So i know im already in the middle of a fic but i got the idea for this the other day and i couldnt get it out of my head so i decided to just go ahead and write it. I am going to continue my other story too, dont worry. My other story is titled Say A Little Prayer for You, for anyone who loves Quinn :)

Anyways im really nervous about this fic because i know what i want to do im just not sure if im writing it the right way so please please please review and tell me what you think because this is the first fic like this ive done and i would really appreciate your input. Even if you think its bad, let me know, but gently.

Anyway, enough of my rambling. Enjoy the story and remember to review after.

Chapter One

Beth Corkrin was lying on her bed, listening to her iPod. She always did her best thinking when she was listening to the classics. It was a Thursday night and Beth's mom would be leaving for the weekend tomorrow, which meant a whole weekend alone with her step-dad, she shuddered at the thought. Her and her step-dad had never gotten along to say the least. They both put on an act in front of her mom because they both knew she loved the other person, but it was getting harder and harder to fake.

She slid off her bed and made her way to her dresser, which had a large mirror above it. Beth stared at herself. She had wavy blonde hair that reached to her mid-back, and big hazel eyes. She didn't look anything like her mom, which is how she found out she was adopted. When she was ten she finally worked up enough courage to ask her mom why they didn't share any physical similarities and that's when the bomb had been dropped on her. Beth had always known, in a way, that she was adopted. She had always assumed, but it was then that it became real.

Her mom didn't tell her much, just that her parents were too young to raise her, but sometimes Beth couldn't help but wonder about them. What they looked like or if they were even still together. She felt guilty wondering these things, like it somehow made it seem like she loved her mother less, which wasn't true. She loved her mother dearly and they were very close, but ever since Jim came into her life, Beth couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have a real father.

Beth was broken from her thoughts by a knock on the door. "Come in," she yelled to the person knocking, which Beth knew was her mom. Beth had always loved that her mother knocked before entering her room, it made Beth feel like she trusted her. Most parents barged into their kids room and even snooped around when the kids weren't home, but her mom had never been like that. The two of them had always trusted and been honest with each other, well maybe not completely honest. Beth had always kept her biggest secret of all from her mother.

"I just came in to see if you were okay," her mom said entering her room. "You seemed a little spacey at dinner. Is something on your mind?"

Beth sighed, it was now or never. "I wanted to ask you something and I don't want you to take this the wrong way or anything, like I don't want you to think that I don't love you or anything, I've just been curious." Her mother lifted her eyebrows obviously wondering where this conversation was going. Beth decided to get right to the point. "I was wondering if you could tell me about my birth parents."

Her mom, Shelby, sighed and sat down on the bed next to her beautiful daughter. "I always knew this conversation would happen one day and now that you're 16 I guess it's only fair that I tell you everything." Beth let out a sigh of relief. She had been so worried her mom would take this the wrong way.

Her mom smiled and started to play with Beth's hair like she always did when they were talking. "I don't know a whole lot about your birth parents but I will tell you what I do know," she started. "Your mom's name is Quinn and your father's is Noah but everyone called him Puck. They were only 16 when they had you and they both knew they weren't mature enough or capable of being parents so young. Both your parents were part of the glee club when they went to McKinley and your mom actually gave birth to you right after their performance at regionals. I was coaching the opposing team and when I heard that she had given birth I felt there was some reason I needed to go. It was like fate. When I saw you in the nursery you were so cute and perfect and I had a feeling, a strong feeling, that you were special."

Beth's mind was already spinning so fast. This was more information than she had even hoped for. She could believe her parents went to McKinley, that's where she goes! And they had been in glee club just like she was now! She listened intensely as her mother continued. "Your parents love you, I know they do because I saw the way they looked at you, but they were so young and totally unprepared to raise a child." Her mom smiled. "Your dad's the one who named you Beth. He was very adamant about the fact that he wanted you to be called Beth and I decided that I would let them have one choice in your life so I kept the name." Beth smiled. She couldn't believe that her father had named her! "That's about all I know," Shelby finished. She looked at her daughter to see how she was reacting. "How do you feel?"

Beth didn't even know how to answer. "Excited, I guess to learn this much about them. It's something I've been wondering for a long time."

Shelby smiled at her daughter. "You know you get your blonde hair from your mother," she said as she continued to play with her daughter's hair. "You look so much like her sometimes that it amazes me." Beth smiled. She had always wondered where she got her hair from and if she looked like her parents at all. "You have your father's eyes though."

Beth smiled. She didn't know what to do with all this information, it was all spinning around in her head. She needed some time to just lie down and think about everything.

"Thanks so for understanding and telling me all this," she said giving her mom a kiss on the cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too baby," her mom said pulling her into a gentle hug. "I'll give you some time to grasp all of this new information," Shelby said standing up. "Let me know if you need anything." Beth nodded and her mom gave her another smile before heading out the door.

Beth laid back on her bed and smiled. She couldn't believe her birth parents had gone to the very school she went to now. There had to be some kind of record of them somewhere. Beth lied there and thought about all this new information for hours before she finally drifted into an easy, deep sleep.


Beth's alarm clock went off at 6:30 as usual and for the first time, probably in her whole life, she hit the off button and practically jumped out of bed. She was actually excited to go to school today, she wanted to see if she could find anything else out about her parents, she wanted to know everything.

"Good morning," she said to her mom as she made her way into the kitchen. She had already gotten dressed and fixed her hair and now it was time for some breakfast.

"Good morning sweetie," Shelby said to her daughter as she handed her a banana. She usually cooked her daughter breakfast in the morning but she hadn't had time since she was leaving for New York in a few minutes.

