Quillish "Watari" Wammy

Exactly twenty-five years ago, I was in a very serious, romantic relationship with the most intelligent, beautiful, caring woman I've ever met; I remember whole evenings spent with her in Tokyo where we would simply stroll around the block and talk about whatever came to mind. One of the most memorable instances was when she asked me what I would name my daughter if I had one, and I told her that I had always liked the name Elle... Not long after that, we split up because she was unwilling to leave her family in Japan and I was too stubborn to give up my job in London. Eight years later, I found you curled up in the corner of some run down orphanage's playroom with your eyes as deep and black as I remember hers to be, and it may just be my imagination, but your messy bedhead closely resembles my own rat's nest, back before it grayed and began thinning. It pains me to imagine all of the possible reasons as to why you were in that orphanage, but what keeps me going is the thought of how correct it just might be every time I call you "son."


Watari - Because so many people requested him. (: I wasn't originally going to write one for Watari because I wondered to myself "how many ways can I rephrase that L is his son?" I started thinking of a girl I know called Elle, that led to speculation about how L got his name, and then this popped into my head.