was advancing towards them. "Personally I want to fuse with my Lover but he's probably upset with me for deceiving him." Oz says sadly as Alice wrapped her arm around his throat.

"What choice did you have then? You were being controlled." Alice states grabbing the vile getting ready to crush it.

"You little brat… How dare you steal my swords source of power! Give it back and maybe I'll spare your little rabbit friend's life." Zwei states coldly and Oz stuck his tongue out of his mouth.

"We're a team you damned Shinigami! We go down together in the name of Gisela, the angel that called us mother and father!" Alice shouts with her demonic eyes glowing red and Oz leaned back to look at Gilbert with amused eyes.

"The truth's out now I guess, huh Gil." Oz says with a slight chuckle causing Gilbert to stare at him in shock. "Sorry… but I have to be a monster again." He says softly reaching up and grabbing the vile and Alice's hand and crushing it in their hands.