Beth sat down at the table to eat her banana and a few minutes later she heard a honk in the driveway. "That's my ride," her mom said grabbing her suitcase. "I'll be back Sunday night," Shelby gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek. "You be good and have fun with Jim this weekend." Beth flinched at the mention of his name. She always dreaded her weekends alone with Jim, she just couldn't tell anyone why.

Beth pushed the thought to the back of her mind as she finished her banana and went to brush her teeth. She looked at her watch and realized if she didn't hurry she would be late. She grabbed her back pack and ran to her car.

It was a nice fall day in Lima, Ohio. It was jacket weather and the leaves on the trees were changing colors. Beth knew the one good thing about living in Ohio was that you got to experience all four seasons, but that was about the only good thing about living here.

Beth made it to school in time to make it to homeroom. She could barely pay attention in any of her classes because she was so excited for glee. She wanted to ask her teacher, Mr. Schuster, if he knew anything about her parents. She was almost sure he had been a teacher at McKinley sixteen years ago.

She arrived at glee early that afternoon, even before Mr. Schu. She was looking around the room when suddenly a thought hit her. If her parents had been a part of glee club when they were here that meant they had been in the glee club fourteen years ago when New Directions won nationals for the first time since Mr. Schu went to school here. She quickly ran over to a picture hanging on the wall. It was from nationals, fourteen years ago.

When Beth saw the picture she couldn't help but gasp. There was no mistaking the resemblance, it was almost like looking into a mirror. There, right in front of her, was a picture of her mom. She sat there for at least five minutes, mesmerized, not wanting to take her eyes off the beautiful, happy, blonde girl in that photograph. Suddenly she remembered that if her mom was in that picture, her dad would be too. It would be harder to pick out which one was her father because the only thing of his she had were the eyes. She squinted at the picture, trying to get a better look at each person's eyes.

"That was a great day," said a voice behind Beth and she jumped.

"Mr. Schuster you scared me," Beth said putting her hand on her heart to slow the beating. Mr. Schuster just smiled at her. "You know….you know who I am?" Beth felt stupid for phrasing it like that. Of course he knew who she was, she wanted to know if he knew that she was the daughter of two of the kids in the photograph.

Mr. Schuster nodded, he seemed to have understood what she as saying. "Yes I've known since the minute you walked through that door," he answered honestly. "How could I not you look so much like Quinn." Beth smiled, she never got tired of hearing that.

"So you…you knew them?"

"Very well," he smiled at her and motioned for her to sit down in the chair as he took the one next to her. "I guess your mom told you everything?"

Beth nodded. "Last night, she told me everything she knew about them."

"They were two amazingly talented performers," he told her. "Of course they were both the most hesitant to join glee club in the first place," he chuckled remembering how the two of them used to be. "Before your parents joined glee, they ruled the school. Your mom was the head cheerleader and president of the celibacy club and if you'll excuse my language, the biggest bitch in school." Beth's heart sunk. Her mother was a bitch? Mr. Schuster could sense her disappointment. "But you changed her."

"I changed her?" she asked mesmerized. How could she have changed her mother?

"When she found out she was pregnant with you she thought her life was over. She was kicked off cheerios and kicked out of her house and forced to move around from house to house while she was pregnant with you." Beth had always imagined her mom had had it hard, but never thought she would have had it that hard. Beth couldn't imagine being kicked out of your house at a time like that.

"But she made the beat of it, for you. Everything she did in those months was to make sure you were going to be a healthy, happy baby. You really made her realize that it isn't all about her all the time and that sometimes you have to put other people first. She's now one of the nicest people I know."

Beth had the biggest smile on her face. She was glad that she left an impression on her mom for the short time they were together. "Wow, I cant believe I did that."

"Yep, and you changed your dad, too." Beth held her breath, she wanted to know more about her dad. It seemed as if she already knew everything about her mom and nothing about her dad. "He was….well he was the school bully." Of course, it would turn out that her parents were the two meanest people in school. "But once he found out about you he cleaned up his act. It took him until after you were born, but he finally stopped slushying people and throwing kids in dumpsters. It all seemed childish and immature to him after you were born."

"Which one is he…I mean in that picture?" Beth wondered. Mr. Schuster got up and walked over to the picture and Beth followed at his heels.

Mr. Schuster smiled as he looked at the picture and pointed to a handsome guy in the back. He had his arms wrapped around her mom and he had the biggest smile on his face. She couldn't help but share the happiness and excitement that they were feeling in this photograph. If his arms were around her in the photo, maybe that meant they were still together.

"Are they still together?" she asked not really knowing if Mr. Schuster would know the answer or not.

Mr. Schuster shook his head slowly. "It didn't work out. Your mom headed off to college and your dad moved to New York to try and make it as a musician." Beth nodded, she understood that not every relationship could make it through anything.

Suddenly the warning bell rang and kids began to file into the classroom. "Thanks Mr. Schu for telling me about them."

"It was no problem," he said. She smiled at him before going to find where her best friend, Emerson, was sitting. She had so much going through her mind during glee she hardly paid attention at all, which was unusual for her because glee was her favorite class. She just had so much information swimming through her head. She had learned more about her birth parents in these past two days than she had ever dreamed of knowing. She loved them already, in her eyes they were perfect. She knew some day she wanted to meet them in person, she just wondered if they would want to meet her too.

I know it started out kind of slow but i needed to give you backround. Next chapter will have a lot more drama :)

Next chapter will have some Quinn in it as well as more Beth and eventually there will be some Puck.

Reviews equal Love :)