NOTE: This is dedicated to Turner Child who has been an avid reader since the beginning :) Thanks for taking the time to read my stuff! X

Part Three

"Have fun Mum", Clark spoke through the phone, "I know, she'll be fine."

Clark's life finally began to fall into place.

His mother was happy.

Chloe and Oliver set aside their stubbornness and were swaying to the gentle music with grace in their eyes.

There was one problem though; Lois. She seemed so subdued nowadays, he had to go and talk to her.

"Lois! You missed the send-off" he called up the stairs. The door was left open and on the floor was a white rose petal.

Pick me up it said. He smiled to himself thinking, 'Lois isn't the type...'

There was a memory card stuck to the back. Clark frowned as he stuck it into the computer, a video player popped up and started playing a clip.

Mr Kent, I have here with me

*crack* The box of champagne in his hands shattered to fragments of tiny glass.

She's fine…for now. Meet me in front of the daily planet

"I spoke too soon" his voice quivered.

"Clark?" Chloe and Oliver burst in them room, giggling, "Woops! Sorry, didn't know you and Lois were busy."

"We're not. Chloe," his tone turned grave, "She's missing."

"Wait, what? Do you know where?"

"There's a video here. Someone took her."

"Here, hand me the laptop" Chloe responded the way Chloe does; cracking the computers.


"I'm on it Clark."

In a flash, Clark stood in front of the entrance to the Planet.

An eerie darkness crept over the skyline which agitated him even more, he could see the silhouette of a man.


"Aah, how you've grown Clark Kent" the voice called out, somehow the sweet, deep tone clashed violently with the sneer that followed it.

"Yes, it's me. Couldn't finish me off could you?"

'Personal agenda? I don't think so'. Edge flinched slightly to the voice, this caught Clark's attention as he began to listen more carefully.

'Get the job done, then you will have your revenge.'

"Lex Luthor?" Clark said, "I should have known he'd find a way to come back to life. What does he want?"

"The real question is; what do YOU want?" Edge replied coyly, "Your lover or your mother? Choose quickly, you can only save one."

Clark lunged for the old man, but a piercing pain gripped his body; green kryptonite. He saw the emerald venom placed two feet away from him.

"Where's Lois?"

"Where you two first met" Edge replied.

"How do you know where we met?" Clark spat through his teeth.

Edge grimaced, turned on his heel and simply walked away.

Eventually, the kryptonite forced Clark to collapse onto the floor. He lay there, wishing hopelessly for Green Arrow to make an appearance. Little did he know, the Emerald Archer was but only a few minutes away.

"He knows your secret?" the distorted voice rang in Clark's ears, "Didn't know the Blur had fans."

"Thanks Oliver", Clark breathed heavily as he heaved himself up.

"Ollie?" Chloe spoke through the ear piece, "I've got bad news."

"What is it?"

"It's the jet…it's crashing!"

"What jet?" Clark bellowed, "What jet Oliver?" His stomach sank three inches.

"Your mum's" Oliver whispered as a chill ran down his spine.

Clark snagged the ear piece from Oliver, "Give me the coordinates. NOW!"

"Clark! You can't fly!" Chloe chimed.


"It's over waters Clark, how are you going to manage?"

Clark already flung the piece into Oliver's face and sped his way to Kansas International.

The jet was just at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean.

Suddenly, he remembered Lois. His mother or Lois…he was torn; this was an all time low, even for Lex.

'Where you two first met?' he thought to himself, 'I was fully Kryptonian when we first met…she found me in that corn field.'

"Miller's Field!" Clark exclaimed, "That's where she is!"

"Claaaark!" he could hear her scream, "Save your mum! Leave me be! Go save her!"

Clark could also hear flames of fire licking close to Lois.

His heart sank five inches.

His mind told him to do the right thing, but what was the right thing? Both! Save both of course!

He zapped across towns to Miller's Field and spotted Lois from afar. As he went closer, the shape became more defined; it wasn't Lois.

It wasn't Lois. It was a scarecrow with a tape stuck to it. A trick to distract him?

He checked as thoroughly as he could before leaving.

Time was running out and the jet would be crashing into wild waters any second now.

Speeding his way across Central America, he prayed and prayed…even if he wasn't a devout Christian and doubted the existence of God, he kept on praying.

He spotted the small, black air craft, falling into the dangerous whirlpool.

The impact of his force on the water would cause a devastatingly big wave…yet again, Clark's brain was fizzled with choices.

'I can't fly. I need to be able to fly…please body, please defy gravity'

At first, he leaped from the ground, but the force wasn't enough.

Clark closed his eyes and thought of Jor-El

'Let your insecurities go Kal-El'

"I will NOT fail. I will fly! I can do this Mum! I'll save you!"

He let everything go as his legs bounced off the floor. Lana, Johnathan Kent, Davis Bloome, Milton Fines.


Clark felt the wind hitting his face fiercely, he was doing it!

Grabbing the right wing of the plane, he zoomed down and placed it gently onto the pane of land before them.

As soon as he made sure everyone was alright, he sped his way to Miller's Field again.


"I'm here Clark!"

"Lois? Your face!"

"Clark!" she whimpered weakly, afraid to cry in case the tears stung her face.

"What happened?" Clark yelled, "I made sure you weren't here!"

"As soon as you left, he put me back" she answered, pointing to where the scarecrow was.

Seconds later, Lois passed out in Clark's arms.

Monitors beeped as the surgeons worked on the patient.

Clark paced around the hospital, thinking unclearly as Martha Kent and Perry White laid in there beds sleeping.

"Clark! Thank God you're okay" Chloe got on her tip toes to give him a gently squeeze on his shoulders.

"What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy you saved your mum."

Oliver and Clark shared a private moment.

"Lois" she whispered, as sudden realisation sank in, "Lois."

Ripples of sobs ripped through her chest and Oliver rubbed her collar bone sympathetically, "Shhh. Come on Chlo, she's in theatre. She'll be fine."

The OT sign turned green as Lois' gurney was pushed though the doors.

Her face was covered in white cotton dressing, there were fresh stitches down her chest.

"Emil!" Chloe cried out, leaping at the man, "How is she?"

He gave a sympathetic smile as he said, "She needs a lot of rest, a lot of pain killers and a lot of oxygen to clear out her lungs. Other than that and a few scars that will vanish, she's fine."

Clark's anxious face and Chloe's torment disappeared as Lois woke from unconsciousness.

"Legs", Oliver sighed with relief as Chloe's hips fit into his arms and the couple took a step outside to give the love birds some space.

"How's Mrs Kent?"

"She's fine. Get some rest you beautiful, stubborn woman" Clark pressed half heartedly.

"I love you" Lois muttered sleepily.

"Too much, it seems" Clark said worriedly.